Exercicios 2

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Lista de Exercı́cios - 2

Dinâmica dos Gases

1) Air flows at Mach 0.25 through a circular duct with a diameter of 60cm. The stagnation pressure
of the flow is 500 kP a; the stagnation temperature is 175◦ C. Calculate the mass-flow rate through
the channel, assuming that γ = 1.4 and that the air behaves as a perfect gas with constant specific

2) Helium flows at Mach 0.50 in a channel with cross-sectional area of 0.16 m2 . The stagnation
pressure of the flows is 1 M P a, and stagnation temperature is 1000 K. Calculate the mass-flow rate
through the channel, with γ = 5/3.

3) In Problem 2, the cross-sectional area is reduced to 0.12 m2 . Calculate the Mach number and flow
velocity at the reduced area. What percent of further reduction in area would be required to reach
Mach 1 in the channel?

4) An airflow at Mach 0.6 passes through a channel with a cross-sectional area of 50 cm2 . The static
pressure in the airstream is 50 kP a; the static temmperature is 298 K.
(a) Calculate the mass-flow rate through the channel.
(b) What percent of reduction in area would be necessary to increase the flow Mach number to
0.8? to 1.0?
(c) What would happen if the area were reduced more than necessary to reach Mach 1?

5) A converging nozzle with an exit area of 1.0 cm2 is supplied from an oxygen reservoir in which
the pressure is 500 kP a and the temperature is 1200 K. Calculate the mass-flow rate of oxygen for
back pressures of 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kP a. Assume that γ = 1.3.

6) Compressed air is discharged through the converging nozzle. The tank pressure is 500 kP a, and
local atmospheric pressure is 101 kP a. The inlet area of the nozzle is 100 cm2 , the exit area is 34 cm2 .
Find the force of the air on the nozzle, assuming the air to behave as a perfect gas with constant
γ = 1.4. Take the temperature in the tank to be 300 K.

7) A Converging nozzle has an exit area of 56 cm2 . Nitrogen stored in a reservoir is to be discharged
through the nozzle to an ambient pressure of 100 kP a. Determine the flow rate through the nozzle
for reservoir pressures of 120 kP a, 140 kP a, 200 kP a, and 1 M P a. Assume isentropic nozzle flow. In
each case, determine the increase in mass flow to be gained by reducing the back pressure from 100
to 0 kP a. The reservoir temperature is 298 K.

8) A converging-diverging nozzle with an exit area is 0.12 m2 is designed to operate isentropically
with air at an exit Mach number of 1.75. For a constant chamber pressure and temperature of 5 M P a
and 200◦ C, respectively, calculate the following:
(a) The maximum back pressure to choke the nozzle.
(b) The flow rate in kilograms per second for a back pressure of 101 kP a.
(c) The flow rate for a back pressure of 1 M P a

9) A converging-diverging frictionless nozzle is used to accelerate an airstream emanating from a

large chamber. The nozzle has an exit area of 30 cm2 and a troat area of 15 cm2 . If the ambient
pressure surrounding the nozzle is 101 kP a and the chamber temperature is 500 K, calculate the
(a) The minimum chamber pressure to choke the nozzle.
(b) The mass-flow rate for a chamber pressure of 400 kP a.
(c) The mass-flow rate for a chamber pressure of 200 kP a.

10) Steam is to be expanded to Mach 2.0 in a converging-diverging nozzle from an inlet velocity of
100 m/s. The inlet area is 50 cm2 , and the inlet static temperature is 500 K. Assuming isentropic
flow, determine the throat and exit areas required. Assume the steam to behave as a perfect gas
with constant γ = 1.3.

11) A gas is known to have a molecular mass of 18, with cp = 2.0 kJ/kg K. The gas is expanded from
negligible initial velocity through a converging-diverging nozzle with an area ratio of 5.0. Assuming
an isentropic expansion in the nozzle with initial stagnation pressure and temperature of 1 M P a and
1000 K, respectively, determine the exit nozzle velocity.

12) A spherical tank contains compressed air at 500 kP a; the volume of the tank is 20 m3 . A 5 cm
burst diaphragm in the side of the tank ruptures, causing air to escape from the tank. Find the time
required for the tank pressure to drop to 200 kP a. Assume that the temperature of the air in the
tank is 280 K, the ambient pressure is 101 kP a, and the air-flow through the opening can be treated
as isentropic through a converging nozzle with a 5 cm exit diameter.

