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[official] eve] \ is [strategy guide] [by david cassady] SQUARESOFT /IBradyGAMES STRATEGY GUIDES official strategy guide [by david cassady] /1BradyGAMES STRATEGY GUIDES [table of contents] a POT ae SC Clu Dayl.. 1 a a) Day 4 Lee LT BGs a) cea CRC VAMC ay CEUs Oe ca TOC Remy official [parasite eve] at Sep ame KI ma SL All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in Re Rem ta Parasite Eve™ ©1998 Square Co., Lid. All rights eee Ma aR ees Le Lote oa eS coco oreo Rg ico Taco) [legal stuff] Sea) aa ecu ener nerys PO ARO ee PN 7) ISBN: 1-56686-824-6 this book was produced digitally by Macmillan Computer Publishing and manufactured using computer-to- technology (a film-less process) by GAC/Shepard ae ree a ee Tpke ker Eee OALE Printing Code: The rightmost double-digit number is the year of the book's printing; the rightmost single-digit number is the number of the book’s printing. For exam- ple, 98-1 shows that the first printing of the book occurred in 1998. 00 4 De a Warranty: THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER MAKE NORCO NANG ce. IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THESE PROGRAMS OR Bir amereU Ni re eo NN NE} Poe aa Ue eNO UIs asses Ae eP\eN LSO CHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR CU ces an eo ae PMU a aT NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH, OR ARISING OUT OF, THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THESE PROGRAMS. ICA mea hag Publisher : lynn Zingraf PCT e H. Leigh Davis BARU: MCT) Pye Ay Zeuate i Marketing Manager aero geut g Acq Tes Debra McBride [credits] Development Editor David Cassady Project Editor aes Pte Ur Taig Michael Owen Prag Scott Watanabe [Pete art lag cota) LIers Cert: arog Dan Caparo PICT TTS La) Max Adamson aN cu) aS CaS icelate) TM oy Nick Lakin PTA eran le = =e) [Author Acknowledgements] ae ee Ce an TOO ROR SL aU RC) Cees cor a tar Rc Ug nan com tae! Cena en a cared eke id Assurance Department for donating their save games and for helping out time after time. On behalf of everyone at BradyGAMES, I’d like to thank Kenji Mimura, Kyoko Se Rl OCMC RI ec ci en) to make these books as strong as possible. Orn ee a ee Cox, the world’s greatest editor, once again pulled off a mir- acle. Michael Owen, Jeff Gordon’s alter ego, for putting together ALL of the maps. Debra McBride, queen of acquisi- tions, for not killing me even though she could have. Scott Watanabe, Mr. GQ himself, for making the book look great. eee eee se ae ea work. David Waybright, the licensing genius, because he Peres re eis OT OCR URC RRL go to Heather Moseman, the greatest thing to ever happen to me in twenty-seven years, and Canetti a a kg ere na un erect ark acura Reena ed Mastelone, Harvey Suddarth, Eric Skyler, Jeff DUR ee ee Cay Pre a set ren Nn Iti, On June 8, 1998 | lost my best friend of nearly Pra ee a all CR UY }} ea eee Ce er ee ee Cee ee PSUs Lb KM) - i - ce, Dee ee ee ean) Cte ec eS a ee cess sleep-stealing, thrill ride, Now once again hundreds of thousands of Peed eR Rm eel ea fie Reus Before you begin, make sure you look through this whole guide. This is your source to help you get through the game and find all of the lit- Dee sen eee sn sea s The first thing yousshould do is check out the Game Basics. This chap: ter will better help you understand all of Parasite Eve's nuances before you even get started. As you flip through the book, refer to the Walkthrough for help with strategy, along with two sets of maps to help you locate all of those hard-to-find items. ee SR MNCs MUR eM AMR ote RNa o Sea a Cetin ee ree el a Cen AR ea a ates) eee eee ed IOS ae playing and try to or Feu gene ncRNA Rel good movie and you wouldn't want to know: Peers poe A ee ae —— IO cast file Detective MV hades y XC yze) LCT: omc R-lOR Weight: 106 lbs (48 kg) Aya is a rookie cop who has not yet proven herself or developed a cop's instincts. Her partner and mentor, Peeps A ee Ce aR el eM oC NR ald eg RR erm eS Til Reece Sue cel the lives of her mother and sister. CO ea) Sar me a aya )) Neem Re ems Ee Mme eee ON te a Mel) a oli co RoC cd Ce eo eM eo ae feo mu eleseu moor end up getting in the way. = CHS ere eae j Lora al “Bo” Dollis ree em Re DT: ea) Ar ee