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The topic I will be talking about today is performance appraisal.

It is defined as an
evaluation of employee job performances conducted by managers. The purpose is to
observe and measure employee job performance and to provide feedback in areas of
strengths and weaknesses. The article that I have chosen today is from Forbes
magazine and it begins by talking about how most managers view them as chores
and does not believe it provides accurate employee contributions.

According to the survey done by the Human Capital Institute, 78% of HR managers
said that they think annual performance review is not effective in improving
employee performance. This shows that managers view the process as unproductive
and waste of time and resources.

However, instead of complaining about the ineffectiveness of performance appraisal

systems, every manager needs to take into consideration that there is no one size fits
all performance reviews. Different companies and individuals will always require
different approaches. Also, performance appraisal is an important bridge that
connects managers and employees together through regular feedback and employee
coaching that helps improve their quality of job and also helps them know where
they stand in terms of their performance. This article is relevant to what we are
learning now because

1. It provides a simple framework for best practices that managers should be

aware about
2. Offers feasible solution for managers to revise their current ineffective
3. Recognizes that performance appraisal is an important process for managers
to provide employees with accurate view of their job expectations

Thank you

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