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Chemistry..think beyond what you see musfirahsalma@gmail.


Matter and the

atomic structure
Chapter 2

2.1 Basic Concepts of Matter

2.2 The Development of Atomic Model
2.3 Atomic Structure
2.4 Isotopes and Its Uses

Name: _________________________________
Class: _________________________________
School: ________________________________
2.1 Basic Concepts of Matter
2.1.1 Describe matter briefly
three types of particles:
• matter is something that has mass and occupies space.
• matter consists of particles that are tiny and discrete
• matter exist in three states: solid, liquid and gas.


element compound

atom molecule molecule ion

2.1.2 explain the changes in the states of matter

• change in state of matter is caused by Heating and Cooling
• Heating (absorb energy): melting, boiling, evaporation, sublimation
• Cooling (release energy): freezing, condensation, deposition




arrangement particles are particles are particles are far

closely packed closely packed apart
in an orderly but not in an
manner orderly manner

kinetic energy low higher than very high

force of strong strong but less weak
attraction than solid state

freezing condensation
2.1.3 Determine the melting and boiling point

• Melting point is the constant temperature when a substance changes from solid state
to become liquid at a specific pressure
• Freezing point is the constant temperature when a substance changes from liquid
state to become solid at a specific pressure

Temperature (oC)

• melting occurs
• no increase in temoerature from
B to C because heat energy
absorbed by the particles is
used to overcome the attraction
force between the particles until
solid changes to liquid

B C • temperature increases
from C to D
point • exist in liquid state
• when heated, the
partcles absorb heat
• temperature increases from A to B
energy and move
• exist in solid state
• when heated, the partcles absorb
A heat energy and vibrate faster
because kinetic energy increases

heating curve of naphthalene, C10H8

Temperature (oC)
• temperature decreases from E to F
• exist in liquid state
• temperaturedecreases
• when cooled, the partcles release
E heat energy and move slower due
from G to H
• exist in solid state
to the lose of kinetic energy
• when cooled, the
partcles released heat
energy and vibrate
point F G
• freezing occurs
• no decrease in temoerature from
F to G because heat energy that
is lost to the surroundings is
balanced by heat released when
the particles attract each other H
to form solid

cooling curve of naphthalene, C10H8
Exercise 2.1

1. State the types of particles that exist in copper wire, table salt and oxygen gas.

(3 marks)

2. Azril dries his cloth under the Sun.

a) name the process involved during cloth drying
(1 mark)

b) state the changes in the movement of water particles when cloth is dried.
(1 mark)

3. Aimi buy an ice cream from a shop. When she arrives at home, the ice cream
become soft. She put the ice cream in the freezer for half an hour before enjoy it.
a) name the process involve when the ice cream placed in the freezer for half an hour
(1 mark)

b) explain the changes in kinetic energy of the particles and forces of attraction in ice
cream in the freezer
(2 marks)

4. P is a substance that has a melting point of 53 oC and a boiling point of 179 oC.
a) sketch a gfaph of temperature againts time when substance P is heated from 30 oC
to 95 oC.

(2 marks)

b) when substance P is cooled, the temperature decreases and becomes constant at

one stage and then decreases again.
Predict the constant temperature and explain why the temperature is constant at that

(3 marks)
[SPM 2019-21] Diagram 3 shows the cooling curve of liquid X.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan lengkung penyejukkan bagi cecair X.

Which of the following statement is correct?

Antara penyataan berikut yang manakah betul?
A. All particles vibrate at t1
Semua zarah bergetar pada t1
B. From t1 to t2 particles do not release heat energy.
Dari t1 hingga t2 zarah-zarah tidak membebaskan tenaga haba
C. From t1 to t2 particles particles are packed closely together
Dari t1 hingga t2 zarah-zarah tersusun rapat dengan mampat.
D. Forces of attraction between particles is overcome at t2
Daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah diatasi pada t2.
2.2 The Development of the Atomic Model
2.2.1 state the subatomic particles in atoms of various elements

23 Protons: 11
11 Electrons: 11
Neutrons: 12

Element symbol relative protons electrons neutrons

atomic mass
Magnesium Mg 24 12 12 12

Fluorine F 19 9 9 10

Potassium K 39 19 19 20

Oxygen O 16 8 8 8

Argon Ar 40 18 18 22

2.2.2 compare and contrast the relative mass and relative charge
of proton, electron and neutron

proton netron electron

symbol symbol symbol

p n e

relative relative relative

charge = +1 charge = 0 charge = -1

relative mass relative mass relative mass

=1 =1 = 1 / 1840
2.2.3 Sequence the atomic models based on atomic models of Dalton,
Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and Chadwick

Dalton's Atomic Model

• an atom is the smallest spherical body that
cannot be created, destroyed nor divided
Dalton= atom

