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Get information about what a frame is currently doing. Typical usage:

import executing

node = executing.Source.executing(frame).node
# node will be an AST node or None

from collections import namedtuple

_VersionInfo = namedtuple('_VersionInfo', ('major', 'minor', 'micro'))
from .executing import Source, Executing, only, NotOneValueFound, cache, future_flags
from .version import __version__ # type: ignore[import]
if "dev" in __version__:
raise ValueError
except Exception:
# version.py is auto-generated with the git tag when building
__version__ = "???"
__version_info__ = _VersionInfo(-1, -1, -1)
__version_info__ = _VersionInfo(*map(int, __version__.split('.')))

__all__ = ["Source"]

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