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82 percent of people believe that Tesco should bring some changes in its marketing

strategy, especially when it is planning to launch in the international market. The rest
18% of people believe that it should stick to its existing strategy.

Nearly 67% of the people believe that Joint Venture is the right option for the company to
enter the international market. The rest 27% and 6% believe that mergers and licensing
are the right choice for the company, respectively.
79% of the people believe the digital marketing is the right option for the company as it
has high reach and is a cost-effective method in comparison to the offline campaign
supported by only 21% of the people.

This question talks about the most important aspect of entering the international market
i.e., profit-making. 85% of people believe that it will increase profits while only 15%
believe that this won't make any difference.
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to
draw valid and meaningful conclusions.
Following are some recommendations for Tesco that might help in the international
market. The first and foremost is that the company should focus on conducting and
implementing effective market research in order to understand the current market trend.
Next is related to the initiation stage. It says that qualitative research should be
implemented prior to quantitative research and the outcomes of former research type
can be used in the latter one. It is also advised that a friendly relationship should be
established with the consumers while launching a new product or service in the
international market (Johnston, 2014). The price and quality must have the right balance
in order to maintain the sustainability of the company in the international market. The
appropriate reliability and validity of the data collected from the respondents are must in
order to have effective decision-making. The company is suggested to enter the
international market by forming a joint venture as this has a higher potential and
success rate along with low risk for the company.
M3. Evaluate The Selection Of Appropriate Tools And Techniques For
Accuracy And Authenticity To Support And Justify Recommendations
The survey conducted in the previous section for collecting the primary data can be very
important for the project of Tesco to enter the international market. This is because it
can be used to accurately validate the needs and demands of the target customers and
other market trends. In addition to this, Tesco can be able to determine which strategy is
best for the organization while entering in South Korea. The survey was conducted from
different sources, such as online and offline sources. This helps in reaching more and
more consumers and stakeholders (Nicholasand Steyn, 2017). For that purpose, the
survey was a bit close-ended and semi-structured. The data collected was fed into Ms.
Excel for better analysis and ease of the analysis part. Research Design is additionally
proper and suitable to inquire about a different aspect of the globalisation and its impact
on the business. The overview measure was instilled as far as quantitative examination
and the representatives of Tescowere responsible for explicit close-finished inquiries.
L04. Reflect On The Value Gained From Conducting The Project And Its
Usefulness To Support Sustainable Organisational Performance.
P7. Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning
and performance.
The purpose of the current research is to expand globally and to identify the effect of
globalisation on Tesco. To run its business operation effectively the specific objective
set by Tesco will help to understand social, environmental and economic effect that will
be laid on the company. The globalisation of the company is bound to lay positive effect
for the company but it brings with it short comings and barriers also which has to be
treated efficiently. Different countries follow different employment regulations and
thereforedifferences in pay scale are identified in different countries and therefore
employees working for the same company and doing same jobs get different wages.
Moreover, the prevailing factor of inter country discrepancies in developing countries
arises the feeling of exploitation within the employees (Reitz, 2018).
M4. Evaluate The Value Of The Project Management Process And Use Of
Quality Research To Meet Stated Objectives And Support Own Learning
And Performance.
Some specific objective are stated byTesco for deep understanding of the impact that
multinational company will facedue to globalisation in their business operation in
different countries. The aims and objective that have been stated by Tesco are to be
efficiently fulfilled and therefore researcher tries to assure that the project process pays
full justice to it. To evaluate each aspect of research study effective selection of
methodologicaltool is done. In order to get good results from analysis, justification
against each selected tool is provided. The better understanding among the research
readers is developed by the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research
analysis (Salomon, 2016).
D2. Critically Evaluate And Reflect On The Project Outcomes, The
Decision Making Process And Changes Ordevelopments Of The Initial
Project Management Plan To Support Justification Of Recommendations
And Learning During The Project.
To make research study effective, within the project, planned structures and frameworks
are inculcated. The whole study is done depending on the stated aims and objectives of
the research. As a result of globalisation the research is done to understand the
environmental, social and economic effect on multinational company.Though
globalisation is accepted and followed on a worldly basis but there is also a negative
aspect of it. These negative aspects become visible only when the multinational
companies start their business operation in other countries. Every negative effect of
globalisation on the     host country is properly identified so that in future Tesco will deal
efficiently with these negative aspects to flourish and grow its business operation of
Tesco mobile in other countries also through globalisation (Steenkamp, 2017).
In summation, it can be said this assignment successfully established the fact that
managing successful business projects includes implementation and breaking down of
project deliverables into small sub-deliverables. Finally, during the time of delivering
each of these sub-deliverables is adding to furnish a final outcome. It is also seen that in
order to gain profitability, leading multinational organisation needs to expand their
business operation across the globe. While doing so, the organisation may face many
difficulties while acclimatising in the new environment. Starting from the legal barrier to
the cultural difference, there are many obligations to accomplish a whole project. This is
the reason why it is important to employ the management of successful business
projects. This approach to handling diverse problem associated with a single project
enables an organisation to ensure maximum productivity and utilisation of allotted
resources. This will also help them to monitor each detail and take necessary action in
case of a sudden emergency.  