13) A converging-diverging nozzle has an area ratio of 3.3 to 1(exit area to throat area). The nozzle is
supplied from a tank containing helium at 100 kP a and 270 K. Find the maximum mass flow possible
through the nozzle and the range of back pressures over which the mass flow can be attained. Repeat
with hydrogen as the working fluid.

14) A normal shock occurs at the inlet to a supersonic diffuser. Ae /Ai is equal to 3.0. Find Me , pe ,
and the loss in stagnation pressure(p0i − p0e ). Repeat for a shock at the exit. Assume γ = 1.4.

15) Air expands from a storage tank through a converging-diverging nozzle. Under certain conditions,
it is found that a normal shock exists in the diverging section of the nozzle at an area equal to twice
the throat area, with the exit area of nozzle equal to four time the throat area. Assuming isentropic
flow except for the shock waves, that the air behaves as a perfect gas with constant γ = 1.4, and
that the storage tank pressure and temperature are 200 kP a and 300 K, respectively, determine the
(a) A∗ for flow from inlet to shock.
(b) A∗ for flow from shock to exit.
(c) The Mach number at the nozzle exit plane.
(d) The stagnation pressure at the nozzle exit plane.
(e) The exit plane static pressure.
(f ) The exit plane velocity.

16) A supersonic flow at Mack 3.0 and γ = 1.4 is to be slowed down via a normal shock in a diverging
channel. For the conditions shown in figure, find p2 /p1 and pe /pi .

17) Determine the back pressure necessary for a normal shock to appear at the exit of a converging-
diverging nozzle, as shown in Figure. Assume that γ = 1.4.

18) A normal shock is found to occur in the diverging portion of a converging-diverging nozzle at an
area equal to 1.1 times the throat area. If the nozzle has a ratio of exit area to throat area of 2.2,
determine the percent of decrease in nozzle exit velocity caused by the presence of the shock(compared
with the exit velocity of a perfectly expanded isentropic supersonic nozzle flow). Assume that the
flow is expanded from negligible velocity, that the stagnation temperature of the flow is the same
for both cases, and that the working fluid is steam, which behaves as a perfect gas with constant
γ = 1.3.

19) A flow system consists of two converging-diverging nozzle in series, separated by a duct(Figure
- a). If the area ratio(exit to throat) of each nozzle is 3 to 1, find the area ratio A3 /A1 necessary to
produce sonic flow at the second throat, with a shock at A2 . Assume isentropic flow except for the
normal shock. Find the percentage of loss in stagnation pressure for this flow. At another operating
condition, a shock appears at A3 (Figure - b). Find the percentage of loss of stagnation pressure for
this condition for the same geometry.

20) A jet engine uses a diverging passage as a diffuser. For a flight Mach number 1.8, determine
the range of back pressures over which a normal shock will appear in the diffuser. Ambient pressure
and temperature are 25 kP a and 220 K, respectively. Find the mass-flow range handled by the
diffuser for the determined back-pressure range. Also, the inlet and exit areas are Ai = 250 cm2 and
Ae = 500 cm2 , respectively. Assume isentropic flow except for the shocks. Take γ = 1.4.

21) Air(γ = 1.4) enters a converging-diverging diffuser with a Mack number of 2.8, static pressure
pi of 100 kP a, and static temperature of 20◦ C. For the flow situation shown in Figure, find the exit
velocity, exit static pressure, and exit stagnation pressure.

22) A supersonic nozzle possessing an area ratio(exit to throat) of 3.0 is supplied from a large reservoir
and is allowed to exhaust to atmospheric pressure(101 kP a). Determine the range of reservoir pressure
over which a normal shock will appear in the nozzle. For what value of reservoir pressure will the
nozzle be perfectly expanded, with supersonic flow at the exit plane? Find the minimum reservoir
pressure to produce sonic flow at the nozzle throat. Assume isentropic flow except for shocks, with
γ = 1.4.

23) A converging-diverging nozzle with an area ratio(exit to throat) of 3.0 exhausts air(γ = 1.4) from
a large high-pressure reservoir to a region of back pressure pb . Under a certain operating condition,
a normal shock is observed in the nozzle at an area equal to 2.2 times the throat area. What percent
of decrease in back pressure would be necessary to rid the nozzle of the normal shock?

