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Table of Contents

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Objectives of Natural Gas Well Testing................................................................................................. 3
3 Gas well deliverability test .................................................................................................................... 3
4 Flow-After-Flow Tests ........................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Empirical approach ....................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Case study: Flow-after-flow test ................................................................................................... 8
5 Isochronal Tests .................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Empirical approach ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Case study: Isochronal test ......................................................................................................... 12
6 Modified Isochronal Tests ................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Case Study: Modified Isochronal Test......................................................................................... 15
7 Time to Stabilization & Radius of Investigation .................................................................................. 17
8 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 17
References .................................................................................................................................................. 18

List of Figures

Figure 3-1: Deliverability Test curve ( P2 vs q ) ........................................................................................... 5

Figure 4-1 : Conventional Flow-after-flow test, flow rate & pressure diagrams .......................................... 7
Figure 4-2 : Log-log plot of back pressure test on a gas well ........................................................................ 9
Figure 5-1: Conventional Isochronal test, flow rate & pressure diagram ................................................... 10
Figure 5-2: Deliverability plot for Isochronal test ....................................................................................... 11
Figure 5-3: Isochronal test analysis ............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 6-1: Modified Isochronal Test analysis ............................................................................................ 16

List of Tables
Table 4-1: Flow-after-flow test analysis ....................................................................................................... 8
Table 5-1: Isochronal test data .................................................................................................................... 12
Table 5-2: Isochronal test analysis .............................................................................................................. 13
Table 6-1: Modified Isochronal test data .................................................................................................... 15
Table 6-2: Modified Isochronal test data analysis ...................................................................................... 15

1 Introduction

Natural gas well testing is a process that is used to assess the performance and productivity of a
natural gas well. The tests involve measuring and analyzing various parameters, such as pressure,
flow rate, and gas composition, to evaluate the well's performance and potential.

The primary objective of well testing is to determine the productivity of the well and estimate the
potential amount of gas that can be produced over its lifespan. The results of well testing are used
to optimize production, evaluate reservoir performance, and plan for future operations.

2 Objectives of Natural Gas Well Testing

The primary objective of natural gas well testing is to measure the productivity of the well. This
is done by measuring the rate of gas flow and the pressure of the gas in the wellbore. The data
obtained from well testing is used to estimate the amount of gas that can be produced from the
well and the optimal production rate. Other objectives of natural gas well testing include:

 Determining the reservoir properties: Well testing can provide important information about
the reservoir properties, such as permeability, porosity, and pressure.
 Identifying wellbore problems: Well testing can identify wellbore problems such as
damage to the wellbore, formation damage, and fluid movement.
 Evaluating completion effectiveness: Well testing can be used to evaluate the effectiveness
of the completion, such as the placement of perforations and the effectiveness of the frac

3 Gas well deliverability test

Gas well deliverability tests are conducted to determine the production capacity of a gas well under
various conditions. These tests involve measuring the flow rate, pressure, temperature, and other
relevant data over a specified period of time. The tests are typically conducted in three or more
stages, with each stage involving different flow rates and pressures.

Gas well deliverability tests are essential for a number of reasons. They may be required by state
or federal regulatory bodies to determine allowable production rates or to comply with proration
requirements. They may also be necessary to establish a connection with a pipeline or to meet
company policies. Additionally, deliverability tests are critical for reservoir and production
engineering studies, which can help in determining the optimal number and location of wells for
field development.

During the test, the well is connected to a flow meter and a separator, which separates the gas from
any liquids that may be present. The flow rate and pressure are then measured, and the data is
recorded at regular intervals. The flow rate is gradually increased until the maximum sustainable
flow rate is reached. This process is repeated for each stage of the test, with the flow rate and
pressure gradually increased until the well reaches its maximum flow capacity.

The data collected during the test is then analyzed to determine the well's deliverability, which is
the ability of the well to produce gas under a given set of conditions. This information is critical
for designing pipelines, compression systems, and other production equipment. It can also be used
to forecast the well's long-term production potential and to evaluate the need for stimulation or
other interventions to improve well performance.

Gas well deliverability tests, also known as back-pressure tests, involve flowing the well against
specific pipeline pressures greater than atmospheric pressure. In the past, gas well production
estimates were based on the absolute open flow potential, which was determined by producing the
well to the atmosphere and measuring the flow rate at a sand face pressure of 14.7 psia. However,
to prevent gas waste and well damage due to low bottom-hole pressures, production rates are now
restricted by producing against pressures greater than atmospheric. The well's capacity to produce
gas under restricted flow is then determined by calculating its absolute open flow potential.

