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TEACHER: Mikaera L. Gario LEARNING English
TIME & DATE: 40-50mins QUARTER: 1st Quarter


A. CONTENT Demonstrates an understanding of text elements to comprehend various


B. PERFORMANCE Uses knowledge at text types to correctly distinguish literary from

STANDARDS informational texts.

C. LEARNING 1. Identify the elements if literary texts..

COMPENTENCIES/ 2. Summarize the narrative texts based on the elements. Theme, setting,
OBJECTIVES character, and plot.
3. Read aloud grade level appropriate text an accuracy rate of 95-100%
EN5LC-Ic-f2.17.2, EN5RC-Ic-2.23, EN5-Ib-1.6

SUBJECT MATTER: “Two Were Left” short story


a. References Teachers Guide (p.7-9), Learners Material (p.14-15)

b. Other Learning cartolina, printed materials, writing materials, and projector



A. Reviewing previous Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

lesson or presenting the (Teacher will enter the classroom)
new lesson.
(Drill/ Review/
Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.
Unlocking of
How are you? We’re fine, thank you.

That’s good! To start our class, let (One student will lead the prayer)
us all stand and let’s have our

Before we proceed to our new

lesson, I want you to sit properly;
listen and participate as I check for
your attendance. Yes ma’am
Is that clear?
None ma’am
In the first row, who is absent?
None ma’am
How about the second row?
None ma’am
And in the third row?

Very good class!

I’m happy to know that all of you

are present this morning, it only
shows that you are interested to


(Teacher will provide a freedom

wall and allowed students to share
their favorite story and character)

Now children do you have a

favorite story and character?

Alright! Now everyone please

Come in front and put your favorite
story to our freedom wall Yes ma’am!

Are you ready?

(students will share their favorite
Alright class you may proceed to story and character)
ou freedom wall, in I going to pick
five person to share in the class
your favorite story.

Wow, you guys are good!


Now before we proceed to our new

lesson, let us recall first our lesson
(our lesson yesterday is about
What is our lesson yesterday? compound words)

Very good!
Compound word are formed by
And what is compound word? putting two or more words
together to form a new word with
a new meaning.


And what are the example of

compound word? Sun-light

Alright, very good

I’m glad that all of you can still

remember our past lesson.
B. Establishing a
purpose for presenting (The teacher will show the students
the new lesson a Picture cards)

I have here a picture cards, what

you’re going to do is to identify if a
given picture is a place and

Do you understand class?

(The teacher will show the picture

cards and let the students answer)

1. Sun + Shine Yes ma’am!

2. Sea+Shore
3. Sea+Shells
4. Back+Pack Students will answer the
1. Sunshine
Very good class! 2. Seashore
3. Seashells
If you will notice in our activity. 4. Backpack
We put together two different
words and end up creating a new
word that has a new meaning this
words class is what we call
compound words.

What is it again?
Compound words!
C. Presenting
examples/instances of Now in order for us to learn more,
the new lesson we will read a short story entitled
“Inside and Outside”

I have here some copies of the

story that we are going to read,
please get one and pass

(The teacher will give out copies of

the story)

(First row will read the first

In the first row please read the first paragraph of the story)
paragraph of the story
(students in the second row will
In the second row please read the read the second paragraph of the
second paragraph of the story story)

(students in the third row will read

And in the third row please read the the third paragraph of the story)
third paragraph of the story
Yes ma’am
Did you understand the story class?

Very good, children!

D. Discussing new What was the name of the boy in
concepts and practicing our story? Ma’am Kyle
new skills (no.1)
Yes, that’s right

What was Kyle’s favorite thing to

To fly his kite
do when he is outside?


What happened to Kyle’s kite The kite gets caught in the treetops
while he was playing outside?

Very good

Did someone help him get the kite Yes ma’am

He felt grateful ma’am
What did Kyle felt after receiving
help from a stranger?

Yes, very good

Yes ma’am
Did Kyle obey his mother when he
was asked to go home?

Yes, that’s right

It only means that Kyle is a good
child because he didn’t only feel
grateful towards the stranger who
helped him, he also obey his Yes ma’am

If someone helped you would you Yes ma’am

also feel grateful?

If your mom or dad asked you to

do something, would you also obey
like Kyle did?

Very good!
Now remember class, being
grateful is the kindest gesture we
can show to others and obedience
is a way we show love and respect
to our parents.

E. Discovering new Now we will going to have an

concepts and practicing activity. I am going to show you
new skills (no.2) words from the short story we’ve
read and you are going to tell me if
the word is a compound word or
Yes ma’am!
Are you ready?

(The teacher will show words on

the board)

Jump rope
(Students will participate)
(The teacher will call a student to
determine if the word is a
compound word or not)

Very good everyone!

Take note that compound word is

joining two or more words together
to make them one word with a new

So here we have some other

examples of a compound words


Example word: Word when put

Tooth+Brush toothbrush (students will read the examples)
Butter+fly butterfly
News+Paper newspaper
Sun+Block sunblock

Can you please read the examples?

Thank you children!

F. Finding practical Now, we will going to answer an
applications of concepts activity to know how well did you
and skills in daily living. understand our lesson today.

Can someone please read the (a student will read the direction)
Give one example of word that The students will answer the
could create a compound word and activity
write its meaning using the graphic
organizer below.


(teacher will give each group

materials to use for their graphic
(each group will present their
Are you done class? work)
If you are, you may now pass and
present your work.

Very good everyone!

Now give yourselves a 100 claps
(count by 10,20,30…)
G. Making
generalization and Again class, what is compound
abstractions about the words? Compound words are words put
lesson together to create new words with
new meanings
Very good!

Who can give me an example of a

compound word? Ma’am, star and fish = starfish

Very nice

Who else can give me an example

of a compound word? Ma’am water and melon
Very good

Okay class did you understand our

Yes ma’am!
lesson this morning?

Do you have any question None ma’am

regarding our lesson?


Lets see if you did understand our

lesson this morning, I have
prepared a short quiz for you to

H. Evaluating learning Who wants to read the direction? (student’s will read the direction)
Yes ma’am

Are you done class? If you are then

you may now pass your papers to
the front and let us check your
I. Additional Activities Now, kindly get your notebooks
for application and and copy your assignment for
remediation. today.

Can someone please read the (student will read the direction)

Direction: In a one whole sheet of

paper, write the compound words
that can be found in the given

1. Her heartbeat rate is normal

2. She dashed to the door to answer
the doorbell
3. She put the dishes in the
4. He put his notebooks in his
5. She planted the seed in the
None ma’am
Is there any question regarding
your assignment?

If there is none that ends of our Goodbye ma’am.

lesson this morning, you may now
proceed to your next class.
Goodbye class.

A. No. of learners who
earn 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies work
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal and supervisor
can help me solve.
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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