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Constantinople was a busy city, and merchants came to it from every country by sea or land,

and there is none like it in the world expect Baghdad, the great city of Islam. In Constantinople
is the Church of Hagia Sophia, and the seat of the pope of the Greeks, since the Greeks do not
obey the pope of Rome, There are also as many churches as there are days of the year.

The inhabitants are very rich in gold and precious stones, and they wear clothes in garments of
silk and gold embroidery, and they ride horses and look like princess… wealth like
Constantinople is not to be found in the whole world. Men learned in all the books of the Greek.

How did the city of Constantiople become such a wealthy city ? :

The reason why Constantinople became such a wealthy city is because it was the center of
trade, it had many trade routes that crossed into Constantinople. Not only was there trade
strong but so was their military. Contantinople remained secure and prosperious when others
where falling.

Medieval Europe:

Castle where the lord and his family lived, the church was usually the tallest building in the
village/town/ manor.

Western Europe came after the fall of the roman empire.

1. It was an era of peace and prosperity and allowed China to expand to a major world power.

2. Political and Economical structures they created.

3. The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. It was during this time that poetry became an
integral part of Chinese culture.

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