24) Helium enters a converging-diverging nozzle with a negligible velocity; stagnation pressure is
500 kP a and stagnation temperature is 300 K. The nozzle throat area is 50 cm2 , and the exit area
is 300 cm2 . Determine the range of nozzle back pressures over which a normal shock will appear in
the nozzle. Also, find the nozzle exit velocity if the nozzle exhausts into a vacuum.

25) A jet engines uses a diverging passage as a diffuser. For a flight Mach number of 1.92, determine
the range of back pressures over which a normal shock will appear in the diffuser. Ambient pressure
and temperature are 70 kP a and 270 K, respectively. Find the mass-flow rates handled by the
diffuser for the determined back-pressure ranges, with Ainlet = 100 cm2 and Aexit = 200 cm2 . Assume
isentropic airflow(γ = 1.4, R = 287 J/kg K) except for across the shocks.

26) For the converging-diverging nozzle, find the range of back pressures for which pe > pb , the range
of back pressures for which pe < pb , and the range of back pressures over which the nozzle is choked.
Take γ = 1.4.

27) Nitrogen(γ = 1.4, R = 296.8 J/kg K) expands in a converging-diverging nozzle from negligible
velocity, a stagnation pressure of 1 M P a, and a stagnation temperature of 1000 K to supersonic
velocity in the diverging portion of the nozzle. If the area ratio(exit to throat) of the nozzle is 4.0,
determine the back pressure necessary for a normal shock to position itself at an area equal to twice
the throat area. For this condition, find the nozzle exit velocity.

28) A supersonic wind tunnel is to be constructed as shown in Figure, with air(γ = 1.4, R =
287 J/kg K) at atmospheric pressure passing through a converging-diverging nozzle into a constant-
area test section and then into a large vaccuum tank. The test run is started with a pressure 0 kP a
in the tank. How long can uniform flow conditions be maintained in the test section? That is, how
long will it be before the tank pressure rises to a value such that a shock will appear in the test
section? Assume the test section to be circular, 10 cm in diameter, with a design Mach number of
2.4. The tank volume is 3 m3 , with atmospheric conditions of 101 kP a and 20◦ C. Assume the air to
be brought to rest adiabatically in the tank.

29) A storage chamber of a compressor is maintained at 1.8 atm absolute and 20◦ C. The surrounding
ambient pressure is 1 atm. Calcule (a) the velocity with which airflow will take place from the outside
through a unit area hole and (b) the mass flow rate per unit area. Assume air as a perfect gas.

30) A ramjet flies at 11 km altitude with a flight Mach number of 0.9. In the inlet diffuser, the air
is brought to the stagnation condition so that it is stationary just before the combustion chamber.
Combustion takes place at constant pressure and a temperature increase of 1500 K results. The
combustion products are then ejected through the nozzle. (a) Calculate the stagnation pressure and
temperature. (b) What will be the nozzle exit velocity?

31) A de Laval nozzle has to be designed for an exit Mach number of 1.5 with an exit diameter
of 200 mm. (a) Find the ratio of the necessary throat area/exit area. The air reservoir conditions
are given as p0 = 1 atm(gauge) and T0 = 20◦ C. (b) Find the maximum mass flow rate through the
nozzle. (c) What will be the exit pressure and temperature?

32) A convergent–divergent nozzle is designed to operate with an exit Mach number of 1.75. The
nozzle is supplied from an air reservoir at 68 × 105 N/m2 (abs). Assuming one-dimensional flow,
calculate (a) the maximum backpressure to choke the nozzle, (b) the range of backpressure over
which a normal shock will appear in the nozzle, (c) the backpressure for the nozzle to be perfectly
expanded to design M , and (d) the range of backpressure for supersonic flow at the nozzle exit plane.

33) A convergent–divergent diffuser is to be used at Mach 3.0. The diffuser has to use a variable
throat area so as to swallow the starting shock. What percentage increase in throat area will be

34) Air at 101 kP a and 20◦ C is drawn isentropically through a convergent–divergent nozzle of exit
area 0.033 m2 . If the pressure at the nozzle exit is 91.4 kP a, determine the mass flow rate through
the nozzle. What is the pressure at the location with area 0.022 m2 ?

35) A rocket nozzle has to generate 9 kN thrust at an altitude of 16 km above the earth, with its
chamber pressure and temperature of 15 atm and 2600◦ C, respectively. Calculate its exit and throat
areas and the velocity and temperature at the nozzle exit. Take γ = 1.4 and R = 287J/kg K.
Assume the nozzle to operate at the adapted condition.

