1-18 Resumo

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What's this? It’s a book. It’s a notebook.

It’s a pen. It’s a pencil. It’s a desk.
It’s a chair. It’s a table. It’s a magazine.
It’s a window. It’s a letter. It’s a newspaper.
Where’s the book? It’s on the table. It’s on the desk. It’s on the chair.
Who's he? What's he doing?
He’s talking. He’s reading a book.
He’s reading a magazine. He’s reading a newspaper.
He’s reading a letter. He’s opening the door. He’s opening the window.
Is the book open or closed now? Is the door open or closed?
Is the notebook open or closed? Is the window open or closed?
It’s open. It’s closed.
He's Tom Baker. He’s in the classroom. He’s opening the book.
Where is he? He’s in the classroom.
What’s he doing? He’s opening the book.
Is she short or tall? She’s short.
Is she fat or thin? She’s thin.
Is she young or old? She's young.
Is she happy or sad? She’s happy.
What’s she doing? She’s writing in the notebook.
She’s writing on the blackboard.
She’s picking up the pencil.
She’s Sally Smith. She’s young.
She’s picking up the pen. He’s talking to the teacher.
What’s she doing? She’s walking to school.
What’s he doing? He’s playing football.
What’s she doing? She’s picking up the book.
Whose book is it? It’s his book.
What’s he doing? He’s writing with a pen.
Whose pen is it? It’s his pen.
Whose notebook is it? It’s his notebook.
She’s closing a purse. It’s her purse.
She’s opening a lunch-box. It’s her lunch-box.
She’s carrying an umbrella It’s her umbrella.

Where’s Tom sitting? He’s sitting at his desk.
Where’s Mary standing? She’s standing at the blackboard.
What’s Tom doing? He’s writing in his notebook.
Is he writing with a pen or pencil? He’s writing with a pencil.
Who’s she? She’s Mary Green.
Is she writing with a pencil or a piece of chalk? She’s writing with a piece of chalk.
Is Mary tall or short? She’s short.
Is she fat or thin? She’s thin.
What’s she doing? She’s writing on the blackboard.
What’s she writing? She’s writing a word.
Is she young or old? She’s young.
What’s she doing now? She’s walking to her desk now.
What’s she carrying? She’s carrying an umbrella.
She’s carrying a lunch-box. He’s carrying a briefcase. He’s carrying a camera.
What’s this? It’s an umbrella. It’s an apple.
It’s a ruler. It’s a hat.
What are these? They’re umbrellas. They’re apples.
They’re rulers. They’re hats.
They’re Tom and Carol Baker. He’s a student. She’s a student.
They’re students. He’s a teacher. She’s a teacher. They’re teachers.
What is he? He’s a student. What is she? She’s a student.
Who are they? They’re Tom and Carol Baker.
What are they? They’re students.
What are the boys doing? They’re playing cricket.
They’re playing tennis. They’re talking to the teacher.
They’re writing on the blackboard. They’re talking to the teacher.
What are they studying? They’re studying English. They’re studying arithmetic.
They’re studying geography. They’re studying science.
What’s this? What’s that? It’s an apple. It’s a banana.
These are notebooks. Those are books.
These are pens. Those are pencils.
These are apples. Those are pears.
These are oranges. Those are bananas.
What are these? They’re notebooks.
What are those? They’re books.
Where are they now? They’re at school now.
What are they studying now? They’re studying English now.
Is he standing up or sitting down? He’s standing up.
What did he do? He picked up the book.
What’s he doing? He’s picking up the book.
What did she do? She opened the door.
The windows are open. They’re closing the windows.
The windows are closed now. They closed the windows.
What’s that? It’s a light. Is it on or off? It’s off.
What’s he doing? He’s turning on the light.
Is the light on or off now? It’s on now.
What did he do? He turned on the light.
This is a radio. It’s on. She’s turning off the radio The radio is off now.
She turned off the radio. What did she do? She turned off the radio.
They’re moving the table. The table is next to the blackboard now. They moved the table
What are they doing? Where’s the table now? What did they do?
Where's the chair? It’s next to the table. It’s next to the door.
Where’s the calendar? It’s next to the window.
Where’s the map? It’s next to the calendar.
Where’s the picture? It’s next to the map.
Where’s the chair? It’s next to the table.
Where did he walk? He walked to the blackboard. She walked to the window.
They walked to the door. He walked to the blackboard.
What did they move? They moved the chairs. They moved the boxes.
They moved the bookcase. They moved the chairs.
Whose books are these? These are their books.
Whose pencils are those? Those are their pencils.
Whose house is that? That’s their house.
Whose car is this? This is their car.
Who are they? They’re Tom Baker and Mary Green.
Where are they? They’re at school.
Where are their books? Their books are on their desks.
Where is their house? Their house is in this street.
Where is their teacher? Their teacher is in the classroom.
Where are their lunchboxes? Their lunchboxes are under their desks.
Where are their notebooks? Their notebooks are on their desks.
He’s wearing his hat. He’s wearing his coat too.
He’s wearing his gloves too. She’s wearing her hat.
She’s wearing her coat too. She’s wearing her gloves too.
They’re wearing their hats. They’re wearing their coats too.
What’s he wearing? What else is he wearing?
What are they wearing? What else are they wearing?
Tom and Carol are in his room. They’re doing their homework.
Tom is studying English. Carol is studying arithmetic.
Their books are open. It’s night. It isn’t day.
They turned off the radio. They turned on the lamp.
The lamp is on the table. The radio is on the table too.

Who’s he? He’s Tom Baker. What is he? He’s a student.
Is he young or old? He’s young.
What’s he doing? He’s talking to the teacher.
Who’s the teacher? The teacher is Mrs. West.
Is she tall or short? She’s tall.
Where’s she standing? She’s standing next to the blackboard
What’s she carrying? She’s carrying a book.
What are they studying? They’re studying English.
Are their notebooks open or closed? They’re open.
What are they doing now? They’re writing in their notebooks now.
Where are they? They’re in the classroom.
Where are their notebooks? Their notebooks are on their desks.
What did the students do? They opened their notebooks.
Are they writing with their pens or their pencils? They’re writing with their pencils.
I’m opening the lunchbox. I’m eating a sandwich.
What are you doing? I’m drinking some milk.
I’m eating an apple now. I’m opening the lunchbox.
I’m eating a sandwich. I’m drinking some milk.
I’m sitting at a desk. It’s my desk.
I’m opening a notebook. It's my notebook.
I’m writing with a pencil. It’s my pencil.
I’m talking to a teacher. She’s my teacher.
Where are you sitting? What are you opening?
Are you writing with a pen or a pencil? I’m writing with a pencil.
Who are you talking to? I’m talking to a teacher.
Whose desk is it? It’s my desk.
What’s she using? She’s using a piece of chalk.
What else is she writing? She’s writing some sentences too.
Is your notebook open or closed? It’s open.
What are you doing? I’m copying the words and sentences.
What are you using? I’m using my pencil.
Is your lunchbox open or closed? It’s open.
Is your lunchbox empty or full? It’s empty.
Why is it empty? Because I ate my sandwich and my apple.
Why is it open? Because I opened my lunchbox.
Is your glass empty or full? It’s empty.
Why is it empty? Because I drank my milk.
Is your desk dirty or clean? It’s clean.
Why is it clean? Because I cleaned my desk.
Why is it empty? Because I ate my sandwich and my apple
What’s his name? His name’s Tom Baker.
What’s her name? Her name’s Carol Baker
What’s your name? My name’s Bill Conklin.
What’s your teacher’s name?
What are you doing? We’re looking at the map.
Where are you? We’re in the classroom.
Where’s the table? It’s next to the blackboard. It’s next to the window now.
What are you doing? We’re moving the table.
Where’s the table now? It’s next to the blackboard.
We’re moving the table. It’s next to the window now.
Whose books are these? They’re our books.
Whose notebooks are these? They’re our notebooks.
Whose house is that? It’s our house.
Whose car is that? It’s our car.
Whose books are these? They’re our books.
Whose notebooks are these? They’re our notebooks.
Whose house is that? It’s our house.
Where are your books? They’re on our desks.
What are you doing? We’re putting our books under our desks.
Where are your books now? They’re under our desks now.
What did you do? We put our books under our desks.
I’m Tom Baker. She’s Carol Baker. We’re in my room.
We’re studying English. Carol is reading her book.
I’m writing sentences in my notebook.
The lamp is on. Carol turned on the lamp.
The radio is off. I turned off the radio.
Where are you sitting? I’m sitting at my desk.
What are you doing? I’m copying some sentences. I’m using my pencil.
Where is the teacher standing? She’s standing next to the blackboard.
We’re taking an examination. The teacher wrote the questions on the blackboard.
We’re answering the questions now. Our books are under our desks.
We put our books under our desks. Our notebooks are open. We opened our notebooks.
Did you read a newspaper or a magazine? I read a newspaper.
Did you do Exercise One or Exercise Two? I did Exercise Two.
Did you wear a sweater or a coat? I wore a sweater.
Did you write with a pencil or a pen? I wrote with a pen.
Where did you sit? We sat at our desks.
Where did the teacher stand? She stood next to the blackboard.
What did you eat? We ate hamburgers.
Did you wear a sweater or a coat? I wore a sweater.
What did you drink? We drank coffee.
Where did you sit? We sat at our desks.
Where did the teacher stand? She stood next to the blackboard.
Did she teach Lesson Three or Lesson Four? She taught Lesson Four.
Did they put their books or their notebooks on the floor? They put their books on the floor.
Did they take an examination or a break? They took a break.
Did he speak to Sally or to Mary? He spoke to Sally.
Where’s he going? He’s going to the door. She’s going to the lab.
They’re going to the library. We’re going to the gym. He went to the office.
They went to the library. We went to the gym.
Where did she go? She went to the blackboard.
Why did they go to the gym? To play basketball.
Why did you go to the lab? To listen to the tape.
Why did she go to the library? To look at a book.
Why did he go to the office? To talk to his teacher.
Why did you go to answer the lab? To listen to the tape.
Why did he go to the office? To talk to his teacher.
Who’s that? That’s Tom Baker.
Is he a student or a teacher? He’s a student.
Where’s he going? He’s going to the office.
Where did he go? He went to the office.
Why did he go to the office? To speak to his teacher.
Where did he sit? He sat next to the teacher’s desk.
Whose scarf is this? It’s Carol’s scarf. It’s her scarf.
Whose jacket is this? It’s Tom’s jacket. It’s his jacket.
Whose shoes are these? They’re John’s shoes. They’re his shoes.
Whose tie is this? It’s Bill’s tie. It’s his tie.
It’s Ann’s watch. It’s her watch. They’re Sally’s keys. They’re her keys.
Is this Carol’s scarf or her hat? It’s her scarf.
Are these John’s shoes or his gloves? They’re his shoes.
Is this Ann’s watch or her purse? It’s her watch.
Is this Tom’s jacket or his coat? It’s his jacket.
Is this Bill’s tie or his sweater? It’s his tie.
He’s Tom Baker He’s a boy. He’s Mr. Tompkins. He’s a man.
Is he a boy or a man? He's a man.
She’s Carol Baker. She’s a girl.
She’s Mrs. West. She’s a woman.
Who’s she? She’s Carol Baker.
Is she a girl or a woman? She’s a girl.
They’re Mr.Baker and Mr.Green. They’re men.
They’re Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Johnson. They’re women.
Are they boys or men? They’re men.
Are they girls or women? They’re women.

What’s his name? His name’s Tom Baker.
What’s he studying? He’s studying arithmetic.
What’s she doing? She’s explaining the lesson.
What is he? He’s a student.
Where is he now? He’s in his classroom now.
Who’s he listening to? He’s listening to his teacher.
What’s the teacher’s name? The teacher’s name is Miss Freeman.
What’s she pointing to? She’s pointing to the blackboard.
Why is he pointing to the map? Because he’s explaining a geography lesson.
What’s she pointing to? She’s pointing to the words.
Why is she pointing I to the words? Because she’s explaining an English lesson.
What’s her name? Her name’s Carol Baker.
Where did she go? She went to the cafeteria.
Did she sit at a big table or a little table. She sat at a big table.
What are her friends’ names? Her friends’ names are Sally and Mary.
What is she? She’s a student.
What did she eat and drink?
What is she? She ate a hamburger and drank a milkshake.
What did she do? She talked to her friends.
Are they students or teachers? They’re students too.
Where are the girls’ books? The girls’ books are on their desks.
Where are the boys’ books? The boys’ books are on the floor.
What are the teachers’ names? The teachers’ names are Mrs. West and Miss Freeman.
What are the students’ names? The students’ names are Tom and Carol.
What’s the man’s name? The man’s name is Mr. Baker.
What’s the woman’s name? The woman’s name is Mrs. Smith.
What are the men’s names? The men’s names are Mr. Baker and Mr. Green.
What are the women’s names? The women’s names are Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Johnson.
Is it a big library or a little library? It’s a little library.
What did you do then? Then I listened to some records.
Where did you go? I went to the library.
What did you do? I read a newspaper
What did you do after that? After that I looked at some books.
Where did you sit? I sat at a table.
Did you take any books home? I took one book home.
Where are you going? I’m going home.
Where are you now? I’m at home now.
What did you do? I went to school.
What did you do after that? After that I played football.
What did you do then? Then I went to my classes.
What did you do after that? After that I went home.
Who’s she? She’s Miss Freeman.
What is she? She’s an arithmetic teacher.
Who’s she talking to? She’s talking to Tom’s parents.
What is Mr. Baker? He’s Tom’s father.
What is Mrs. Baker? She’s Tom’s mother.
What are Mr. and Mrs. Baker doing? They’re visiting the school.
Who are they talking to? They’re talking to Tom’s teachers.
What are they doing now? They’re watching Tom’s history class.
Who are they? They’re the Baker family.
What are Tom and Carol Baker? They’re students.
What is Mr. Baker? He’s Tom and Carol’s father.
What is Mrs. Baker? She’s Tom and Carol’s mother.
What is Tom? He’s Carol’s brother.
What is Carol? She’s Tom’s sister.
Who are you? We’re Tom’s parents.
What did Tom do? He raised his hand.
What did you do then? Then we talked to his arithmetic teacher.
What did you do after that? After that we visited the library.
What did you do? We watched his history class.
Did he ask or answer a question? He answered a question.
Is she a young woman or an old woman? She’s a young woman.
What did you do after that? After that we went home.
What are they? They’re students.
What are they doing? They’re getting out of the bus.
How did they come to school? They came to school by bus.
What are they doing now? Now they’re going into the school.
Where are they standing? They’re standing in the corridor.
What’s the bell doing? The bell is ringing.
Where are they now? They’re in the classroom now.
Is the class beginning or ending? The class is beginning.
What’s on the table? There’s a dictionary on the table.
What’s on the desk? There’s a pencil on the desk.
What’s in her handbag? There’s a pen in her handbag.
What’s on the wall? There’s a map on the wall.
What’s on the table? There’s a dictionary on the table.
There’s a pencil on the desk. There’s a map on the wall.
There’s a picture next to the map.
Tom is raising his hand. He’s asking a question.
Where are the students? They’re in the classroom.
What’s on the wall? There’s a map on the wall.
What are they studying? They’re studying geography.
What’s next to the map? There’s a picture next to the map.
Is it a picture of London or Leeds? It’s a picture of London.
Is he asking or answering a question? He’s asking a question.
Is the teacher pointing to the map or the picture? She’s pointing to the map.
Where are the students? They’re in the classroom.
What’s in the box? There’s some chalk in the box.
What’s in the glass? There’s some water in the glass.
What’s in the bottle? There’s some ink in the bottle.
What’s in the drawer? There’s some paper in the drawer.
There’s a lunchbox on the table. There’s also an orange in the lunchbox.
There’s also a piece of cake in the lunchbox.
There’s also a glass on the table. There’s some milk in the glass.
Where’s Carol? She’s in the cafeteria.
What’s she doing? She’s eating lunch.
What’s in the lunchbox? There’s a sandwich in the lunchbox.
What’s on the table? There’s a lunchbox on the table.
What else is in the lunchbox? There's also an orange in the lunchbox.
What else is in the lunchbox? There’s also a piece of cake in the lunchbox.
What else is on the table? There’s also a glass on the table.
What’s in the glass? There’s some milk in the glass.
What’s in the classroom? There are some chairs in the classroom.
What else is there in the classroom? There are also some desks in the classroom.
There are also some pictures in the classroom.There are also some maps in the classroom.
What’s this? It’s Tom’s locker.
Is it in the corridor or the classroom? It’s in the corridor.
What’s on the door? There’s a padlock on the door.
What’s Tom doing? He’s opening the padlock with a key.
What’s in the locker? There’s a coat in the locker.
What else is in the locker? There’s a football in the locker.
What else is in the locker? There are some books in the locker.
There are some gym shoes in the locker.
There are two pens in his pocket. There are four girls at the table.
There are three windows in the classroom. There are five books on the desk.
How many pens are there in his pocket? How many windows are there in the classroom?
How many girls are there at the table? There are four girls at the table.
How many books are there on the desk? There are five books on the desk.
Who’s in the library? There are some students in the library.
How many boys are there in the library? There are three boys in the library.
How many girls are there in the library? There are two girls in the library.
Who else is in the library? There’s a teacher in the library too.
What are the boys doing? Two of the boys are reading.
What’s the other boy doing? The other boy is looking up a word in the dictionary.
What are the girls doing? They’re listening to records.
How many record players are there in the library? There are two record players in the library.
What’s the teacher doing? The teacher is looking at the catalogue.
Who’s at the desk? There’s a librarian at the desk.
How many lockers are there in the corridor? There are a lot of lockers in the corridor.
How many boys are there in the gym? There are a lot of boys in the gym.
How many cars are there in the street? There are a lot of cars in the street.
How much paper is there in the drawer? There’s a lot of paper in the drawer.
How much coffee is there in the cup? There’s a lot of coffee in the cup.
How much money is there on the desk? There’s a lot of money on the desk.
What’s in the top drawer? There’s a lot of paper in the top drawer.
What else is in the top drawer? There are some envelopes in the top drawer too.
What else is in the top drawer? There are some stamps in the top drawer too.
What’s in the middle drawer? There are some blackboard dusters in the middle drawer.
What’s in the bottom drawer? There’s a ruler in the bottom drawer.
How many notebooks are there on the desk? There are six notebooks on the desk.
How many keys are there on the desk? There are seven keys on the desk.
Tom is in his bedroom. He’s studying his lessons.
There are two windows in the bedroom. There’s a bookcase under the windows.
There are a lot of records and books in the bookcase. There’s a record player on the bookcase.
Tom’s bed is in one corner of the room. His desk is in the other corner.
There’s a radio on the desk. There’s a lamp on the desk too.
The radio is off and the lamp is on. Tom is sitting at the desk.