Test data are conventionally presented as log-log plots pressure squared difference against gas
flow rate.

(PR 2 – P2wf) x 10-6 , psia2

q, Mcfd

Figure 3-1: Deliverability Test curve ( P2 vs q )

After conducting numerous empirical observations Rawlins and Schellhardt proposed correlation
between pressure and flow rate that can be expressed as

𝑞 = 𝐶(𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 )𝑛

q = gas flow rate at base conditions
PR = average reservoir pressure obtained by shut-in of the well to com- plete stabilization,
Pwf = flowing wellbore pressure at sandface, psia
C = the performance coefficent which describes the position of the stabilized

deliverability curve.
n = inverse of the slope of the stabil- ized deliverability curve = tan 

The value of the exponent n in the back-pressure or deliverability Eq:1 may be determined from
the slope of the straight line or by substituting values of q read directly from the straight-line
relationship and corresponding values of (PR2 - Pwf2) in

log 𝑞2 − log 𝑞1
log(𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓1 2 ) − log (𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓2 2 )

The performance coefficient C can be determined by substituting the value of predetermined n

and corresponding set of values of q and 𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 in Eq:1.

𝐶= 2
(𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 )𝑛

Three methods of conducting the well tests are-

1. Flow after flow tests
2. Isochronal tests
3. Modified isochronal tests

These tests provide a stabilized back-pressure or deliverability curve which represents the
characteristics of flow into the well over relatively long periods of time (one to two years) when
the well has an established drainage volume.

4 Flow-After-Flow Tests

The flow-after-flow test is a commonly used method to evaluate the performance of a gas well.
This test involves measuring the flow rate of gas from the well for a period of time, then shutting
off the flow and allowing the well to "rest" for a specified period before resuming flow

During the test, the gas flow rate is measured using specialized equipment such as flow meters and
pressure gauges. The data collected is used to analyze the well's productivity, such as determining
the flow rate, pressure, and temperature of the gas being produced, and to estimate the well's

After the initial flow period, the well is shut-in and allowed to stabilize for a specified time,
typically a few hours or overnight, to allow for pressure buildup in the reservoir. This is followed
by a second flow period, during which the same measurements are taken again. The results of the
flow-after-flow test are then analyzed to determine the well's productivity and the overall potential
of the reservoir.

Figure 4-1 : Conventional Flow-after-flow test, flow rate & pressure diagrams

4.1 Empirical approach

In empirical approach we plot P2 = (PR2-Pwf2) vs q on log-log paper which is approximately a

straight line for most of the wells. The equation of the line in this pIot is-

𝑞 = 𝐶(𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 )𝑛

This plot is an empirical correlation of field data. In order to calculate the absolute open flow
potential (AOF), which is the theoretical maximum flow rate of a well under atmospheric pressure,
it may be required to extend the curve well beyond the test data range. However, determining the
AOF through such a long extrapolation may lead to an inaccurate estimate.

4.2 Case study: Flow-after-flow test

The following flow rate and bottom-hole pressure information was obtained from a back-
pressure test on a gas well:

Table 4-1: Flow-after-flow test analysis

q, Mscfd Pwf, psia Pwf2, MM psia2 PR2-Pwf2, MM psia2
Shut-in 0.00 3884=PR 15.09 -
1 2190 3387 11.47 3.62
2 2570 3268 10.68 4.41
3 3160 3092 9.56 5.53
4 3400 3015 9.09 6.00

The flow rates and corresponding values of PR2 Pw are plotted on log-log graph paper and the
best straight line is drawn through the points.

Two points from the straight line for one log cycle of q values are selected.

q1 = 1 MMscfd (𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 ) = 1.51 million psia2

q2 = 10 MMscfd (𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 ) = 20 million psia2

Inverse of the slope of the straight line-

log(10) −log (1)

𝑛= = 0.89

Now, for q= 2 MMscfd, (𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 ) = 3.3 million psia2

𝑞 2
𝐶= 2 2 𝑛 = = 0.691 (MMscfd) million psia2
(𝑃𝑅 −𝑃𝑤𝑓 ) 3.30.89

The value of C can also be determined by extending the straight line to (𝑃𝑅 2 − 𝑃𝑤𝑓 2 ) = 1 and
reading the corresponding value of q (figure 3).