al) ere yy Com Pe nen ee Rt ad iene nee oe en peer eee er oes devoted father, he often sacrifices ee ee Cen cee eas tributed heavily to his current fart ees Kunihiko Maeda Cee Cr aera) Weight: 115 Ibs (52 kg) eee eR ee eee a) Pn aN a ae Pee eer a ae sete at Eve's past attacks, and wants to help put an end to her madness. AF elu) ena Pee Peer aed a eee eee inside his lab at the Museum of Nolural History. He holds key infor ee ete retorts Eve once and for all, ut as usual he's peri Douglas Baker natal Creat Weight: 243 bs (110 ka) Coplain Boker joined the police force eee es ae as Pees ee rs peers eee tery pear ae rere Bate eee ee a ee eke nee Wayne Garcia Le re ea ro Waser ta) Wayne isa rebellious young cop with Bee a ata s0 powerful that he actualy collects Poe a eg es Recaro veka igh-powered weapons. Wayne is eee ae es oa Ree Su ee CS rare Per aCe) Fg ee Saal oa eey Ronee obsession under control. Torres is a seasoned cop, but his career fook o pene een ee in a gun mishap. Sworn to never fire ‘onother gun again and to help keep Piss okt aes ee ena Ben oS Cor ane ee rz ae ken eerie just ‘A seasoned cop with a lot of attitude. PA Tog ‘An open-minded cop. Officer Cathy eee Creer tt erceerep G56 0:65) GameBasics Basic Training for New Players Aes moro SCR Rea Raa ee eee ceo: how to make things happen, finding items and managing your inventory, boosting Aya's levels, and how to use her PE Powers. Plus, you'll learn how to modify your weapons and armor, and how to fight the many battles you'll face throughout the game, IF you're not interested in everything I have to say, | at least suggest you take the fime to read the weapons and armor information, because it's one of UR Rees eee mac cc Dee ue Mae: oo ee aon cel Ary ee ete ee ees ea a eee nea ee ‘sf dialogue. If you're not paying attention, you can ea: as to your next destination, so take the time to talk to everyone and care- fully read everything, Cee cord Re Ae ORD oN aa ol ita RT Ren ads ERR MR Ree CU eC or Raa me Rea of Sony’s Dual Shock controllers, you can run without pressing a button by using the analog stick There's really litle reason to walk in Parasite Eve. The only time it comes in handy is when you're hav- ing trouble opening a door, a chest, or picking up an item. Walking helps you pinpoint the spot where Pos While wandering around, you'll encounter a lot of enemies. Fights occur in spe- Cele SR Ce eo a ero eR RR re ead percentage chance she'll encounter enemies. This percentage is fairly high the firs Rae Mee unease race ete RCo aco ee Pe ee ee ee en cere ere oe Re a nae ae cca oa soe Om eR ec) Cer eee MO cera) mio’ Cea Re) et a Pa uke ote ad ing happens, simply move. litle fo one side or the other and try again. | ed Bl eg co) Creme Rom MTs CM ree) ' OMe ea Ree ORs eC a | eben cig L ‘Some of the most important objects you'll interact with are telephones, which are ret Cae ae ets out by a blinking red light. Any time you see one, you should consider saving Dee oN RT CR Col od ry ee ae a ole aa after any major event. If not, you could find yourself having to repeat a lene eT pees ‘On Day Two, you'll gain access to the World mee SINTER eB a) Tre Me or Nec yer) bie ee RoR aos Oe Se en a em Coal ce ceca at optional, so if you're feeling lost you should go to any new areas that may have appeared on the World Map. To select a location, press Left or Right ‘on your controller to highlight the location you're interested in visiting, and | then press X once. This causes the camera to zoom in on the selected build- | ing. Press X a second time to enter the area. RCN MLS aM CCH ATT NCLCA Te ARN Ug Re ek Re sl AMR) Rene mee eRe eR ese e me ZA co I mM eL your inventory and where to look for items, you may end up needlessly trashing valuable, een ee ect ki aa ets ee Ro ee A er Role Sl eee ors eee ecu Minch uaa kunt: ct mse Ko. ere eee ecenieal Se eves: Pee eens eee aR eee ee eae Me Ce oa chests for safe storage. Or, if your inventory is full, you can always Py re Re no AL a le 2 time only, so once you've taken the item you can't put it back in that spot, Also, if your inventory is full you'll have to make room for the new item by using or discarding another item. Teovoid this problem, you need to manage your inventory very