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FEAP 1a: 1:09 This lesson is aligned with the state standard, "ELA.5.R.2.

1 Explain how text structures

and/or features contribute to the overall meaning of texts." At this time stamp, I am introducing the
content of the lesson to the students, which is aligned to this standard. In this lesson, students have to
identify the text structure and say why they think it is that structure, but they also have to identify why
the author chose it, which is related to the overall meaning of the text. Since students have to analyze
the texts and do every part of the standard, it matches up with the appropriate level of rigor.

FEAP 2d: 9:37 At this timestamp, I hand out a copy of the lesson content in Spanish to ELs. This is part of
my inquiry work because I am focusing on including ELs in lessons more and helping them be successful.
I have this timestamp down for FEAP 2d because I am respecting students' linguistic and cultural
backgrounds by providing instruction and texts in their home language. In addition, I also encouraged
them to write and talk in Spanish, but to use some English words if they could. All of this together helps
ELs to see that they are included and valuable in classroom discussion and work, as well as show them
that their language is respected and acceptable in an academic setting. This concept is part of
translanguaging, a concept I researched for this lesson, which is where students are encouraged to draw
from every language skill they have. For my students who mainly speak Spanish, they are supposed to
write in Spanish, but include English words if they know them.

FEAP 2h: 21:39 At this timestamp I introduce the texts, which are provided in both English and Spanish.
Providing the texts in Spanish is one way that I adapt the learning Environment for ELs since most of
them recently came to America and do not speak much English currently, so they need the texts in
Spanish. This allows ELs to be able to participate more than they usually can with only English texts and
they are able to put more effort into their work. Other ways I did this was providing definitions of text
structures in Spanish for ELs so they know the academic vocabulary they should be using for their
responses. I also provided the format for students to do the formative assessment portion of the lesson,
as well as the summative assessment. In addition, students are allowed to choose their own partners,
which allows ELs to choose other students who also speak the language they do which makes it easier
and more beneficial for them to work together.

FEAP 3h: 33:10 At this timestamp, I am talking to the ELs in this class about some expectations. I have a
student translating for the ELs. I could see that the ELs, particularly the boys in the front of the room,
were not completely understanding the assignment. I had a bilingual student explain the assignment
again so they could understand. Other ways that I notice needs of students and differentiate accordingly
are through allowing students to choose pairs, and the ELs choose other students who speak the same
language. I also provide texts, instructions, and assessments in Spanish if needed.

FEAP 4a: 47:38 One area I collected data on the previous Thursday was on the effort and on task
behavior of ELs. At this timestamp, I am going around the classroom, and at this moment specifically, I
am checking in with some of the ELs in the class that regularly have issues with off task behavior and lack
of effort. Collecting and analyzing this data helps me to see that my modifications to this lesson for ELs
are effective since I have to talk to all ELs far less, particularly the group I am talking to here. I also used
information from the iReady diagnostic to help me see that the ELs are not being accommodated for and
they are still unable to understand English enough to improve their score, which shows me they are not
learning English at a measurable rate given the assessments available to me at the time. Because I know
they are not progressing as many other students are since they are not given proper instruction in
Spanish or English, I know that providing instruction, content, and assessments in Spanish helps ELs since
they are clearly putting in effort and have reduced off task behavior. Some ELs did not do the work
properly, but they put a lot of effort in and were on task. In addition, some ELs might have none, limited,
or different experiences with text structure, and since it is a necessary skill, they can use this in the
future regardless of their English proficiency, but it is important for when they are more proficient in

FEAP 4c: 1:00:23 During this lesson, I use a variety of assessment tools. At this time stamp in particular, I
am checking in with students to see what their answers are for the text(s) they did. I am having students
who want to share to the class share, and then rephrasing their answers. Some students are okay with
having other students know what they wrote, but they do not want to call it out to the class, so I ask
them to tell me and let me read it, and then I rephrase to the class what they said. If there is a wrong
answer, I try understand why they thought that, validate them, and explain why another answer might
be better. Doing this allows me to see who understood what they were doing, and what might of
happened with students who did not understand. It also allows other students to learn about a text
structure their group did not cover so they have a better understanding. Other forms of assessment I
used during this lesson were formative assessment through the work students were doing in the
majority of the lesson, summative assessment through an exit ticket/quiz at the end, and monitoring
students by walking around and seeing who was on the right track and who might need extra help.

FEAP 4b: 1:10:02 At this timestamp, I introduce the summative assessment portion of this lesson. I was
not able to record all the footage of this, but the intro to it is mostly here. I designed a summative
assessment to assess students' knowledge of the what each text structure means. I told students this
was an exit ticket so they did not get nervous by it being labeled quiz, though it is a formative quiz. I
wanted to do this to quickly see who understands the text structures and who needs more help with it
going forward. It also helped me to see what knowledge ELs were able to pick up on based on the
translations I provided them and the practice they got during the lesson. I also include formative
assessment in this lesson by having a task students complete as they analyze a text for the structure and
how it affects meaning.

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