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Ryan Schmid, Adam Haaf, Elan Silman

Mrs. Lucas

Honors Chem

11 June 2019

Ocean Acidification and its Impact

Global Warming is a real and present danger to our nation. Even a rise in just 1 degree

fahrenheit can cause monumental effects. More importantly, the causes of Global Warming can

be attributed to a phenomenon known as ocean acidification. A sizeable source of our energy is

siphoned from the burning of fossil fuels. Consequently, it releases CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

emissions. When carbon dioxide is absorbed by seawater, chemical reactions occur that reduce

seawater pH, carbonate ion concentration, and saturation states of Calcium Carbonate, an

essential compound in the structure of Shellfish shells. Thus, as Calcium Carbonate

concentration continues to decline in the surface seawater, the shells of shellfish, specifically

oysters, begin to decay. This causes spikes in oyster larvae mortality, and an overall decrease in

oyster population. This, in turn, places a heavy strain on the Oyster Farming market.

Oyster Farming is an aquaculture practice where oysters are bred and raised, and this

industry is gravely impacted by ocean acidification. The pH of the ocean has decreased over

time, but is now projected for a rapid decline. According to the video, “NOAA Ocean

Acidification — The other Carbon Dioxide Problem” the pH of the water was 8.2 in 1885, a pH

of 8.1 in 2005, and expected to be 7.8 in 2094. This decrease is about three times as fast as the

decrease in pH from 1885 to 2005. Because of how rapidly the pH is going down the animals in

the ocean are unable to adapt to the new levels of acidity. Because of this problem, according to

the video “Acid Water Takes a Toll on Puget Sound Shellfish”, the oyster seed production in the

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North East has plummeted by about 80%, since Shellfish are not adapting to the new

environment. As stated in the introduction, one of the necessary compounds in order for the

shellfish to create their shells is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). According to “NOAA Ocean

Acidification — The other Carbon Dioxide Problem”, the available shell mineral decreases

similarly to how the pH decreases. As the pH continues to decrease so does the available shell

mineral. This decrease in available shell mineral occurs a lot more in the surface waters which is

where the Shellfish are bred. Because of the CO2 emissions the ocean is becoming more and

more corrosive, it is dooming the Oysters as they are disappearing because of it.


Ocean acidification can have many detrimental effects that will harm both sea life and

humans. However, there are solutions to this growing catastrophe, but it may not be easy. The

video, “Acid Water Takes a Toll on Puget Sound Shellfish,” discusses both the problems of pH

water level rising and steps to solutions humans must begin to follow. The most effective

solution presented in this is the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. This harmful gas is

absorbed by the ocean resulting in “seed production in the North East plummeting 80%.” Some

recent solution to the current carbon dioxide influx could be to switch to electric cars that don’t

use fossil fuels as gas. Or as a nation the US could ban coal and other fossil fuels similarly to

Beijing. If humans begin working toward these solutions, hopefully they’ll be able to save the

oceans before it’s too late. Additionally, with ocean waters rapidly becoming more corrosive and

acidic it’s unlikely society will be able to change their ways of living in time to save the oysters.

In this sad case, humans must look to a new source of seafood that will be able to successfully

replace oysters on the market. According to the article, “Are Oysters Doomed?” by midcentury,

about 50 percent of all seawater will be too corrosive for growing oysters. Even if as a society,

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humans are able to come together to fix the carbon dioxide emission problem, the problems

would have to get worse before it can get better. During this time the oyster population can

significantly decline resulting in a loss of oysters on the market. Since it may be too late to save

oysters in the ocean, it is essential that humans begin to figure out how to replace them in the

economy so there isn’t a massive drop off in production for seafood companies. A solution for

this may just be a new recipe for jellyfish and seagrass.

This is a real problem with real consequences. The information has been given, and

solutions have been presented. The severity of this issue only increases with the longevity of

time. It is essential for action to be taken now rather than later, as our ecosystems are being

disrupted, and businesses are being diminished.

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