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Standards for computer graphics- Graphical Kernel System (GKS) -

Standards for exchange images- Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) - Data
exchange standards - IGES, STEP, CALS etc. -communication standards.
Standards for computer graphics

The purpose of CAD standard is that the CAD software should

not be device-independent and should connect to any input device
via a device driver and to any graphics display via a device drive.
• The graphics system is divided into two parts: the kernel system,
which is hardware independent and the device driver, which is
hardware dependent.

• The kernel system, acts as a buffer independent and portability of the


• At interface ‘X’, the application program calls the standard functions

and sub routine provided by the kernel system through what is called
language bindings.

• These functions and subroutine, call the device driver functions and
subroutines at interface ‘Y’ to complete the task required by the
application program.
Various standards in graphics programming
The following international organizations involved to develop the graphics

• ACM ( Association for Computer Machinery )

• ANSI ( American National Standards Institute )

• ISO ( International Standards Organization )

• GIN ( German Standards Institute )
As a result of these international organization efforts, various standard
functions at various levels of the graphics system developed. These are:

1. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) enables an exchange of

model data basis among CAD system.

2. DXF (Drawing / Data Exchange Format) file format was meant to provide
an exact representation of the data in the standard CAD file format
3. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) can be used to
exchange data between CAD, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) , Computer
Aided Engineering (CAE) , product data management/enterprise data modeling
(PDES) and other CAx systems.

4. CALS ( Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) is an US Department of

Defense initiative with the aim of applying computer technology in Logistic support.
5. GKS (Graphics Kernel System) provides a set of drawing features for two-
dimensional vector graphics suitable for charting and similar duties.

6. PHIGS ( Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphic System) The

PHIGS standard defines a set of functions and data structures to be used by a
programmer to manipulate and display 3-D graphical objects.

7. VDI (Virtual Device Interface) lies between GKS or PHIGS and the device
driver code. VDI is now called CGI (Computer Graphics Interface).
8. VDM (Virtual Device Metafile) can be stored or transmitted from

graphics device to another. VDM is now called CGM (Computer

Graphics Metafile).

9. NAPLPS (North American Presentation- Level Protocol Syntax)

describes text and graphics in the form of sequences of bytes in ASCII
Graphics Kernel System (GKS)
• The Graphical Kernel System (GKS) was the first ISO standard for computer graphics in
low-level, established in 1977.

• GKS offers a group of drawing aspects for 2D vector graphics appropriate for mapping
and related duties.

• The calls are defined to be moveable across various programming languages, graphics
hardware, so that applications noted to use GKS will be willingly portable to different
devices and platforms.
The following documents are representing GKS standards

• The language bindings are called in ISO 8651 standard.

• ANSI X3.124 (1985) is part of ANSI standard.

• ISO/IEC 7942 noted in ISO standard, first part of 1985 and two to four
parts of 1997-99.

• ISO 8805 and ISO 8806.

The main uses of the GKS standard are:

• To give for portability of application graphics programs.

• To assist in the learning of graphics systems by application


• To offer strategy for manufacturers in relating practical graphics

The GKS consists of three basic parts:

i) A casual exhibition of the substances of the standard which contains such

things as how text is placed, how polygonal zones are to be filled, and so onward.

ii) An official of the descriptive material in (i), by way of conceptual the ideas
into separate functional explanations. These functional descriptions have such data as
descriptions of input and output parameters, specific descriptions of the result of
every function should have references into the descriptive material in (i), and a
description of fault situation. The functional descriptions in this division are
language autonomous.

iii) Language bindings are an execution of the abstract functions explained in (ii). in
a explicit computer language such as C.
GKS arrange its functionality into twelve functional stages,
based on the complexity of the graphical input and output.

There are four stages of output (m, 0, 1, 2) and three stages of

input (A, B, C).

NCAR GKS has a complete execution of the GKS C

bindings at level 0 A.
1. GKS Output Primitives

GKS is based on a number of elements that may be drawn in an object know as

graphical primitives. The fundamental set of primitives has the word names
a few implementations widen this basic set.


The GKS function for drawing line segments is called ‘POLYLINE’

The ‘POLYLINE’ command takes an array of X-Y coordinates and creates line
segments joining them.
The elements that organize the look of a ‘POLYLINE’ are (Fig.5.3):

• Line type : solid, dashed or dotted.

• Line width scale factor : thickness of the line
• Polyline color index : color of the line.

