IoT Based Low-Cost Weather Monitoring System

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International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends

Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar-APR-2018, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

IoT based Low-cost Weather Monitoring System

Alpana Kushwaha Dr. Bharathi MalakReddy
Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, B.M.S.I.T & M, Engineering, B.M.S.I.T & M,
Yelahanka, Bangalore, India Yelahanka, Bangalore, India

Abstract – Climate is the condition of the environment, to the extent that it is hot or chilly, wet or dry, quiet or stormy, clear or
overcast. Man desires to stay up to date about the modern day of new weather conditions of any place like a university campus
or another precise building. Checking the climate conditions physically is troublesome. Here on this paper the weather station
is based totally on IoT (internet of things). The "Weather Bot" reports the climate data of the college campus by showing the
temperature and humidity of the air on e-bulletin board from the reading that is sensed. Such a framework contains sensor
like DHT11 that detects temperature and humidity. The sensor is associated with an e-bulletin board and ESP8266 board that
is a low fee Wi-Fi module. By keeping the embedded devices in the environment for tracking enables us to know the college
campus weather. The execution of the climate observing framework needs to convey the sensor gadgets in the surrounding for
gathering the information and analysis.

Keywords –, Arduino UNO, Arduino software Internet of things, temperature and humidity sensor, ESP8266 (Wi-Fi module),
wireless network.

I. INTRODUCTION around the world. The assembling forms additionally

require IoT for store network administration,
1 Internet of Things (IoT) computerized control frameworks for observing the
IoT is the future innovation of associating the whole world assembling forms.
at one place. Every one of the articles, things and sensors
can be associated with sharing the information acquired in The space necessities of IoT innovation, the geological
different areas and process/investigations that information particulars are constantly critical if there should arise an
for planning the applications like activity flagging, occurrence of following applications. The land
versatile wellbeing checking in therapeutic applications measurements of articles are additionally imperative while
and mechanical security guaranteeing strategies, and so acquiring the information from the items. IoT in car
on. According to the estimation of innovative specialists, applications and movement upkeep turned into a most
50 billion articles will be associated in IoT by 2020. IoT utilizing zone of mechanization. The mechanized gadgets
offers an extensive variety of network of gadgets with in a vehicle ought to be associated with a cloud to refresh
different conventions and different properties of the auto wellbeing inside a timeframe. By interfacing the
utilizations for getting the total machine to machine vehicles and movement flagging frameworks to the web,
cooperation [1]. individuals can without much of a stretch locate the most
limited way for their goal from the activity observing
The customary innovations like home mechanization, frameworks and can explore consequently by checking
remote sensor systems and control frameworks will turn every other course [3].
out to be more effective and more brilliant because of
association of IoT. IoT is having an extensive variety of 2 Motivations
utilization zones. For example, Medical applications for Climate guaging is the use of science and innovation to
checking the soundness of a patient and sends the data foresee the condition of the environment for a given area.
remote. The present creating Wearable instrumentation is Climate conjectures are made by gathering quantitative
likewise in view of IoT. The illustration wearable information about the present condition of the air on a
instrumentation is Smart wrist groups, route pills, and so given place and utilizing logical comprehension of
on. This techniques require a web interface to refresh the environmental procedures to extend how the air will
wellbeing information or to control the gadget with an develop on that place.
advanced cell. The IoT likewise assumes a crucial part in
media applications for promoting and trading the data