What’s this? It’s a school.
Is it a large or a small school? It’s a large school.
How many students are there in the school? There are a lot of students in the school.
Are there boys or girls in the school? There are both boys and girls in the school.
Is there a library in the school? Yes, there is.
Is there a hall in the school? Yes, there is.
Is there a gymnasium in the school? Yes, there is.
Are Tom and Carol Baker students in this school? Yes, they are.
What are they doing now? They’re going into the school now.
What’s this? It's the school hall.
Are there a lot of students in the hall now? Yes, there are.
What's the film about? It’s about London.
How many teachers are standing next to the door? There are two teachers standing next to the door.
How many seats are there in the hall? There are a lot of seats in the hall.
Who’s sitting next to Dick Johnson? Tom Baker is sitting next to Dick Johnson.
What time of day is it? It’s morning. It’s noon. It’s afternoon. It’s night.
What are they doing? They’re going home. They’re eating dinner.
They’re going to school. They’re eating lunch. They’re watching a film.
They’re going to bed. They’re having breakfast now
Today is Monday. Tom and Carol are getting up.
It’s morning. They’re having breakfast now. They're eating eggs.
They're drinking milk. They're leaving the house now. They're going to take the bus to school.
What day is today? It's Monday.
What are Tom and Carol doing? They're getting up What are they eating? They’re eating eggs.
Is it morning or afternoon? It's morning.
What are they drinking? They’re drinking milk.
It’s Monday. It’s sunny today. It’s Wednesday.
It’s raining today. It’s Friday. It’s windy today.
It’s Tuesday. It’s cloudy today.
It’s Thursday. It’s cold today.
It’s Saturday. It’s sunny again today.
It’s Sunday. It’s cloudy again today.
What day is it? How’s the weather?
There are seven days in a week. Today is Tuesday.
She’s wearing a raincoat. It’s raining today.
How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.
What’s she wearing? She’s wearing a raincoat.
Why is she wearing a raincoat? Because it’s raining today.
It’s Thursday. They’re walking to school.
They’re wearing coats and gloves. It’s cold today.
What day is it? It’s Thursday.
What are they wearing? They’re wearing coats and gloves.
What are they doing? They’re walking to school.
Why are they wearing coats and gloves? Because it’s cold today.
It's morning. It's six o'clock. He's sleeping.
Now it’s seven o’clock. He’s getting up now. He’s brushing his teeth.
Now he’s combing his hair. It’s Friday. He’s going to school today.
Is it morning or evening? What time is it? It’s six o’clock.
What time is it now? It’s seven o’clock now.
Is he going to school today? Yes, he is.
What time is it? It’s eight o’clock. It’s ten o’clock.
What time did Tom get up? He got up at seven o’clock.
Was it a school day? Yes, it was.
What did he do then? Then he brushed his teeth.
What did he do after that? After that he had breakfast.
What day was it? It was Tuesday.
What did he do? He took a shower.
What did he do next? Next he combed his hair.
What did he eat? He ate eggs and toast.
After that he had breakfast. He ate eggs and toast.
What did he drink? He drank a cup of tea.
Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday.
Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday.
Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
What day is today? What day was yesterday?
What time did Tom leave his house? Tom left his house at eight o'clock.
What did he wear? He wore his overcoat.
Why did he wear his overcoat? Because it was a cold day.
How did he go to the bus stop? He walked to the bus stop.
Who did he meet? He met his friends Dick and Bill.
Where did he meet them? He met them at the bus stop.
How did they all go to school? They all took the bus to school.
Yesterday was Thursday. It was a bad day. It was cold and windy.
Yesterday was Friday. It was a good day. It was warm and sunny.
what day was yesterday? Was it a good or bad day?
Why was it a bad day? Because it was cold and windy.
What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Friday.
Was it a good or bad day? It was a good day.
Why was it a good day? Because it was warm and sunny.
They got to school at quarter to nine. They were early.
There were a lot of boys and girls on the steps.
The boys saw their science teacher. They said hello to him.
Then the bell rang. It was nine o’clock.
The students went to their classes. Another school day began.
What time did they get to school? Who was on the steps? Were they early or late?
Who did they see? What did they say to him? What happened then?
Where did the students go? What time was it? What began?
Another school day began. School began at nine o’clock.
They got to school at quarter to nine. They were early.
School began at nine o’clock. They got to school at quarter past nine. They were late.
School began at nine o’clock. They got to school at nine. They were on time.
What time did they get to school? They got to school at quarter to nine.
What time did school begin? It began at nine o’clock.
Were they early or late? They were early.
They got to school at quarter to nine.
What time did school begin? It began at nine o’clock.
What time did they get to school? They got to school at quarter past nine.
Were they early or late? They were late.
What time did school begin? It began at nine o’clock.
What time did they get to school? They got to school at nine.
Were they early or late? They were on time.
What time did they get to school? They got to school at nine.
Were they early answer or late? They were on time.
Tom’s first class was arithmetic. The class was fifty minutes long.
It ended at ten minutes to ten. Tom’s friend Bob was absent.
All the other students were present. The teacher gave a short test.
Tom got all the answers correct. There were ten questions.
What was Tom’s first class? His first class was arithmetic.
How long was the class? It was fifty minutes long.
What time did it end? It ended at ten minutes to ten.
Was anyone absent? Tom’s friend Bob was absent.
Was anyone else absent? All the other students were present.
Why was Bob absent? He was sick.
What did the teacher give? The teacher gave a short test.
How many questions were there? There were ten questions.
How many answers did Tom get correct? Tom got all the answers correct.
How long was the class? It was forty-five minutes long.
How long was the break? It was ten minutes long.
How long was the film? It was two hours long.
How long was the football game? It was forty-five minutes long.
How long was the class? It was an hour long.
There was a break after the arithmetic class. It was ten minutes long.
After that he had history. After lunch he had science. Tom’s next class was English.
After that he had lunch. He ate in the school cafeteria.His last class of the day was geography.
After school Tom played football. The football game was on the school field.
What was there after the arithmetic class? There was a break after the arithmetic class.
What was Tom’s next class? His next class was English.
What did he have after that? After that he had history. After that he had lunch.
Where did he eat? He ate in the school cafeteria.
What did he have after lunch? After lunch he had science.
What was his last class of the day? His last class of the day was geography.

After breakfast I called on my friend Dick. I rode my bicycle to his house.
What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Saturday.
Was there any school? No, there wasn't.
What time did you get up? I got up at eight o'clock.
What did you do then? Then I had breakfast.
What did you do after breakfast? After breakfast I called on my friend Dick.
Did you walk to his house? No, I didn't. I rode my bicycle.
What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Saturday.
Did you walk to Dick’s house? No, I didn’t.
Did you ride your bicycle to Dick’s house? Yes, I did.
Did you go to bed at ten o’clock? No, I didn’t.
Did you go to bed at eleven o’clock? Yes, I did.
Did you get up at seven o’clock? No, I didn’t.
Did you get up at eight o’clock? Yes, 1 did.
Did you study English? No, I didn’t.
Did you study science? Yes, I did. Dick and I went fishing together.
We took some sandwiches with us. Dick’s mother made the sandwiches for us.
We took some fruit too. Apples and oranges are kinds of fruit.
Bananas and pears are kinds of fruit too.
What did you do? Dick and I went fishing together.
What did you take with you? We took some sandwiches with us.
What else did you take with you? We took some fruit too.
Are apples and oranges kinds of fruit? Yes, they are.
Are bananas and pears kinds of fruit too? Yes, they are.
Dick’s mother made the sandwiches for us.
What kind of day was it? It was a pleasant day.
How was the weather? It was warm and sunny.
What did you do? Dick and I went fishing together.
What did you take with you? We took some sandwiches with us.
I caught three fish. Dick only caught one fish.
We went fishing in the river. We rode our bicycles.
There’s a river near our town. After lunch I was sleepy. We fell asleep.
Are the teachers in the staff room? Yes, they are.
Are the boys in the answer gym? Yes, they are.
Are the students in the classroom? Are the girls in the library?
What did you and Dick do? We went fishing in the river.
How did you go there? We rode our bicycles.
How many fish did Dick catch? He only caught one fish.
How were you after lunch? I was sleepy after lunch.
Where’s the river? There’s a river near our town.
What did you do? We fell asleep.
How many fish did you catch? I caught three fish.
What did you do then? Then we ate our lunch.
How was Dick? He was sleepy too.
Why did you drink a milkshake? Because I was thirsty.
Why did you go to bed? Because I was sleepy.
Why did you eat a piece of cake? Because I was hungry.
Why did you sit down? Because I was tired.
How long did you sleep? We slept for half an hour.
What time did you wake up? We woke up at two thirty.
What did you do then? We went back to town.
Who did you see? We saw our friends.
What did you do with them? We played cricket with them.
How were you after an hour? I was very tired.
How were your friends? They were tired too.
What did you do? I got on my bike.
Where did you go? I went home.
Who did you see? I saw Carol.
Who did you see? I saw Dick.
How was she? She was hungry.
How was he? He was tired.
How were they? They were thirsty.
Who did you see?I saw Mary and Sally.
Were you hungry too? Yes, I was hungry too.
How were you and Dick? We were thirsty too.
After an hour my mother called me. It was time for dinner.
After dinner I telephoned Dick. I got home at ten thirty.
I went to bed right away. I was very tired.
I drank a glass of milk. Carol drank a glass of milk too. My parents had coffee.
When did your mother call you? Why did she call you?
What did you have for dinner? We had steak and potatoes and peas.
What else did you have? We had ice cream too.
What did your parents have? They had coffee.
What did Carol drink? She drank a glass of milk too.
What did you drink? I drank a glass of milk.
What did you do after dinner? After dinner I telephoned Dick.
What did you do with him? We went to a film together.
What time did you get home? I got home at ten thirty.
What did you do when you got home? I went to bed right away.
Why did you go to bed right away? Because I was very tired.
What did you do when you got home? I watched TV when I got home.
Yesterday was Tuesday. Tom and Carol walked home together.
They were hungry when they got home. They went to the kitchen.
They saw some fruit in the kitchen. Tom ate a pear and Carol ate a banana.
They were thirsty too. They looked in the refrigerator.
There was some milk in the refrigerator. They each drank a glass of milk.
Then they went to their rooms. They began to do their homework.
What time is it now? It’s six o’clock now.
Is it morning or evening? It’s evening.
What are you going to do at eight? I’m going to do my homework at eight.
What are you doing now? I’m watching TV now.
What are you going to do at seven? I’m going to eat dinner at seven.
Where are you now? We’re in the classroom now.
Which class are you in? We’re in our science class.
Is it your first or last class of the day? It’s our last class of the day.
Where are the girls going? They’re going to Sally’s house.
What time is the class going to end? It’s going to end at three o’clock.
What are the boys going to do after school?
After school the boys are going to play cricket.
What are they going to do? They’re going to listen to records.
Which dress is she going to wear? She’s going to wear her white dress.
Which sweater is he going to wear? He’s going to wear his grey sweater.
Which shoes are they going to wear? They’re going to wear their black shoes.
Which suit is he going to wear? He’s going to wear his grey suit.
What day is today? Today is Thursday.
The teacher is going to give an exam tomorrow.
The students are going to study for the exam tonight.
What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday.
What’s the teacher going to do tomorrow? The teacher’s going to give an exam tomorrow.
When are the students going to study for the exam? They’re going to study for the exam tonight.
The day after tomorrow is Thursday. We’re going to have a test on Lesson Six.
What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Monday.
What did you do? We started Lesson Six.
What day is today? Today is Tuesday.
What are you doing? We’re still studying Lesson Six.
What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Wednesday.
What are you going to do? We’re going to finish Lesson Six.
What’s the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is Thursday.
What are you going to do? We’re going to have a test on Lesson Six.
What are you learning about? We’re learning about the paintings that we saw.
What are you going to do next week? Next week we’re going to the zoo.
We’re studying art this week. We went to the museum last week.
What are you going to see? We’re going to see a lot of animals.
What did you see? We saw a lot of paintings.
What are you doing this week? We’re going to see a lot of animals.
What did you do last week?
This month is May. Last month was April. What month is this? It’s May.
What’s next month? It’s June. Next month is June.
What was last month? It was April.
What’s the first month of the year? January is the first month of the year.
What’s the third month? March is the third month.
What’s the fifth month? May is the fifth month.
What’s the second month? February is the second month.
What’s the fourth month? April is the fourth month.
What’s the sixth month? June is the sixth month.
What’s the seventh month? July is the seventh month.
What’s the eighth month? August is the eighth month.
What’s the ninth month? September is the ninth month.
What’s the tenth month? October is the tenth month.
What’s the eleventh month? November is the eleventh month.
What’s the twelfth month? December is the twelfth month.
How many months are there in a year? There are twelve months in a year.
The weather is getting warm next month. The trees are getting green.
There isn’t any school in August.
Tom is going to study maths next year. Carol is going to study science next year.
Is it the first or second week of June? It’s the second week of June.
What’s happening to the weather? It’s getting warm.
What’s happening to the trees? They’re getting green.
When is school going to end? School is going to end next month.
What are the students doing? They’re taking their final exams.
Which exam is Tom studying for? He’s studying for his science exam.
Which exam is Carol studying for? She’s studying for her history exam.
What are they going to have after the exams? They’re going to have a holiday after the exams.
Is there any school in August? No, there isn’t.
What’s Tom going to do? He’s going to play a lot of tennis.
What’s Carol going to do? She’s going to swim a lot.
When is school going to start again? It’s going to start again in September.
Is it going to start in the second or third week of September?
It’s going to start in the second week of September.
What’s Tom going to study next year? He’s going to study maths next year.
What’s Carol going to study next year? She’s going to study science next year.
It was the last day of school. It was three o’clock in the afternoon.
It was the third Friday in July. Tom was standing on the steps. Dick came out of the school.

Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

Where are you going? I’m going home.
What are you going to do? I’m going to watch TV.
But it’s a beautiful day! Well, what are you going to do?
I’m going to the field. I’m going to play cricket.
Okay. I’ll go with you.

Who are you? We're Tom and Carol Baker. Who's your mother? Mrs. Baker is our mother.
What did she do for you this morning? She made breakfast for us this morning. What else did she do for you? She made
lunch for us too.
What did she do while you were at school? She made some biscuits while we were at school. What did you have when
you got home? We had some biscuits when we got home.
What else did you have? We had a glass of milk too.
What did your mother do for you later? Later Mother got dinner for us.
Mrs. Baker was at home. Mr. Baker was at his office at the same time.
Mrs. Baker was at home while Mr. Baker was at his office.
Where was Mrs. Baker? She was at home.
Where were the children at the same time? They were at school.
Where was Mrs. Baker while the children were at school?
She was at home while the children were at school.
Where was Mr. Baker at the same time? He was at his office.
Where was Mrs. Baker while Mr. Baker was at his office?
She was at home while Mr. Bakex was at his office.
Who are you? I'm Harold Baker,
Who's your wife? Ana Baker is my wife.
What did she do for you this morning? She got breakfast for me this morning,
What did she do while you were at work? She ironed my shirts while I was at work,
What else did she do? She sewed on some buttons too.
What did your wife cook for you? She cooked dinner for me.
When was it ready? It was ready when I got home.
Who did you eat with? I ate with my wife and children,
She called me at quarter past seven. She made breakfast for me.
What time did your mother call you? She called us at seven o'clock.
What did she make for you? She made breakfast for us.
What time did your wife call you? She called me at quarter past seven.
What did she make for you? She made breakfast for me.
What time did your mother call you?
The children left for school at eight o'clock. Harold left for work at quarter past eight.
After they left, I washed the breakfast dishes. Then I made the beds.
Who are you? I'm Alma Baker.
Who´s your husband? Harold Baker is my husband.
Who are your children? Tom and Carol are my children.
What did you do for them this morning? I got breakfast for them this morning.
What time did the children leave for school? They left for school at eight o'clock.
What time did Harold leave for work? He left for work at quarter past eight.
We're going to have chicken on Thursday.
We're going to have hamburger on Friday, We're going to have a pork roast on Saturday.
What did you look at? I looked at my cookbook.
What did you plan? I planned all the meals for the week.
What are you going to have on Wednesday? We're going to have lamb chops on Wednesday.
What are you going to have on Friday? We're going to have hamburger on Friday,
What are you going to have on Sunday? We're going to have steak on Sunday.
What are you going to have on Tuesday? We're going to have ham on Tuesday.
What are you going to have on Thursday? We're going to have chicken on Thursday.
What are you going to have on Saturday? We're going to have a pork roast on Saturday.
What are you going lo have on Monday? We're going to have fish on Monday.
What's pork? What's ham? What's lamb? What's beef? It's a kind of meat.
Where did you go? I went to the supermarket.
What did you get? I got food for the whole week.
What did you get first? First I got vegetables.
What vegetables did you get? I got carrots, peas, and string beans.
What else did you get? I also got some fruit.
What fruit did you get? I got apples, oranges, and strawberries.
What did you do then? Then I picked out the meat.
What did you get after that? After that I got butter, eggs, and milk.
What else did you get? I also got some bread.
What else did you get? I got salt and pepper too.
I put all the food in a trolley. I took the food to the check-out counter.
I paid for the food at the check-out counter. There were four bags of food.

