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CLASS CODE: 94 (8.

2022) GROUP: …
Q1: Some say that FDI may turn Vietnam into an industrial hub while the others believe that
FDI does more harm than good for a developing country like ours. What do you think?

What are the mistakes or the weaknesses which can be found in the following sentences?
Can you give suggestions for improvement?

Students’ answers:

(1) Recently, more and more countries decide to invest in Viet Nam. (2) So the question
here is: Is it good or bad? (3) From my point of view, I believe that FDI is a great chance for
Viet Nam to have a vast investment because of these following reasons.

(4) The first thing that need to be considered is that FDI will put a huge pressure on the
goverment which forces them to improve the infrastructure as well as the legal frame to turn
Vietnam into the attractive destination for foregin investors. (5) Looking at VietNam, we
can clearly see that Vietnamese government has done a great job recently. (6) 1 We have
upgraded the transportation, broaden the street, more and more railways have been
constructed and I suppose that the bad traffic condition in Vietnam will be solved soon
thanks to the government’s demarketing. (7) As well, VietNam has signed many agreements
like EVFTA for typicall. Thanks to this investment incentive, more countries have decided
to invest in VietNam, VietNam can take advantage from these opportunities and soon, our
country may catch up with Korea, Japan in term of development2.


2. Discussed below will show the good sides as well as the drawbacks of FDI in developing
countries like VietNam.

With respect to the idea : « the others believe that FDI does more harm than good for a developing
country like ours, to know that is right or wrong, we should look at some reasons to references.
Vietnam have lots of fundamental things to promote many aspects like producing the goods,
transportation, Moreover, we have cheap labor resource to use. The employess of Vietnam are quite
knowledgable and high-experience. However, when FDI come in Vietnam, it depletes almost of our
advantages. Therefore, the idea is also right.

(background)… In my opinion, FDI can bring many benefits and contribute to the economic
growth of Vietnam. Potential reasons will be given in this essay to prove my idea.

Firstly, FDI helps to bring capital into VN.

Secondly, … it will create more job opportunities for our people.

Last but not least, FDI goes with technical transfer.

In conclusion, VN can take a lot of advantages of FDI flow. But it doesn’t always have bright
sides3. I believe that with right policies, VN will attract more FDI in the future and make it a huge
opportunity to turn our country into an industrial hub.

5. (Introduction of an essay of 1 student)

As everyone can see, FDI is now playing an important role in VN’s economy. FDI not only is one
of the most affecting impact that increases workforce field in Vn, but also opens lots of doors that
can help Vn become a more developing country. At the same time, some say that FDI may turn Vn
into industrial hub and the others believe that FDI does more harm than good for a developing
country like ours.

6. Formalize the following sentence:

When we work in an international working environment, we can learn a lot of new knowledge
which we can apply it with our country’s situation. Thus, the quality of our human resources will be

7. Spend + O + V....

Q2: "What are the advantages and disadvantages in the application of ADAPTATION and
STANDARDIZATION strategy when companies break into a new market?"

Once upon a time, a lot of companies want to break into a new market or nation and become to the
multinational corporations (MNCs). During this process, many economic profestionals observed
and devided strategies of this MNCs into two main categories: ADAPTATION and
STANDARDIZATION. Each of them also has advantages and disadvantages. Then, I am going to
show you some pros and cons and hope that will help you in the future when you want to apply this
strategies to your own business.


Take Goject as an example, although its original theme color is green, when entering VN, the brand
is turned into Goviet and coated with red color resembling Vietnam national flag, this strategy
helped Goviet to win a large number of Vietnamese customers.

Adaptation is choosen by a large number of big market-share corporations, this is not surprising
because they realise extremely different features in their target customers of each country.

Due to the globalization process, many companies are trending to penetrate to a new market in a
foreign country. There are a lot of strategy that they can choose to break into a new market.
Particularly, some of them choose adaptation strategy while the others choose standardization
strategy because of their advantages and disadvantages.
I really don’t agree with this statement because of the following reasons in this essay.