36) Air flows through a convergent duct. At station 1 in the duct, A1 = 10 cm2 , p1 = 100 kP a,
T1 = 30◦ C, and V1 = 90.5 m/s. Calculate M2 , p2 , and T2 at station 2 where A2 = 6.9 cm2 . Assume
the flow to be one-dimensional and isentropic.

37) Air flows through a convergent–divergent nozzle of throat area 25 cm2 . At station 1 upstream
of the throat V1 = 150 m/s, T1 = 315 K, and p1 = 152 kP a. If the flow velocity at the nozzle exit is
supersonic, compute the nozzle cross-sectional area at station 1 and the mass flow rate ṁ. Assume
the flow to be isentropic.

38) In a continuous-operation supersonic wind tunnel, the inlet area A1 = 600 × 400 mm2 , the throat
area of the nozzle is 300 × 400 mm2 , and the test-section is h2 × 400 mm2 . The test-section conditions
are M2 = 2.5, T2 = −10◦ C, and p2 = 0.15 atm. Calculate h2 , T1 , M1 , V1 , and the temperature at
the stagnation point of a model in the test-section.

39) Sea-level air is being drawn isentropically through a duct into a vacuum tank. The cross-sectional
areas of the duct at the mouth, the throat, and the entrance to the vacuum tank are 2, 1, and 4 m2 ,
respectively. Show that (a) the maximum amount of air that can be drawn into the vacuum tank is
241.25 kg/s and (b) for maximum mass flow rate through the duct, the pressure in the vacuum tank
has to be 3018.7 P a.

40) A supersonic wind tunnel nozzle is to be designed for M = 2 with a 1 m2 throat section. The
supply pressure and temperature at the nozzle inlet, where the velocity is negligible, are 7 × 105 P a
and 40◦ C, respectively. The preliminary design is to be based on the assumption that the flow is
one-dimensional at the throat and the test-section. Compute the mass flow rate, the test-section
area, and the flow properties at the throat and the test-section.

41) Air at 300 K and 1 × 105 P a enters a diffuser with a velocity of 245 m/s. The diffuser is to
be designed to reduce the velocity of the air to 60 m/s. The mass flow rate through the diffuser
is 13.6 kg/s. Assuming the flow to be isentropic, determine (a) the inlet diameter, (b) the outlet
diameter, and (c) the rise in static temperature.

42) Consider Problem 39. If a normal shock is detected (by Schlieren photography) in the divergence
portion of the duct where the cross-sectional area is 3 m2 , show that the pressure in the reservoir is
41442.5 P a.

43) Air flows through a frictionless adiabatic convergent–divergent nozzle. The air stagnation pres-
sure and temperature are 7.0 × 105 P a and 500 K, respectively. The diverging portion of the nozzle
has an area ratio of Aexit /Athroat = 11.91. A normal shock wave stands in the divergent portion
of the nozzle, where the Mach number is 3.0. Determine the Mach number, static pressure, and
temperature at the nozzle exit plane.

44) Air at a stagnation state of 3.5 M P a and 500◦ C is expanded isentropically through a de Laval
nozzle to a pressure of 0.7 M P a at the nozzle exit. If the mass flow rate through the nozzle is
1.3 kg/s, determine (a) the exit Mach number, (b) the exit area, and (c) the throat area.

45) Air at p0 = 700 kP a and T0 = 325 K flows isentropically through a de Laval nozzle with a mass
flow rate of 1 kg/s. If the nozzle is correctly expanded to standard atmosphere, determine A∗ , Me ,
and Ve .

Respostas :

1) ṁ = 112.3603 kg/s

2) ṁ = 61.0639 kg/s

3) M1 = 4930, V2 = 1611.2883 m/s

4) ṁ = 0.6069 kg/s, M = 0.8 ⇒ 12.62%, M = 1.0 ⇒ 15.84%, O escoamento deve ser reduzido

5) Para 0, 100, 200 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 0.05975 kg/s, Para 300 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 0.05935 kg/s, Para 400 kP a ⇒ ṁ =
0.04974 kg/s