Thomson's Atomic Model

• discovered electrons
• atom is positive charge sphere
Thomson = electrons

Rutherfords's Atomic Model

• discovered protons in nucleus
• atomic mass concentrated in nucleus
• electrons move outside nucleus
Rutherford = protons

Bohr's Atomic Model

• discovered shells
• electron move in shells around nucleus
Bohr = shells

Chadwick's Atomic Model

• discovered neutrons
• neutrons contribute half of atomic mass
Chadwick = neutrons

Dalton atom Thomson electron Rutherford proton Bohr shell Chadwick neutron
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Exercise 2.2

1. State the subatomic particles found in the nucleus of Beryllium.

(2 marks)

2. Electrons move around the nucleus in shells. Nucleus of ana om consists of protons
and neutrons. Based on this information, which scientist identified it?

(1 mark)

3. Determine the number of electron and neutrons in in the table below

12 14
6 6

number of
number of neutron

(4 marks)

4. Which scientist discovered protons?

(1 mark)

5. Which scientist discovered electron move around the shells?

(1 mark)
2.3 Atomic Structure

2.3.1 Define proton number and nucleon number

proton number is the number of proton in the nucleus of an atom

Nucleon number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the

nucleus of an atom

2.3.2 Determine the nucleon number, proton number and number of

electron in an atom

An ATOM is NEUTRAL when the number of electrons is the same

with number of protons

example 1:

A Potassium atom has 19 protons and 20 neutrons. What are the

proton number and nucleon number of potasium atom?


Proton number = number of proton

= 19

Nucleon number = proton number + number of neutrons

= 19 + 20
= 39

example 2:

The nucleon number of phosphorus is 31. a phosphorus atom has 15

protons. how many neutrons are there in phosphorus atom?


Number of neutron = number of nucleon - number of protons

= 31 - 15
= 16
2.3.3 write standard representation of atom

nucleon 23 symbol of

Comparison among number of protons, netrons and electrons

between ATOM and ION
type of particle Magnesium atom Magnesium ion
Mg Mg2+
number proton 12 12

number of neutron 12 12

number of electron 12 10

2.3.4 construct an atomic structure diagram and electron arrangement

proton number of fluorine atom is 9. Thus the electron

arrangement of fluorine atom is 2. 7 valence

atomic structure shows the number of Electron arrangement shos the nucleus
protons and neutrons in the nucleus and and electron arrangement of an atom
the electron arrangement of an atom

10 n

2.7 2.7
[SPM 18-20] Diagram 4 shows the standard representation of fluorine atom.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan perwakilan piawai bagi atom florin.

What is the number of valence electron of the atom?

apakah bilangan elektron valens bagi atom tersebut?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
2.4 Isotopes and Its Uses
2.4.1 Deduce the meaning of isotopes
isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different
number of neutrons.

isotope atomic number of number of number of

standard protons neutrons electrons
chlorine-35 35 17 18 17

chlorine-37 37 17 20 17

2.4.2 calculate the relative atomic mass of isotopes

• relative atomic mass of isotopes depend on the natural abundance of isotopes in a
• Natural abundance the percentage of isotopes present in a natural sample of elements.
• the relative atomic mas can be calculate using formula:

relative atomic mass = ∑ (% isotope X mass of isotope)



1. Define isotopes

(2 marks)
2. Based on below, which atoms are isotopes?. explain your answer.
proton nucleon
element number number
W 6 12
X 6 13
Y 11 23
Z 12 24

(3 marks)
3. Magnesium exist naturally as three isotopes, which are 79.0 % of24Mg,
10.0 % 0f 25Mg

and 11.0% of 26Mg. Calculate the relative atomic mass of magnesium.

(2 marks)
2.4.3 justify the usage of isotopes in various fields

cobalt-60 Iodine-131
• in radiotheraphy to kill cancer • treatment of thyroid disorder s as
cells withour surgery hyperthyroidism and thyroid
• sterilising surgical tools cancer

Carbon-14 Lead-210
• estimation of artifacts or fossils' • in determineing the age of sand
age and earth layers up to 80 years

Agriculture Nuclear
• generating electricity through
• to study plant metabolism
nuclear power generator

Industry Engineering
Hydrogen-3 Sodium-24
• as a detector to study sewage and • ditecting leakage in underground
liquid waste pipes
[SPM 19-14] Diagram 1 shows a woman suffering from a disease.
Rajah1 menunjukkan seorang wanita yang menghidapi sejenis penyakit.

Which of the following is used to treat the disease?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah digunakan untuk merawat penyakit tersebut?

A . Cobalt-60
B. Iodine -131
C. Carbon-12
D. Uranium-236

Answer this!!! (from text book chemistry form 4)

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