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nearly 2 m. on the bank of the river.

There is a palisaded

instead. During the first forty years of British rule it

soldiering are their sole occupations. No Afghan will pursue

under the volleys of the Guards. The French were now severely

crystals, melting at 185 deg. , and boiling at 360 deg. . Aluminium

form @, @. The inscription is earlier than the Latin change

Cocoa-shell, a perfectly valueless material, is mixed in a

other clients of the family, descendants of the conquerors of

known, corresponding to the olefine alcohols; they show the

suggested that the tsar was willing to act as mediator between

made subject to exceptions similar to those which are found

resistance, the Unionist garrison of Lexington surrendered

as a metallurgical reagent. In the casting of iron, steel and

Akbar was a munificent patron of literature. He established

Brandenburg; and he appears to have exerted himself in the

of negro slaves. They had no very pronounced religious

(o keratinos bomos) was made of the horns of goats

territory is returned at 80 sq. m., including Perim (5 sq.

the consequence of his ill success as a public preacher.

at least two fugues on Albinoni's themes and constantly

Atels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,930 Vanil Noir . . . . . . . . . . . .7,858

species are the common spruce and the silver fir; on siliceous

the Hernici as fell to the Roman state should be divided

largely diminished by his want of perseverance and frequent

affected to have any. Indeed, he rather gloried in the idea

very important place in the perfumery of the East, and there

Lebret), situated in the Landes, gave its name to one of

from that time the term meant a man degraded from a higher

turned in amber from a bronze-age barrow at Hove is now in

1852. Two years later (1854) a sch00l system for the entire

to the Champ de Mars, a distance of 2 m. On the next day

has been developed by Zeeman himself, by A. H. Becquerel,

Burgess on "Ceremonies" tell us that even kinship could

Marotse, claiming that his territory extended much farther

is made infinitely narrow by reducing the aperture stop; such

of tough hard metal, an alloy of copper, &c., with a solid

Casana pass (Scants to Livigno), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,832

holding offices and employments in Ireland and residing in

being composed of one primitive matter--the prima materia,

a male heir led him to contract a second marriage. But all

close association in Amphioxus renders it necessary to

general. In 1829 he visited the seat of the Russo-Turkish

such as wills, codicils, drafts or instructions of same must

gases, obtained in a comparatively pure and strong form (up

certainly as far as Sierra Leone. A vague knowledge of

common a generation ago, of artificially colouring tea green

centuries), and here the Portuguese found semi-civilized

all food products manufactured or offered for sale in any

chlorine. They form many addition compounds, combining with

B.M. Beatae memoriae, Bene merenti.

ALBUERA, or ALBUHERA, LA, a small village of Spain,

of his residence in America belong ``The Prophet Jeremiah''

M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy.

explored. The northern boundary of Albania underwent some

here in subterranean cells. The Torres Bermejas (Vermilion

of attempts to introduce this tree into general cultivation

traites conclus par la Russie, &c. 1874 in progr.); F. von

the famous commanders. Whilst Grant, with his avowed object

his tone being very harmonious and even, but the effect, to a

Council Chamber), the Patio de Daraxa (Court of the Vestibule),

confirmation. Many observers claimed to have determined such

middle ages it was gradually superseded in the Western

was in constant use in England to denote the patron of an

Cameroon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,000

even from the unseaworthiness of the ship on sailing, provided

policy was imposed on him by circumstances. The Crimean War

was in effect a joint declaration by the signatory powers of

written prophecy? And behind these questions is the fundamental

``subjective.'' The proposition ``this tree is a birch'' seems

currency marked the abandonment of direct relations between

editorship, and all who came in contact with him testified

squadrons under a flag-officer who will command them in

the patron defends or advocates the claims of the person

refits. In this department the programme for work in the dockyards

Paul (cf. Sir W. M. Ramsay, St Paul the Traveller and Roman

acid. After mixing, allow to cool for two or three hours. The

to 375 amperes, yet the dynamo current varied from 100 to

Cameroon colony had reached fairly definite limits. In 1908

a convention-- was signed at Berlin, by which France accepted

place of Abel's burial. According to Josephus, Abilene was a

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