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MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.

MABINI COLLEGES provide quality instruction, research and extension
service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. growth and development, producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring, law-
abiding, productive and globally competitive graduates.
GRADUATE SCHOOL The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and promote the following Core
Governor Panotes Avenue, Brgy. VII Integrity
Daet, Camarines Norte Artistic
Nature Loving


March 25, 2023
Educational Statistics

Part IV
A. In a learning experiment, 4 groups of students made the following numbers of correct responses in a series of 7
Trial A B C D

1 98 95 96 93
2 88 89 85 86
3 95 90 92 96
4 84 85 87 89
5 91 95 96 90
6 94 91 90 90
7 88 84 85 82
8 90 91 92 90
9 90 88 89 86
10 85 82 84 82
After computing the data using Analysis of variance using alpha = 5%; the following were obtained:



BETWEEN 3 19.88 6.63

0.34 2.87

WITH IN 36 700.9 19.47

TOTAL 39 720.28

1. Using Stepwise method, what will be your decision on the null hypothesis that the 4 groups differed
significantly in their performance.
B. An experimental study was conducted on the Effect of Programmed Materials in Mathematics on the
Performance of 10 Selected High School Students. Before given the program was implemented, the pretest
was administered and after 6 months the same instrument was used to get the posttest result. The following is
the result of the experiment:
Student Pre-Test Post Test
1 90 95
2 91 95
3 94 96
4 91 95
5 92 95
6 94 95
7 90 95
8 90 95
9 88 89
10 87 89
At 5% level of significant test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the pretest
and posttest or the use of the programmed materials did not affect the student’s performance in Mathematics.
(Critical Value 2.093)

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. – Graduate School
Tel. No.: (054) 721 – 1281
MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.
MABINI COLLEGES provide quality instruction, research and extension
service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. growth and development, producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring, law-
abiding, productive and globally competitive graduates.
GRADUATE SCHOOL The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and promote the following Core
Governor Panotes Avenue, Brgy. VII Integrity
Daet, Camarines Norte Artistic
Nature Loving

C. One Hundred Individuals, male and female, were given a test in psychomotor skills and their scores were
classified into high and low. Is there a significant relationship between sex and scores in Psychomotor? Use
the x2 test of independence at 0.05 level of significance. The table is shown below.
Sex High Low Total
(O) (E) (O) (E)
Male 23 27
Female 35 15
(Critical Value 3.84)

D. A teacher in mathematics decided to conduct a study whether the student ability in reading
comprehension affects their mathematical problem solving skills. Using the given data below,
determine if there is a significant relationship between reading comprehension and problem
solving skills of students. Listed below are the score of students both in reading comprehension
and problem solving skills:

Reading Problem
Comprehension Solving
1 55 12
2 78 56
3 92 72
4 67 79
5 66 83
6 95 72
7 15 38
8 98 92
9 45 60
10 73 69
(Critical Value = 2.306)

I. Statement of the Problem

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. – Graduate School
Tel. No.: (054) 721 – 1281
MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.
MABINI COLLEGES provide quality instruction, research and extension
service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. growth and development, producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring, law-
abiding, productive and globally competitive graduates.
GRADUATE SCHOOL The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and promote the following Core
Governor Panotes Avenue, Brgy. VII Integrity
Daet, Camarines Norte Artistic
Nature Loving

Is the four groups differed significantly in their performance?

Is there a significant difference in the performance of the four groups?
II. Hypotheses:
Ho: There is no significant difference in the performance of the four groups
Ha: There is a significant difference in the performance of the four groups

III. Level of Significant

5% CV = 2.87
IV. Statistical tool
One way ANOVA
V. Decision:
Since the computed value of .34 is lower than the tabular value of 2.87 then, fail to reject the null
VI. Interpretation.
Since the computed value of .34 is lower than the tabular value of 2.87 at 5% level of significance
with 3 and 36 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is fail to reject in favor of research hypothesis which
means that there is no significant difference in the performance of the four groups
I. Statement of the Problem
Is there a significant difference between the pretest and the posttest or the use of programmed
materials in mathematics?
II. Hypotheses:
Ho: There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest, or the use of the programmed
materials did not affect the students’ performance in Mathematics
Ha: There is significant difference between the pretest and posttest, or the use of the programmed
materials affect the students’ performance in Mathematics
III. Level of significance:

5%, df = 19, CV = 2.262

IV. Statistical tool

T – test for correlated sample

Pre-Test Post-Test D D2
90 95 5 25
91 95 4 16
94 96 2 4
91 95 4 16
92 95 3 9
94 95 1 1
90 95 5 25
90 95 5 25
88 89 1 1
87 89 2 4
32 126

