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The text: Reading comprehension

1) Match the headings with the correct paragraphs

1) Rainforests are forests ,in the tropical
*The importance of rainforests paragraph .....
parts of the world, with tall trees, warm
*The destruction of rainforests paragraph ......
climate, and lots of rain. Rain falls nearly every
*The definition of rainforests paragraph ......
day there. There is no dry season. The temperature
during the day rarely gets over 27ºC. The tropical 2) Read the text and answer the questions
a- What are
raiforests cover
rainforests? ...............................................................
about 7% of the ......................................................................................................
Earth's surface . .........................................
They are found in b- What is the largest raiforest in the
Africa, Asia, world? ...................................................................................
Australia, and Central .................... c- Why are rainforests important?
and South America. *....................................................................................................
The largest .
rainforest in the *....................................................................................................
world is the Amazon .
rainforest in South *....................................................................................................
America. . d- Who is responsible for the
destruction of the rainforests? Why do they do so?
2) Rainforests are very important to the ecology of ......................................................................................................
the Earth for many reasons. They are the home to
about half of the earth's plant species and animal ......................................................................................................
.. * they pollute the air 3) Tick the
species (including insects, reptiles, birds and
mammals). Tropical rainforest are also called the *
correct explanation: they clean the air
lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon Rainforests * they emit fumes
are called the lungs intoof thethe airplanet means:
dioxide and producing oxygen, upon which all
living creatures depend for survival. This helps slow
down the greenhouse effect and stabilize the world's

3) Rainforests ,however, are disappearing very 4) Match the definitions with the correct underlined
quickly. This is called deforestation. Every year, a words in the text
huge area of rainforest is cut down and destroyed. *........................= the act of cutting down or burning the
The animals that used to live in these forests either trees in a forest
die out or must find a new forest to live in. The *...........................= a group of animals, plants that breed
destruction of the rainforests is mainly due to
humans’ actions. People are cutting down trees to with each other
2 .........................
build houses, construct roads, grow food, extract *............................= the regular pattern of weather
1 .......................
minerals and metals and make paper and furniture. conditions of a particular place
5) Label these rainforests' rare species with words
Adapted from the internet from paragraph 2

3 .......................... 4 ..........................

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