Bord and Pillar - 211008 - 214200

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Unit No: 1

Board and pillar

1.1 classification of given types of method of working
1.2 selection of suitable method of working
1.3 Calculate man power and OMS under given condition
1.4 Compare given panel system on the basis of given points.


1.1.1. Classification of Method of Working.

1.1.2. Stripping Ration

1.1.3. Geological Parameters

1.1.4. Technical Parameters

1.2.1. Condition for selection of method of working

1.2.2. Board and Pillar Applicability advantages and disadvantages.

1.2.3. Different types of development (Strike and Dip development)

1.2.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of board and pillar method

1.1.3. Geological Parameters

1. Depth if Coal Seam-

We know that coal seam occurs at different depth as per Indian mining
conditions coal seams have been classified according to their depth form

I.e. shallow depth (less than 350m) moderate depth (250m to 450m) dip
seam (More than 450).

Coal seam situated at shallow depth sing cab is workout by open cast
mining method. Now days new technology has been developed hence same
where greater depth coal seam also workout easily by o/c mining.

1. Open Cast - Shallow depth coal seam

2. 8&P method- Shallow to moderate

3. Long Wall Method-Shallow, moderate, dip

4. Coal classification – moderate, deep seam

5. Blasting gallery method- moderate depth

6. Hydraulic mining-shallow depth

2. Thickness Of Coal Seam-

We know that coal seam found in variable thickness i.e. from few cm if
several meters as per Indian mining consideration coal seam (less than 1.5m,)
moderate thick seam (1.5m to 4.5m) thick seam (4.5m to 9m) very thick seam
(up to 9 m and more).

Thickness cannot effect on the choice of the o/c mining, board and pillar
method preferred moderate thick to thick coal seam. Long wall mining,
preferred thin seam, moderate thick seam, thick seam and very thick seam (all
type of seam).

O/c mining= Thin, moderate thick, thick, very thick

Board and pillar method = moderate thick or thick

Sub level caving = thick to very thick

Mole mining, auger mining-thin to moderate, thick seam

Hydraulic mining - suitable for thick to very thick

Gasification of coal-All thickness

3. Inclination of coal seam-
We know that coal seam occurs at various inclination 0" degrees to 90

degree seam are generally classified as flat or gentle (0-5 ) inclined (5-18) steep
(18-40) and very steep (more than 40). O/c mining-not affected.

Board and pillar method-flat or inclined seam

Long wall method -preferred flat to inclined

Blasting gallery—flat to inclined

Hydraulic mining- flat to inclined

In case of undulating coal seam can be workout by “horizon mining method”

4. Strength of coal seam—

Among the various important mechanical, physical property of coal,

strength of coal influence the selection of mining method coal seam found
various in strengths.

O/c mining -weak or strong coal

Board and Pillar- strong coal

Long wail method-Any strength of coal

Hydraulic mining- weak low strength friable coal

Blasting gallery- medium strong coal

5. Nature of roof and floor-

This factor is considered and effect on the choice of underground mine


Board and pillar method preferred strong roof and strong floor. In long wall
mining Traditional cyclic long wall preferred strong roof and strong floor. In case
noncyclic long wall roof may be weak or strong but floor must strong and Zn
hydraulic mining both may be minimum strong.

6. Presence of stone and dirt band-

Some coal seam content layer of stone and dirt band when the thickness of
parting if coal seam less 3m such coal seam as virgin seam.

In case of board and pillar method seam should be free from stone and dirt
band. In long wall mining method the amount of volume of dirt band is under
the economical limit such seam can be work out.

1.1.2 Stripping Ratio

A. Definition-
It is generally expressed in a proportion of overburden to
coal/mineral removed.

Stripping ratio = overburden/mineral

The factors which play a major role in the stripping ratio calculation are the
following: Cost of stripping

Extracting cost of mineral/coal.

Percentage of rejects.
Cleaning cost of coal or dressing cost.