© 2018 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar-APR-2018, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Climate is driven via pneumatic force (temperature and technology is used for this [4]. This system is designed for
humidity) contrasts between one place and another. These monitoring and controlling the environmental conditions
weight and temperature contrasts can happen because of like temperature, relative humidity, light intensity and
the sun edge at a specific spot, which fluctuates by scope CO2 level with sensors and sends the information to the
from the tropics. The climate is a confused framework, so web page and then sensor data is plot in graphical form.
little changes to one a player in the framework can Output from the system can be accessible in the internet
develop to effectively affect the framework all in all. This from anywhere in the world. In this system
makes it hard to precisely foresee climate in excess of a microcontroller (LPC2148) is used as a main processing
couple of days ahead of time, however climate forecasters unit for the entire system and all the sensor and devices
are ceaselessly attempting to expand this point of can be connected with the microcontroller. Data from the
confinement through the logical investigation of climate, sensors can be retrieved by the microcontroller and this
meteorology. It is hypothetically difficult to make helpful sensor data is sent to the internet through ESP8266 Wi-Fi
day-today forecasts more than around two weeks ahead, module having TCP/IP protocol stack integrated on chip
forcing a maximum point of confinement to potential for connected to it.
enhanced expectation aptitude. Ms. Padwal S. C. et al. have proposed the system to
implement a WSN platform that can be used for a range of
The framework is furnished with all sensor gadgets should long term environmental monitoring for IoT applications.
goes about as customer to send the information to the web This paper presents functional design of WSN for IoT
server. For setting up an association between the sensor application.
system and web, we utilized a Wi-Fi module as an extra
correspondence interface controlled by the
microcontroller. A Wi-Fi module requires a wellspring of III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
remote web association. Once designing the Wi-Fi module
with a web source, it goes about as customer and sends the S There are a great deal of top of the line frameworks
sensor information recovered by the microcontroller. The accessible nowadays for round the clock climate
criteria of associating every one of the sensors to the web observing. Be that as it may, these frameworks are
are Web of Things (IoT). The idea of associating the executed on an expansive scale, for checking constant
electronic gadgets, sensors. climate for an entire city or state. Executing such
framework for a little region isn't practical, since they are
 Store and retrieve local weather information not intended for it and the overhead to maintain such
 Real-time data collection and storage frameworks for a little region is high.
 The system provides a low power solution for
establishing a weather station. The proposed framework makes utilization of sensor to
 It is also a less expensive solution due to usage of low quantify the climate/condition factors, for example,
power wireless sensors and SoC contained Wi-Fi temperature, humidity. The block diagram shown below in
module. Fig. 1. The qualities read from the sensors are prepared by
the ESP8266 small scale controller and put away in a
II. RELATED WORK content record which can be handled upon to infer
investigation. The readings are likewise shown on an on e-
The survey has firstly done on wireless technologies to bulletin board (Fig 4) . Every one of these readings can be
establish a Wireless sensor network. Study went on investigated to get the climate qualities of a specific region
choosing the suitable wireless technology. It should be and record the climate design. These recorded parameters
suitable in all aspects like economic and technological. are basic and shift from spots to places. Every one of these
The primary concern we have to make while choosing the necessities are bolstered into the database and these
communication method is range of communication. Here qualities are fundamentals and recorded after some time.
they have chosen 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi. When the internet Utilizing these qualities as information we can plot a
source is given , the data can be exchanged anywhere in climate outline of a specific territory after some time.
the world through its IP address. The further study has The serial yield from the ESP8266 smaller scale controller
done on selecting the microcontroller. The system which are the qualities read from the sensors can likewise
implementation is contained with a hidden goal of be put away in a database. The database can be utilized as
achieving low power consumable solution. The a hotspot for information on the off chance that we need to
microcontroller should be also low power consuming show esteems through a site or an independent application.
alongside all the remaining sensors [2]. The modules that make up the climate checking
Kondamudi Siva Sai Ram et al. have proposed a system framework have been painstakingly and well idea of, to
that is an advanced solution for monitoring the weather ensure that the sensors utilized are giving the most exact
conditions at a particular place and make the information perusing and are perfect with the ESP8266 small scale
visible anywhere in the world. Internet of Things (IoT) controller.

© 2018 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar-APR-2018, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

shot at 3-5.5V voltage supply and 0.5-2.5mA current


Fig. 1 Block Diagram.

1 Methodology Fig. 3 DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity sensor).

3.1 NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi module: The center of
the undertaking is the ESP8266 based NodeMCU which is 3.3 e-bulletin board: The temperature and humidity
a minimal effort wifi module and the various sensors are readings will be displayed on e-bulletin board.
associated with this gadget. The C code is composed in
arduino IDE and transferred to the ESP8266 through a
serial transport. Once the code is transferred then the
board is associated with a Wifi and the gadget begins
working. The code must be transferred just once.The
ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module (in Fig 2) is an independent SOC
with incorporated TCP/IP convention stack that can give
any microcontroller access to the Wi-Fi organize. The
ESP8266 is able to do either facilitating an application or
offloading all Wi-Fi organizing capacities from another
application processor.