Mrs, Baker went to the supermarket and bought the groceries for the week. She had five bags of groceries,
She put them in her car. When she got home she put away the groceries. She put the meat in the refrigerator.
She put the butter and milk in the refrigerator too. She put the bread in a breadbox.
She put some tins of food in the cupboard.

What does Mrs. Baker do? She's a housewife,

What does she take care of? She takes care of the house,
What time does she get up every morning? She gets up at quarter to seven every morning.
What does she do then? She makes breakfast for her husband and her children.
Who's her husband? Her husband is Harold Baker.
Who are her children? Tom and Carol are her children.
Where does her husband work? He works in the city.
What do the children do? They attend school.
Does she take care of the house or the office? She takes care of the house.
How does she keep the house? She keeps the house clean.
Does she buy some of the groceries? She buys all the groceries.
Does she cook some of the meals? She cooks all the meals.
Does she take care of the house or the office? She takes care of the house.
How does she keep the house? She keeps the house clean.
Does she buy some of the groceries? She buys all the groceries.
Does she cook some of the meals? She cooks all the meals.
He gets up at seven o'clock. He drinks a cup of coffee.
He leaves for work at seven thirty. He works in the city.
What time does he get up? What does he do then?
What time does he leave for work? Where does he work?
What time do they get to school? They get to school at quarter to nine.
Where do they eat lunch? They eat lunch at school.
What time do they leave for school? They leave for school at eight o'clock.
How do they go to school? They take a bus to school.
They eat lunch at school. She eats lunch alone.
He eats lunch in a restaurant. They eat lunch in school cafeteria.
Does she eat lunch with someone or alone? She eats lunch alone.
Where does he eat lunch? He eats lunch in a restaurant.
Where do the Bakers live? They live in a suburb.
Where does Mr. Baker work? He works in the city.
What does Mrs. Baker have? She has a car too,
How far is it from a big city? It's twenty miles from a big city.
How does he go to work every day? He drives to work every day.
What kind of car is it? It's a station wagon.
What does she use it for? Sometimes she takes the children to school.
What else does she use it for? She also uses it to go shopping,
Where does she shop? She shops in a shopping centre.
Does she always drive the children to school? No, she doesn't.
She drives them to school sometimes.
How do they usually go to school? They usually take the bus,
Does he always drive to work? No, he doesn't. Sometimes he takes a train.
How does he usually go to work? He usually drives to work.
Does she always shop in the shopping centre? Where does she usually shop? No, she doesn't.
She usually shops in the shopping centre. Sometimes she shops in a neighbourhood shop.
How many shops are there in the shopping centre? There are forty shops in the shopping centre.
What does Mrs. Baker buy in the supermarket? She buys groceries in the supermarket.
There are several appliance shops too. Radios and refrigerators are appliances.
Is there a big or a little supermarket? There's a big supermarket.
Is there a big or a little chemist? There's a big chemist.
What does Mrs, Baker buy in the chemist? She buys medicine in the chemist.
Is there a hardware shop? Yes, there is.
What does she buy there? She buys things for the house.
What else does she buy there? She also buys things for the garden.
Are there any clothing shops? There are several clothing shops,
Is there a bookshop too? Yes, there is.
Are there any appliance shops? There are several appliance shops.
What are appliances? Radios and refrigerators are appliances,
She also buys things for the garden in the hardware shop. She bought a rake last month.
She buys medicine in the chemist. She bought some aspirin yesterday.
She buys electrical appliances in the appliance shop. She bought a washer and a dryer last year.
What does she buy in the supermarket? She buys food in the supermarket.
What did she buy there yesterday. She bought bread and milk yesterday.
What does she buy in the hardware shop? She buys things for the house.
What did she buy there last week? She bought a hammer last week.
What else does she buy in the hardware shop? She also buys things for the garden in the hardware shop.
What did she buy there last month? She bought a rake last month,
What does she buy in the chemist? She buys medicine in the chemist.
What did she buy there yesterday? She bought some aspirin yesterday.
What does she buy in the appliance shop? She buys electrical appliances in the appliance shop.
What did she buy there last year? She bought a washer and a dryer last year.
What apphances does Mrs, Baker have? She has a washer and a dryer.
What does she use them for? She uses them for washing the clothes.
What else does she have? She has a vacuum cleaner.
What does she use it for? She uses it for cleaning the house.
What else does she have? She has a dishwasher.
What does she use it for? She uses it for washing the dishes.
What else does she have? She has an electric iron.
What does she use it for? She uses it for ironing.

Mr, Baker buys a lot of tools. He uses them to fix things in the house.
Last week he made a new shelf in the kitchen. Now Mrs. Baker keeps salt, pepper, and other spices on the shelf.
Mr. Baker buys his tools at the hardware shop in the shopping centre.
He usually goes to the hardware shop every Saturday. Last week he bought a hammer and some nail.
He also bought a screwdriver and some screws. He looked at several saws, but he didn't buy one.
He's planning to make a small desk for Carol.

How often do you go to the cinema? I go to the cinema once a week.
How often do you eat in a restaurant? I eat in a restaurant twice a month.
How often do you get meals? I get meals three times a day.
How often do you talk on the telephone? I talk on the telephone four or five times a day.
Do you use your car very much? I use my car a lot.
What kind of car is it? It's a station wagon.
When do you drive the children to school? I usually drive them to school when it rains.
What's Tom learning to play? He's learning to play the guitar.
Where else do you drive them? Sometimes I drive them to parties.
Where do you drive them in the afternoon? I drive them to their music lessons in the afternoon.
What's Carol learning to play? She's learning to play the piano
When do you drive your husband to the station? When his car is in the garage.
When does he take the train? When his car is in the garage.
What else do you use the car for? I use it fox doing errands.
How often do you drive into the city? 1 drive into the city about once a month.
When is her birthday? Her birthday is next week.
Do you do many errands? I do a lot of errands every week.
What are you doing? I´m doing some errands.
Where are you going now? I am on my way to the chemist.
What are you going to get? I´m going to get some shampoo.
Why are you going to get shampoo? I want to wash my hair this evening.
Where are you going then? Then I´m going to the bookshop.
Why are you going to the bookshop? I'm going to get a birthday card for Helen Green.
When is her birthday? Her birthday is next week
Who are you? I'm Alma Baker. Who are you? I'm Helen Green.
What are you? We're neighbours.
Where do you live? We live next door to each other.
What do you do together? We usually go shopping together.
What else do you do? We often play bridge together.
What else do you do? We go to the hairdresser together.
What else do you do? We play tennis together in the summer.
Is it hot or cold in the winter? It's cold in the winter.
When does it snow? It snows in the winter.
What are the winter months? December, January, and February are the winter months.
When does it begin to get warm? It begins to get warm in the spring.
When does it rain a lot? It rains a lot in the spring,
What are the spring months? March, April, and May are the spring months.
Is it hot or cold in the summer? It's hot in the summer.
What are the summer months? June, July, and August are the summer months.
What's another word for autumn? Fall is another word for autumn.
What kind of storms are there in the summer? There are some thunderstorms in the summer.
When does it begin to get cool again? It begins to get cool again in the autumn.
What are the autumn months? September, October, and November are the autumn months.
We're going shopping together. We're taking my car.
We're going to a department store, A department store sells everything.
Helen wants to look at dresses. I want to look at shoes
We both want to look at towels. The towels are on sale today.
Where are you and Helen going? We're going shopping together.
Whose car are you taking? We're taking my car.
What kind of store are you going to? We're going to a department store.
What does a department store sell? A department store sells everything.
What does Helen want to look at? Helen wants to look at dresses.
What do you want to look at? I want to look at shoes.
What do you-both want to look at? We both want to look at towels.
Why do you want to look at towels? The towels are on sale today.
What does a supermarket sell? It sells all kinds of food.
What else does it sell? It also sells kitchen equipment.
What does a chemist sell? It sells medicine.
What else does it sell? It also sells cosmetics.
What does a hardware shop sell? It sells tools.
What else does it sell? It also sells garden equipment.
What does a bookshop sell? It sells books,
What else does it usually sell? It usually sells greeting cards too.

We have two pets. We have a dog and a cat. The cat sits in a chair in the living room and sleeps all day. The dog plays with
the children. He follows them all around the neighbourhood. He is a big dog. I take care of the dog and the cat. I feed
them and give them water. I also take them to a vet when they get sick.
The children want to get a bird, but I don't want another pet because I have enough work to do now.

What's Mrs. Baker doing? She's baking a cake.

What did she do with the cake? She put it in the oven.
What kind of cake is it? It´s a birthday cake.
Whose birthday is it? Tomorrow is Carol's birthday,
How old is she going to be? She's going to be fourteen years old.
What are the Bakers going to have? They're going to have a family party.
What are they going to give her? They're all going to give her presents.
What's Mrs. Baker going to put on the cake? She's going to put fourteen candles on the cake.
How old is she? She's fourteen vears old.
How old is he? He's fifteen years old.
How old are you? I'm twenty-two years old.
When is her birthday? Her birthday is May twenty-fifth.
How many presents did Carol get? She got a lot of presents,
What did her father give her? Her father gave her a new radio.
What did her grandmother and grandfather give her? They gave her a camera.
Who sent her cards? Her aunts and uncles sent her cards.
What did her mother give her? Her mother gave her a sweater.
What did her brother give her? Her brother gave her some records.
What else did she get? She also got a lot of birthday cards.
Who else sent her cards? Her cousins sent her cards.
Who else sent her cards? Her friends sent her cards.
What is your grandmother? Your grandmother is the mother of your father or mother.
What is your grandfather? Your grandfather is the father of your father or mother.
What is your uncle? Your uncle is the brother of your father or mother.
What is your aunt? Your aunt is the sister of your father or mother.
What are your cousins? Your cousins are the children of your aunts and uncles.
Carol opened her presents after dinner. First she blew out the candles on the cake.
Then she opened the presents. Then they ate cake and ice cream.
Her friends came over after dinner. She showed them her presents.
Afterwards they danced to her new records. They went home at midnight.
What did she do first? What did she do then? What did they do then?
What happened after dinner? What did she show her friends?
What did they do afterwards? What time did they go home?
What time is midnight? Midnight is twelve o'clock at night.
What time is noon? Noon is twelve o'clock in the day.
Her mother made her a cake. Her friends gave her a party.
Her grandparents bought her a camera. Her cousins sent her birthday cards.
Her aunt wrote her a letter. She showed her friends her presents.
What did her mother make her? She made her a cake.
What did her grandparents buy her? They bought her a camera.
What did her friends give her? They gave her a party.
What did her cousins send her? They sent her birthday cards.
What did her aunt write her? She wrote her a letter.
What did she show her friends? She showed them her presents.
The summer season begins after Winter. .
The next big holiday is August Bank Holiday. It's the last Monday in August.
The summer season ends in September. September is after August.
There isn't a big holiday in Autumn. People work in Autumn.
The big holidays in the winter are Christmas and New Year's.
Christmas is on December twenty-fifth. People put up a tree and decorate it. They give each other presents.
When does the summer season begin? When is Whit?
What is the next big holiday? When is August Bank Holiday?
When does the summer season end? When is September?
What is the big holiday in Autumn? What do people do in Autumn?
What are the big holidays in the winter? When is Christmas?
What do people do at Christmas? What else do they do?
Monday, Tuesday, and so on are days.
Most people don't work at the weekend. They rest and relax.
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are seasons.
Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Whit, Christmas, and so on are holidays.
Most people don't work on holidays. They spend holidays with their families or friends.
What are January, February, and so on? They're months.
What are spring, summer, autumn, and winter? They're seasons.
What are Monday, Tuesday, and so on? What are Saturday and Sunday?
Do most people work at the weekend? What do they do?
What are Whit, Christmas, and so on? Do most people work on holidays?
What do they do on holidays? They spend them with their families or friends.

Mrs. Baker is in the kitchen. She's baking a cake. She just put it in the oven.
Her neighbour Helen Green just came in. That smells good! What is it? It's a cake.
Oh, is it someone's birthday?
Yes, tomorrow is Carol's birthday. We're going to have a little party.
Oh, that's nice. Who's going to come?
Just the family for dinner. Then after dinner some of her friends are coming over.
What are you going to give her?
A sweater. I made it for her last month,
And what are Sally and Ann going to give her? I don't know, but I know they got her something.
Well, I´m going to send her a birthday card.
That's nice. Do you have time for some coffee? Oh, yes, thank you.

What's this? It's an office building. Where is it? It's in the city.
Is it a tall or a low building? It's a tall building.
How many floors does it have? It has twenty-five floors.
Who works in this building? Mr. Baker works in this building.
Where is his office? It's on the sixteenth floor.
How does he get there? He takes a lift.
Are there a lot of lifts in the building? Yes, there are.
How many secretaries are there? There are five secretaries.
What do they do? They type.
What else do they do? They also take dictation.
Is there a receptionist? Yes, there is.
What does she do? She answers the telephone.
What else does she do? She also greets visitors.
What does Mr. Baker do? He's a lawyer.
Are there any other lawyers in his firm? There are four other lawyers in his firm.
How many secretaries are there? There are five secretaries.
Where's Mr. Baker? He's sitting at his desk.
Who's with him? His secretary is with him.
What's her name? Her name is Miss Rossi.
What time is it? It's ten fifteen in the morning.
What's Mr. Baker doing? He's talking on the phone.
What's Mr. Baker doing? He's dictating some letters.
Is the telephone ringing now? Yes, it is.
What's Miss Rossi doing? She's typing some letters.
Mr. Baker was late this morning.
He left home at eight fifteen. He drove to the city. The traffic was very bad.
It was raining. The traffic is always bad when it's raining.
He parked his car in a car park. He got to his office at nine twenty.
Was Mr. Baker early or late this morning? He was late this morning.
What time did he leave home? He left home at eight fifteen.
How did he go to the city? He drove to the city.
How was the traffic? The traffic was very bad.
How was the weather? It was raining.
How is the traffic when it's raining? The traffic is always bad when it's raining.
Where did he park his car? He parked it in a car park.
What time did he get to his office? He got there at nine twenty.
He had a lot of mail. He read all the letters.
Then he answered the letters. He dictated the answers to Miss Rossi.
He had several visitors. He talked on the phone several times.
He uses the phone a lot. There are two telephones on his desk.
How much mail did he have? He had a lot of mail.
What did he do with it? He read all the letters.
What did he do then? Then he answered the letters.
How did he answer them? He dictated the answers to Miss Rossi.
Did he have any visitors? He had several visitors.
Did he talk on the phone at all? He talked on the phone several times.
Does he use the phone a lot? Yes, he does.
How many telephones are there on his desk? There are two telephones on his desk.
There's a library in the office. It's full of law books.
There's a clerk in the library. He looks up information for the lawyers.
Mr. Baker called him several times. He needed information.
The clerk checked the law books. Then he gave Mr. Baker the information.
What is there in the office? There's a library in the office.
What's it full of? It's full of law books.
Is there a clerk in the library? Yes, there is.
What does he do? He looks up information for the lawyers.
Did Mr. Baker call him? He called him several times.
What did he need? He needed information.
What did the clerk do? He checked the law books.
What did he do then? Then he gave Mr. Baker the information.
The clerk's name is Bill Watts. He's twenty-two years old.
He's studying law. He goes to school at night.
He has two more years of school. He likes working for Mr Baker's firm.
Then he's going to be a lawyer. He's learning a lot while he's working.
What's the clerk's name? His name's Bill Watts.
How old is he? He's twenty-two years old.
What's he studying? He's studying law.
Does he go to school in the day or at night? He goes to school at night.
How many more years of school does he have? He has two more years of school.
What's he going to be then? Then he's going to be a lawyer.
Does he like working for Mr. Baker's firm? Yes, he does.
Why does he like working there? He's learning a lot while he's working.
What time is it? It's one thirty.
What's Mr. Baker doing? He's having lunch.
Where is he eating? He's eating in a restaurant.
What are they going to do after lunch? After lunch they're going to have a meeting.
Is he eating alone? No, he isn't. Two men are eating with him.
Is there a conference room in the office? Yes, there is.
Where are they going to meet? They're going to meet in the conference room.
What time is the meeting going to begin? It's going to begin at two thirty.
John's brother is a lawyer. John's brother is very young. John's brother, who is very young, is a lawyer.
It's Friday morning. It's eight thirty. The office isn't open yet.
Miss Rossi is waiting outside the door. She doesn't have a key.
Now Mrs. Black is getting out of the lift. She has a key.
She's usually the first person at work. She's unlocking the door now. She always locks the door at night.
Is it Thursday morning? No, it isn't.
Is it Friday morning? Yes, it is.
Is it nine o'clock yet? No, it isn't.
Is the office open yet? No, it isn't.
Does she have a key? No, she doesn't.
What's she doing now? She's unlocking the door now.
What time is it? It's eight thirty.
What's Miss Rossi doing? She's waiting outside the door.
Is Mrs. Black getting out of the lift now? Yes, she is.
Why does she have a key? Because she's usually the first person at work.
What does she do at night? She always locks the door at night.
Miss Rossi is taking off her coat. She's hanging her coat in the cupboard.
Now she's taking the over off her typewriter.
She isn't carrying an umbrella. It isn't raining this morning.
Pete is bringing her a container of coffee.
She likes to drink coffee in the morning. It's ten to nine now.
What's Miss Rossi doing? She's taking off her coat.
Is she carrying an umbrella? No, she isn't.
Why isn't she carrying an umbrella this morning? Because it isn't raining.
What's she doing now? She's hanging her coat in the cupboard.
The other girls are arriving now. They're taking off their hats and coats.
They aren't carrying umbrellas either. They're sitting down at their desks.
They're chatting with each other. The postman is delivering the mail.
Post is another word for mail. Pete is sorting out the mail.
There's a lot of mail for Mr. Baker this morning. There isn't much mail for Mr. Smith this morning.
Are the other girls arriving now? What are they doing? Are they carrying umbrellas?
Where are they sitting down? What are they doing? Is the postman delivering the mail?
What's another word for mail? What's Pete doing?
Is there much mail for Mr. Baker this morning? Is there much mail for Mr. Smith this morning?
She's carrying a purse. She isn't carrying an umbrella.
I'm typing. I'm not taking dictation.
He's carrying a briefcase. He isn't carrying an umbrella.
They're chatting with each other. They aren't working yet.
We're hanging our coats in the cupboard. We aren't putting them on the chairs.
It's raining. It isn't snowing.
We aren't putting them on the chairs.
Is she carrying a purse? Is she carrying an umbrella? Is he carrying a briefcase? Is he carrying an umbrella?
Are they chatting with each other? Are they working yet? Are you typing? Are you taking dictation?
Are you hanging your coats in the cupboard? Is it raining? Are you putting them on the chairs?
Miss Rossi is busy. The other girls are busy too.
Miss Rossi isn't busy. The other girls aren't busy either.
Is Miss Rossi busy? Yes, she is.
Are the other girls busy too? Yes, they are.
Is Miss Rossi busy? No, she isn't.
Are the other girls busy? No, they aren't either.
There isn't much paper in the box. There's a lot of paper in the stationery cupboard.
She puts a lot of cream in her coffee. She doesn't put much sugar in her coffee.
Is there much paper in the box? Is there much paper in the stationery cupboard?
Does she put a lot of cream in her coffee? Does she put much sugar in her coffee?
Is there much paper in the box? No, there isn't.
What time does the office close? It closes at five o'clock.
Is it five o'clock yet? No, it isn't.
Is she already putting on her coat? Yes, she is.
Why is she putting on her coat already? Because she's going to leave early.
What time does the office close? It closes at five o'clock.
Why is she putting on her coat already? Because she's going to leave early.
Pete's going to school at night. He's studying accounting.
He isn't studying law. He's going to be an accountant.
He isn't going to be a lawyer. He's looking for a job as a book-keeper.
He reads the want ads every day. He's going to have an interview tomorrow.
What's Pete doing? Is he studying accounting?
Is he studying law? Is he going to be an accountant?
Is he going to be a lawyer? What kind of job is he looking for?
What does he read every day? What's he going to have tomorrow?
He's going to have an interview tomorrow
She isn't going to stay until five o'clock. She's going to leave early.
He isn't going to be an office-boy forever. He's going to get a job as a book-keeper soon.
They aren't going to type the letters. They're going to copy them on a machine.
We aren't going to get more adding-machines. We're going to get a computer.
I'm not going to work as a book-keeper. I'm going to work on the computer.
The computer is going to save a lot of work. It isn't going to cost much money.
Is she going to stay until five o'clock? No, she isn't.
Is she going to leave early? Yes, she is.
Is he going to be an office-boy forever? No, he isn't.
Is he going to get a job as a book-keeper soon? Yes, he is.
Are they going to type the letters? No, they aren't.
Are they going to copy them on a machine? Yes, they are.
Are you going to get more adding machines? No, we aren't.
Are you going to get a computer? Yes, we are.
Are you going to work as a book-keeper? No, I'm not.
Are you going to work on the computer? Yes, I am.
When did you leave school? Last June, sir.
Where are you working now? I'm working for a law firm.
And what do you do? I'm the office-boy. I deliver the mail and all that sort of thing.
Do you like it? Well, yes, but I want to be a book-keeper.
I'm studying accounting in night school.
Do you have any experience as a book-keeper? Well, no, only what I'm learning in school.
Are you taking an advanced class? No, I'm not. I'm in a beginners' class. I see.
I'm sorry, but there aren't any openings here now.