D 3.2

√ ΣD 2
Reject the null hypothesis
√ (126−
(32) 2
= 6.23 V. Decision

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. – Graduate School
Tel. No.: (054) 721 – 1281
MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.
MABINI COLLEGES provide quality instruction, research and extension
service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. growth and development, producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring, law-
abiding, productive and globally competitive graduates.
GRADUATE SCHOOL The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and promote the following Core
Governor Panotes Avenue, Brgy. VII Integrity
Daet, Camarines Norte Artistic
Nature Loving

VI. Interpretation
The t computed value of 6.23 is higher than the critical value of 2.262 at 5% level
of significance with 9 degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis is therefore rejected in
favor of the research hypothesis. This means that the posttest result is higher than the
pretest result. It implies that the use of the programmed materials in Mathematics is
I. Statement of the Problem
Is there a significant relationship between sex and scores in a psychomotor skill?
II. Hypotheses:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the sex and scores in psychomotor skills.
Ha: There is significant relationship between the sex and scores in psychomotor skills.
III. Level of significance:

5%, df = 1, CV = 3.841

IV. Statistical tool

X2 test of independence

Sex High Low Total

Male 23 (29) 27 (21) 50
Female 35 (29) 15 (21) 50
Total 58 32 100

58x50 / 1000 = 29 32x50 / 100 = 21

58x50 / 100 = 21 32x50 / 100 = 21

X2 = Σ(O-E)2 / E =(23 -29)2 / 29 + (35 -29)2 / 29 + (27 -21)2 /21

+ (15 -21)2 / 21
= 1.24 + 1.24 + 1.71 + 1.71

X2 = Σ(O-E)2 / E 5.91

V. Decision
If the x2 computed value is greater than the x2 tabular value, disconfirm the Null

VI. Interpretation
The x2 computed value of 5.91 is greater than the x 2 tabular value o 3.841 at .05 level of
significance with one degree of freedom. This leads to the confirmation of the research
hypothesis which means that a significant relationship exists between sex and score in
psychomotor skill. It implies that the female’s high score are more psychomotor skills
than their male counterpart.

I. Statement of the Problem
Is there a significant relationship between reading comprehension and problem solving skills of
students in mathematics?

II. Hypotheses:

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. – Graduate School
Tel. No.: (054) 721 – 1281
MABINI COLLEGES shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.
MABINI COLLEGES provide quality instruction, research and extension
service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to national

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. growth and development, producing God-fearing, nation-loving, earth-caring, law-
abiding, productive and globally competitive graduates.
GRADUATE SCHOOL The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and promote the following Core
Governor Panotes Avenue, Brgy. VII Integrity
Daet, Camarines Norte Artistic
Nature Loving

Ho: There is no significant relationship between reading comprehension and problem solving skills of
students in mathematics?
Ha: There is a significant relationship between reading comprehension and problem solving skills of
students in mathematics?

III. Level of Significant

5% CV = 3.306
IV. Statistical tool
Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation

Student x y x2 y2 xy
1 55 12 3025 144 660
2 78 56 6084 3136 4368
3 92 72 8464 5184 6624
4 67 79 4489 6241 5293
5 66 83 4356 6889 5478
6 95 72 9025 5184 6840
7 15 38 225 1444 570
8 98 92 9604 8464 9016
9 45 60 2025 3600 2700
10 73 69 5329 4761 5037
Σx= 684 Σy= 633 Σx2 = 5329 Σy2 = 4761 Σxy = 46586

Solve for r Solve for t

nΣxy−Σx Σy 465860−432972
√ nΣx2−( Σx ) 2¿ [nΣy 2−(Σy¿) 2]
√¿ ¿
√ 1−r 2

10(46586)−(684)(633) 32888 ¿

r= = ¿ 1−(0.61) 2
√ 10(5329)−( Σ 684 ) 2 ¿[10(4761)−(633¿)2] √ 2,907409524 ¿
t = 2.177
r = 0.61 high correlation

V. Decision:
Since the computed value of 2.177 is less than the tabular value of 2.306 then, fail to reject the null
VI. Interpretation.
Since the computed value of 2.11 is lower than the tabular value of 2.306 at 5% level of
significance with 8 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is fail to reject in favor of research hypothesis
which means that there is there is no significant relationship between reading comprehension and problem
solving skills of students in mathematics

MABINI COLLEGES, INC. – Graduate School
Tel. No.: (054) 721 – 1281

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