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Communication in Law Enforcement T

Directions: E
Fill in the blanks. N
The Process W
1. Communication is the process of _____________. O
2. The message is the information or idea being communicated, and it can include K
three elements - verbal, nonverbal and _____________ communication. S
3. We know that the verbal word, the word that is spoken is only about E
_____________ of the entire message. T

4. The problem, and it’s very telling, is that when the verbal message that’s being
sent _____________ the nonverbal.

5. Sometimes referred to as _____________, barriers may be physical or mental.

6. Feedback is the _____________ the receiver provides in reaction to the


7. Active listeners also provide _____________ to signal to the speaker that the
message is being received.

8. In practice, communication is rarely one-way, and the sender and receiver

_____________ continuously throughout an interaction.

9. The problem with that is that the _____________ so oftentimes will not come out.

10.The verbal message that he’s sending will oftentimes _____________ with the

11. It allows for an equal _____________ flow of communication.

Variables & Techniques

1. Interpersonal communication is one of the _____________ that law enforcement
must utilize.

2. We have a common goal and that is to make our _____________.

3. It’s important that law enforcement knows these terms, that we’re all on-board as
professionals in this vocation of law enforcement, but sometimes when you take it
outside of the realm of the police station and you start to impact the public, that
causes the _____________.

Accompanies: Communication in Law Enforcement 1

Communication in Law Enforcement T
4. When you talk to an individual like that don’t exacerbate the situation by adopting E
_____________. N
5. The ultimate goal of the investigation is to _____________. W
6. Because communication is heavily influenced by culture, a difference in culture R
can be a _____________, resulting in misunderstanding. K
7. If you don’t understand that culture, you misread those _____________. H
8. We don’t all think alike, we don’t all act alike, we don’t all speak alike; but T
_____________ can make a police officer a lot more successful in his or her

9. It extends the investigation, it makes it more _____________, but it doesn’t

matter because the whole purpose is to arrive at the truth.

10. Because police communicate with so many types of people in such a wide
variety of situations, they must be _____________ to communicate effectively.

11. In today’s society, you’ve got to be caring, you’ve got to be _____________ no

matter what your personal feelings may be toward that individual.

Accompanies: Communication in Law Enforcement 2

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