P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to

draw valid and meaningful conclusions
Data is being analyzed by the assessment team of Budgens in order to inform the
development of recommendations. As this phase is responsible to ensure the
information which is obtained with the help of different team members. This will help to
draw a valid and meaningful conclusion which is related to the development of joint
venture of Budgens and REWE group. To develop recommendations, assessment team
must have the proper decision with the strategy.
There are some minimum requirements for recommendation:
The market trend should be taken care in order to provide a productive and efficient
result in the perspective of the joint venture so that the consumers can get according to
the market trend.
All the resources must be utilized in order to enhance and increase the business in a
joint venture with the help of globalization.
The project management plan is required to be implemented in order to track the
activities of sales and the implantation of the partnership between Budgens and REWE
Adaption of new ideas is necessary as this will affect the consumers according to the
updated market trend and the public demands must be taken care in order to enhance or
expand the business on a large scale.
P7: Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance.
Budgens Company is a UK based company which started its business in other countries
like Asia and Africa. Reflection is the skill which enhances the quality of business.
Reflection is exploring the foundation of business. It is improving knowledge about
business and increase value and influence knowledge. In business, reflection is used to
take feedback on the productivity and performance of the company. Reflection is an
analysis of any business and it is showing the working quality of our business. Budgens
Company wants to start their business in large scale so analysis of their previous
performance in the market is necessary for their success.
The reflective process required some approach that is in the form of curious, patient,
open and honest. These approaches provide a clear analysis of the business. The
success of any business is required a planned structure (Schön, 2017).  
Approaches to structured reflection
 Different ways in which are used to define the structure of reflection.
One approach is to break your reflections down by the stages of the project:
negotiating and identifying the project
A suitable plan is developed for the business
A plan is effective and leading in nature
evaluating the project
For reflection of business used some more approaches which is a necessary part for our
The method which is used to reflecting the business is such as:
Analysis: It is the first step of reflection and it necessary to find out the quality of the
Target setting: A suitable and real target is required to measure the performance of the
Project planning is the most important approach to reflection. Because an effective plan
is a key to any business. For our company, a plan is made for business and they analyze
the market of another country to spread their business (Saafi, 2018).  
Communication: To spread business in other countries communication is a problem so,
it is a factor which is keeping in mind for our business success.
For collecting the knowledge of business performance used some methods they are:
Feedback: Everyday feedback of performance is the best way for collecting data for the
performance of the company. It is used to set a goal for the company and push them to
increase performance
Interviews: It is a method of data collection in which feedback or face to face interview
is taken. A group of people is selected for interview and collect their experience. This
process provides the experience of the customers for the performance of the company.
Surveys: In this process of data collection a group of people is selected and provide
them with a set of question and their answer is taken on the performance of the
Observation: It is a good source for collecting information about products. In this
process used qualitative and quantitative methods for gathering data for any company
(Saafi et al, 2018).  
Reflective cycle: It is a self-reflection tool and contains the following methods such as:
Figure 1: Reflective cycle
Source: (Author, 2019)
The above sequence is used in reflective cycle and the major part for any business.
Reflection-for-action refers to the actions which are taken in future in order to improve
practice. Reflection illustrates about the actions taken in present as well as in past as
the reflection shows the past experiences. Articles for reflection-for-action help to
