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us ‘Time: 3b cen mena ase tocvsss Eighth Semester B.E, Degree Examinatioiy June/July 2019 Pavement Desi Note: Answer any FIVE jut MS ie Ot test THO ques ceaRr—a, Draw 2 neat sketch of exible ements Distinguish brveen highway Menton the various fctors er pte on ined pressire of 1 MN a oat 994! 585 a] 0.03 rwo-LaVER OSFLEC MOM raLten Fy Daa boo hae 3de swcaness ar Caen, a ae sre arrcenon a itor Retatlonshio. CPEBHLTUR AREA BAT) Fhe of Subgrade Support with P/A ratio Fig 4 eco can 10CV833 PART-B a the terms i) Modulus of subgrade reaction ii) Radius of relative stiffness Oss ili) Radius of resisting section. (06 Marks) b, Calculate the warping stresses at interior, edge and,corner regions in a 25 em thick concrete pavement with transverse joints at 11m interval and longitudinal joints at 3.6m intervals ‘The modulus of sugrade reaction is 6.9 kg/cm’. Assume temperature differential for day conditions to be 0.6°C per em slab thickness, Assume radius of loaded area as 1Sem for computing warping stress at corner. (Use.Fi8-Q5(b)] te Assume e = 10 x 10° per °C, E=3x 10% Kg/em", 1 = 0.15. . (14 Marks) 5) cs “ 7 o : 2 Ag fy = ae ee 6 mR © values ohtay % Uy Ny Neasiag stress Ceyigind, (Rradoury'D «Fig. Q5(b) “ a Write a brief note on spacing af'éxpansion and contraction joints (06 Marks) b. Design'the size and spacing.of dowel bars at the expansion joints of a cement concrete pavement of thickness 25¢m_ with radius of relative’ stiffness 80cm, for a design wheel load of 5000kg. Assume load Capacity of the dowel system as 40% of the design wheel load. “Joint width is 2om, permissible shear and flexural stresses in dowel bar are 1000 and 1400 Kefem respectively aid permissible bari stress in CC is 100 kgfem (44 Marks) a. Explain Benkelmet beam deflection, method tor structural evaluation of flexible pavement and subsequent determination of oyerlay thickness. (Wo Marks) b. Describe the types of failures in exible pavernents (G0 Marks) a. Explain the common type éffailures in rigid pavements, (10 Marks) b. Writea short note on: ') Functional evaluation of pavement by visual inspection ii) Measurement of pavement unevenness, (QoMarksy Bora

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