carefully. Avoid picking up less useful items and always put single-use items like keys in storage. You should do the same with Cae au pCR CURR UL ars Pee eMC ya Re ms Ae oS kle y always be found downstairs. Speak to him and select “Store Item” or “Store Equipment,” and Dem cota ae pa RW el etl ACU aa sau ke To eau} ee your inventory by limiting the num- ene ee eet] ee ee eae cory ren ate ae Cd most of her healing needs, so sove Ce Ry Coe up yo) . t's a good idea to slowly stockpile CCU eek ee ee Medicine 4. Stick them in Weapon Storage for use later in the game » | you really need them. GAME BASIC S|" VM Re RM ec) As a cop, Aya may still be a little green, but she’s an excellent shot with any gun and more than able to roll with the punches. Let's face it, Aya is one tough lady. Naturally, this is partly due to her mito- chondria, but a lot of Aya’s development is left up to you, the player. ¥ | ye Beefing Ug ‘As you progress through the game, you'll slowly build Aya’s PE powers, as well as her levels. Level build- Te gu oR RRR rads ae mo glory of combat. However, eventually everyone has to bite the bullet and do a little bit of level building, ee an) ah fe Just keep walking P over “hot spots” until a batile occurs. In the early stages of the gameyany fight wil ae do, but as Aya grows stronger she'll need to face tougher and tougher enemies to ensure her own growth. This is because each time Aya gains a level, she'll need a Dey eee Ce Ud ce Ta Roa) ‘a way that you'll face stronger enemies as you progress. ese Cael pan, Tr Ret ue a oie ee oe ke ene ane od ces se) much level building in one area, Aya should constantly be increasing in strength. In the walkthrough with each of the Bosses, you'll find a suggested level. This =] indicates, in our opinion, the minimum level Aya should be at to face the | ~ eee em et aed eee pth es q | Faraeli ab-ea en arama iy atts ear Aaa a eek a em eo Boss, This being the case, don't be afraid to top the suggested level ee . : , Na CRs Rr a Mea RRC UN oreo yee eR ee ee ee er Le red Pee sa een Mem eae an ed eel am ig cot} a Ee ae aR as Bonus Points Each time Aya gains a level, she receives an amount of Bonus Points. These can be 1) Coen CE an Tu eee a inventory, or to pump up the statistics on a weapon or piece of armor. Un im nT os De ee Rs oN) A Re Li oe hse Bonus Points in one area, you'll be hurting in another. For example, it isn’t a bad fee a a PCPS aM eC RCcu Rep Aart equipment. However, it’s better to learn how to manage your inventory with fre- quent trips to the Precinct rather than wasting a thousand Bonus Pee Cea q Ef Ue Re oe ea) weapon and armor. You can en transfer these points as you switch eon a Rem cece VAAN] oe Gee Mee cau mere oe uel or — OL COON oR eee MURR CMe) aes ae eRe a eed Ce EA URC WR ee eee eta eg _ you defeat the enemy. However, each time a monster hits Aya, a predetermined amount of See RC era RU Renee ee rere mee ee hl Ce aU) ron nah ace Bed yr Pe oy also receive Bonus Points in the EX Game for the maximum 6 points. If ee mt times during a battle, mpleting days and for finishing the game. This Ce CU OS aCe Ce CS EU CUE ol eae Cl ees fora definitely need the extra power to defeat the your time to dodge and | chrysler Building in the EX Game. ferret F Powers Aya's big advantage over her enemies is her Parasite Energy (PE) powers. These powers give rece Rel Re RM Roe Rm cme RM ere Mama oe Te Re me ee ek nha eee et PE management. i OT Cn a ea Re ro eC ed “ore Peer aes at ec Cece secu els CELTEE TR re hee a ee eRe eae ae eae TOF pa pe ae ab Maa yaa Ue eee eT ASC Y eae RU a ey choosing which armor to wear. PE also only recharges so much, so don't be surprised when in the middle of a long Boss fight ‘Aya’s PE stops regenerating. This is yet another reason to learn to manage Aya's PE. Use too much at the wrong time and you may be left defenseless! kee ll aay Oe ae esac eT Ces) a's PE. If you're in the middle of a long battle and ya's PE regeneration comes to a stop or at least a slow crawl, you can speed things up again with a sim- ple armor switch. Because Aya's PE is partially deter- mined by her armor, switching armor in the middle of ISCO a eae ee ee CC | | Ieee Ie ere a ete caer eT) Coe o aL COR LEC LeCCs Lene TTL) Ce ee a er) A