The GKS ‘POLYMARKER’function permits to draw

symbols of marker centered at coordinate points.

The features that control the look of

‘POLYMARKERS’are (Fig.5.4.):

• Marker characters : dot, plus, asterisk, circle or


• Marker size scale factor : size of marker

• Polymarker color index : color of the marker.


The GKS ‘FILLAREA’ function permits to denote a polygonal shape

of a zone to be filled with various interior shapes.
The features that control the look of fill areas are (Fig.5.5.):

• FILL AREA interior style : solid colors, hatch patterns.

• FILL AREA style index : horizontal lines; vertical lines; left slant
lines; right slant lines; horizontal and
vertical lines; or left slant and right
slant lines.

• Fill area color index : color of the fill patterns / solid areas.
iv) TEXT

The GKS TEXT function permits to sketch a text string at a specified coordinate place.
The features that control the look of text are:

• Text font and precision : text font should be used for the characters

• Character expansion factor : height-to-width ratio of each character.

• Character spacing : additional white space should be inserted between characters

• Text color index : color the text string

• Character height : size of the characters

• Character up vector : angle the text

• Text path : direction the text should be written (right, left, up, or down).

• Text alignment : vertical and horizontal centering options for the text string.

The GKS CELL ARRAY function shows raster

like pictures in a device autonomous manner.

• The CELL ARRAY function takes the two

corner points of a rectangle that indicate, a
number of partitions (M) in the X direction and
a number of partitions (N) in the Y direction.

• It then partitions the rectangle into M x N sub

rectangles noted as cells.
Data Exchange Standards
These standards define the format and content of data that is exchanged between different CAD
systems or between CAD and other software applications.

Examples of data exchange standards include

• STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data),

• IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)

• CALS (Continuous Acquisition And Life-cycle Support)

• STL (Stereolithography)

• DXF (Drawing Exchange Format)

• JT(Jupiter Tessellation).
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)

• IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is a data exchange standard used in

computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

• It was developed in the 1970s as a way to enable the exchange of 3D geometric

data between different CAD systems.
• IGES defines a neutral data format that can be used to exchange data between
different software applications, regardless of the specific CAD system or platform

• This allows designers and manufacturers to share CAD models and data with
suppliers, customers, and partners who may be using different CAD systems or
software applications.
• IGES files can contain a wide range of data, including geometric data, annotation data,
and assembly data.

• The geometric data includes information about the size, shape, and location of 3D
objects, as well as curves, surfaces, and other features.

• The annotation data includes information about text, dimensions, and other symbols
used in the design.

• The assembly data includes information about how the individual parts fit together to
form a larger assembly.
• IGES uses a hierarchical structure to organize the data in a CAD model.

• At the top level, the model is divided into one or more entities, each of which
represents a separate object or feature.

• Each entity is then broken down into a series of data elements, which provide
specific information about the entity, such as its location, size, shape, and color.
• IGES also supports the concept of "layers," which are used to group
related entities together.

• Layers can be used to separate different parts of a model, to organize

the model for ease of editing, or to control the visibility of different
parts of the model.
• IGES has been widely adopted in the CAD and CAM industries as a way to
facilitate the exchange of data between different software systems and

• While newer standards like STEP have largely replaced IGES for some
applications, IGES remains an important part of the CAD and CAM landscape and
is still used by many organizations and industries today.
• The IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) format actually includes six
main sections,

Start Section:

• The start section is the first section of an IGES file and contains general
information about the file, such as the name of the file, the date it was
created, and the name of the system that created it.
Global Section:

• The global section contains information on the overall structure of the

IGES file, including the names and descriptions of all the entities in the
model, as well as any additional data needed to define the model.

• This section also contains information on the colors, layers, and other
attributes of the entities in the model
Directory Entry Section:

• The directory entry section contains a list of all the entities in the model, along
with information on their types, locations, and other attributes.

• Each entity is identified by a unique entity number, and the directory entry
section provides a way to look up information on any entity in the model quickly.
Parameter Data Section:

• The parameter data section contains the specific data elements that
describe the geometry, topology, and other attributes of each entity
in the model.

• Each entity is represented by a set of parameter data records, and the

records are organized in the file based on their entity numbers.
Termination Section:

• The termination section marks the end of the IGES file and contains a single
record that identifies the end of the file.

• This section is used to ensure that the file has been read or written completely
and to provide a mechanism for error checking and validation.
Repeat Section:

• The repeat section contains records that are used to repeat data from
previous entities in the IGES file.