It's Saturday. Mr.Baker is at the office. He doesn't usually work on Saturday.
He has to write a lot of letters today. Nobody else is in the office.
He likes it when it's quiet. He can do a lot of work.
The telephone doesn't ring all the time. Visitors don't interrupt him all the time.
What day is it? It's Saturday. Does he usually work on Saturday?
Is there anybody else in the office? Why does he like it when it's quiet?
Do visitors interrupt him all the time?
There isn't much traffic on Saturday. He can get to the city in half an hour.
He can park on the street. He has to pay at a car park.
He gets a cup of coffee at the coffee-shop. He takes it up to his office
The lifts operate on Saturday, He doesn't have to walk upstairs.
Is there much traffic on Saturday? No, there isn't.
Where can he park? Where does he get a cup of coffee?
Do the lifts operate on Saturday? How fast can he get to the city?
Why does he like to park on the street? Because he has to pay at a car park.
Sometimes he works at Miss Rossi's desk. She doesn't usually come in on Saturday.
He knows how to type. He can type very fast. He doesn't make many mistakes.
He writes his letters on Miss Rossi's typewriter. He leaves the letters on her desk.
She types them over again on Monday.
Where does he work sometimes? Does she usually come in on Saturday?
Does he know how to type? How fast can he type?
Does he make many mistakes? Where does he write his letters?
What does he do with the letters? What does she do with them?
He works during the week, He doesn't usually work at the weekend.
She likes the office when it's quiet. She doesn't like the office when it's noisy.
The coffee-shop opens on Saturday. It doesn't open on Sunday.
Does he work during the week? Does he usually work at the weekend?
Does she like the office when it's quiet? Does she like the office when it's noisy?
Does the coffee-shop open on Saturday? Does the coffee-shop open on Sunday?
The lifts operate on Saturday. They don't operate on Sunday.
A lot of visitors interrupt him during the week. They don't interrupt when he works on Saturday.
I want to look at the want ads. I don't want to look at the sports page.
We have to work during the week. We don't have to work at the weekend.
You make only a few mistakes. You don't make many mistakes.
Do the lifts operate on Saturday? Do they operate on Sunday?
Do a lot of visitors interrupt him during the week? Do you want to look at the want ads?
Do they interrupt him when he works on Saturday? Do you want to look at the sports page?
Do you have to work during the week? Do you have to work at the weekend?
Do I make only a few mistakes? Do I make many mistakes?
He has a lot of visitors during the week. He doesn't have many visitors at the weekend.
The girls use a lot of paper clips. They don't use many rubber bands.
Does he have a lot of visitors during the week?
Do the girls use a lot of paper clips?
Does he have many visitors at the weekend? Do they use many rubber bands?
They have a lot of machines in the office. The girls know how to operate them.
Miss Rossi, for example, can operate the postage machine.
She can also operate the duplicating machine. She can also operate the Xerox machine.
She knows how to use an adding machine. Pete knows how to operate all the machines too.
Mr. Smith only knows how to use an adding machine.
Do they have a lot of machines in the office? Can Miss Rossi, for example, operate the postage machine?
Can she also operate the Xerox machine? Do the girls know how to operate them?
Can she also operate the duplicating machine? Does she know how to operate an adding machine?
Who else knows how to operate all the machines? What does Mr. Smith know how to use?
He can't find a place to park. He's going to park in the car park.
He's going to leave the keys with the attendant. He can pay when he gets his car in the evening.
He doesn't use the car during the day, He can walk to the restaurant where he eats lunch.
He doesn't have to take his car. The attendant can't get his car out easily.
There are a lot of other cars parked in front of it.
Sometimes he has to go to another part of the city. He can take a taxi.
It doesn't cost much. Can he find a place to park? Where's he going to park?
Who's he going to leave the keys with? When can he pay?
Does he use the car during the day? How can he get to the restaurant where he eats lunch?
Does he have to take his car? Can the attendant get his car out easily?
Why can't he get it out easily? Where does he have to go sometimes?
How can he get there? Does a taxi cost much?

Mr. Baker wrote a long report. It has more than a hundred pages.
He wants some copies to show his partners. His partners are the other lawyers in the office.
Can you make some copies of this report for me? Yes, of course.
How many copies do you want? Well.., ten, I think.
Good. Then I can run off the copies on the Xerox.
Oh, yes! You don't have to type the report and run it off on the duplicator. That's too much trouble.
How long is it going to take? Well, Sally's using the machine now.
I can start as soon as she finishes. It isn't going to take very long. Okay. Thank you very much.
Mr. Baker went to the office on Saturday. He finished a lot of work
He didn't go to the office on Sunday. He didn't go to the office on Monday either.
He went on a business trip instead. He went to Amsterdam. He went by plane.
What did Mr. Baker do on Saturday? Did he finish a lot of work?
Did he go to the office on Sunday? Did he go to the office on Monday?
Where did he go? Did he drive? How did he go?
He packed his bag Sunday morning. His wife helped him.
He took his briefcase too. He left early Monday night.
He went to the airport. His wife drove him to the airport.
He had a booking for a nine o'clock plane. The flight left on time.
When did he pack his bag? Did his wife help him?
What else did he take? Where did he go?
What flight did he have a booking for? When did he leave?
Did his wife drive him to the airport? Did the flight leave on time?
He didn't take a taxi. He rented a car.
His wife didn't go with him. She stayed home. The flight didn't arrive on time.
It left on time. Did he take a taxi? Did he rent a car?
Did his wife go with him? Did she stay home?
Did the flight arrive on time? Did it leave on time?
They served breakfast on the flight. They didn't serve lunch.
I studied law. I didn't study business administration.
You talked to the stewardess. You didn't talk to the other passengers.
We had breakfast at the airport. We didn't have breakfast on the plane.
Did they serve breakfast on the flight? Did they serve lunch?
Did you study law? Did you study business administration?
Did I talk to the stewardess? Did I talk to the other passengers? .
Did you have breakfast at the airport? Did you have breakfast on the plane?
Mr. Baker will be away all week. He'll return Friday evening.
He'll stay in a hotel in Amsterdam. He'll visit several firms.
He won't go to any other cities. When he returns, he'll go to the office on Saturday.
He'll check his mail. He'll write a report on his trip.
Will Miss Rossi take a holiday while Mr. Baker is away? No, she won't.
Will she come to the office every day? Yes, she will.
Will she open his mail? Yes, she will.
When will she telephone him? She'll telephone him if there's something important.
Will she telephone him if there's nothing important? No, she won't.
Does she have a telephone number for him? She has several.
Can she reach him if it's important? Yes, she can.
She can reach him if it's important. What will she do for the other partners? She'll do some typing for them.
Mr. Baker will see several businessmen in Amsterdam.
They won't meet him at the airport. They'll wait for him at their offices.
They'll have meetings with him. They'll introduce him to some other businessmen.
They'll take him to lunch and dinner. They'll show him their offices.
They'll show their factories too. Who will Mr. Baker see in Amsterdam?
Will they meet him at the airport? Where will they wait for him?
Will they have meetings with him? Who will they introduce him to?
Will they take him to lunch and dinner? What will they show him?
What else will they show him? He'll stay in Amsterdam all week.
He won't return till Friday evening. She'll make a booking for him.
She won't get his ticket for him. It will be warm in September. It won't be cold.
Will he stay in Amsterdam all week? Will he return Thursday evening?
Will she make a booking for him? Will she get his ticket for him?
Will it be warm in September? Will it be cold?
They'll hold his ticket for him. They won't send it to him.
You'll check your baggage at the airport. You won't carry it on the plane. I
'll get my ticket in advance. I won't get it at the airport.
We'll take him to lunch today.We won't take him to dinner.
Will they hold his ticket for him? Will they send it to him? No, they won't.
Will I check my baggage at the airport? Will I carry it on the plane?

Mr. Baker was leaving on a trip to Amsterdam. He got to the airport at eight o'clock.
He had a booking for the nine o'clock plane to Amsterdam. He didn't have his ticket.
They were holding it for him at the counter.
Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Good morning. I have a booking for the nine o'clock flight to Amsterdam.
That's flight 206, I think. Yes, sir. Do you have your ticket?
No, I 'don't. They said that they were going to hold it here.
What's your name, sir? My last name is Baker. And your first name? Harold.
And is the booking for first class or economy? Economy.
All right, sir. Just a moment. Yes, here we are. The return booking is okay too.
How are you going to pay for this, sir? Here's my credit card.
Thank you very much, sir. Just give your ticket to the agent at the gate.
What gate is it? Gate 19, sir. And have a good trip. Thank you.

Mr. Baker travels a lot. He usually travels by air.
On short trips he sometimes drives. He can rent a car at the airport.
He went to Amsterdam last week. She goes with him occasionally.
Mrs. Baker didn’t go with him. She went to Italy with him last year.
Does Mr. Baker travel a lot? How does he usually travel?
Where can he rent a car? Did Mrs. Baker go with him?
Does she ever go with him? Does he ever drive?
Where did he go last week? Where did she go with him?
Mrs. Baker went to Italy with her husband last year. He was working, but she was taking a holiday.
They flew to Italy. They rented a car at the airport.
They drove to their hotel. The hotel was on the beach.
Mrs. Baker went swimming while Mr. Baker was attending meetings.
While he was working, she was having fun. While she was sitting in the sun, he was visiting factories.
While she was sleeping, he was writing reports. Where did Mrs. Baker go last year?
She went to Italy with her husband last year. Was it work or a holiday? Did they fly to Italy?
Did they rent a car at the airport? Where was the hotel?
What was she doing while he was working? What was he doing while she was sleeping?
Did they drive to their hotel? What did Mrs. Baker do while Mr. Baker was attending meetings?
What was he doing while she was sitting in the sun?
Mr. Baker got back to the office on Monday. The office was very busy.
There were several visitors waiting to see him. Mr. Baker couldn’t find Miss Rossi.
Pete was running errands for everyone. The telephones were ringing.
He finally found her in the library. She wasn’t making copies on the Xerox.
She wasn’t typing at her desk. She was looking up some information.
When did Mr. Baker get back to the office?
Was the office very busy? Were there any visitors waiting to see him?
Were the telephones ringing? What was Pete doing?
Could Mr. Baker find Miss Rossi? Was she making copies on the Xerox?
Was she typing at her desk? Where did he finally find her?
What was she doing? He was climbing the stairs. The lifts weren’t working.
They were making carbon copies of the letters. She was eating lunch at her desk.
The Xerox wasn’t working. Was he climbing the stairs? Were the lifts working?
Was she eating lunch at her desk? Was she working very hard?
He was wearing boots. It was snowing.
Was he wearing boots? Was it snowing?
Were they making carbon copies of the letters? Was the Xerox working?
Was she working very hard? Were the lifts working?
Were they making carbon copies of the letters?.
Why was he climbing the stairs? Because the lifts weren’t working.
Why was he wearing boots? Because it was snowing.
Why was she eating lunch at her desk? Because she was working very hard.
Why were they making carbon copies of the letters? Because the Xerox wasn’t working.
He couldn’t find her in the Xerox room. He couldn’t go down to the coffee-shop just then.
She couldn’t read his handwriting. They couldn’t take him to the factory that day.
Could he find her in the Xerox room? Could she read his handwriting?
Could he go down to the coffee-shop just then? Could they take him to the factory that day?
He couldn’t get a seat on the nine o’clock flight. He could get a seat on the eight o’clock flight.
She couldn’t take shorthand. She could type. He could go on Friday.
They couldn’t take him to factory on Monday. They could take him on Tuesday.
Could he go to Paris on Thursday? Could he go on Friday?
Could he go to Paris on Thursday? Could she take shorthand? Could she type?
Could he get a seat on the nine o’clock flight? Could he get a seat on the eight o’clock flight?
Could they take him to the factory on Monday? Could they take him on Tuesday?
Who wrote several letters to Mr. Baker? Some businessmen in Hamburg wrote several letters to him.
What did they show to him? They showed their offices to him.
Did he visit them after a few weeks? Yes, he did. He visited them after a few weeks.
What else did they show to him? They showed their equipment to him.
What did they give to him? They gave samples of their equipment to him.
What did he send to them when he got back? He sent a copy of his report to them.
What else did they show to him? They showed their new plant to him.
What do they manufacture? They manufacture electronic equipment.
I sent her a package. I sent a package to her. I sent it to her.
She wrote me a letter. She wrote a letter to me. She wrote it to me.
What did you send her? I sent her a package.
When did they show it to him? They showed it to him on Monday.
When did you send it to her? I sent it to her last week.

Mr. Baker’s firm had to move because they needed more space. They found another office on the twentieth floor of a
different building. They had to pack everything and take it to the new building in trucks. They moved the library and the
office machines first. After that the partners moved and finally the secretaries went over.
They had a new address and new telephone numbers, so they had to notify all their clients. Their clients are the people
who do business with them. They decided to send out a letter with the new address and telephone numbers. There was a
lot of extra work, so they had to hire some temporary workers. Temporary workers don’t have steady jobs. They work a
week here and a week there. They put the temporary workers in the library: they folded letters and put them in
envelopes. Pete ran the letters through the postage machine and then took them to the post-office in big bags. After a
week they sent out all the letters.

What’s this? It’s a big city.

