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# Pertanyaan Tipe Soal


1 A : congratulations for your achievementB : .......... Pilihan ganda 100%

2 Which one is the expression of agreement........ Pilihan ganda 100%
3 What do the people say on other people's success Pilihan ganda 100%
4 What do the people pray for other people's succe Pilihan ganda 0%
5 Udin : You should go to the doctor, EdoEdo : I do Pilihan ganda 100%
6 MILK CALCIUMDietary Supplement600mg 100 Soft gel Pilihan ganda 100%
7 There are Many kinds of instant foods are not goo Pilihan ganda 100%
8 What are the meaning of suggestion, advice, in ord Pilihan ganda 100%
9 Teks yang memuat pesan moral dan mengenai donge Pilihan ganda 100%
10 Teks yang menceritakan sebuah pengalaman (experi Pilihan ganda 100%
11 Teks yang menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah me Pilihan ganda 100%
12 Apa arti dari " Expired date" Pilihan ganda 100%
13 What is the meaning of Advertisement? Pilihan ganda 100%
14 Narrative writing tells a story to ........... the reader. Pilihan ganda 100%
15 What is the goal of writing a narrative? Pilihan ganda 0%
16 An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It Pilihan ganda 100%
17 An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It Pilihan ganda 100%
18 What is being advertised in the text above? Pilihan ganda 100%
19 How long does the restaurant open? Pilihan ganda 0%
20 This kind of text is ....... Pilihan ganda 100%
21 What is advertised from the text above? Pilihan ganda 100%
22 The targeted audience for the advertisement on th Pilihan ganda 100%
23 Based on the text above, we get 20% discount ... . Pilihan ganda 100%
24 FastDisk products cannot be used in? Pilihan ganda 100%
25 how long will be the event last? Pilihan ganda 100%

Lihat Data Pemain

Lihat Data Pemain
Waktu Rata- Muh.irfan
Rata per Kadir
Benar Salah Tidak dijawab
Pertanyaan (Muh.irfan
(mm:dd) Kadir)

00:07 1 0 0 Thank you for saying it

00:12 1 0 0 I think so

00:15 1 0 0 Congratulations

00:12 0 1 0 Congratulations

00:14 1 0 0 Disagreement

00:12 1 0 0 Before April 27th , 2010.

00:12 1 0 0 Fresh fish

00:22 1 0 0 Saran, nasehat, supaya

00:06 1 0 0 Narrative text

00:05 1 0 0 Recount text

00:04 1 0 0 Procedure text

00:06 1 0 0 Tanggal kadaluarsa

00:06 1 0 0 Iklan

00:08 1 0 0 entertain

00:16 0 1 0 To create and ending that is always funny

00:04 1 0 0 d. an elephant

00:10 1 0 0 d. Report

00:15 1 0 0 A modern electronic calculator

00:06 0 1 0 Four hours

00:03 1 0 0 An advertisement

00:02 1 0 0 Perfume

00:10 1 0 0 men

00:17 1 0 0 on Friday

00:07 1 0 0 air conditioners

00:02 1 0 0 6 days

03:53 22 3 0 88 %

Lihat Data Waktu Lihat Ringkasan

Lihat Data Waktu Lihat Ringkasan
Nama Depan Nama Belakang Percobaan # Akurasi Skor

1 Muh.irfan Kadir 25 88 % 19420

Total Waktu yang
Benar Salah Tidak dijawab Dimulai pada

22 3 0 03:53 Thu 30 Mar 2023,10:33 AM


browser on device
# Pertanyaan Tipe Soal

1 A : congratulations for your achievementB : .......... Pilihan ganda 100%

2 Which one is the expression of agreement........ Pilihan ganda 100%
3 What do the people say on other people's success Pilihan ganda 100%
4 What do the people pray for other people's succe Pilihan ganda 0%
5 Udin : You should go to the doctor, EdoEdo : I do Pilihan ganda 100%
6 MILK CALCIUMDietary Supplement600mg 100 Soft gel Pilihan ganda 100%
7 There are Many kinds of instant foods are not goo Pilihan ganda 100%
8 What are the meaning of suggestion, advice, in ord Pilihan ganda 100%
9 Teks yang memuat pesan moral dan mengenai donge Pilihan ganda 100%
10 Teks yang menceritakan sebuah pengalaman (experi Pilihan ganda 100%
11 Teks yang menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah me Pilihan ganda 100%
12 Apa arti dari " Expired date" Pilihan ganda 100%
13 What is the meaning of Advertisement? Pilihan ganda 100%
14 Narrative writing tells a story to ........... the reader. Pilihan ganda 100%
15 What is the goal of writing a narrative? Pilihan ganda 0%
16 An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It Pilihan ganda 100%
17 An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It Pilihan ganda 100%
18 What is being advertised in the text above? Pilihan ganda 100%
19 How long does the restaurant open? Pilihan ganda 0%
20 This kind of text is ....... Pilihan ganda 100%
21 What is advertised from the text above? Pilihan ganda 100%
22 The targeted audience for the advertisement on th Pilihan ganda 100%
23 Based on the text above, we get 20% discount ... . Pilihan ganda 100%
24 FastDisk products cannot be used in? Pilihan ganda 100%
25 how long will be the event last? Pilihan ganda 100%
Waktu Rata-
Rata per Muh.irfan
Pertanyaan Kadir

0:07 00:07
0:12 00:12
0:15 00:15
0:12 00:12
0:14 00:14
0:12 00:12
0:12 00:12
0:22 00:22
0:06 00:06
0:05 00:05
0:04 00:04
0:06 00:06
0:06 00:06
0:08 00:08
0:16 00:16
0:04 00:04
0:10 00:10
0:15 00:15
0:06 00:06
0:03 00:03
0:02 00:02
0:10 00:10
0:17 00:17
0:07 00:07
0:02 00:02
3:53 03:53
Nama Nilai
Permainan Dimulai Thu 30 Mar 2023,10:33 AM
Tipe permainan Kuis tes
Peserta 1
Total Percobaan 1
Akurasi Kelas 88%
Permainan Berakhir Thu 30 Mar 2023,10:41 AM

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