Sale value of clean coal/dressed ore

1. Reclamation cost
2. Cost of transportation
3. Overhead and sale of ore/coal etc.
● BREAK – Even stripping ratio
As the depth of overburden increases more amount of money is spent for
removal of the overburden for exposing the mineral body/ coal and time will
come when mineral/coal cannot be economically extracted out.

The point beyond which the mineral/coal cannot be economically

extracted is called the break- even stripping ratio.

B. Formula-
Stripping ratio is expressed using the formula-

Stripping ratio= Volume of overburden (in cubic meter) / weight of

recoverable mineral reserves ( tones )

Technical parameter
A selected subset of the system technical metrics tracked in the technical
performance measurement. Critical technical parameters are identified from risk
analyses and contract specification and are designed by management.
A parameter is an item of information-such as a name, a number, or a
selection option, that is passed to a program by a user or another program.
Parameter affects the operation of the program receiving then.

1. A seam thicker than 1.5m.

2. A seam free from stone or dirt band. Stone or dirt bands, if present in a seam,
can be easily disposed of for strip packing in long wall advancing method of
3. Seam at moderate depth.
4. Seam which are not very gassy.
5. Seam with strong roof and floor which can stand for a long period after
development stage is over.
6. Coal is adequate crushing strength.


1) Depth of coal seam – coal seam should be situated up to moderate depth

from surface up to 450m. In greater depth the rock pressure increase hence
crushing of pillar heavy roof fall such tendency also increases hence the greater
depth coal seam more than 450m is not situated for B\P method.
2) Thickness of coal seam-thickness of coal seam should be 1.5m and more, the
most ideal thickness is 1.5m-3m coal seams up to 6-9m can be worked out by
this method.

3) Inclination or gradient of coal- coal seam should be flat gradient less than 18°
are most convenient very steep seam is not suitable 1:3 ,1:4 can be worked out
by this method. If other factors are favorable by changing in planning, including
developing deep galleries in apparent direction providing rhombus shaped pillar


1) Simple Method of Working.

2) Quick return on Capital investment is Possible.
3) Surface feature like railways, River, Nala, Road, Monuments can be protected
by living protective pillar just below them of or by adopting solving practice.
4) There is a number of unproductive work in this method has adopt long wall
like stripe packing, Road pack, Daunting etc.
5) Roadway, Airways all the Driven in the solid coal therefore less maintenance
cool throughout the life of mine.
6) During development stage we get the complete knowledge about the coal
seam like (fault, fold, Dyke) which helps for better planning during depillaring
7) Less capital investment is required has compare mechanized a/c and non-
cyclic long wall mining.


1) Ventilation is sluggish and poor as compare to opencast and long wall

2) Ineffective supervision because work is scattered in the mine.
3) Poor lightning arrangement decreases efficiency of the workers.
4) Must supporting material is required more amount in involved supporting
material as compare to other mining method.
5) Less OMS (Output per man per shift).
6) Overall production is 90-85% only as compare to opencast and long wall
mining method working. Some amount of coal we have to left have it is in the
mine in the form of barrier, protective pillar, shaft pillar, coal ribs, chowkidar
7) This method is not suitable for thin seam, thickness less than 1.5m.Thin seam
is not economically extracted by this method.
8) Greater depth seam i.e. more than 450 depth seams is not suitable for this
method because due to increasing rock pressure, crushing of pillar, falling of
roof such activities are increases.
9) Weak coal is not suitable for this method.
Calculation of percentage of extraction
When the seam thickness and height of gallery is same, then
Where, T = Thickness of coal seam
H = Height of gallery
% of extraction of coal during development stage
=A(ABCD) – A(abcd) x 100