What’s the centre of the city called? It’s called downtown.
What’s downtown? There are a lot of big office buildings downtown.
Are any of them tall? Some of them are tall.
Do many people come downtown? Thousands of people come downtown every day.
Why else do they come downtown? They come downtown to shop.
Why do they come downtown? They come downtown to work.
Why else do they come downtown? They come downtown to see films and plays.
Who’s this? This is Diane Rossi.
What does she do? She’s a secretary.
Where does she live? She lives in a flat downtown.
Does she live with anyone else? She shares the flat with two other girls.
How long has Diane lived in this flat? She’s lived in this flat for eight months.
Where does she come from? She comes from a small town.
Which does she prefer, life in the city or in a small town? She prefers life in the city.
How long has she lived in the city? She’s lived in the city for three years.
She’s always lived in a big city. She hasn't ever lived in a small town.
She's studied shorthand. She hasn’t studied accounting.
She’s bought a green dress. She hasn’t bought a blue dress. She’s eaten breakfast. She hasn’t eaten lunch yet.
Has she studied accounting? No, she hasn’t. Has she studied shorthand? Yes, she has.
Has she bought a green dress? Yes, she has. Has she bought a blue dress? No, she hasn’t.
Has she eaten breakfast? Yes, she has.
Has she eaten lunch yet? No, she hasn’t.
Has she always lived in a big city? Yes, she has.
Has she ever lived in a small town? No, she hasn’t. What’s this? It’s the underground.
What’s the underground? It’s a train that runs under the ground.
Does it go very fast? Yes, it does.
What has Diane just done? She’s just got on the underground.
Where’s she going? She’s going to work.
Does she often take the underground to work? Yes, she does.
How else does she go to work? Sometimes she walks to work. It's rush hour.
Most of the offices open at nine o’clock. Most of the shops open at nine o’clock too.
The traffic is very heavy between eight and nine. Mr. Baker has brought his car to the city.
He’s driven twenty-five miles from his home. He’s just parked his car in a car park.
He’s a few minutes late because of the traffic. What time of day is it? It’s rush hour.
When do most of the shops open? Most of them open at nine o’clock too.
What has Mr. Baker brought to the city? He’s brought his car to the city.
What has he just done? He’s just parked his car in a car park.
When do most of the offices open? Most of them open at nine o’clock.
When is the traffic very heavy? The traffic is very heavy between eight and nine.
How far has he driven? He’s driven twenty-five miles from his home.
Why is he a few minutes late? He’s a few minutes late because of the traffic.
He’s begun reading the newspaper. He hasn’t finished reading it yet.
He’s taken the train to the city. He’s seen the letters.
He hasn’t seen the report. He hasn’t driven his car to the city.
He’s bought a yellow tie. He hasn’t bought a red tie.
Has he taken the train to the city? Yes, he has.
Has he seen the letters? Yes, he has.
Has he driven his car to the city? No, he hasn’t.
Has he seen the report? No, he hasn’t.
Has he bought a yellow tie? Yes, he has.
Has he begun reading the newspaper? Yes, he has.
Has he bought a red tie? No, he hasn’t.
Has he finished reading it yet? No, he hasn’t.
What’s at the corner? There’s a traffic light at the corner.
What has the traffic done? The traffic has stopped.
What colour is the light now? Now the light has changed to green.
What does green mean? Green means “go”.
What colour is it now? It’s red now.
What has the traffic done? The traffic has started to move.
What does yellow mean? Yellow means “be careful”.
What does red mean? Red means “stop”.
The class has begun. It hasn’t ended yet.
The firm has moved to a new building. It hasn’t stayed in the old building.
The traffic has stopped. It hasn’t started to move again.
The store has opened. It hasn’t closed yet. Has the class begun? Yes, it has.
Has the store opened? Yes, it has. Has it ended yet? No, it hasn’t.
Has it closed yet? No, it hasn’t.
Has the firm moved to a new building? Yes, it has. Has the traffic stopped? Yes, it has.
Has it stayed in the old building? No, it hasn’t. Has it started to move again? No, it hasn’t.

Diane Rossi shares a flat with two other girls. One of her roommates is a nurse. She works in the city hospital. Her name is
Claire Martin, and she’s a blonde. That means her hair is fair. Diane has black hair. The pther girl’s name is Liz Reilly.
She’s a brunette; that means her hair is brown. Liz is an X-ray technician. She works in a doctor’s office. The girls like the
flat because it’s downtown. It’s very convenient. They can go everywhere in the city easily. There’s a bus stop in front of
the building. There’s an underground station a block away. They can get to work in a few minutes.

Who are these people? They're tourists.
Where are they staying? They're staying downtown.
Are the hotels convenient? Yes, they are.
Do they need a car while they're in the city? No, they don't.
How long have they been in the city? They've been in the city for a week.
Are there any hotels downtown? There are several hotels downtown.
Why are they convenient? They're close to theatres and museums.
How can they get around? They can walk everywhere that they want to go.
Who are these people? They are tourists.
Where are they staying? They're staying downtown.
Are there any hotels downtown? There are several hotels downtown.
Are the hotels convenient? Yes, they are.
They can walk everywhere they want to go.
Who are these people? They're tourists.
What have they seen? They've seen a lot of sights.
What have they just seen? They've just seen the art museum.
Are they tired? They're very tired.
What are they going to do then? Then they're going to have lunch.
What have they done? They've done a lot of walking.
Where are they going? They're going to their hotel to rest.
What are they going to do after that? After that they're going to the science museum.
Have they visited the botanical gardens? No, they haven't.
Have they visited the zoo? Yes, they have.
Have they seen some films? No, they haven't.
Have they eaten in their hotel all the time? No, they haven't.
Have they been to the opera? No, they haven't.
Have they seen some plays? Yes, they have.
Have they eaten in several different restaurants? Yes, they have.
Have they attended some concerts? Yes, they have.
Have they visited botanical gardens? No, they haven't.
Have they visited the zoo? Yes, they have.
Have they seen some films? No, they haven't.
Have they seen some plays? Yes, they have.
Have they eaten in their hotel all the time? No, they haven't.
Have they eaten in several different restaurants? Yes, they have.
Have they been to the opera? No, they haven't.
Have they attended some concerts? Yes, they have.
Where have you been? I've just been to the zoo.
What have you seen? I've seen animals from all over the world.
Have you seen some tigers? Yes, I have.
Where do they come from? They come from India.
Have you seen some lions? Yes, I have.
Have you seen some white bears? Yes, I have.
Where do they come from? They come from Africa.
Where do they come from? They come from the Arctic.
Have you seen the elephants? Yes, I have.
Have you seen the giraffes? No, I haven't.
Have you seen the zebras? Yes, I have.
Have you seen the monkeys? No, I haven't. How long have you been in the city?
We've been in the city for a week.
What have you done? We've gone sightseeing every day.
Have you been to any museums? We've been to all the museums.
What else have you done? We've gone up to the top of a tower.
What have you attended? We've attended a lot of plays and concerts.
What else have you done? We've visited a big ship.
What have you sent to your friends? We've sent postcards to all our friends.
Have you had a good time? We've enjoyed ourselves very much.
We've travelled by plane. We haven't travelled by ship.
We've eaten in a French restaurant. We haven't eaten in an Italian restaurant.
Have you travelled by plane? Yes, we have.
Have you eaten in a French restaurant? Yes, we have.
Have you travelled by plane? Yes, we have.
Have you travelled by ship? No, we haven't.
Have you eaten in an Italian restaurant? No, we haven't.
Have you eaten in a French restaurant? Yes, we have.
He's a stranger in the city. He doesn't understand all the traffic regulations.
He's just crossed the street. The light was red. He shouldn't cross the street against a red light.
He should wait for a green light. He should cross the street at the corner.
He shouldn't cross the street in the middle of the block.
Does he live in the city? No, he doesn't. He's a stranger.
What's he just done? He's just crossed the street.
Should he cross the street against a red light? No, he shouldn't.
Should he cross the street at the corner? Yes, he should.
What doesn't he understand? He doesn't understand all the traffic regulations.
What colour was the light? It was red.
Should he wait for a green light? Yes, he should.
Should he cross the street in the middle of the block? No, he shouldn't.
She shouldn't drive fast in traffic. She should drive slowly in traffic.
You should obey all the traffic signs. You shouldn't ignore the traffic signs.
Should she drive fast in traffic? No, she shouldn't.
Should she drive slowly in traffic? Yes, she should.
Should we obey all the traffic signs? Yes, you should.
Should we ignore the traffic signs? No, you shouldn't.
Should she drive fast in traffic? No, she shouldn't.
Should she drive slowly in traffic? Yes, she should.
Should we obey all the traffic signs? Should we ignore traffic signs?

The policeman has just stopped Henry. "Cop"* is another word for policeman. Henry just made an illegal left turn. The
policeman probably won't fine him. He'll probably only warn him to look at the sings carefully because he's a stranger in
the city. Different countries have different traffic regulations so you have to be careful when you're driving in a strange
country. For example, in some countries you always have to stop for a pedestrian. A pedestrian is a person who's walking.
In other countries you only have to stop when the pedestrian is crossing. In some countries you can turn right against a
red light; in others, you can't. But you should always be careful. You should always obey the traffic signs. You should
never ignore them.

He's been getting some sun. It's a pleasant spring day.

Who's this? This is Pete. What does he do? He's an office boy.
What's he been doing? He's been eating lunch.
What did he bring to work? He brought some sandwiches to work.
Did he go to a restaurant? No, he didn't.
Where's he been sitting? He's been sitting in the park.
What's he been getting? He's been getting some sun.
What kind of day is it? It's a pleasant spring day.
He's been sitting outdoors. He hasn't been indoors.
He's been eating a hamburger. He hasn't been eating a hot dog.
She's been studying singing. She hasn't been studying dancing.
It's been raining. It hasn't been snowing.
Has he been sitting outdoors? Yes, he has.
Has he been sitting indoors? No, he hasn't.
Has he been eating a hamburger? Yes, he has.
Has he been eating a hot dog? No, he hasn't.
Has she been studying singing? Yes, she has.
Has she been studying dancing? Has it been raining? Has it been snowing?
What's in the middle of the city? There's a big park in the middle of the city.
What's in the park? There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park.
What are there along the paths? There are benches along the paths.
Are there playgrounds for children in the park? Yes, there are.
What can you ride in the park? You can ride bicycles in the park.
Are there special paths for the bicycles? Yes, there are.
Can you ride bicycles on the pedestrian paths? No, you mustn't.
Can you walk on the bicycle paths? No, you mustn't.
Can you pick the flowers? No, you mustn't.
Can you walk on the grass? No, you mustn't.
You mustn't smoke in the theatre. It's prohibited.
You mustn't throw paper on the ground. It's prohibited.
You mustn't make a noise in the library. It's forbidden.
You mustn't jump on the benches. It's forbidden.
Can you smoke in the theatre? No, you mustn't. Why not? It's prohibited.
Can you throw paper on the ground? No, you mustn't. Why not? It's prohibited.
Can you make a noise in the library? No, you mustn't. Why not? It's forbidden.
Can you jump on the benches? No, you mustn't. Why not? It's forbidden.
How long has Miss Jefferson been studying shorthand? She's been studying shorthand for three months.
How long has Miss Jefferson been studying shorthand? What have you been reading?
How long have the Bergsons been staying here? What has mother been making all afternoon?
Miss Hudson, who have you been waiting for all this time?
Tom, how long have you been working for the ABC Insurance Company? These girls are coming out of the park.
They've been playing tennis. There are tennis-courts in the park. These boys are coming out of the park.
They've been playing cricket. There are cricket-pitches in the park.
What are these girls doing? They're coming out of the park.
What have they been doing? They've been playing tennis.
Are there tennis-courts in the park? Yes, there are.
What are these boys doing? They're coming out of the park.
What have they been doing? They've been playing cricket.
Are there cricket-pitches in the park? Yes, there are.
They've been playing football. They haven't been playing cricket. I've been smelling the flowers.
I haven't been picking them. They've been sitting on the benches. They haven't been walking around.
We've been eating lunch in the park this spring. We haven't been eating in a restaurant.
Have they been playing football? Yes, they have.
Have they been sitting on the benches? Yes, they have.
Have you been smelling the flowers? Yes, I have.
Have you been eating lunch in the park this spring? Yes, we have.
Have they been playing cricket? No, they haven't.
Have they been walking around? No, they haven't.
Have you been eating in a restaurant? No, we haven't.
Am I early or late? You're late.
Have you been waiting since six o'clock? Yes, I have.
How long have you been waiting? I've been waiting for half an hour.
What time did you get here? I got here at six o'clock.
What time is it now? It's six thirty.
What have you been doing? I've been sitting right here on this bench
Have you been waiting since six o'clock? Yes, I have.
How long have you been waiting? I've been waiting for half an hour.
What have you been doing? I've been sitting right here on this bench.
Has she been studying dancing since 1971 then? Yes, she has.
Is she a good dancer? She can dance very well.
What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.
When did she begin to study singing? She began to study singing in 1972.
Has she been studying singing since 1972? Yes, she has.
How long has she been studying singing? She's been studying singing for two years.
Is she a good singer now? She can sing very well now.
What else has she been doing? She's been learning how to dance too.
How long has she been studying dancing? She's been studying dancing for three years.

The Walkers have been visiting the city. They have friends out in the suburbs, but they haven't been staying with them.
They've been staying in a downtown hotel instead because it's close to everything* they want to see. The hotel restaurant
serves only English food, so the Walkers haven't been eating there. They've been trying different restaurants that serve
foreign food. For instance, they ate in a French restaurant yesterday, and the day before yesterday they tried some Italian
food. They've also eaten in Chinese and Japanese restaurants, and they're going to try a Spanish restaurant next. The small
town where they live only has one restaurant, and it serves English food; therefore the Walkers like trying different kinds
of food when they come to the city. There is a great variety of restaurants to choose from in the city.

What colour is the cover of the book? This book has a black cover.
Which is better, the black book or the grey book? The black book is better than the grey book.
And what colour is the cover of this book? This book has a grey cover.
Is the grey book very good? No, it isn’t. Do you like the grey book? No, I don’t.
Which is worse, the grey book or the black book? The grey book is worse than the black book.
Why not? It’s really bad. Is the black book very good? Yes, it is.
It’s a tall building. It’s taller than the building next door.
It's newer than the other buildings on the street. It’s very modern.
Each flat has a balcony. The girls eat out on the balcony in the summer.
What’s this? It’s the building where Diane Rossi lives.
Is it a tall building. Yes, it is.
How does it compare with the other buildings on the street? It’s newer than the other buildings on the street.
What does each flat have? Each flat has a balcony.
Why do they eat outside? It’s cooler than inside.
How does it compare with the building next door? It’s taller than the building next door.
What do the girls do in the summer? They eat out on the balcony in the summer.
Is it very modern? Yes, it is.
Who’s this? This is Claire Martin.
When was she born? She was born in 1952.
Is she Diane’s roommate?
Who’s older, Diane or Claire? Diane is older than Claire.
When was Diane born? She was born in 1951.
Who’s younger, Diane or Claire? Claire is younger than Diane.
Where were you born? I was born in London.
When were you born? I was born in 1955.
Claire is five feet four inches tall. Diane is five feet five inches tall.
Claire is shorter than Diane. Diane is taller than Claire.
Claire weighs a hundred and ten pounds.
Claire is lighter than Diane. Diane is heavier than Claire.
Diane weighs a hundred and fifteen pounds.
How tall is Claire? She’s five feet four inches tall.
How tall is Diane? She’s five feet five inches tall.
Who’s taller, Claire or Diane? Diane is taller than Claire.
Who’s shorter, Claire or Diane? Claire is shorter than Diane.
How much does Claire weigh? She weighs a hundred and ten pounds.
How much does Diane weigh? She weighs a hundred and fifteen pounds.
Who’s lighter, Claire or Diane? Claire is lighter than Diane.
Who’s heavier, Claire or Diane? Diane is heavier than Claire.
This is a ruler. It’s one foot long. There are twelve inches in a foot.
This is a yardstick. It’s one yard long. It’s divided into feet. There are three feet in a yard.
What’s this? It’s a ruler.
How long is it? It’s one foot long.
How is it divided? It’s divided into inches.
How many inches are there in a foot? There are twelve inches in a foot.
What’s this? It’s a yardstick. How long is it? It’s one yard long.
How is it divided? It’s divided into feet.
How many inches are there in a foot? There are twelve inches in a foot.
When is it colder, in the summer or in the winter? It’s colder in the winter than in the summer.
When is it hotter, in the summer or in the winter? It’s hotter in the summer than in the winter.
Who are generally stronger, boys or girls? Boys are generally stronger than girls.
Which is larger, London or Amsterdam? London is larger than Amsterdam.
Which is heavier, the chair or the couch? The couch is heavier than the chair.
Who are generally taller, boys or girls? Boys are generally taller than girls.
Which is sweeter, sugar or bread? Sugar is sweeter than bread.
Which is darker, black or grey? Black is darker than grey.
How wide is the table? It’s six feet wide.
How wide is the desk? It’s six feet wide too.
How do they compare? The desk is as wide as the table.
How tall is the oak? It’s a hundred feet tall.
How tall is the elm? It’s also a hundred feet tall. How do they compare?
The elm is as tall as the oak. Is it hot today? Yes, it is.
Was it hot yesterday? Yes, it was.
How does today compare with yesterday? It’s as hot today as it was yesterday.
Many foreigners find English and American weights and measures very confusing.

Instead of metres and centimetres, the English talk about inches, feet and yards. A metre is a little longer than a yard.
In figures, feet are usually shown by a single mark (') and inches by a double mark ("). Thus 5'4" equals five feet four
inches. Instead of kilometres, the English and Americans measure long distances in miles. A kilometre is shorter than a
mile; it is about five eighths of a mile. Forty-eight kilometres equal thirty miles.
Measurements of weight are also different. The English and Americans use ounces and pounds. There are sixteen ounces
in a pound. 2.2 (two point two) pounds equal one kilogram. In liquid measurements, they use quarts and gallons. There are
four quarts in a gallon. A quart is a little more than a litre.
Even temperatures are given in a different system. The Americans and the English use the Fahrenheit thermometer
instead of the Centigrade. On the Fahrenheit thermometer, the freezing-point of water is thirty-two degrees and the
boiling-point of water is two hundred and twelve degrees.
The English have begun changing to the metric system. The Americans, however, still keep the old measurements.

