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1. What time should school start?

2. How long should you be able to play on electronics in a

3. Should shooting games be allowed?
4. Should everyone make the school sports teams?
5. Are cats or dogs better?
6. Which is better, peanut butter or Nutella?
7. Should kids be allowed to eat whatever they want?
8. Should kids be allowed to stay up as late as they want?
9. How many days should Christmas break be?
10. Should kids be given an allowance?
11. How much money is the right amount for an
12. What is better, Batman or Superman?
13. Which is better, the beach or the mountains?
14. Should pets be allowed to come to school?
15. Should everyone be allowed to get free lunch at
16. Which is better, homeschool or going to school?
17. How many recesses should kids have at school?
18. Should computers replace teachers?
19. Should kids wear uniforms to school?
20. Should soda be banned?
21. Should kids be able to watch whatever they want on
22. Children need to make their beds every day. 
23. Every girl should have a Barbie doll. 
24. Little boys should not have stuffed animals. 
25. Birthday gifts should never be expensive. 

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