Calculation of %of extraction during development stage when thickness of coal seam
and height of gallery is same.
A] Amount of coal in pillar before development stage
= Size of pillar(m2) × Seam thickness (m) ×sp. Density of coal( T/m3)
= --------T ………..[A]
B] Amount of coal left in pillar after development stage (in T) =
= Size of development piller(m2) × Height of gallery (m) × sp. density of coal(T/m3)
= --------T ………..[B]
C] % of extraction of coal during development is
= A – B × 100
= --------% ………..[C]
[2] When seam thickness is more than height of gallery
A] Amount of the coal in the pillar before development stage
=Size of coal pillar(m2) × Seam thickness (m) × sp.density of coal(T/m3)
= --------T ………….[A]
B] Amount of coal left in pillar after development
= Volume of part (M) + Volume of part (N) [in ton]
=M+N …………[B]

C] % of extraction of coal during development stage

= A – B × 100
= -------% ……………[C]

Problem No. 1

Calculate the % of extraction during development stage when,

1. Seam thickness = 3m
2. Size of pillar is = 30m × 30m
3. Width of gallery = 4m
4. Height of gallery = 3m
5. Sp. density of coal = 1.3 T/m3

Solution: Given data:-

1. Seam thickness = 3m
2. Size of pillar = 30m × 30m
3. Width of gallery = 4m
4. Height of gallery = 8m
5. Sp. density of coal = 1.3 T/m3

A] Amount of coal in the pillar before development stage

= 30m × 30m ×3m ×1.3T/m3

= 3510 T …………. [A]

B] Amount of coal left in pillar after development stage

= [(30m – 4m) (30m – 4m)] ×3m ×1.3T/m3

=26m ×26m ×3m × 1.3 T/m3

= 2636.4 T …………. [B]


% of coal recovery during development stage

= A – B × 100
= 3510 – 2636.4 ×
= 24.88%
% of extraction of coal during development
= A(ABCD) – A(abcd) × 100
= (30m ×30m) – (26m ×26m) × 100
30m ×30m
= 900m2 – 676m2 × 100 = 224m2 ×100
900m2 900m2
= 24.88%
Percentage of coal during development stage = 24.88%


Important point kept in mine while designing the panel:-

1. Size of panel
2. Thickness of barrier
3. No’s of opening in the panel
4. Method of extraction
5. Size and width of gallery in the panel
1] Size of panel →
Size of panel means no. of pillar enclosed in the panel. No’s of pillar in the panel are
kept depend upon incubation period of the mine. As well as the duration of formation and
extraction of pillar in the panel is also important factor.
The size of pillar should be such that which can be extracted with in the incubation
period of mine.
As per experience and observation in India the incubation period is varies from 15
days to 24 months. (6 to 12 months) R.D. Singh book. Incubation period of WCL mine is 9 to
10 months.
A panel should longer along strike and shorter along dip, rise direction.
2] Thickness of barrier →
The barrier should be of adequate strength of contain the fire and to hold the water
with the panel once it is seated.
Thickness of the barrier should not be less than the maximum width of the panel.
3] No’s of opening in the panel →
The no’s of opening in the panel should be minimum. Due to minimum no’s of
opening the panel can be speedily sealed in the emergency. Now a days for a speedily
sealed off, we have to construct preparatory stopping in the panel opening.
4] Method of extraction →
Panel can be design. First developed and then depillared fusion. Sometime
simultaneous developed and depillaring can be adopt in the panel.
5] Size of pillar and width of gallery→
While deciding the size of pillar we have to pillar depth of coal seam, strength of coal,
nature of roof and floor, spontaneous combustion, presence of water bearing strata about
the coal seam, method of working, etc.