They’re more expensive than the underground too. Buses and the underground are cheaper than taxis.
Is there any public transport in the city? There are several kinds of public transport in the city.
Is there an underground? Yes, there is.
Are there buses? There are buses on the main streets.
What about cars? A lot of people drive their cars in the city.
What about taxis? There are a lot of taxis on the streets.
Which are more expensive, taxis or buses? Taxis are more expensive than buses.
Which are more expensive, taxis or the underground? Taxis are more expensive than the underground too.
Are buses and the underground cheaper than taxis? Yes, they are.
Is there any public answer transport in the city? There are several kinds of public transport in the city.
Which are faster, taxis or buses? Taxis are faster than buses.
Which are more comfortable, taxis or buses and the underground? Taxis are more comfortable than buses and the
Why do people use taxis? People use taxis because they’re convenient.
Which are more convenient, taxis or the underground? Taxis are more convenient than the underground.
Are buses and the underground crowded? They’re often crowded, especially at rush hour.
Are they dirty? Yes, they’re often dirty too.
Where do taxis take you? They take you exactly where you want to go.
Which are cleaner, taxis or the underground and buses? Taxis are cleaner than the underground and buses.
Lesson One was difficult. Lesson Two was easy. Lesson One was more difficult than Lesson Two.
Lesson Two was easier than Lesson One. He’s a construction worker. He’s an office worker.
A construction worker has a more dangerous job than an office worker.
An office worker has a safer job than a construction worker.
How was Lesson One? It was difficult.
How was Lesson Two? It was easy.
Which was easier? Lesson Two was easier than Lesson One.
Which was more difficult? Lesson One was more difficult than Lesson Two.
What does he do? He’s a construction worker.
What does he do? He’s an office worker.
Who has a safer job? An office worker has a safer job than a construction worker.
Who has a more dangerous job? A construction worker has a more dangerous job than an office worker.
Does she want to be late for work? No, she doesn’t
Is it expensive? She spends a lot of money on taxis.
What’s the taxi going to do? It’s going to stop.
Does she often take taxis? Yes, she does.
What’s Liz doing? She’s trying to catch a taxi.
Why does she take taxis? She likes to sleep late in the morning.
What should she do? She ought to get up earlier.
What should she buy? She ought to buy a loud alarm-clock.
What should she take? She ought to take the underground.
What shouldn’t she do? She ought not to spend so much money.
He ought not to do such dangerous work. He shouldn’t do such dangerous work.
She ought to save some money. She should save some money.
She ought to go on diet. She should go on a diet.
She ought not to eat sweets. She shouldn’t eat sweets.
What should she save? She ought to save some money.
What ought she to save? She should save some money.
What ought she not to eat? She shouldn’t eat sweets.
What ought she to do? She should go on a diet.
What kind of work ought he not to do? He shouldn’t do such dangerous work.
What shouldn’t she eat? She ought not to eat sweets.
What kind of work shouldn’t he do? He ought not to do such dangerous work.
The girls’ flat has a central location.They’re able to get around easily.
They’re four blocks from the park. They’re able to get to the park in ten minutes.
There are a lot of shops on the ground-floor. They’re able to go shopping on the way home from work.
They’re near a bus route and an underground line. They’re able to go without any trouble.
Why is the girl’s flat convenient? It has a central location.
What about getting around? They’re able to get around easily.
How far are they from the park? They’re four blocks from the park.
How fast can they get to the park? They’re able to get there in ten minutes.
Where are there a lot of shops? There are a lot of shops on the ground-floor.
When can they go shopping? They’re able to go shopping on the way home from work.
Where can they go? They can go anywhere without any trouble.
What are they near? They’re near a bus route and an underground line.
Liz is rather lazy. She won’t get up in the morning.
Diane always wakes her up. She won’t pick up her clothes.
Her room is always untidy. She’s a wonderful cook.
Her meals always taste delicious. She won’t clean up the pots and pans, however.
Is Liz very energetic? No, she isn’t. She’s rather lazy.
What won’t she do? She won’t get up in the morning.
Who wakes her up? Diane always wakes her up.
What else won’t she do? She won’t pick up her clothes.
How does her room look? It’s always untidy.
What does she do well? She’s a wonderful cook.
How do her meals taste? They always taste delicious.
What won’t she do? She won’t pick up her clothes.
She refuses to pick up her clothes. She won’t clean up the pots and pans.
She refuses to clean up the pots and pans.
What does she refuse to do? She refuses to clean up the pots and pans.
What won’t she do? She won’t clean up the pots and pans.
She won’t pick up her clothes. She won’t clean up the pots and pans.

They never seem to finish the city. Everywhere you go, there’s construction work. They’re always tearing up the streets or
building another new office block. All the wires for the telephones and the pipes for gas and electricity are underground.
They’re always opening up the street and taking out wires and pipes. Is it necessary work? Do they have to leave those big
holes in the street? I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone else knows either.
Just last week they tore down the building across the street from my office. It looked like a perfectly good building to me,
but one day it was there and the next day it wasn’t. It was nice to see the sky for a few days, but I won’t be able to see it
much longer. They’re going to build a bigger and more modern building. For a year, there will be noise and holes in the
street. Then one day the boss will announce that we’re all going to move across the street into that new building. And
today it’s just a hole in the ground.

This is a tall building in London. There's a restaurant on top of it.
It has the best view in the city. You can see a lot of the city from the top of this tower.
You can see ships. You can see parks and museums.
You can see the river. You can see several bridges. What’s this? It’s a tall building.
How’s the view? It has the best view in the city.
What can you see? You can see a lot of the city from the top of this tower.
What’s on top of it? There’s a restaurant on top of it.
Can you see ships? Yes, you can.
What else can you see? You can see parks and museums.
What else can you see? You can see the river.
What else can you see? You can see several bridges.
Is the city a seaport? Yes, it is.
What runs through the city? A river runs through the city.
Where does the river enter the sea? The river enters the sea away from the city.
Are there any bridges across the river? There are several bridges across the river.
Are the bridges very long? No, the bridges aren’t very long.
What ’s in the port? There are a lot of ships in the port.
What are the biggest ships? The biggest ships are tankers.
What are tankers? They’re ships that carry oil.
There are hundreds of buildings in the city. Some of the tallest buildings are office blocks.
I’ve seen a lot of bad films. This is the worst film that I’ve ever seen.
I’ve read a lot of good books. This is the best book that I’ve ever read.
There are several ships in the port. The biggest ship in the port is a tanker.
Are there many buildings in the city? There are hundreds of buildings in the city.
What are some of the tallest buildings? Some of the tallest buildings are office blocks.
What have you read? I’ve read a lot of good books.
How’s this one? It’s the best book that I’ve ever read.
What have you seen? I’ve seen a lot of bad films.
Are there any ships in the port? There are several ships in the port.
How’s this one? It’s the worst film that I’ve ever seen.
What’s the biggest ship? The biggest ship in the port is a tanker.
Are there any beaches on the coast? There are a lot of beaches on the coast.
Where’s the most popular beach? The most popular beach is about forty miles from the city.
How’s the sand? It’s clean and white.
Is it long? Yes, it’s long.
Is the water deep? It isn’t too deep. Is the water rough? It isn’t too rough.
The most popular beach is about forty miles from the city.
Where’s the most convenient beach? The most convenient beach is nearer to the city.
Why isn’t it as popular as the other beach? Because it isn’t as clean as the other beach.
Are there any beaches on the coast? There are a lot of beaches on the coast.
This is the most modern store in the city. This is the most interesting book that I’ve ever read.
This is the most beautiful painting that I’ve ever seen.
This is the most comfortable chair in the room.
How’s this store? It’s the most modern store in the city.
How’s this painting? It’s the most beautiful painting that I’ve ever seen.
How’s this book? It’s the most interesting book that I’ve ever read.
Howl’s this chair? It’s the most comfortable chair in the in the room.
Oil is the most important fuel nowadays. Fuel produces heat for homes and factories.
People used to burn a lot of coal. Trains and ships used to burn coal too.
Coal is very dirty. Oil is a little cleaner than coal. It’s cheaper too. Petrol also comes from oil.
What’s the most important fuel nowadays? Oil is the most important fuel nowadays.
What does fuel do? It produces heat for homes and factories.
What did people use to burn? They used to burn a lot of coal.
What did trains and ships use to burn? They used to burn coal too.
Is coal clean? No, it isn’t. It’s very dirty.
Which is cleaner, oil or coal? Oil is a little cleaner than coal.
Which is cheaper? Oil is cheaper too.
What else comes from oil? Petrol also comes from oil.
People used to burn wood. Then they changed to coal.
Nowadays most people burn oil. Diane used to live in a small town.
She used to go to a secretarial school. Now she lives in the city.
She used to study shorthand and typing. Now she works as a secretary.
What did people use to burn? People used to burn wood.
Then what did they change to? Then they changed to coal.
What do most people burn nowadays? Nowadays most people burn more oil.
What does she do now? Now she works as a secretary.
Where did Diane use to live? She used to live in a small town.
Where does she live now? Now she lives in the city
Where did Diane use to go? She used to go to a secretarial school.
The Walkers like the city. They may stay another week.
Mr. Walker may look for a job in the city. It’s possible that they’ll move to the city.
What may Mr. Walker look for? He may look for a job in the city.
What’s possible? It’s possible that they’ll move to the city.
Do the Walkers like the city? Yes, they do.
What may Mr. Walker look for? Mr. Walker may look for a job in the city.
What may they do? They may stay another week.
What’s possible? It’s possible that they’ll move to the city.
It’s possible that it will rain this afternoon. It may rain this afternoon.
It’s possible that we’ll go to the beach tomorrow. We may go to the beach tomorrow.
What’s possible? What may you do tomorrow?

Not too many years ago, trains used to carry most of the goods in Britain. Nowadays trucks carry a larger and larger share
of the goods. Huge trucks drive along the roads that connect one city with another. They go right into the cities, too,
where they make the traffic worse on streets that are already crowded.
Smaller trucks — an army of them — make local deliveries; that is, deliveries within the city or to its suburbs. They take
bags of mail to the post-office; they supply goods to the shops; they deliver packages from the stores to their customers;
they supply factories with the materials that they use. In short, the city could not survive without trucks. The problem,
however, often seems to be whether the city can survive with trucks. In London, for instance, where factories are next to
shops, offices, and flats, many of the streets are so crowded that a taxi can hardly get through them. Some people have
talked about using the underground for deliveries, or about permitting deliveries only at night. Still, nothing happens, and
every day seems to add more and more trucks to the city’s streets.

This used to be a field. It was part of a farm. That’s a bulldozer.

The bulldozer is clearing the land. They’re going to build a housing estate here.
They’ll build several hundred houses. All the houses will look alike.
What was it part of? It was part of a farm.
What did this use to be? It used to be a field.
How far is it from a big city? It’s about thirty miles from a big city.
What’s that? That’s a bulldozer.
What’s it doing? The bulldozer is clearing the land.
What are they going to build here?
They’re going to build a housing estate here.
How many houses will they build? They’ll build several hundred.
The cities are surrounded by suburbs. They’re connected by roads.
Many people live in the suburbs and work in the city. They drive to and from work every day.
More roads are built every year. Many cities are circled by ring-roads.
Are many houses built every year? Where are most of them built?
Thousands of houses are built every year. Most of them are built in the suburbs.
What are the cities surrounded by? They’re surrounded by suburbs.
What are the cities and suburbs connected by? How do they get to and from work?
What’s built every year? What are many cities circled by?
What do many people do? Are many houses built every year?
These houses are made of brick. Those houses are made of wood.
These machines are called bulldozers. Those machines are called tractors.
Those machines are called tractors. What are these houses made of?
What are those houses made of? What are these machines called?
What do they build every year? They build thousands of new houses every year.
What’s built every year? Thousands of new houses are built every year.
What do they use bulldozers to do? They use bulldozers to clear the land.
What are bulldozers used to do? Bulldozers are used to clear the land.
What do they sell every year? They sell thousands of cars every year.
What’s sold every year? Thousands of cars are sold every year.
What do they construct every year? More roads are constructed every year.
What’s constructed every year? They construct more roads every year.
Is this estate new or old? This estate is new.
How many houses are there on the estate? There are two hundred houses on the estate.
What’s this house made of? It’s made of brick.
How many bedrooms does it have? It has three bedrooms.
Does it have a garden? It has a small front and back garden.
What’s in the front garden? There’s a tree in the front garden.
Does it have a garage? It has a one-car garage.
What’s it equipped with? It’s equipped with modern appliances.
This estate was built two years ago. It's only two miles from the ring-road.
They were priced very moderately. All the houses were sold quickly.
They cost between ten and fourteen thousand pounds.
Most of the houses were bought by young married couples. Many of them were buying their first home.
When was this estate built? It was built two years ago.
How far is it from the ring-road? It’s only two miles from the ring-road.
How were they priced? They were priced very moderately.
How fast were the houses sold? All the houses were sold quickly.
How much did they cost? They cost between ten and fourteen thousand pounds.
How far is it from the city? It’s twenty miles from the city.
Who were most of the houses bought by? Most of the houses were bought by young married couples.
What were many of them buying? Many of them were buying their first home.
How far is it from the city? It’s twenty miles from the city. How big is this house? It’s a four-bedroom house.
Are they expecting another baby? Yes, they are.
Do they have any children? They have one little boy.
What happened to Bill Jackson recently? He was transferred to the city recently.
What was he given? He was given a better job in his firm.
What did the Jacksons do? They spent several weeks hunting for a house.
Why did they finally decide on this house? They finally decided on this house because it was a good bargain.
Who was it bought by? It was bought by the Jacksons.
Where is it? It’s next door to the Jacksons’ house.
Who was it bought by? It was bought by a young married couple
What’s their name? Their name is Nelson.
What happened to Bill Jackson recently? He was transferred to the city recently.
What was he given? He was given a better job in his firm.
What did the Jacksons do? They spent several weeks hunting for a house.
Why did they findecide on this house? They finally decided on this house because it was a good bargain.
Do the Nelsons have any children? No, they don’t.
What does Fred Nelson do? He’s a television repairman.
Where did the Nelsons use to live? They used to live in the city.
Why did they move to the suburbs? They got tired of the noise, the dirt, and the crowds.
Where is it? It’s next door to the Jacksons’ house.
What does Fred Nelson do? He’s a television repairman.
Where did the Nelsons use to live? They used to live m the city.
Why did they move to the suburbs? They got tired of the noise, the dirt, and the crowds.
Who was this house sold to? It was sold to a young married couple.
Where was he transferred? He was transferred to the accounting section.
What course were you allowed to take this year? I was allowed to take physics.
How fast were those houses sold? They were sold very quickly.
When were those houses built? They were built two years ago.
When were you transferred to the firm’s headquarters?
We were transferred to the firm’s headquarters two months ago.
Who was this house sold to? It was sold to a young married couple.
When were you transferred to the firm’s headquarters?
We were transferred to the firm’s headquarters two months ago.
Their house is bigger than ours. However, our house was less expensive than theirs.
I have a car. My wife has a car too. My car is bigger than hers.
However, her car is less expensive to run than mine.
Which was less expensive, their house or yours? Do you have a car?
Which is bigger, their house or yours?