There are several problems that these companies will face to, including ADAPTATION and
STANDARDIZATION. This strategy not only has many benefits but also has some drawbacks.

On the one hand, it is clearly that ...

Formalize the sentences in the following essay. (Of course, you can combine 2 or more sentences or
other methods for a formally written essay)
QUESTION: It is said that “You can be even successful without concerning about your
competitors.” in branding your business.
What do you think about that statement?
=> Student’s essay:
(1) In nowadays, when you run a business, you should concern something related to
your company such as product, environment, policy, etc and especially, you must concern
about your competitors. (2) So, this statement about that you can be even successful without
concerning about your competitors is not true.
(3) The first reason is that your competitors will make something wrong with your
business. (4) For example, when your competitors decrease the price of their products, if
you want to compete with them, you will decrease your price of the products, too. (5)
Because, if you don't do that, you will not sell products anymore and you can lose your
market share in your competitor's hands. (6) Or, when your competitors have some war
action like Olvantine-Milo, you just have some action against them. (7) This makes your
company develop and target in your customers that you don't keep silent when someone
harms to you
(8) The second reason is that you and your competitors will be the best friend and help
together more develop. (9) because if you and they are run the businesses in a market that

there are no competitors except you and them, you can have a close relationship with them.
(10) So, you can help them to do the market survey, share some experience when selling
product in this market, support to find out the supplier, etc, and they too. (11) Therefore,
your competitors are not only competitors but also best friends if you want
(12) But on the one hand, you don't concern your competitors too much unless you
don't have a bigger market share than them. (13) For example, in the 1980s, when Coca-
Cola broke into some new markets such as China, Japan, etc and Pepsi was have trouble
with its human resources, Coca-Cola didn't need to concern about Pepsi because Coca had a
place in customer's mind and the customers were ready to choose Coca first, instead of
Pepsi. (14) But this is only true in this situation in this time
(15) In conclusion, I think you can not be even successful without concerning about
your competitors. (16) So, you should focus on all actions that your competitors do and have
some solutions if problems happen. (17) And, You must think of the relationship between
you and them
(1) In nowadays, when you run a business, you should concern something related to your
company such as product, environment, policy, etc and especially, you must concern about your
(2) So, this statement about that you can be even successful without concerning about your
competitors is not true.

Body 1
(3) The first reason is that your competitors will make something wrong with your business.

(4) For example, when your competitors decrease the price of their products, if you want to
compete with them, you will decrease your price of the products, too.
(5) Because, if you don't do that, you will not sell products anymore and you can lose your
market share in your competitor's hands.
(6) Or, when your competitors have some war action like Olvantine-Milo, you just have some
action against them.
(7) This makes your company develop and target in your customers that you don't keep silent
when someone harms to you

Body 2
(8) The second reason is that you and your competitors will be the best friend and help
together more develop.
(9) because if you and they are run the businesses in a market that there are no competitors
except you and them, you can have a close relationship with them.
(10) So, you can help them to do the market survey, share some experience when selling
product in this market, support to find out the supplier, etc, and they too.
(11) Therefore, your competitors are not only competitors but also best friends if you want.

Body 3

(12) But on the one hand, you don't concern your competitors too much unless you don't have
a bigger market share than them.
(13) For example, in the 1980s, when Coca-Cola broke into some new markets such as
China, Japan, etc and Pepsi was have trouble with its human resources, Coca-Cola didn't need to
concern about Pepsi because Coca had a place in customer's mind and the customers were ready to
choose Coca first, instead of Pepsi.
(14) But this is only true in this situation in this time.


(15) In conclusion, I think you can not be even successful without concerning about your
(16) So, you should focus on all actions that your competitors do and have some solutions if
problems happen.
(17) And, You must think of the relationship between you and them

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