Fig .4 temperature and humidity real-time readings. (at the

right of the figure)
3.4 HTTP: The REST (Representational State Transfer
protocol) is a scalable architecture that allows things to
communicate over Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is
easily adaptable for IoT applications to provide a
communication from things to a central web server.
Interoperability between computer systems on the internet
is provided by the web services like REST or RESTful. In
that web technology such as HTTP was originally
designed for human to machine communication and now
utilized for machine to machine communication.

3.5 Software Methodology: The whole programming

piece of the framework should be possible in C dialect.
Fig. 2 ESP8266(Wi-Fi module). Right off the bat, we need to introduce the ESP8266 by
sending a couple AT orders. Introduction process
3.2 Humidity and Temperature Sensor (DHT11): incorporates, checking the correspondence with ESP8266
DHT11 (Fig 3) interfaces with ESP8266 board for to microcontroller, looking for a Wi-Fi organize inside its
dampness (in %) and temperature (in degree Celcius) range and interfacing the Wi-Fi module to that system by
estimation utilizing single wire serial interface (SPI). For getting validated with required accreditations. After the
dampness estimation resistive compose segment and for instatement procedure, we need to program for arranging
temperature estimation negative temperature coefficient the Wi-Fi module as a TCP/IP customer. While designing
(NTC) segment is utilized by this sensor. DHT11 takes a the ESP8266, checking the affirmation is critical to
guarantee that the module is arranged effectively.
© 2018 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar-APR-2018, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

3.6 Process Specification examination was performed in a controlled way. Hence,

The sensors are read after fixed intervals and the sensors there is a need to direct further tests in situations more like
measurements are stored as shown in Fig 5. genuine climate conditions.

Fig. 7 connection of "Weather Bot" components.

The Weather Bot administrations incorporates the air

Fig. 5 Process specification of weather monitoring IoT quality through the sensor (as shown in Fig. 7) detecting
system. the earth humidity and temperature and demonstrates the
constant perusing on e-bulletin board (Fig. 8)
3.7 Controller Service
The controller service keeps running as a local
administration on the gadget and screens temperature and
humidity for at regular intervals (15 seconds). The
controller benefit calls the REST administration to store
these estimations in the cloud as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 8 Screen Shot of real-time campus Temperature and



We infer that the present work was a success and it will
give a skillful technique to recording ongoing climate
readings and help agriculturists whose business relies
upon the climate in a nation like India to create better
quality products. It can be utilized to accumulate data
Fig. 6 Controller service of the weather monitoring IoT about the prerequisites for every zone throughout the
system. years. The assembled data is utilized to decide the ideal
conditions for plants to develop and the rancher can
change the earth appropriate for the development of the
IV. RESULT plant. This, thus will have huge affect on horticulture and
furthermore on ranchers all through the world.
Every one of the modules was planned and every one of
the segments was gathered. The testing of every module
This model can be additionally extended to screen the
was completed effectively. The sensor readings were
creating urban communities and modern zones for
successfully recovered in a steady situation and put away
contamination observing. This model gives a proficient
in documents. The records were then foreign to exceed
and minimal effort answer for persistent checking of
expectations naturally utilizing macros and the
information was purged and arranged for a neater
portrayal. Therefore the testing stage was finished. This
© 2018 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar-APR-2018, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

I am glad to display this paper on "IoT Based Low-cost
Weather Monitoring System" in the wake of finishing it
effectively. I offer my true thanks to our Principal Dr.
Mohan Babu G.N, for giving every one of the offices and
the help. I healthily thank our Head of Department, Dr.
Thippeswamy G, Dept. of Computer Science and
Engineering, BMSIT for his consistent support and
motivation in taking up this smaller than normal
undertaking. I nimbly thank our guide and additionally
venture facilitator, Dr. Bharathi Malakreddy A, Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, for her
support over the span of the venture. Extraordinary on
account of our guide Mr. Harinath K for the assistance in
undertaking and all the staff individuals from Computer
Science Department for their assistance and kind co-task.
Finally I thank my folks and companions for their
consolation and bolster given to us keeping in mind the
end goal to complete this valuable work.

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System" International Journal of Engineering
Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 2,
March- April, 2015.
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Monitoring system". International Journal of
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Engineering ISO 3297:2007 Certified Vol. 5, Issue 9,
September 2016.
[4]. Kondamudi Siva Sai Ram, A.N.P.S.Gupta. “IoT
based Data Logger System for weather monitoring
using Wireless sensor networks”, (IJETT) – Volume
32 Number 2- February 2016

© 2018 IJSRET

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