RN oe Ca ees Parasite Energy List Power a Learned LCT Sele i Level 1 ny eee a aL Level 4 Rott ty og Sere a eNaeacecc ier DTT 4 CC acer) OR ily Leela a Ceri Veta aie Senta einer Level 13 ead oer ae oles ene) ony tees oon enone eat enya Crary Reco M Muu ume Level 20 rae nin Cre CE ira ys Gene Heal Od a NC a Level 25 Pre Removes all negative Status Level 28 Effects PTT TE) CONRAN anole ike) Level 30 OCs Crarlcriel| aaelie MCcUTek TS) A Pe ry Te etre emer it Renn Level 33 Bids ertried CM eR te Ret ce a Meryl aa Pea CURE) Feiner oe) Aya without having to fill her inventory with tons of Oe Mena Lol pene) always have a few Medicines around just in case you run low on PE Cea Cem Re ete SN eee e el oot og AU aging her. Each attack absorbed by Barrier uses some of Aya's PE. When her PE runs out, Barrier dis- eee liberate is Aya’s best attack power. It uses all of Aya’s PE to unleash an extremely powerful attack against a group of enemies. The damage caused to each enemy varies, but you can count on the attack to typically inflict 1200+ points of damage overall. Status Effects: Good & Bad Cea Peel ale i number of good and bad statuses. Good statuses are usually the result Ayo's PE or an item; bad statuses are caused by enemy attacks. Of course, Aya can also use Dee eee iN mau Oe ui eR eo em eu Fee un RR aR ck Meme Rate aly the effect. Good statuses simply wear off after a short period of time, but you can always recast them. Bad Status Effects Saeki OLE am hark item Counter PE Counter Crea PSO at Corr et Oe ee Cts Caceres SECU L Peay TOIL Cure-D, Full Cure Medic, Full dome is reduced to Le ELE Confusion See (ott ora Re eC om COE) tres PC Sn me OC caer aati erm) er) cor ee Aya is slowed or te a ett eo paralyzed and her ceed AT is slowed | ce] een. | Bay sed before Aya is hit with a bad Cra ee Ce Ua Les rather than cure it. For example, if you use a Cure-P on Aya at the start of a battle, it wil es CEE rere Good Status Effects Status Description Ld TTT eet) Coed ‘Aya moves quicker ee Nr Cer eee eg Ce a ee esse] ee er None a Mea a tacos) fea. None i CoE rey re oT back to life if killed in battle om Removes (prevents) Den eG siete etee ee ca re | ced cvret ue oa edu) Ys ome Deena Let Pe a ol eee ae ce Full Cure a Cee ca) eat | Anti-Confusion/Cure-C, Confusion Confusion effect during battle Recover Full Cure a Sed Tessie ea DO here Coes eee Se te Full Cure 1 (ee ae ee Ra aoe 2a Re AU Re eee Lae ability to fine-tune your equi ee rete Me ORT eli iele Res eum tu ot em a tM Rec rR iN Re Re mall BioeT LRR rel caer anor Cre Ee sR Rar eae ela oN ces acer de cert SMP which equipment to use Osteen ale ys | EI yr er er fey ie ee, et, pad er ches Abe ea ce st aad igh aa Cree aS hy a Oe Ton Lute} Mee Nace Bae cel ake by egies mapdnes sae When picking a gun, you should keep in mind the weapon’s main purpose. Pent eae ee eke es Aiea eal 1 Mea 2 aoe Reel rome RRs ecu mir psat le Rifles This class has the second longest attack range and is the yeseceries Ree Smee oe out Relies Ee Aun Un cK come eel re Soe EOC ee Re Re nm el Re hold a large amount of ammunition, they often come wi ial effects that can prove to be costly in battle. Yherwise, their range and attack powers are average. BO This class is high on attack power, but short on range a1 Cente A vets eRe mercy ae rare oa Reel Og ets MO error Re mit M RCo COM Mia els SS ue LAR BLA ael a Ci ican Cr Mi ae ee eel uN a ls Rego) effect. Outside of that they have a very low firing rate, | Papa Cel sigs aeare: Vaullnaea these weapons as salvage for powering up your main Assos Rocket Launchers No other weapon class has as much power or range as [ee ete eal ere eee eee ae the lack of Rockets found in the game. Conserve your erate een een eee en vat ene pe eee eer eis Ie pon Cert You'll be required to carry one of these at all fimes. Mel weapons have no ammunition, and their range is extremely limited. You can use these to steal from your Cea aie ! ——— aa I you choose a Rifle, you'll always have a range advantage, but you'll give up a faster firing eo en kee et a a Rea eae Pat control over your shots. As you can see, which weapon you choose as your main weapon will factor heavily into how you can fight the enemy. Early on, you should try a weapon from each class and