The absolute open flow potential (AOF) is obtained by putting pwf = 14.7 psia in equation 1 and
solving for q:

38842 − 14.72 0.89

𝐴𝑂𝐹 = 0.691 ( ) = 7.734 𝑀𝑀𝑠𝑐𝑓𝑑
(PR2 – Pwf2) million psia2

q, MMscfd

Figure 4-2 : Log-log plot of back pressure test on a gas well

5 Isochronal Tests

An isochronal test is a common method used to evaluate the performance of a gas well. The test
involves shutting in the well for a period of time and then opening it up to produce gas at a constant
rate. The production rate is then gradually increased, and the pressure and production rate are
measured at regular intervals.

The objective of the isochronal test is to determine the well's deliverability, which is the amount
of gas that the well can produce at a given pressure and rate. By measuring the pressure and
production rate at various flow rates, the well's productivity index can be calculated.

The test typically involves several cycles of shutting in the well and then producing gas at different
flow rates. During each cycle, the well is allowed to stabilize before the pressure and production
rate are measured. The data collected from each cycle is then used to create a pressure-production
plot, which shows the relationship between the pressure and flow rate.

The results of the isochronal test can be used to optimize the well's production and determine the
best flow rate to maximize recovery. The test is also useful for identifying any mechanical
problems with the well, such as formation damage or restrictions in the production tubing.

Figure 5-1: Conventional Isochronal test, flow rate & pressure diagram

5.1 Empirical approach

Practical experience demonstrates that the empirical method can produce reasonably satisfactory
results by following these steps:

1. Plot data on log-log paper and draw the best straight line through the points (PR2 - Pwf2, q)
obtained at a fixed time using various rates from an isochronal testing program, similar to
analyzing a stabilized deliverability curve.

2. Draw lines for multiple time values and determine the slope 1/n for each isochronal
deliverability curve.

3. Draw a line with the slope 1/n determined from the non-stabilized, fixed-time curves through
the single stabilized point to establish the stabilized deliverability curve.

[PR2 – 14.72]

Stabilized point
(PR2 – Pwf2), psia2

q = AOF

q, MMscfd

Figure 5-2: Deliverability plot for Isochronal test

After determining the stabilized deliverability curve, the AOF can be established in the usual way,
as shown in Figure 5-2.

5.2 Case study: Isochronal test

The following flow rate and bottom-hole pressure information was obtained from an isochronal
test on a gas well. Data at only a single flow time are reported for simplicity.

Table 5-1: Isochronal test data

Test Duration (hr) Pwf or Pws (psia) q (MMscfd)

Initial shut-in 48 1952 -
First flow 12 1761 2.6
First shut-in 15 1952 -
Second flow 12 1694 3.3
Second shut-in 17 1952 -
Third flow 12 1510 5.0
Third shut-in 18 1952 -
Fourth flow 12 1320 6.3
Extended flow
72 1151 6.0
Final shut-in 100 1952 -

First, we analyze 12 hours flow test data to construct a straight line on a log-log paper from which
we can determine the slope of the deliverability curve.

Table 5-2: Isochronal test analysis

q P2 – Pwf2
(MMscfd) (psia2)
2.6 709,000
3.3 941,000
5.0 1530,000
6.3 2070,000

At stabilized rate, q = 6.0 MMscfd

P2 – Pwf2 = 2,485,000 psia2
P2 – Pwf2 , psia2

q, MMscfd

Figure 5-3: Isochronal test analysis

At absolute open flow, Pwf = 14.7psia
P2 – Pwf2 = 3,810,000 psia2
AOF = 8.6 MMscfd [Figure 5-3]

6 Modified Isochronal Tests

The modified isochronal test aims to obtain same data as the isochronal test, but without the need
for extended shut-in periods necessary to achieve complete pressure stabilization before each flow
test is conducted.

Here's how the modified isochronal test typically works:

1. Shut in the well: First, the well is shut in, meaning that the valves are closed and no gas is
flowing. This allows pressure to build up in the wellbore.
2. Build up pressure: Once the well is shut in, pressure begins to build up in the wellbore.
This pressure buildup is monitored over time until it reaches a stable point.
3. Flow the well: After the pressure has stabilized, the well is opened to flow, and the flow
rate is measured at several different pressure intervals.
4. Repeat the test: The test is repeated multiple times, each time using a different choke size
to restrict the flow rate. This helps to determine the optimum choke size for the well.
5. Analyze the data: Once the test is complete, the data is analyzed to determine the well's
productivity index (PI) and the reservoir pressure. The PI is a measure of the well's ability
to produce gas, while the reservoir pressure is an indication of the pressure in the gas

The modified isochronal test is a useful tool for evaluating gas wells, as it provides valuable
information on the well's productivity and reservoir pressure. This information can be used to
optimize the well's performance and maximize its productivity over the long term.