accomplish the guidelines to proceed a successful business in joint venture by the
partnership. In reflection-for-action, the design of examples plays an important role.
The reflection-for-action is used to analyse the aspects related to the joint venture in
order to enhance the productivity of the retail sectors. Reflection-for-action helps to
encourage in order to enhance the joint venture so that the trade can be
increased.Reflection is used to carry out the behavior of the business. It is showing the
evaluation and description of the business.
Human Resource Management research: Research in Human Resource Management
refers to the annual practice in Human Resource with the research methods and
organizational behaviour files. Human resource management research involves
technological advancements, economic conditions etc. As, when a new technology is
being introduced by HR then the work of HR is to look at how the cost can be reduced so
that the business can be revolutionary.
Human research management is used to define the research area of business and also
shows the important questions which are related to business performance. Human
resource is the best way of collecting information about productivity and performance
(Chuang, et. al., 2018).
By the help of the review process the outcome of the business is effective. It is defining
the affectivity of the company and highlighted that the company is popular in the market
or not. The outcomes form the process of reflection is good and it shows that the
market demand and target for our company.
M4: Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of qualitative research
to meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.
Performance of business is measured in Return from an investment. The performance
of the project is measured by the following facts:
Return on Investment: Return on investment used to measure the profit and loss with the
use of ROI that is used to take the decisions related to the finance department of
company. It is used to shows the benefit of business.
Productivity: Productivity is the state for a work which shows that how much a business
is growing or in loss. For example, joint venture is used to enhance the productivity of
business. So, here productivity defines the overall sales.
Cost of Quality: It is the amount which is losses by the organization from their business.
Some other points for measure performance are Customer satisfaction, cost
performance and schedule performance (Chuang and Huang, 2018).
D2: Critically evaluate and reflect on the project outcomes, the decision-making process
and changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support justification
of recommendations and learning during the project. 
Performance of business is measured in form of cost analysis. Productivity of a
business is the sales that how much a business is making profit by their strategies or
work(Chuang and Huang, 2018).  
Managing integration, scope, time and cost is the critical evolution of any business.
When a business, all is the necessary things for understanding. By the help of these
approaches critically evaluate a business plan.
In this research, the qualitative and quantitative data have been analyzed in order to
collect the data from the consumers by conducting a survey from that the responses of
the consumers have been recorded. This survey is being conducted to know about the
market trends that what things are going on in the market, what are the needs of
customer etc. that helps in building a project management plan accordingly. So, small-
scale research is being carried out in order to apply these methods over the research.
After that, different research methods are applied in order to evaluate the accuracy and
reliability of the research. There are many tools and techniques which are used to justify
the recommendation and to authenticate the support in the perspective of the
enhancement of joint venture. The management plan is being analysed in order to track
the records of activities which are going on to increase this business venture.
Overall, this research stating about the market trends that helps in preparing the
management plan of the implementation of globalization in joint venture business of
Budgens and REWE group results in meeting the requirements and needs of the
customer as well as the company.
VIP Group being a manufacturer have to visualize the need of future development in order to
compete in market and explore kinds of skills and career pathways they have, the types of digital
tools that assist them in their work, thus improving worker and product perfomance.

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