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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices

Volume 3 Issue 3

IoT Based Weather Station

Kashyap Panchal*, Bhavin Kothari, Dipen Mav, Archana Chaughule, Santosh Rathod
Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author
E-Mail Id:

An atmosphere station can be depicted as an instrument or device, which outfits us with the
information of the atmosphere in our neighbouring condition. Hereafter, this contraption on
a very basic level resources the temperature, pressure, dampness. There are various types of
sensors present in the model, using which all the recently referenced limits can be assessed.
It will in general be used to screen the temperature or mugginess of a particular room/place.
With the help of temperature and mugginess we can find out other data limits, for instance,
the dew point. We have furthermore enabled to screen the climatic load of the room. We can
in like manner screen the storm regard. The cerebrum of the model is the ESP8266 based Wi-
Fi module NodeMCU (12E). Four sensors are related with the NodeMCU explicitly
temperature and tenacity sensor (DHT11), pressure sensor (BMP180), raindrop module, and
light ward resistor (LDR).

Keywords: IoT, NodeMCU, ESP8266, ThingSpeak

INTRODUCTION what's more Human-Device participation

With the happening to quick Internet, a similarly as Device-Device affiliation.
regularly expanding number of individuals This particular improvement seeming as
all over are interconnected. Web of Things though new streets of correspondences will
(IoT) makes this a step further, and influence fundamentally every industry,
interfaces individuals just as electronic for instance, transportation and
devices which can talk among themselves collaborations, imperativeness, clinical
[1]. With falling costs of Wi-Fi enabled administrations, etc. For example, by
contraptions this example will simply virtue of essentialness, IoT is being
amass more energy. The standard thought applied to make Smart Grids which can
driving the Internet of Things(IoT) is to perceive and respond to changes in close
relate distinctive electronic contraptions by and more broad level changes in
through an organize and a short time later imperativeness use, which will be a basic
recuperate the data from these devices part of any nation’s essentialness
(sensors) which can be scattered in any procedure. Looking past the recently
plan, move them to any cloud organization referenced imperativeness model, there are
where one can separate and quantify the various domains of interests where IoT can
gathered information. In the cloud have a critical impact, for instance, Smart
organization one can utilize these data to Homes, which incorporate IoT to hoist the
alert people by various techniques, for degree of automation; Wearable
instance, using a sign or sending them an developments, for instance, smart watches
email or sending them a SMS, etc. and wellbeing gatherings; One of the best
locales of potential in IoT is related
As referred to previously, IoT enables clinical consideration. Various overall
Human-Human coordinated effort, yet contraptions behemoths have quite

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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices
Volume 3 Issue 3

recently put significantly in the Internet of it furthermore has a LDR which checks the
Things structure. With players like Intel, light intensity of the including
Rockwell Automation, Siemens, Cisco and environment[5]. The focal point of the
General Electric the market is on the cusp endeavour is the ESP8266 based
of an impact, with specialists foreseeing NodeMCU which is a simplicity Wi-Fi
there will be 26 Billion related module and the different sensors are
contraptions, more than 4 for each human related with this contraption. The C code is
on the planet, and the business is reached written in Arduino IDE and moved to the
out to get $19 Trillion, in costs hold assets ESP8266 through a consecutive vehicle.
and advantages with firms like Samsung At the point when the code is moved then
and Google sticking out. the board is related with a Wi-Fi and the
contraption starts working. The code must
With this new creative stage regardless, be moved only a solitary time.
comes its own course of action of
challenges and impediments, for instance, IMPLEMENTATION SETUP
how to deal with the enormous proportions Components Required: Hardware
of data which is assembled This endeavour 1. ESP8266 based Wi-Fi module
also measures natural limits, for instance, Nodemcu [6]
temperature, dampness, pressure, light 2. Temperature and Humidity Sensor
force, etc. and moves these characteristics (DHT11)[7]
to a cloud organization, IBM Bluemix.[2] 3. Barometric Pressure Sensor
In the cloud the data are penniless down (BMP180)[8]
and if the recouped reports are above or 4. LDR[9]
under a particular edge limit, dependent 5. Raindrop Module[10]
upon the value, an email, a SMS and a 6. Mobile phone to receive email and
twitter post is appropriated at the particular SMS
Components Required: Software
Earlier people staying in home and 1. rAduino IDE[11]
involved in their nuclear family tasks or 2. Accessible Wifi
people involved in their working
environments extraordinary main job had
no idea about the regular limits outside
their home or office. They do not
understand if the temperature outside is
high or extremely low or normal or if it is
descending outside or not or what is the
assessment of the moisture in the outer Fig. 1: The Complete Setup of the Device.
condition. This contraption can arrive in a
genuine accommodating in these NodeMCU
conditions. It will prompt us at whatever It is the center of the device. It gives the
point the temperature is exorbitantly low stage to IOT. It’s a Wi-Fi module having
or too high through an email, a SMS and a esp8266 firmware inside. The different
twitter post. It will similarly thus sensors are related with this smaller than
illuminate at whatever point there is a usual controller. They send the measured
tempest in the including and remind us to characteristics to it and it moves all the
pass on an umbrella or a jacket [4]. It will characteristics to the cloud where the
moreover invite us with extraordinary characteristics are destitute down. The
morning and incredible night messages as architect of this board is ESP8266

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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices
Volume 3 Issue 3

Opensource Community. It has a working lessens the resistance of the LDR. It has a
system called XTOS. The CPU is straightforward yield which is a
ESP8266 (LX106). It has an in- commitment to the A0 pin of the
manufactured memory of 128 KB and a NodeMCU.
limit breaking point of 4 Mbytes.

