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Tugas Minggu ke-4

1. The office of career services at a major university knows that 74% of its graduates
find full-time positions in the field of their choosing within six months of graduation.
Suppose the office of career services surveys 25 alumni six months after graduation.

a. What is the probability that at least 80% of the alumni have a job in the field of
their choosing?

b. What is the probability that between 60% and 76% of the alumni have a job in the
field of their choosing?

c. What is the probability that fewer than 60% of the alumni have a job in the field
of their choosing?

2. A tutoring company claims that 75% of the high school students who hire one of their
tutors will improve their grades.

a. In a sample of 100 high school students, what is the probability that 80% or more
improved their grades?
a. p = 0,75
1 - p = 1 - 0,75
= 0,25

n= 100

ߪ ൌ

= Ͳǡ͹ͷ ൈͲǡʹ ͷ

= 0,043

Ͳǡͺ ͲെͲǡ͹ͷ
ത൒ 0,80 ) =
ܲሺܲ ܲሺ ൒
ͲǡͲͶ͵ ͵
= ܲሺ ൒ ͳǡͳͷͶ)
= 1 - 0,8759
= 0,124

b. In a sample of 200 high school students, what is the probability that 80% or more
improved their grades?
b. n = 200

ߪ ൌ

= Ͳǡ͹ͷ ൈ Ͳǡʹ ͷ
ʹ ͲͲ

= 0,031

Ͳǡͺ ͲെͲǡ͹ͷ
ത൒ 0,80 ) = ܲሺ ൒
ͲǡͲ͵ ͳ
= ܲሺ ൒ ͳǡ͸ͳʹ )
= 1 - 0,948
= 0,051
c. Comment on the reason for the difference between the computed probabilities in
parts a and b.
Answer :

Terdapat nilai computed propability yang berbeda karena adanya perubahan

ukuran sample yang meningkat , nilai standar deviasi turun

3. A book publisher knows that it takes an average of nine business days from when the
material for the book is finalized until the first edition is printed and ready to sell.
Suppose the exact amount of time has a standard deviation of four days.

a. Suppose the publisher examines the printing time for a sample of 49 books. What
is the probability that the sample mean time is shorter than eight days?
b. Suppose the publisher examines the printing time for a sample of 64 books. What
is the probability that the sample mean time is between 7 and 10 days?
c. Suppose the publisher signs a contract for the printer to print 100 books. If the
average printing time for the 100 books is longer than 9.3 days, the printer must
pay a penalty. What is the probability the penalty clause will be activated?
d. Suppose the publisher signs a contract for the printer to print 10 books. If the
average printing time for the 10 books is longer than 9.7 days, the printer must
pay a penalty. What is the probability the penalty clause will be activated?

4. Administrative assistants in a local university have been asked to prove their

proficiency in the use of spreadsheet software by taking a proficiency test.
Historically, the mean test score has been 74 with a standard deviation of 4. A random
sample of size 40 is taken from the 100 administrative assistants and asked to
complete the proficiency test.
a. Calculate the expected value and the standard deviation (standard error) of the
sample mean.
b. What is the probability that the sample mean score is more than 75, the
predetermined passing score?

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