see which fits your style best. Fem eo here Rein Ree Cle amen esd se) ORenesaee h Cea eee co ee eect te ete ae Cera Reco Peta psec rss Description fara Oey CRs cele amt es ay Ter TEP YO Uy e) | Ga | are Eo ON ee ecm Ce —) eT ea ea titer | Gate | ot ore OX Na Beg ca | er Tecra POE) orn ects Add Cyanide to Bullets TE ae PeKe) rar Rey ON. Mace oa oe Td CTT TT ES VAOk oe Baad COO LNs Coe Mat eam OYA Weapons: M11, Micro UZ, MP5PDW, Full UZ ict eS 4 NT Seu a Rea Weapons: MP5SD6, MP5A5 cing Spray multiple targets Weapons: M870 LEE Steal Item SSS aR aoe Cel L kel nel sit Seem Aiea Rel mee Relea CeeeeEnKe lay a (eo) mans Description Quickdraw aT Aeros Weapons: Club 3, Mark 23 Corte Nurs ett eel Mace ete MMe Weapons: MAG, AK-47, Club 4 Counter Ce cele aU CT TOs a ON GVA 0 Command x2 La a ROUTED ATT Ta ram d-1010 Od ee) a meu Eres eat. AT eC amy Weapons: M84F, P220, G22, P226, SP1C, DESOAE2, M96R, M870, M500, MP5A5, M16A1, SG550, PSG-1, MAG, M79 LoCo a ae ee} MWe re me Ru RARER GBS Pom Weapons: M1911A1, M9, M92F, G19, G23, M1911A2, P229, Mark23, IV): La oI VS) Cleo agi ee) Ae cole Sterol NC MTU = Weapons: PPK, USP-TU, M11, Poa) Sc Mini UZI, AKA7 CTC a ArT reece CUT = Pom / i ATT TCO leah CT emia) Weapon can shoot 10 times Area) SOM oo) aCe Special Rounds: These are typically the most powerful or detrimental of effects. Acid, Cyanide, and Tranquilizer Rounds are valuable on any weapon. However, Freezing and Explosive Rounds are only good against creatures weak against cold or heat. If a monster is, ee ed ek icc kuin eee Rae nc Random Shot: This is a detrimental effect. Not only do you lose control of how mony shots A\ Will take each turn, you also loose precise control. NEVER put this on a weapon. Burst: With this on your weapon, you can attack multiple targets with each shot. Burst gives yo weapon a cone of fire; anything within the cone is hit. This is perhaps the best effect available, Ba Rel A Ru Re one aR one Remo encod Ges one et eR ee RN ees Ree ae ue Read Tara nenhna ay loonie ie iar sey paket al eer Re Me Sco R CT oe Real to MT eae Res ou aay the end, this effect is well worth having. ee UU Au Lt eRe cos alls Renee Md Re ee eel Cen Dee eee meu ae) it unless you have plenty of emply slots on your weapon. ‘Commands: This effect enables you to De eee mee es ae alpaca gate spac Bee ete ee Reece Re ere acu Cun een oe Cees Rate of Fire: This is the most deceptive effect in the game. Naturally, you'd think that higher is better, but higher rate of fire means less power behind each shot. Eventually, you'll want to com} Feu effect from your main weapon and rely on Command effects for firing more than one shot each turn. oy Effect Description ce ECE Me Ra aM ae od Ret UNC om MTC R Col ty nese oa agra un ta Sm ee Anti-Poison elo) Oa COs Eo aCe Sey Le Anti-Confusion Resists Confusion HP Up ree crag ita ae)) Lie ron Nelo one ea a dz) Pe eld eg Fea et tra PE Light PE burden decreases Pe ae ee ee es een ee eed eee ee keeping Aya from dying if the enemy gets a lucky hit. However, these effects aye annoying because you have no control over when the items are used. There's also no guarantee that they PLU ao Tea eu eee ee ee Tne ew al de ene IOLA | pm eA arent e Ss) Senet oets] Anti Effects: Although these only give you a percentage chance of avoiding a nasty effect, they’re well worth having. Eventually, you'll want to have each of these on your main armor. Up Effects: These bonuses are always good to have. They help Aya reach her maximum Peo Des ele SPS eee Re eel Rel es elt MeN mo reduce Aya’s combat effectiveness. GAME BASICS ad } ‘ ee ee Ae a eae rt ie ma A fata tage 0 iar arate ae a ing Torres or Wayne make a modificaion. To get them fo do so, you'll need Per ene a Coa eek Ame Each weapon can only handle so many slots, so keep this in mind as you're choosing how to fil then De Ra ee eu nthe RA at The fine-tuning of your equipment is left up to you. By using Tools and Super Tools, you can transf Cee ea ee cease tagee tl uu ee) ‘With enough time and scrounging, you re Up a Ree an ee ae eu hee a Raya ee Using Tools is easy. Open Aya’s in-game menu and choose the Tune Up Icon (gu and wrench). Select the weapon/armor you want to tune up, and then se Ree etme Doe ta eee uM ele ee eee epee ahaa ek Ra a