Problem 1
Calculate the size of panel when coal seam being work out B & P method when-
1. Seam thickness = 4.5m
2. Height of gallery = 3m
3. Width of gallery = 3.6m
4. Incubation period of mine = 10 month
5. Size of pillar CᴓC = 30m × 30m
6. Production per day = 200 T
Solution:- Given data:-
a) Seam thickness = 4.5m
b) Height of gallery = 3m
c) Width of gallery = 3.6m
d) Incubation period of mine = 10 month
e) Size of pillar CᴓC = 30m × 30m
f) Production per day = 200 T
Assuming data:-

Coefficient of depillaring = 0.8 or 80%

A] Amount of coal in pillar before development stage ( in T)
= 30m × 30m × 4.5m × 1.35 T/m3
= 5467.5 T ………….[A]
B] Amount of coal left in pillar after development stage ( in T)
= vol (m) + vol (n) in T

= 30m × 30m ×1.5m ×1.35 T/m3

+ 26.4m × 26.4m ×3m ×1.35 T/m3
= 1822.5 + 2822.68 T
= 4645.18 T …………[B]
% of coal recovery during development stage = A – B × 100
= 5467.5 – 4645.18 × 100
= 15%

∴ % of coal recovery to panel from one development pillar is 80%

I.e. B = 4645.18 × 0.8
= 3716.14 T
Production per day = 200 T
∴ Production/ Month = 200 T × production day in month ( 25 day) assume
= 200T ×25
= 5000 T
∴ Total coal recovery up to incubate on period of mine.
i.e. C = Production/month × Incubation on period
= 5000 T × 10
C = 50000 T
∴ No’s of pillar/panel = C/B
= 500.00/ 3716.14
= 13.45 say is pillar
5 along strike div and 3 along Dip divn

1.4.1) Open and Closed panel system
Closed panel system –

It is surrounded by natural barriers of coal walls, after calculating the size of

panel during development as shown in fig.

The thickness of the barriers should not be less than the May width of the

Open panel system –

In such mines where the rush of spontaneous heating is very great or panels are
formed of the mine is already developed by some circumstance likes fires or
gases and other hared we have to form open panels here district is slated by
considering the stooping only limited entries are open.

1.4.2) Advantages and disadvantages of panel system

→ Advantages:-
1) In this system every panel gets fresh air good ventilation is provided.

2) Mine hazard like fire possibly explosion coal bumps air blast, are isolated
(separated) from rest of the mine.

3) There effect can be easily localized.

4) In seam liable to spontaneous combustion the area of panel can be spindly

sled of due to which further extend drainage is provided.

5) The intensity of credo and crush activity of the working is to reduce due to
having large barrio.

6) Simultaneously development and depillaring possible in which panel which

help increase of production.

7) The extraction of pillar in is done systematic hence collapse cursing

overloading of pillar is reduced.

8) Large and speedily output is possible.

→ Disadvantages:-

1) Pillars have to stand for long time.

2) Detonation of the pillar starts due to weathering rock pressure, etc. Hence
cursing failure of pillar such activities are increase.
3) Ventilation cannot be made properly.
4) Supervision is ineffective.
5) Out broke fire in any place cannot be controlled easily. This part cannot be
isolates from other part of the mine.
6) Arrangement of haulage cannot make efficient due to scattered working.
Isolation stopping: - The main reason of fire in underground coal mines in
spontaneous combustion of coal which is the process of self-heating of coal
when exposed to air. Such fire can be prevented by nitrogen flushing in fire
affected areas and use of quick setting materials for construction of isolation
stopping. An isolation valve is a valve in a fluid handling system that stops the
flow of process media to a given location, usually for maintenance or safety
purposes. As the isolation valve is intended to be operated infrequently and only
in the fully on or fully off positions, they are often inferior quality globe valves.
Prudent practice would require that all underground roadways not specifically
needed for ongoing mining operations should be barricaded or stopped off, i.e.
sealed. Typically, abandoned long wall and/or depillared Sections would require
substantial seals on all connecting roadways. Mine fires in active areas must also
be sealed off promptly, preferably with substantial, i.e. explosion proof,
stoppings, usually requiring substantial quantities of materials to be used in
constructing the seal.
Ideally such seals would be located in undisturbed/solid ground which would not
be affected by future ground movement, although this is not always possible,
consequently sealing materials should preferably retain some pliability (e.g.
gypsum). Such seals should be placed soon after working ceases and the area is
abandoned. Practice in the United Kingdom, Poland and Alberta requires this
within 3 months.

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