6) F = −2.3253 kN

7) Para 120 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 1.1825 kg/s, Para 140 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 1.6605 kg/s, Para 200 kP a ⇒ ṁ =
2.5788 kg/s, Para 1 M P a ⇒ ṁ = 12.8941 kg/s, Para 0 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 1.5473 kg/s, Para 140 kP a ⇒ ṁ =
1.8052 kg/s, Para 200 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 2.5788 kg/s, Para 1000 kP a ⇒ ṁ = 12.8941 kg/s

8) (a) pb = 4.2790 M P a, (b) ṁ = 804.2829 kg/s, (c) ṁ = 804.2829 kg/s

9) (a) p = 107.7678 kP a, (b) ṁ = 1.0846 kg/s, (c) ṁ = 0.5423 kg/s

10) At = 15.3050 cm2 , Ae = 27.1389 cm2

11) Ve = 1510.517 m/s

12) t = 49.8526 s

13) (a) pb ≤ 97.52 kP a, ṁmax = 0.5822 kg/s, (b) pb ≤ 97.8 kP a, ṁmax = 0.3894 kg/s

14) Choque na entrada Me = 0.1486, pe = 83.9510 kP a, p0i − p0e = 85.5972 kP a, Choque na

saida Me = 0.4451, pe = 27.5482 kP a, p0i − p0b = 139.2961 kP a

15) (a) A∗ = 50 cm2 , (b) A∗ = 79.6052 cm2 , (c) Me = 0.2383, (d) p0e = 125.62 kP a, (e) pe =
120.3548 kP a, (f ) Ve = 82.2704 m/s

16) p2 /p1 = 15.3378, pe /pi = 6.1790

17) pb = 513.38 kP a

18) (a) Perda de Velocidade Ve = 82.9502%

19) (a) P erdap = 55.38%, (b) P erdap = 42.72%

20) ṁ = 5.2974 kg/s, 55.8338 kP a < pb < 111.5127 kP a

21) p0e = 2252.4457 kP a, pe = 2236.6785 kP a, Ve = 55.0943 m/s.

22) 103.7813 kP a < pr < 268.6393 kP a, pr = 2135.3066 kP a, prmin = 103.7813 kP a

23) 29.4097%

24) 92.3956 kP a < pb < 496.3 kP a, Ve = 1626.1448 m/s

25) 174.2481 kP a < pb < 351.0417 kP a, ṁ = 5.7127 kg/s

26) pe > pb ⇒ pb < 3.0098 kP a, pe < pb ⇒ 3.0098 kP a < pb < 29.8536 kP a, Tubeira Engasgada
pb ≤ 99.4951 kP a

27) pb = 605.2 kP a, Ve = 152.3630 m/s

28) t = 2.0722 s

29) (a) V = 301.8 m/s, (b) ṁ/A = 430 kg/m2 s

30) (a) p0 = 0.507 atm, T0 = 247.5 K, (b) V = 699 m/s

31) (a) At /Ae = 0.85, (b) ṁ = 12.78 kg/s, (c) pe = 0.545 atm, Te = 202.07 K

32) (a) pb = 58 atm, (b) 43.53 atm < pb < 58 atm, (c) pb = 12.78 atm, (d) pb = 43.53 atm

33) 204.6%

34) ṁ = 4.74 kg/s, p = 73.5 kP a

35) Ae = 0.0394 m2 , At = 0.00374 m2 , Ve = 2094.6 m/s, Te = 689.33 K

36) M2 = 0.4, p2 = 93.86 kP a, T2 = 297.72 K

37) A1 = 38.22 cm2 , ṁ = 0.9637 kg/s

38) h2 = 791 mm, T1 = 581.5 K, M1 = 0.3 , V1 = 145 m/s, T0 = 592 K

39) (a) ṁmax = 241.25 kg/s, (b) pe = 3018.7 P a

40) ṁ = 1599.13 kg/s, A = 1.688 m2 , p = 3.7 × 105 P a, T = 261 K, ρ = 4.944 kg/m3 , p =

8.946 × 104 P a, T = 173.9 K, ρ = 1.794 kg/m3

41) (a) d = 0.2467 m, (b) d = 0.459 m, (c) T = 28.2 K

42) pe = 41442 P a

43) Me = 0.15, pe = 2.2622 × 105 P a, Te = 497.8 K

44) Me = 1.71, Ve = 228.2 m/s, p0 = 1.37 atm

45) A∗ = 6.37 cm2 , Me = 1.92, Ve = 526.27 m/s


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