cael [ree Aes parietal aaa Tools transfer the Plus stats or one effect from an item, and then discards the iten Sa BRU mse gers eg Oe up ae ms ac skeen cen See a oe ee eed eee en ec Pca TMs ea OR anne eee emt eet teen eta Ae ry) eo ne mem Ca Ras ceae ‘example, if your weapon has a Rate of Fire x3 and you transfer a Rate of Fire x5 to it, the Rate c emt ie Fee AUR Ne eRe Lee om pa at ee Effects, Random Shots, and Steal Effects. ee ek Roe er Re emo Mela ee ere R Con) CRI Min aR eee ue uns eat Mul ea arnt Tool, your weapon will be discarded. Ithas been my experience that Rifles are the best weapons. Although they fire a little slowly, they com foie RMU Ree Mem Re MS aeRO Monee met and then upgrade as you get the chance. Eventually you'll want to get the AK47, MAG, or FA-MAS As far as effects go, you should get Acid Rounds, Tranquilizer Rounds, SC aun ede cu Recut ee Kage Tee ot oe Co RO co Te ee ey ices Ree a oe oa old Pari Leese plea i a ale ely ao — Obviously, you can’t get all of this your first time th at Seer nr ces ha és ey | Urea OR Cul eels nn eee Ree ft neared RC a kee ae eer Rok ah er ae eer ace eer eee oe Cn ee aT eee | Attack Up, Auto Heal, Auto Cure, and Inventory Bonus +4. — TODA alte sod a aR eC cao Re eR ofthese effects as possible. Then you can transfer them all to your final equipment for use in the enact iy Bim (ales Tre DAL ge CM at RoR Mol ts i CNL TRC Role Vee Setanta ec ng ig: Pa This section introduces you to Parasite Eve’s battle system and all of its little nuances. You'll encounter enemies in predetermined locations, which I refer to as “hot spots.” Each time you pass over a hot spot, there's a percentage chance you'll enter battle. The first time you pass CM rR Roe RRC Os Ae ar RR ML) odds ies fing into a fight at that location get lower and lower. The main reason you need to know this is for level building. Once you get into a fight, you can CA en Mu eam sched ose Reh tel coy ref at ONT ea aT low and you're out of PE and Medicines. By pelts ts ca re cord ated od Ce certain spots in fear of being wiped out by the creatures lurking there. How quickly Aya can attack is determined by her AT gauge, the blue tae Cr ae ee an rood sae eae ea To attack, press the X button on your controller to open the targetin », dome. Select an enemy by pressing Left or Right on the pies MRC Ru ar ee See TARR og Ru cupae oe necns See ce keine ers able shots or until you're satisfied. To stop assigning shots before you Pea era nee eed Paton) Aer assigning all of your shots, Aya will begin firing. During this time, you lose control over her, so be careful how many shols you take at any one | Oe eae ean ce Aya won't be in danger. 1 ifs very important that you pay attention to the size of your targeting dome. ‘Aya can easily hit anything inside the dome, but a en is Patan a eee eed en ea eed am Oe oA oR ome oR te RA oO aes ee MCR ure oe Aya’s weapon runs out of ammunition during a battle, she'll automatically reload. This stretch- ss out her attack time, so keep an eye on her weapon's ammunition and leave her extra time me rere ML oe RCM Ue RT mC gener Bru an ec weapon and the Ammo Crate will be shown in the information tox. IF you really want fo play it safe, you can always reload your weapon after each battle, By ing so, you'll rarely have to worry about Aya reloading in battle GAME BASICS Oh ail) ain Every so often, you'll need to heal or cure Aya in battle. To do so, press the A button and select the Item Icon for items or the PE leon for PE powers. Then highlight the item or PE you want to use and press the X button. me a Roe Ls oot aa Fick ansr fe Agsdooased rh keh na nck poor Cree Mi eae Re et ee em oo icc Geen ed ue ean se me ee The PE bor (he green and red bar below Aya's HP) piece i Hw! og ow agave SY eae A ae rol et Re Be ee ies i De Ua eR or Lo ea a ae oa eae ncn a Oe A SU ee RO ool eaten) a Take advantage of easy battles by healing Aya and giving her PE bar time to refill. This way, you'l COU ul Waa M Ree AER UR Seu aes ai an ee Ru Ro ae Cee Re em eae MM eR ty Oe Ue es oral Ras) eee ae CAS a eed el Oe ofeleTTe MAC leLt Ts Mee Reel Reo a eRe ea MMe oe RCo mee RN or cose Ne Cee cnn een cece ene eke a eet eee a Stat a oe eters Rule #1: Keep moving at all times. If Aya