All our big cities are now surrounded by a belt of suburbs. In fact, it’s hard to know where the cities stop and the suburbs
start. The suburbs are enormous dormitories for the cities; that is, people work in the city but sleep in the suburbs.
Nowadays more people live in the suburbs than in the city centres.
The spread of the suburbs was made possible by the car, but the first suburbs followed the railway lines. When cars were
priced low enough for many to buy, the suburbs began to eat up all the farmland around the cities. Rows of houses all
alike began to stretch across the landscape. People could live with a little green around them instead of in the brick,
concrete, and asphalt of the city. Now many factories and offices have also moved out to the suburbs. Along the circular
road that runs around London, for example, there are many factories and office buildings. Many people work in these

What's this? It’s a new shopping centre.
Is there anything unusual about it? It’s completely covered over.
What does this enable people to do? People can walk from shop to shop in any kind of weather.
Has it been opened yet? It’s just been opened to the public.
What’s been announced? Big opening sales have been announced.
What about prices? Prices have been marked down.
Where have people come from? People from all the surrounding suburbs have been attracted to the opening.
People have even come from the city. This is the branch of a city department store.
It’s located in a suburban shopping centre. Suburban branches have been opened by many stores.
Many customers wouldn’t come downtown any more. The customers can drive to suburban shopping centres.
They would shop in the suburbs, however. The car park around this new shopping centre is filled.
Sales have been announced by several stores. What’s this? It’s the branch of a city department store.
Where is it located? It’s located in a suburban shopping centre.
What has been done by many stores? Suburban branches have been opened by many stores.
Why have these branches been opened by the stores? Many customers wouldn’t come downtown any more.
Have many people driven to this new shopping centre? Yes, they have. The car park is filled.
Why is it filled? Sales have been announced by several stores.
Where would they shop? They would shop in the suburbs.
How can the customers get to suburban shopping centres? They can drive to suburban shopping
What have the boys been required to take? They’ve been required to take physics.
What’s been assigned as homework? Exercises Two and Three have been assigned as homework.
What have you been required to do? I’ve been required to write a report.
Where has she been sent? She’s been sent to the post-office.
Has the mail come yet? The mail has already been delivered.
Has this shopping centre been opened yet? It’s just been opened to the public.
Where has Bill Jackson been transferred
What’s he been assigned to? He’s been assigned to a new job.
What’s been assigned as homework? Exercises Two and Three, have been assigned as homework.
What have you been required to do? I’ve been required to write a report.
What have the boys been required to take? They’ve been required to take physics.
Where has she been sent? She’s been sent to the post-office.
Has the mail come yet? The mail has been already delivered.
Has this shopping centre been opened yet? It’s just been opened to the public.
Who’s this? This is Ethel Jackson. Who is she? She’s Bill Jackson’s wife.
Where did she want answer to go? She wanted to go to the sale today.
What happened? Her car woudn´t start.
What did she do? She rang Jane Nelson.
Where do the Nelsons live? The Nelsons live next door to the Jacksons.
What did Ethel ask Jane? Ethel asked Jane if she would go to the sale.
What did Jane say? Jane said that she would be happy to go.
They refused to move to the city. I refused to go to the sale. They wouldn’t move to the city.
I wouldn’t go to the sale. Her car refused to start. Her car wouldn’t start.
He refused to do the homework. He wouldn’t do the homework.
What did her car refuse to do? It refused to start.
What wouldn't her car do? It wouldn’t start.
What did he refuse to do? He refused to do the homework.
What wouldn’t he do? He wouldn’t do the homework.
Where did they refuse to move? They refused to move to the city.
Where wouldn’t they move? They wouldn’t move to the city.
What did you refuse to do? I refused to go to the sale.
What wouldn’t you do? I wouldn’t go to the sale.
She said that she was willing to go to the sale. She said that she’d go to the sale.
He said that he was willing to move to the city. He said that he’d move to the city.
I said that I was willing to give her a lift. I said that I’d give her a lift.
They said that they were willing to go to the city. They said that they’d go to the city.
What did she say? She was willing to go to the sale.
What did she say? She’d go to the sale.
What did he say? He was willing to move to the city.
What did he say? He’d move to the city.
What did they say? They were willing to go to the city. What did they say? They’d go to the city.
What did you say? I was willing to give her a lift. What did you say? I’d give her a lift.
What did she say? She was willing to go to the sale.
Ethel would rather shop in the city. There are more stores in the city.
There’s a greater variety of goods. She’d rather spend the entire day in the city.
She’d rather eat lunch in a restaurant. There are more restaurants in the city.
She can go to the theatre in the afternoon. She can go home with her husband in the evening.
Would Ethel rather shop in the city or the suburbs? She’d rather shop in the city.
What about the goods? There’s a greater variety of goods.
Why does she prefer the city? There are more stores in the city.
Would she rather come home early or not? She’d rather spend the entire day in the city.
Would she rather eat lunch in a restaurant or go home? She’d rather eat lunch in a restaurant.
Why does she prefer to eat lunch in the city? There are more restaurants in the city.
Who can she go home with? She can go home with her husband in the evening.
What can she do in the afternoon? She can go to the theatre in the afternoon.
Where do you prefer to eat? We prefer to eat in a restaurant.
Where would you rather eat? We’d rather eat in a restaurant.
Where do you prefer to work? I prefer to work in the city.
Where would you rather work? I’d rather work in the city.
Which do they prefer to see, a play or a film? They prefer to see a play.
Which would they rather see, a play or a film? They’d rather see a play.
Where does she answer prefer to shop? She prefers to shop in the city.
Where would she rather shop? She’d rather shop in the city.
Where do you prefer to eat? We prefer to eat in a restaurant.
Where would you rather work? I prefer to work in the city.
Where would you rather eat? We’d rather eat in a restaurant.

Fortunately, not everybody drives into the city—fortunately because there would be* too many cars on the streets and
roads. Many people take trains in from the suburbs. These trains are called “commuter” trains; people who go to the city to
work every day are commuters. A familiar sight in the suburbs is the railway station. Many suburban housewives drive
their husbands to the station in the morning and then pick them up in the evening. Some evenings the husband and father
is greeted by the whole family, including even the dog.
Many of the suburbs, especially the newer ones, don’t have any sort of centre. The railway station substitutes for it. There
are usually a few shops nearby, so that the housewife can pick up that quart of milk that she forgot when she went
Many commuters would rather take the train than drive, even though the service is often bad. At least they can relax and
read the paper, or perhaps take a nap, or do a little work in preparation for the day ahead.

There are a lot of children in this suburban area.

Many people move to the suburbs because the schools are usually better than in the city.
What’s this? It’s a new school in the suburbs.
When will it be finished? It will be finished in two months.
When will it be opened? It will be opened in autumn.
What kind of school is it? It’s a primary school.
What is a primary school? A primary school teaches children aged from five to eleven.
What else does it have? It also has a nursery class for preschool children.
Are there a lot of children in this suburban? Yes, there are.
Why do many people move to the suburbs area? Because the schools are usually better than in the city.
This is a secondary school. It has forms one to five.
This is a sixth-form college. It will be overcrowded next year.
Construction should be started in a few weeks. It has two sixth-forms.
A new sixth-form college must be built soon. It may be delayed because of public hearings.
Taxes must be raised to pay for another school. Many people don’t want higher taxes.
What kind of school is this? It’s a secondary school.
What is a secondary school? It has forms one to five.
What kind of school is this? It’s a sixth-form college.
What is a sixth form college? It has two sixth-forms.
Will it be overcrowded next year? Yes, it will.
What must be built soon? A new sixth-form college must be built soon.
When should construction be started? Construction should be started in a few weeks.
Why may it be delayed? It may be delayed because of public hearings.
How will another school be paid for? Taxes must be raised to pay for another school.
Doesn’t everybody want another school? Many people don’t want higher taxes.
A four-year-old child can be enrolled in a nursery class. Construction will be completed in four weeks.
More schools should be built soon. Taxes must be raised to pay for them.
When can a child be enrolled in a nursery class? A four-year-old child can be enrolled in a nursery class.
When will construction be completed? Construction will be completed in four weeks.
What should be built soon? More schools should be built soon. How will they be paid for?
Taxes must be raised to pay for them.
Why may construction be delayed? Construction may be delayed because of public opposition.
How will the new schools be equipped? They’ll be equipped with the most modem equipment.
Schools are a centre of suburban life. Problems concerning the schools are discussed with great feeling.
Many suburban families have children. They want to improve the schools.
They want better buildings and equipment. They want better teachers and instruction.
The council holds public hearings on school problems. Many people attend those hearings.
I attended a council meeting last week. They were debating plans for a new school.
I’m in favour of the new school.
Didn’t you attend a council meeting last week? Yes, I did.
What were they debating? They were debating plans for a new school.
Do you have children? I have three children who’ll attend that school.
Why don’t they want the new school? They don’t want to pay higher taxes.
Aren’t you in favour of the new school? Yes, I am.
Weren’t there many people opposed to the school? Yes, there were.
What do more schools mean to you? To me, more schools mean better education.
What do more schools mean to them? To them, more schools mean higher taxes.
Was there a council meeting last week? Yes, there was.
Wasn’t there a council meeting last week? Yes, there was.
Didn’t you attend a council meeting? Yes, I did.
Doesn’t he approve of the new school? Yes, he does.
Did you attend a council meeting? Yes, I did.
Does he approve of the new school? Yes, he does.
Can you attend the next meeting? No, I can’t.
Can’t you attend the next meeting? No, I can’t.
Will you support the plan for the new school? Yes, we will.
Won’t you support the plan for the new school? Yes, we will.
You should attend the next council meeting. They’re going to vote on the plan for a new school.
A lot of people are in favour of it. A lot of people are apposed to it, however.
The plan might be defeated. There might not be enough people in favour of it.
There might be too many people against it. You should help us to win by voting for the plan.
Should I attend the next council meeting? Yes, you should.
Are a lot of people in favour of it? Yes, they are.
What are they going to do? They’re going to vote on the plan for a new school.
But aren’t a lot of people opposed to it? Yes, they are.
Is it possible for the plan to be defeated? It might be defeated.
Are there enough people in favour of it? There might not be enough.
Are there many people against it? There might be too many.
What should I do? You should help us to win by voting for the plan.
Should I attend the next council meeting? Yes, you should
What are they going answer to do? They’re going to vote on the plan for a new school.
Are a lot of people in favour of it? Yes, they are.
But aren’t a lot of people opposed to it? Yes, they are.
Is it possible for the plan to be defeated? It might be defeated.
Are there enough people in favour of it?
Are there many people against it? There might not be enough.
What should I do? You should help us to win by voting for the plan.
Is it possible for the plan to be defeated? It may be defeated.
Is it possible for the plan to win? It might win.
Is it possible that he’ll be sent on a trip? He may be sent on a trip.
Is it possible that he’ll stay right here? He might stay right here.

Whether new schools should be built is not the only topic which is discussed at council meetings. Sometimes it seems that
everyone in town is an educator. People debate what should be taught in the school and when it should be taught. Should
a foreign language be taught in the primary schools, or should the students wait until secondary school to receive foreign
language instruction? That’s just one example of the topics that may be discussed and debated.
Methods of instruction are also discussed. Everybody seems to have a different opinion about how literature should be
taught, for example, or how maths should be taught.
Schools are very important in Britain. More and more students go on to college every year; and every year the colleges
complain that their new students are not receiving adequate preparation. Parents demand that the schools should do a
better job, but at the same time they don’t want to pay the taxes that will enable the schools to do their job.

Where is Bill taking his car? He’s taking it to the garage.
What happened? He had an accident yesterday.
What happened to the bumper? It got smashed.
What about the headlight? It got broken.
What about the motor? It didn’t get damaged.
Did anyone get hurt? No, luckily no one got hurt.
How long will the garage take to repair the car? The garage will take a week to repair the car.
Bill will have to take the train to the city, won’t he? Yes, he will.
The windscreen got broken in an accident. Her purse got stolen at the office.
He got lost because he turned left instead of right. The child got punished because he was naughty.
They got married in a church. The letters got lost in the mail.
He got put in an advanced class. He got hurt in an accident.
How did the windscreen get broken? It got broken in an accident.
Where did her purse get stolen? It got stolen at the office.
Why did he get lost? He got lost because he turned left instead of right.
Why did the child get punished? The child got punished because he was naughty.
Where did they get married? They got married in a church.
How did the letters get lost? They got lost in the mail.
What kind of class did he get put in? He got put in an advanced class.
How did he get hurt? He got hurt in an accident.
The husband drives one car to work.
The wife uses the other car for doing errands. The Nelsons have two cars.
Fred takes very good care of the cars. He repairs them himself
He washes them every week.
What do people in the suburbs depend on? They depend on their cars.
Many families have two cars, don’t they? Yes, they do.
Who uses one of the cars? The husband drives one car to work.
The Nelsons have two cars, don’t they? Yes, they do.
Who repairs them? Fred repairs them himself.
Who uses the other car? The wife uses the other car for doing errands.
Fred takes very good care of the cars, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
How often does he wash them? He washes them every week.
The Jacksons also have two cars. Bill Jackson isn’t interested in cars and motors.
He doesn’t take very good care of the cars. He doesn’t try to repair them himself.
He takes them to a garage. One of the cars is usually in the garage.
Sometimes both cars are in the garage. They spend a lot of money on their cars.
The Jacksons also have two cars, don’t they?
Is Bill Jackson interested in cars and motors? No, he isn’t.
Why do people depend on their cars so much? Because there’s less public transport in the suburbs.
It’s often a long way to the shops, isn’t it?
Is there any other way to get to work? Yes, it is.
What have people become accustomed to? People have become accustomed to using their cars for everything.
There are some very big supermarkets, aren’t there?
What can you do there? You can park your car on the roof.
There are also many sports grounds, aren’t there?
Are the car parks full?
There are even a few drive-in banks, aren’t there?
There are lots of cars in the car parks. Yes, there are.
What can you do there? You can cash a cheque without getting out of your car.
What else can you do? You can deposit money without getting out of your car.
Could the suburbs exist without cars?
He takes good care of his car, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
He repairs the car himself, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
She goes shopping every week, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
She drives her husband to the station, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
He takes good care answer of his car, doesn’t he?
He repairs the car himself, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
She goes shopping answer every week, doesn’t she?
She drives her husband to the station, doesn’t she? Yes, she does,
They depend on their cars, don’t they? Yes, they do.
They use the drive-in bank, don’t they? Yes, they do.
You repair your car yourself, don’t you? Yes, I do.
You have two cars, don’t you? Yes, we do.
They depend on their cars, don’t they? Yes, they do.
You repair your car answer yourself, don’t you?
They use the drive-in bank, don’t they?
You have two cars, answer don’t you? Yes, we do.
You cashed a cheque at the bank, didn’t you? Yes, I did.
You deposited some money yesterday, didn’t you? Yes, I did.
He had an accident, didn’t he? Yes, he did.
He lost his briefcase, didn’t he? Yes, he did.
You cashed a cheque at the bank, didn’t you? Yes, I did.
He had an accident, didn’t he? Yes, he did.
You deposited some money yesterday, didn’t you? Yes, I did.
He lost his briefcase, didn’t he? Yes, he did.
Both their cars were in the garage, weren’t they? Yes, they were.
He s a junior executive, isn´t he? Yes, he is.
Their children are in primary school, isn’t they? Yes, they are.
There’s a shop near the station, aren’t there? Yes, there is.
Both their cars were answer in the garage, weren’t they? Yes, they were.
Their children are in primary school, aren’t they?
He’s a junior executive, isn’t he? Yes, he is.
They should take better care of their cars, shouldn’t they? Yes, they should.
He can fix his own car, can t he? Yes, he can.
They´ve bought a new car, haven’t they? Yes, they have.
He’s received a promotion, hasn’t he? Yes, he has.
They should take answer better care of their cars, shouldn’t they? He can fix his own car, can’t he?
They’ve bought a new car, haven’t they?
He’s received a promotion, hasn’t he? Yes, he has.
The Jacksons’ dishwasher has just broken down. Mrs. Jackson will have to call a repairman.
She can’t fix it herself. She has to call for a repairman quite often.
Sometimes the kitchen equipment doesn’t work properly. Other times they need major repairs.
Last year the roof leaked. They had to have a new roof put on the house.
What has just happened? The Jacksons’ dishwasher has just broken down.
Who will Mrs. Jackson have to call? She’ll have to call a repairman.
She can’t fix it herself, can she? No, she can’t.
Does she have to call for a repairman quite often? Yes, she does.
What doesn’t work properly sometimes? Sometimes the kitchen equipment doesn’t work properly.
What do they need other times? Other times they need major repairs.
What happened last year? Last year the roof leaked.
What did they have to do? They had to have a new roof put on the house.
Bill can’t make the repairs himself, can he? No, he can’t.
Why can’t he make the repairs himself? He isn’t very handy around the house.
The Nelsons make the repairs in their house themselves.
They’re both very handy. Fred is a television repairman.
He’s also a very good electrician. Last year they bought a new electric cooker.
His wife knows a lot about plumbing. She can fix anything in the kitchen herself.
Who makes the repairs in the Nelsons’ house? The Nelsons make the repairs in their house themselves.
Are they both very handy? Yes, they are.
What does Fred do? He’s a television repairman.
What else does he do? He’s also a very good electrician.
What did they buy last year? Last year they bought a new electric cooker.
What does his wife know a lot about? She knows a lot about plumbing.
Who makes repairs in the Nelsons’ house? Are they both very handy?
The Nelsons make the repairs in their house themselves.
What did you decide? I decided to try to do some work around the house myself.
What did you watch? I watched Fred install his new cooker himself.
What did you buy? I bought a new stereo record player. How did it look? It looked easy.
What did it have? There were do-it-yourself instructions for assembling it.
What did you try to do? I tried to assemble it myself.
You couldn’t understand the instructions, could you? No, I couldn’t.
What happened? I cut myself on the finger with a screwdriver.
What else happened? I dropped one of the speakers on my toe.
What else happened? I blew out all the fuses in the house.
What did you finally do? I finally called in an electrician to finish the job
How do you entertain yourselves? We entertain ourselves by going to the cinema.
How do they amuse themselves? They amuse themselves by going to the city.
What do you do every morning? I shave myself every morning.
When did you cut yourself? I cut myself yesterday in the morning.
What’s she doing? She’s looking at herself in the mirror.
Who installed the television aerial? How does the record player turn off?
How do you entertain yourselves? We entertain ourselves by going to the cinema.
How do they amuse themselves? They amuse themselves by going to the city.
How do you enjoy yourselves? We enjoy ourselves by watching TV.
The equipment is always breaking down. They can’t fix things themselves.
They won’t spend as much money in the city.
What have they decided? They’ve decided to move back to the city.
He doesn’t like to commute every day, does he? No, he doesn’t.
They don't enjoy taking care of the house, do they? No, they don’t.
She doesn’t like to work in the garden, does she? No, she doesn’t.
What’s always happening to the equipment? It’s always breaking down.
They can’t fix things themselves, can they? No, they can’t.
They won’t need two cars in the city, will they? No, they won’t.
They won’t spend as much money in the city, will they? No, they won’t.
They don’t like suburban living, do they? No, they don’t.
They won’t spend as much money in the city, will they? You don’t need a car in the city, do you? No, you don’t.
He doesn’t like to drive, does he? No, he doesn’t.
She doesn’t like to drive the children to school, does she? No, she doesn’t.
They don’t like suburban living, do they? No, they don’t.
You don’t need a car in the city, do you? No, you don’t.
He doesn’t like to drive, does he? No, he doesn’t.
She doesn’t like to drive the children to school, does she? No, she doesn’t.
They didn’t like the suburbs, did they? No, they didn’t.
He didn’t get promoted, did he? No, he didn’t.
You didn’t fix the television set yourself, did you? No, I didn’t.
She didn’t call the plumber, did she? No, she didn’t.
They didn’t like the suburbs, did they? No, they didn`t.
He didn’t get promoted, did he? No, he didn’t.
You didn’t fix the television set yourself, did you? She didn’t call the plumber, did she?
He isn’t very handy, is he? No, he isn’t.
There aren’t many flowers in the garden, are there? No, there aren’t.
He isn’t a plumber, is he? No, he isn’t.
You weren’t sick yesterday, were you? No, I wasn’t.
He isn’t very handy, is he? No, he isn’t.
You haven’t cut your finger, have you? No, I haven’t.
He hasn’t broken his toe, has he? No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t cut himself on the chin, has he? No, he hasn’t.
She hasn’t put on her make-up yet, has she? No, she hasn’t.
You haven’t cut your finger, have you? No, I haven’t.
He hasn’t cut himself on the chin, has he? No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t broken his toe, has he? No, he hasn’t.
He can’t fix the motor himself, can he? No, he can’t.
He shouldn’t leave the screwdriver on the floor, should he? No, he shouldn’t.
They won’t need two cars in the city, will they? No, they won’t.
She couldn’t get the plumber, could she? No, she couldn’t.

