1.1 - Biodiversity - 1

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Biodiversity - Warm-up Slide

Read pages 8-13 in textbook
Three critical questions to think of:
1. What is biodiversity?
2. How does the loss of biodiversity alter the function of
3. What are some ways that species interact?
One other question:
● What is the most sensible thing you have ever heard
someone say?
What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity- the number and variety of species and
ecosystems on Earth.
Species- all organisms capable of breeding freely with each
other under natural conditions.
Hybridization- the cross-breeding of two different species
- Occurs naturally in plants on occasion.

Morphology- the physical appearance and characteristics of

an organism; also the science of the study of these physical
- Used as species definition for asexual reproduction
Individual Variability- within a species, individuals have different traits.
- Genetics is the primary source of variability (genetic diversity)
- What are some different traits within a species?
- Different species vary in appearance, behaviour, habitats, ecological niche
and abundance.
- Individual variability is vital to both individuals and entire populations

- Why???
Evolutionary Change- a change that occurs in an entire population;
usually occurs over a long period of time.
- Occurs over a long period of time and over long distances.
Diversity in Ecosystems
● Ecosystems are made up of many different species and physical environments
● All these species rely on each other for survival in some way.
● Heterotrophs- an organism that obtains energy-rich nutrients by consuming
living or dead organisms.
● Autotrophs- an organism that produces complex nutrient compounds from
water, gases, minerals, etc
● The more species within an ecosystem, the healthier and more resilient the
● The larger the population of species within the ecosystem, the more diverse the
Diversity in Ecosystems
● Species Diversity- a measure of diversity that takes into account the
quantity of each species present, as well as the variety of different species
● Structural Diversity- the range of physical shapes and sizes within a
habitat or ecosystem.
● More Structural Diversity = More Species Diversity
● A healthy rainforest can support more biodiversity compared
to an even-aged tree plantation.
Biodiversity at Risk
● Diversity of life is declining rapidly!!!!
How are humans affected?
● Threatens our food supply when entire species and plant varieties are lost
● Eliminates sources of natural medicine and potential new medicines
● Significant economic impact on tourism and forestry
● Can cause serious disruptions in biogeochemical cycles, including normal
carbon uptake by natural ecosystems.
● Animals and plants are awesome!!!!!
● How are humans impacting the rate of diversity?
Biodiversity at Risk
We are impacting diversity by:
● Cutting down forests
● Urbanization of habitats
● Greenhouse gasses increasing the global temperature
● Over-harvesting of wild populations
● Air and water pollution
● Introduction of invasive species

● In your own words,

describe what
biodiversity means
● Textbook Page 13:
● #6, 10, 15, 14

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