• This allows for the efficient representation of geometric features that are
repeated throughout a model.
Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP)

• The Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) is a globally accepted ISO
standard (ISO 10303) that provides a standard data exchange format for the exchange of
product data among different computer-aided design (CAD) systems.

• The main purpose of STEP is to facilitate communication and collaboration between

different software applications and organizations that work with product data, such as
designers, manufacturers, suppliers, and customers.

• STEP enables the exchange of data in a neutral format that can be easily understood and
used by different systems, regardless of their hardware or software configurations.
• The STEP standard consists of several parts, each of which defines a
specific aspect of product data exchange.

Some of the most important parts of the standard include:


• This is the language used to define the data schema and the data model
used in STEP.

• EXPRESS is a formal language that specifies the structure and content of

the product data.
Application Protocols (APs):

• APs are specialized subsets of the STEP standard that define specific data
exchange requirements for particular industries or applications.

• For example, AP 203 is the Aerospace and Defense Application Protocol,

while AP 209 is the Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Application
Integrated Resources:

• These are standardized data libraries that contain reusable data definitions
for commonly used product features, such as screws, gears, and bearings.

• Integrated resources help reduce the time and effort required to create
data definitions for these features.
Data Exchange File (DXF):

• This is the file format used to exchange data between different software
applications using STEP.

• DXF files are neutral files that can be read by any system that supports
The architecture of STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) can be
understood in terms of its different components, which include:

1.Application Interpreted Constructs (AICs):

• These are the building blocks of STEP data models.

• AICs are defined using the EXPRESS language, which is a formal language for
defining data models.

• AICs represent the different aspects of a product, such as its geometry,

structure, and attributes.
Integrated Resources:

• These are collections of AICs that are grouped together to represent a specific
aspect of a product.

• For example, an integrated resource might represent the geometry of a particular

component or the manufacturing process used to produce it.
Application Protocols (APs):

• These are sets of integrated resources that are organized to support specific
product-related activities, such as design, manufacturing, or maintenance.

• Each AP defines a specific set of data models and rules for using them.
Conformance Testing:

• This is the process of ensuring that a system or application conforms

to the rules defined in an AP.

• Conformance testing is an important part of the STEP architecture, as

it ensures that different systems can exchange data correctly.
File Exchange:

• This is the process of exchanging STEP data between different systems or


• STEP defines a specific file format for exchanging data, which is based on the ISO
standard for the exchange of electronic data (EDIFACT).
Application Interpreters:

• These are software programs that interpret and process STEP data.

• Application interpreters are responsible for reading and writing STEP files, as well
as converting STEP data into a format that can be used by other applications.
• The architecture of STEP is designed to support the exchange of product data
across different computer systems and applications.

• It provides a flexible and extensible framework for representing product data,

which can be customized to meet the specific needs of different industries and

• CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support) is a set of standards and

practices developed by the US Department of Defense (DoD) for the exchange
and management of digital information related to the design, production, and
support of defense systems.

• The goal of CALS is to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase quality in the
acquisition and support of defense systems by standardizing information
exchange and management across the entire life-cycle of a system.
• CALS consists of a set of interrelated standards and practices, including:

1.Data Interchange Standards:

• These standards define the formats and protocols for the exchange of
digital information between different systems and organizations.

• The most important of these standards is the Standard Generalized

Markup Language (SGML), which is used to create structured documents
that can be easily exchanged and processed by different systems.
2.Product Data Management Standards:

• These standards define the processes and systems used to manage digital
information related to the design, production, and support of defense

• This includes standards for data storage, version control, access control,
and change management.
3.Technical Publications Standards:

• These standards define the formats and protocols for the creation
and delivery of technical documentation related to defense systems.

• This includes standards for the creation of digital technical manuals,

maintenance procedures, and other support documentation.
4. Training and Human Performance Standards:

• These standards define the processes and systems used to train

personnel on the use, maintenance, and support of defense systems.

• This includes standards for the creation of training materials, training

programs, and performance assessments
• The CALS standards and practices are designed to be integrated with other acquisition and
support processes, such as the DoD's Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)

• By standardizing information exchange and management across the entire life-cycle of a system,
CALS aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of defense acquisition and support, while
reducing costs and improving quality.

• The CALS standards have been adopted by other organizations outside of the defense industry,
particularly in industries where complex systems are designed and supported over their life-cycle.

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