doesn’t stand around in one spot, her enemy will have a much tougher time hitting her. LO eM a UL ele] ole Moe ered eee rec eae eet ae UU CR Pa ele aM cite pa cote A Cel Ce Rell] ele) aoe re A ae Mia oes tol RMR ono ella Escaping Tae een Rm a Rei RR eran Mn cus Mlle 0, press the bution on your controller and select the Escape leon. If Aya successfully escapes, she Cree keels ie ee Re ee eee a eee aeons UR Ree eMC ag Res Riel Ace Mee Re sel Ceca auntie ESM neu Ae eRe Re Ce ol Ol ere Boss ells re) LT RR a Rene eo ene Minne ero oy PM a ce co) 5 fe) ot 4 ~ 5 > |< ate a bole hekekehesehenere) Valkthrough In this chapter, you'll find strategy for each portion of the game accompa- nied by two sets of maps. The strategy gives you a step-by-step walkthrough of each area, indicating where you need to turn, importantthings to keep in mind, secrets you'll find, new equipment available, and how to defeat the Bosses. The maps provide two ways of finding your way through each Grea. | suggest using the illustrated maps for most of your navigational needs, while reserving the screenshot maps for those times when you just can’t seem to find a door or item. At the beginning of each section, you'll notice the following three pieces of information: enemies, weapons, and armor. The enemy list indicates all of the enemies you'll face in that particular area, along with a page number indicating where you can find strategy on how to defeat them, aL ak | CL ee is a reference to help you locate each enemy's stats in the bestiary. This number has nothing to do with the num- ber of that particular enemy you'll CCC The weapons and armor lists show all of the weapons and armor available in that area. If two pieces of equipment are split with an.“or,” this means there's a percentage chance thot you'll find one,oF thé other. In addition to the strategy for defeating each Boss, you'll find a “Suggested Level.” This number indicates the level we feel Aya should be‘at before fighting the Bosses. Is even better to be at a higher level than the one recommended, because it makes the Boss fight a bit easier. IF you are more interested in sticking fo the main path instead of finding oll the little things strewn throughout the game, you can ignore most of the “Notes.” These tidbits of information tend fo reveal litle side things you can do or pro- vides extra bits of strategy. | suggest you read them, but it isn’t necessary. Well, enough of the talk. Let's get on with the game! cag ay one J] Carnegie Hai Enemies: Rat (1) p. 166, Parrot (1) p. 167, Actress p. 199, Eve (1) p. 199 You begin the game at Carnegie Hall, where Aya Brea has just arrived with her date. You are then given the chance to rename Aya. Normally, | suggest that you not change a character's name fo By avoid confusion while using a strategy name Aya whatever you want, because this is a one-woman game. After nam- ing-Ayd, head into-the opera house, where Aya has a run-in with destiny. ae You can make Aya run by holding the @ ee Lee COLT Cd getting around a lot faster and easier. After the FMV, run up to the stage to meet the actress responsible for the recent chaos. After a short conversation, you are forced into a brief battle against the actress, Hatt] LVL HP) _BONUS/MINUS 1 40 0/0 u haven't read the chapter that discusses ic battle tactics, now would be a good time. "Otherwise, prepare for what should be an ea ‘and brief battle. The Actress has only. ‘Gttack: an energy beam that she fires every | seer? seconds, You can easily avoid the attack by watching the round the Actress. When it Begins to'eonwverge'on the Actress! hand) unt the side, This will make the beam fire just behind Aya, missing her « 1 Now is the time fo counter his Quickly press the X bution fo access the targeting dome. If the Actress is outside the dome, press the @ button to cancel the action so you can shorten the distance between the two characters. When s X two more times to fire two er a few hits, the battle will end Chase Eve offstage and examine the large hole that at one time must have been a staircase. Choose the “Forget It” option for now, ond return to the Theater's entrance. I's here where you'll find two police officers and a paramedic. Speak with the paramedic and he'll patch