6.1 Case Study: Modified Isochronal Test

Test data obtained from a modified isochronal test is shown on Table 6-1: Modified Isochronal
test data.

Table 6-1: Modified Isochronal test data

Duration Pwf or Pws

Test q (MMscfd)
(hr) (psia)
Pretest shut-in 20 1948 -
First flow 12 1784 4.50
First shut-in 12 1927 -
Second flow 12 1680 5.60
Second shut-in 12 1911 -
Third flow 12 1546 6.85
Third shut-in 12 1887 -
Fourth flow 12 1355 8.25
Extended flow (Stabbilized) 81 1233 8.00
Final shut-in 120 1948 -

First, we prepare pressure data to construct a straight line.

Table 6-2: Modified Isochronal test data analysis

q, (MMscfd) Pws (psia) Pwf (psia) Pws2 - Pwf2 (psia2)

4.50 1948 1784 612,048
5.60 1927 1680 890,929
6.85 1911 1546 1261,805
8.25 1887 1355 1724,744
stabilized 1948 1233 --

Now we plot (Pws2 -Pwf2) vs. q on log-log paper. The transient points are used to establish the
slope of the curve, and a line with the same slope is drawn through the single stabilized point.

Pwf = 14.7 psia

P2 – Pwf2 , psia2

AOF = 10.8 MMscfd

q, MMscfd

Figure 6-1: Modified Isochronal Test analysis

The AOF value is determined for Pwf = 14.7 psia.

Pws2 – Pwf2 = 19482 – 14.72 = 3790,000 psia2

Corresponding q = AOF = 10.8 MMscfd

7 Time to Stabilization & Radius of Investigation

The concept of stabilization can be better explained by referring to the radius of investigation,
which is the distance that a pressure transient travels into a formation after a rate change in a well.
As time progresses, this radius expands outward into the formation until it reaches the reservoir's
outer boundary or the no-flow boundary between adjacent wells that are flowing. Once this radius
reaches the outer boundary, or rinv = re, the well is considered to have reached stabilization. This
state is also referred to as the pseudo-steady-state. Time to stabilization can be determined by –

𝜑𝜇𝑟𝑒 2
𝑡𝑠 ≅ 1000

ts = Time of stabilization, hr
𝜇 = Viscosity of gas, cp
𝜑 = Gas-filled porosity
k = Effective permeability of gas, mD
re = Outer radius of drainage area, ft

8 Conclusion

Natural gas well testing is a critical process that plays a vital role in the exploration and production
of natural gas. The testing process provides valuable information about the characteristics of the
reservoir, which is essential in determining the potential of the well and making informed decisions
about the optimal production strategy. The different types of well testing methods, such as drill
stem testing, production testing, and pressure transient testing, offer unique advantages and can be
tailored to suit specific needs. The use of advanced technologies such as sensors and digital data
analysis has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of natural gas well testing. Despite
the challenges and uncertainties associated with natural gas exploration and production, the testing
process remains a crucial aspect that must be carefully conducted to ensure the safety and

sustainability of natural gas resources. In summary, natural gas well testing is an indispensable
tool that provides critical insights into the behavior and potential of natural gas reservoirs, and its
importance cannot be overstated in the energy industry.

1. Al-Hussainy, R., Ramey, H.J. Jr., and Crawford. The flow of real gases through porous
media. Journal of Petroleum Technology, Transactions AIME. 18:624–636. P.B. 1966
2. Theory and Praclice of the Tesling of Gas Wells, third edition, Pub. ECRB-75-34, Energy
Resources and Conservation Board, Calgary, Alta. 1975.
3. Lee, J. Well Testing, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Dallas, 1982.
4. Ikoku, C.U. Natural Gas Reservoir Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1984.
5. Dake, L.P.: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier Scientific Publishing CO.,
Amsterdam, 1978.
6. Cullender, M.H.: "The Isochronal Performance Method of Determining the Flow
Characteristics of Gas Wells," Trans., AIME (1955) 204,137-142.


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