Duckpin Bowling As Exercise

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Tindugan, Justin Phyllix C.

April 16, 2023

A204 / PE 4 Ms. Judelyn Capistrano


Elaborate the following:

1. Duckpin Bowling as;

a. Exercise

Planks is the finest kind of fitness for fast bowlers, regardless of age. As was
previously said, lower back problems are more frequent in young fast bowlers. This
exercise has the distinct advantage of not requiring specialized equipment and being
able to be done just about anyplace.

b. Sport

Is a target sport and recreational activity in which a player rolls a ball toward pins (in
pin bowling) or another target (in target bowling).

2. Why is it important to have an active and healthy lifestyle?

Because physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain
a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks, and improve your
cognitive health. Adults who spend less time sitting and engage in any level of
moderate-to-vigorous exercise reap some health benefits.

3. How does duckpin bowling helps you to improve yourself;

a. Physically

Lowers your risk of stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, increases bone density, improves
circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and helps your body utilize
oxygen better.

b. Mentally

Has been shown to be a useful way to reduce stress and improve mental health. The
repetitive motion of throwing the ball and the social aspect of the game can be
relaxing and help to clear the mind.
c. Emotionally

Which provides social interaction and helps improve mental well-being. It helps
stimulate endorphins and gets your blood flowing. These are two important factors
in helping to reduce stress.

d. Socially

Usually hanging out with your teammates and friends. People who socialize even
once a week tend to have a stronger immunity, and are at less likely to suffer from

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