Cse3502 Information Security Management

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Name: Rujul Srivastava

Reg. No.: 20BIT0187

Slot: E2

Assignment: Lab Assignment 1

Question 1 - Consider networks A, B and C consist of 4 computers in each network are directly
connected with Router ’R’.

Conditions: I) network A and C can only communicate each other

II) Portion of Network B can communicate with Network A

Configure the above scenario using Cisco packet tracer or equivalent open source tool.

Firewall conditions – Let PC4 and PC5 be the portion that can communicate with Network A.
Network C
Network A
Network B
Network A and C can communicate while Network B and Network C cannot communicate :
Network A can communicate with only a portion of Network B :

Question 2 - Connect the more than four computer systems to the network using different
topologies using hub as below and assign the appropriate IP class address for each system.

Star Topology

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