Fig. 2: NodeMCU. Fig. 5: LDR.

DHT-11 (Temperature Sensor) Raindrop Module

It distinguishes the temperature of the It is used for the acknowledgment of
enveloping. It’s a 4-pin device. We should deluge. It can in like manner be used for
relate a 10k resistor between pin 1 and pin assessing the intensity of the storm. It has
2. Pin 1 is related with the 3.3V. Pin 4 is both progressed yield similarly as basic
related with GND. Pin 2 is the yield pin yield. This module evaluates the
which offers commitment to the clamminess through basic yield pin and
NodeMCU pin D4. Pin 3 is left unfilled. when the edge of sogginess outperforms a
great deal of it gives a modernized yield.
The more water or the lower block infers
lower yield voltage. Whereas, the less
water infers higher resistance i.e. high
return voltage on the basic pin. For
example an absolutely dry board will make
Fig. 3: DHT11.
the module yield five volts. The basic yield
of the module is related with the A0 pin of
BMP 180(Pressure Sensor)
the NodeMCU.
It distinguishes the barometric load from
the enveloping. BMP180 is an I2C
standard contraption. It’s a 4-pin
contraption, viz, SDA, SCL, VIN, GND.
Vin and GND are related with 3.3V and
GND independently. SDA is related with Fig. 6: Raindrop Module.
D2 pin of NodeMCU and SCL is related
with D3 pin of NodeMCU. Working of the Analog pin (A0)
The NodeMCU board has only 1 basic pin,
anyway in this endeavour two basic yield
devices, viz, LDR and Raindrop Module,
are multiplexed to the A0 using two
diodes. The multiplexing circuit is showed
up in the Fig.7 underneath. Here the Vcc
of Raindrop sensor is related with the D7
Fig. 4: BMP180. of the NodeMCU and the commitment of
LDR is related with the D8 of NodeMCU.
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) At the point when D7 is High, D8 is Low
A LDR is a variable resistor obliged by making LDR off and raindrop module on.
light. The growing light force falling on it Therefore the yield of raindrop sensor

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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices
Volume 3 Issue 3

shows up at the A0 of NodeMCU through Moreover, when D8 is High and D7 is

the diode. Low, LDR is on and raindrop module is
off clearing a path for the LDR respect
reach to the A0 of the NodeMCU during
that time diode. The 10k block is used to
diminish the voltage drop across raindrop
module and LDR. Thusly, we are
accommodating 2 straight forward
contraptions in the NodeMCU having just
a single basic pin.

Fig. 7: Multiplexing Circuit.

ALGORITHM 1: Analog Pin Multiplexing

Input : LDRD8, raindrop D7; Output : Analog pin A0 loop {

if (digitalRead(D7) == HIGH) {
A0=raindrop sensor value; digitalWrite(D7,LOW); } else if (digitalRead(D8) == HIGH)
A0=LDR value; digitalWrite(D8,LOW);

Fig. 8: Architectural Diagram of System.

The structural model is appeared in Fig.8. The climate boundaries are estimated by
The framework comprises of different sensor hubs and information is sent to the
sensor hubs, Wi-Fi based microcontroller Thingspeak through ESP8266
(esp8266) and IoT cloud stage Thinkspeak. microcontroller.

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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices
Volume 3 Issue 3

Fig. 9: Block Diagram of Proposed Weather System.

The framework mostly comprises of three In this climate framework, eight fields
sections; the initial segment comprises of were utilized to store information. The
information assortment, the subsequent other usefulness gave by the ThingSpeak
part is the information stockpiling and the cloud worker is information examination.
third one is the information examination The information investigation is given as
and forecast. Climate information is MATLAB Analysis and Visualizations.
gathered from the sensors (Temperature,
Humidity, Dew Point (got from FUTURE SCOPE
temperature and stickiness), Absolute The proposed IoT based atmosphere
Pressure, Relative Pressure, Light Intensity station can be modified to join
and Rain information). When the sensor significantly more features. We can add an
information is gathered, it is exposed to OLED show to show the enveloping limits
nearby preparing by the microcontroller into it. We can moreover remember a GPS
where the crude information is changed module for the arrangement so the territory
over to important one. After of the enveloping will similarly be sent or
neighbourhood handling, the information educated to the customer close by the
can be put away alternatively by utilizing a including parameters, like, temperature,
SD card module. The information is then dampness, pressure, light power, etc. It can
sent to the ThingSpeak cloud worker for in like manner be modified so much that at
perception and examination. whatever point a message or email is sent
from a particular phone number or Email
ThingSpeak helps in sending the warnings Id to the specialist, all the natural limits of
either as Tweet or email to the clients at the device close by its zone will be passed
whatever point the previously mentioned on to that phone or email id. This device
boundaries cross limits levels. ThingSpeak can in like manner be used to screen a
separated from giving representation, helps particular room or detect whose normal
in putting away the information in the limits are should have been checked
worker by making a channel that can unendingly.
accumulate to eight fields of information.

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Recent Trends in Analog Design and Digital Devices
Volume 3 Issue 3

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