What’s this? It’s a village.
Where is it? It’s in the centre of a farming region.
Is there any other kind of farm in the region? There are also a few market-gardens.
How many people live in the village? About five hundred people live in the village.
What kind of farms are there in the region? Most of the farms are dairy-farms.
What do some of the farmers grow? Some of the farmers grow fruit.
What do some of the farmers have? Some of them have apple trees.
What do others have? Others have plum trees.
What do some of the farmers raise? Some of them raise cattle.
What do others raise? Others raise sheep.
What do some of the boys study? Some of them study engineering.
What do others study? Others study farming.
What do some of the farmers grow? Some of them grow wheat.
What do others grow? Others grow potatoes.
Where do some of the farmers live? Some of them live in a village.
Where do others live? Others live out on their farms
What’s this? It's the local town.
How many people live in the town? About thirty thousand people live in the town.
What’s in the centre of the town? There's a square in the centre of the town.
What's in the square? The County Court is in the square.
Why is there a Court in this town? It’s the county town.
What does that mean? It means that local government is located there.
What's around the square? There are offices and shops around the square.
What do some of the shops sell? Some of them sell farm equipment.
This is a square. This is a circle.
A circle is round.This is a rectangle.
This is a triangle. Squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles are shapes.
Does a railway go through the town? A railway goes through the town.
Do a lot of trains stop there? Several trains stop there.
They take people to Manchester. There’s a passenger service on the railway.
There are several buses every day. Manchester is twenty miles away.
Buses also go through the town. Many of the people have cars.
Who’s this? This is Henry Matheson.
Where does he live? He lives in a small town.
What does he do? He buys fruit for a food processing company.
Who does he visit? He visits the farmers in the region.
What does he give them? He gives them advice about their crops.
Does he understand their problems? Yes, he does.
Why does he understand their problems? He studied agriculture.
Does he like living in a farming area? Yes, he does.
Was the cooker hot? It was too hot to touch.
Was the rock heavy? It was too heavy to lift.
Were the cattle thin? They were too thin to get a good price.
Was it warm? It was too warm to freeze.
Is farming a safe business? No, it isn’t. It’s very risky.
What can go wrong? Many different things can go wrong
What do farmers depend on? Farmers depend on the weather.
Can they get too much rain? Yes, too much rain can damage the crops.
Can they get too little rain? Yes, too little rain can damage the crops.
What about cold weather? It can get cold enough to freeze the crops.
What about hot weather? It can get hot enough to burn up the crops.
What about insects Insects can damage the crops.
What about diseases? Diseases can attack the animals.
Diseases can attack the plants too. Can they attack the plants too? Yes, they can.
How deep is the water? It’s deep enough to swim in.
How cold is the weather? It’s cold enough to freeze the lake.
How warm is the water? It’s warm enough to swim in.
How warm is the weather? It’s warm enough to go out without a coat.
What are some major recreations? Sports and outdoor activities are major recreations.
What other activities are important? The arts are also important recreational activities.
What do people sometimes speak of? They sometimes speak of the “art explosion”.
Where can you see it? You can see it in cultural centres.
What’s one example? The Royal Festival Hall is one example.
What’s another example? The Royal Albert Hall is another.
What else is there? There are also opera-houses and concert halls.
What do other centres include? Other centres include art museums as well.
Are the arts spectator or participant activities?
Like sports, they can be spectator or participant activities.
Are they professional or amateur? They can be professional or amateur.
For whom are museums intended? Museums are intended for people who want to look at art objects.
What do some museums cover? Several museums cover the whole history of art.
For whom are concert halls intended? Concert halls are intended for people who want to listen to music.
What does the British Museum have? It has many Egyptian relics.
What else does it have? It also has Greek vases and Chinese ceramics.
In what way should many concert halls be considered?
Many concert halls should be considered museums of music.
What kinds of music do orchestras play? Orchestras play all kinds of music—new and old.
What kind of activities are looking and listening? Looking and listening are spectator activities.
A lot of people make their living in the arts. There are thousands of musicians.
Are there many musicians? Some of them play in symphony orchestras.
Where do they play? Thousands of others play popular music. What about the others?
A successful performer can make a lot of money. Do performers do well?
Some museums have large staffs. Do museums have large staffs?
Many people are employed in the entertainment and communications industries.
Are there any other jobs in the arts?There are a lot of art teachers in the schools.
What about the schools? Do a lot of people answer make their living in the arts? Yes, they do.
What are the most popular art forms today? Rock music and films are the most popular art forms today.
How were they intended originally? Originally they were intended just as entertainment.
What kind of art form are the films? They are a narrative art form.
Where did people use to find serious stories? They used to read novels for serious stories.
To whom do they appeal? They appeal especially to young people.
How are they considered now? Now they are considered as serious art forms.
What is a narrative? A narrative tells a story.
What have films done? Now films have replaced the novel as the popular narrative art form.
What does he do the first thing in the morning? He turns on the radio the first thing in the morning.
What does he read at breakfast? He reads a newspaper at breakfast.
What does he turn on? He turns on the radio in his car.
What does the radio station do? It gets information about traffic conditions from the police.
What does he listen to? He listens to the weather report.
What does he do then? Then he drives to work.
What does he listen to? He listens to the traffic reports.
How does that help the driver? He can avoid the worst traffic jams by listening to the radio.
What’s in his morning post? There are several magazines in his morning post.
Why does he read magazines? He reads them to keep up with the business news.
What does he do at home in the evening? At home in the evening he watches the news on TV.
What do the TV channels give every evening? They give national and international news every evening.
What are newspapers, TV, radio, and magazines called?
Newspapers, TV, radio, and magazines are called the “media”. Media is the plural for medium.
A medium is a means or a method.
In the case of the media, they are a means of giving out information. They keep the public very well informed
People see and hear a lot of news every day. Most people watch television or listen to a radio.
Most people read newspapers or magazines.
Do the media cost the public very much? No, they don’t.
What about TV and radio? After you pay for your sets, you have to buy an annual licence.
Are newspapers and magazines cheap or expensive? They’re quite cheap.
How is commercial television supported? It’s supported by advertising.
Do newspapers and some radio stations carry a lot of advertising? Yes, they do.
What are classified ads? They’re short announcements for jobs, houses for sale, and so on.
What else do newspapers carry? They also carry classified ads.
What about magazines? Most magazines are specialized.
What kind of advertising do they carry? They carry ads for special groups or industries.
Where do ads for products that are sold throughout the country appear? They appear on TV or in a few magazines.

What's this woman doing? She's taking a picture of the Tower of London.
Who is she? She's a school-teacher from America.
Is this her first trip to Europe? Yes, it is.
How is she travelling? She's on a guided tour.
What does the guide do? He makes all the travel arrangements for the group.
What else does he do? He also explains all the sights to the group.
How long are they going to stay in London? They're going to stay in London for three days.
Where else are they going? They're also going to visit Paris, Geneva, Rome, and Athens.
How long will the tour last? The tour will last for twenty-one days.
How will they go home? They'll fly home on a charter flight.
What will she do next year? She'll probably come again next year.
Will it be a longer or shorter trip? She may go on a longer trip next year.
What's this woman doing? She's taking a picture of the Tower of London.
Who is she? She's a school-teacher from America.
How is she travelling? She's on a guided tour.
What does the guide do? He makes all the travel arrangements for the group.
What else does he do? He also explains all the sights to the group.
What's this young man carrying? He's carrying a rucksack.
What does the rucksack contain? It contains a sleeping-bag.
What else does it contain? It also contains some health food.
Who is he? He's a university student from Birmingham.
Where's he spending the summer? He's spending the summer in Europe.
Is he trying to save money? Yes, he is.
Does he have a fixed plan? No, he doesn't.
How does he travel? He goes where and when he wants.
What's he doing at present? At present he's hitch-hiking through in Spain.
What's he looking for? He's looking for places that haven't been spoiled by other tourists.
Where does he sleep? Sometimes he sleeps in the least expensive hotel that he can find.
Where else does he sleep? Sometimes he sleeps in his sleeping-bag in the fields.
What's he doing? He's loading the car.
Why is he loading the car? The family is going on a touring holiday.
Is it expensive? It's less expensive than other holidays.
It's more convenient than travelling by plane or train.
Where are they going this year? They're travelling through Western Europe this year.
What are they going to see? They're going to visit several countries.
Do they take a touring holiday every year? Yes, they do.
Where did they go last year? Last year they went to Spain.
Where did they go the year before? The year before they went to Italy.
Where are they going next year? Next year they're going to Austria.
The parents want to listen to classical music. The children want to listen to rock music.
They only have one record player. It's in the living room.
It's a stereophonic system. It has two speakers.
They should get another record player. They should install it in one of the children's rooms.
Then the children will be able to listen to rock music. They won't disturb their parents.
What do the parents want to listen to? They want to listen to classical music.
What do the children want to listen to? They want to listen to rock music.
How many record players do they have? They only have one record player.
Where is it? It's in the living room.
What kind of record player is it? It's a stereophonic system
How many speakers does it have? It has two speakers.
What should they do? They should get another record player.
Where should they install it? They should install it in one of the children's rooms.
Then what will the children be able to do? They'll be able to listen to rock music.
What about their parents? They won't disturb their parents.
What does he like to do? He likes to watch sports events on TV.
What did he watch last Sunday? He watched a golf match last Sunday.
What's he going to watch this Sunday? He's going to watch a football match this Sunday.
Wouldn't he rather go to the stadium? No, he wouldn't. He'd rather watch the match on TV.
What does his wife like to do? She likes to watch old films.
Why does she like to watch old films? They remind her of the time when she was a girl.
Wouldn't she rather go downtown to see a new film? No, she wouldn't. She'd rather watch old films on TV.
What do the children like to watch? They like to watch variety shows.
Why do they like variety shows? They like to see performers who are currently popular.
How many TV sets are there in the house? There are three TV sets in the house.
What kind of sets are they? One of them is a big colour set.
What about the other two? The other two are small portable sets.
You don't have to go out for entertainment any more.
That gives you the opportunity to select the music you want to hear.
You can select the programmes you want to see.
Do you have to go out for entertainment anymore? No, you don't.
What about music? You can hear music on records or tapes.
What else can you do? You can watch TV at home.
Can you select the programmes you want to see? Yes, you can.
What can you have? You can have plenty of entertainment in your own home.
What does that give you the opportunity to do?
It gives you the opportunity to select the music you want to hear.
Is there much selection? Most areas have three channels.
What does TV offer? It offers a wide range of programmes.
Do you have to go out for entertainment any more? No, you don't.
What can you have? You can have plenty of entertainment in your own home.
What else can you do? You can watch TV at home.
What about music? You can hear music on records or tapes.
Is there much selection? Most areas have three channels.
Can you select the programmes you want to see. Yes, you can.
What does TV offer? It offers a wide range of programmes.
It isn't raining now. It's possible that it will rain.
If it rains, need my umbrella. Is it raining now? No, it isn't.
Is it possible that it will rain? Yes. it is.
If it does rain, what will you need? If it does rain, I'll need my umbrella.
Is it raining now. Is it possible tha it will rain? Yes, it is.
If it does rain? what will you need? If it does rain, I'll need my umbrella.
He hasn't got a cold. It's possible that he'll catch a cold.
If he catches a cold, he'll sneeze. Has he got a cold? No, he hasn't. Is it possible that? Yes, it is.
If he does catch a cold, what will he do? If he catches a cold, he'll sneeze. He hasn't missed the bus.
It's possible that he'll miss the bus. If he misses the bus, he'll have to take a taxi.
Has he missed the bus? No, he hasn't.
Is it possible that he will miss the bus? Yes, it is.
If he does miss the bus, what will he have to do? If he misses the bus, he'll have to take a taxi.
Has he missed the bus? No, he hasn't.
Is it possible that he will miss the bus? Yes, it is.
If he does miss the bus, what will he have to do? If he misses the bus, he'll have to take a taxi.
She hasn't got a headache.
It's possible that she'll get a headache.
If she gets a headache, she'll take an aspirin. Has she got a headache? No, she hasn't.
Is it possible that she will get a headache? Yes, it is.
If she does get a headache, what will she do? If she gets a headache, she'll take an aspirin.
Has she got a headache? No, she hasn't.
Is it possible that she will get a headache? Yes, it is.
If she does get a headache, what will she do? If she gets a headache, she'll take an aspirin.
He isn't telling a joke. It's possible that he'll tell a joke. If he tells a joke, they'll laugh.
Is he telling a joke? No, he isn't.
Is it possible that he'll tell a joke? Yes, it is.
If he does tell a joke, what will they do? If he tells a joke, they'll laugh. Is he telling a joke?
Is it possible that he'll tell a joke?
If he does tell a joke, what will they do? If he tells a joke, they'll laugh.
The weather is cloudy. It's possible that it will clear up.
If the weather clears up, we're going on a picnic. Is the weather cloudy or clear? It's cloudy.
Is it possible that it will clear up? Yes, it is.
If the weather does clear up, what are we going to do? If the weather clears up, we're going on a picnic.
The sun isn't shining now. It's possible that it will shine this afternoon.
If the sun shines this afternoon, you can play outdoors.
Is the sun shining now? No. it isn't.
Is it possible that it will shine this afternoon? Yes, it is.
If the sun does shine this afternoon, what can we do?
If the sun does shine this afternoon, you can play outdoors. I
s the sun shining now? No, it isn't.
Is it possible that it will shine this afternoon? Yes, it is.
If the sun does shine this afternoon, what can we do? If the sun shines this afternoon, you can play outdoors.
He isn't ill. It's possible that he'll get ill.
If he does get ill, he should see a doctor. Is he ill? No, he isn't.
Is it possible that he'll get ill? Yes, it is.
If he does get ill, what should he do? If he gets ill, he should see a doctor.
Has he got a cold? No, he hasn't.
Is it possible that he'll catch a cold? Yes, it is.
If he does catch a cold, what will he do? If he catches a cold he'll sneeze.
He hasn't missed the bus.
It's possible that he'll miss the bus. If he misses the bus, he'll have to take a taxi.
Has he missed the bus? No, he hasn't.
If it rains, I'll need my umbrella. If he catches a cold, he'll sneeze.
If he misses the bus, he'll have to catch a taxi. If she gets a headache, she'll take an aspirin.
If he tells a joke, they'll laugh.
If the sun shines this afternoon, you can play outdoors.
If the weather clears up, we're going on a picnic.
If he gets ill, he should see a doctor. I'll need my umbrella if it rains.
He'll sneeze if he catches cold.
He'll have to catch a taxi if he misses the bus. She'll take an aspirin if she gets a headache.
They'll laugh if he tells a joke.
You can play outdoors if the sun shines this afternoon.
We're going on a picnic if the weather clears up. He should see a doctor if he gets ill.
If he studied more, he'd get better marks. But he doesn't study very much.
Therefore he doesn't get good marks.
If he studied more, what would he get? If he studied more, he'd get better marks.
But he doesn't study very much, does he? No, he doesn't.
And therefore he doesn't get good marks, does he? No, he doesn't.
If she stayed at home, she'd save some money.
But she doesn't stay at home Therefore she doesn't save any money.
If she stayed at home, what would she do? If she stayed at home, she'd save some money.
But she doesn't stay at home, does she? No, she doesn't.
And therefore she doesn't save any money, does she? No. she doesn't.
If she stayed at home, what would she do?
Therefore he doesn't have to fill in this form.
If he applied for a job, what would he have to do? But he isn't applying for a job, is he? No, he isn't.
Therefore he doesn't have to fill in this form, does he? No, he doesn't.
If he applied for a job, what would he have to do?
If he applied for a job, he'd have to fill in this form. But he isn't applying for a job
If you wanted a passport, you'd need your birth certificate.
But you don't want a passport. Therefore you don't need your birth certificate.
If I wanted a passport, what would I need? If you wanted a passport, you'd need your birth certificate.
If they moved to the suburbs, they'd need another car.
But they aren't moving to the suburbs. Therefore they don't need another car.
If they moved to the suburbs, what would they need? If they moved to the suburbs, they'd need another car.
But they aren't moving to the suburbs, are they? No, they aren't.
Therefore they don't need another car, do they? No, they don't. If it rained, the garden would get muddy.
But it isn't raining. Therefore the garden isn't getting muddy.
If it rained, what would happen to the garden? If it rained, the garden would get muddy.
But it isn't raining, is it? No, it isn't.
Therefore the garden isn't getting muddy, is it? No, it isn't.
If we understood French, we could talk to that foreign student.
But we don't understand French. Therefore we can't talk to that foreign student.
If you understood French, what could you do?
But you don't understand French, do you? No. we don't.
Therefore you can't talk to that foreign student, can t, you? No. we can't.
But they aren't climbing the mountain. Therefore they haven't got a good view.
If they climbed the mountain, what might they get?
If they climbed the mountain, they might get a good view.
But they aren't climbing the mountain, are they? No, they aren't.
Therefore they haven't got a good view, have they? No, they haven't.

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