up Aya if she took B cny damage in the first fight. Then speak f with the police- jf man on the far fight, who offers Aya some clips for her gun. Speok with him 10 times, and he'll cough up 60 rounds of ammu- nition before he cuts her off oO z (S) Cee eR CMe Lt ees as to the large hole Eve left behind. Inside chests like these, you'll. find useful items, armor, and weapons. Typically, Ma CCE eee so check the maps for their exact loca SUC es Ln se Begg) Now run bock into the Theater and make your way backstage, Hop down the large hole and follow the hall into the dressing room area fy Upon your first-examination of the area, you'll notice that the doors are locked, so you'll have to return here once you get a key. Head for the end of the hall, and you'll have an encounter with a sewer rat that’s been transformed by Eve's strange powers. mmunition. To do so, access the Status screen by pressing the & button, and then select the Weapon Icon. Now you can ee ee LT CRE? weapon), which doesn't require ammuni- tion. Keep in mind, however, that the Pc eC LUT S Lec ieee) cae eee OE = PO ee ae Ce After defeating the Rat, con- tinue to the end of the hall and check the last do« the left. Inside you'll find a burned actor leaning heavily ‘on a desk. Have Aya knock this person ‘over, and then search the carcass find the Theater Key. Now you can unlock most the'locked doors ‘in the hallway. Also, don’t miss e chest hidden next to the desk. Psa vio wri gameJ There's a flashing red Light on the desk in this room. This Light denotes a telephone that serves as —- Ce Cre pot) POE Ce LCLCMRG Saat Tce ing the X button), and SC ea) prompts to save your game. » NY) Now that you have prety much free reign of the place, you should yeck each of the rooms along the hall. You'll find lots of items in chests, dressers, and lockers. The only room you must enter, Melissa "the Actress’ dressing room, is one door south of where you found the Theater Key. Wi Inside Melissa's dressing B room, you'll ind her diary ‘on her desk. Make sure you read it completely, because you'll find the Rehearse Key after the last page. This key gives you access to the Rehearsal Room at the end of the hall, but don’t go there just yet. eee CARN day one a ee bis me oa eC ou enter the hall. Inside the closet in a Re LT CL ee LCL SUC RUC COM ey Ce ee rr ee COL) CL ee ing the N Protector armor. Take a litle time to. explore the remaining rooms, collect items, and build levels by fighting creatures. If you're looking for enemies, you'll find. them in specific spots I like fo call “hot spots.” For example, the area in which you fought the Rat is a hot spot. Each time you walk through that area, there's a chance that you'll encounter some enemies, Remember these ispots ondlerisscross’ them, leaving ond fe-entering the area to build up Aya’s powers. ait “ r tle, you may need to heal Aya. To do so, open he Status screen by pressing the & button, and then choose ‘one of the following options. You can use Medicines and Cures by selecting the Item icon EUR Re LL OC ee. ee Ue CC co Ler you'll want to rely more on Aya's Parasite Energy (PE). “ L. o a PCs ee icon. This accesses a list of Aya's larasite Powers. She begins the game i > TR ee Sets eae Ty a Oe eee CCL e Tor en ee EOC eS) CROC eee Lee ee tain amount of PE. If Aya doesn't have enough PE to use a CU aU CL eC UC ee aT) Nedicines for those times when things get really rough. Next, you should try to raise Aya's level to 4. Once you're ready, head for the double doors of the Rehearsal.Room at the end of the hall Inside this room, you'll find Eve tinkering away at the piano. ee Pract Level: 4 | Wt. HP BONUS/MINUS ge 40 0/0 “Eve is c little tougher this time, but not much. Instead of shooting one beam, she now shoots two ond’ can’ sweep: the beams across. room, which makes them tougher to dodge. | Stay a good distance from Eve so as when. she ‘around the begins to charge up energy, you / i should stand still because she'll shoot beams.on both sides of Aya. Sometimes she fionless, but at other times she'll side to side while shooting, [EMRE e/: ‘between the beams without power, the power will appear in gray instead of the usual < a CARNEGIE

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