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Kalimat untuk menanyakan jam.

 What time is it now? (Jam berapa sekarang?)

 What is the time? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
 Do you know what time is it? (Apakah kamu tahu ini jam berapa?)
 May I know what time is it? (Bolehkah aku tahu ini jam berapa?)
 What time exactly the movie start? (Kapan tepatnya filmnya main?)
 When does the store is open? (Kapan tokonya buka?)


1). Do you know what time we have to get to the airport? (4.20)
A. We have to get there at four to twenty.
B. We have to get there at four o'clock
C. We have to get there at twenty to five
2). Every morning I woke up at 5.15. How do you spell 5.15?
A. fifteen past five
B. A quarter past five
C. Five past quarter
3).Twenty to nine is...
A. 8.40
B. 9.20
C. 8.20
4). A half to seven is...
A. 7.15
B. 6.15
C. 6.45
5). 6.42 is...
A. Forty two pas six
B. Six past forty two
C. Eight teen to seven
6). 4.55 is...
A. Fifty five past four
B. Five to five
C. Four to fifty five
7). Jika jam menunjukkan pukul 9.45, maka dibaca...
A. A half to ten
B. Forty five past nine
C. Nine past forty five

Read the text carefully! (Bacalah teks berikut dengan teliti!)

It is Sunday morning. Rika gets up very early. She gets up at 05.00 a.m. She

makes the bed and sweeps the floor. She likes these jobs. Then, she goes to

the bathroom. She brushes her teeth.

At 05.30, Rika goes out. She wears her T-shirt. Then, she takes her bicycle.

She goes to the city park. She goes cycling in the park.

She loves it because it keeps her body healthy. At half past six, Rika goes

home. After that, she takes a bath and has breakfast at a quarter past seven.

Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. What time does Rika get up on Sunday?

2. What time does she go out?

3. What time does she go home?

4. When does she have breakfast?

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