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a HOPED Module Gs body - unig ecises iwolving. Core ke —Lers Try ms = Lebls Recall ES cubs | Bove you ted Ws_forna_OF exercise? ae ae of ae eee” __ Plana [Plank] [High Boat __The Ficst muscle _| | Simutargoucly| activated is 4ne_| |works your hip tronsyersu plexors Alodomin qbdomini_which_||-als and addicted tncreaces. thespine| | muscles. _stippnes increasing, P the spine Stabilty: \ Cdn, | can’t } can do all the body- L-cant do push -vps_ because weight exercises that arms [s +00 weak to. do ik (myolves vay core muscles properly: Push “YP _ic a type, planks high beat, of _lbdy~weight exercise __|_ ody saw isicce bend L are involves Your arms | aud Jockhire- 30 1 ih Exercise Name | Repetition b_Crvnches —___ 10. chs 1_ Supine Toe Tap 20 «4S Bird dog BO chs Les evalwabe \s the workout easy or difficult +0. penrorin 7 Explain your Answer. om _ 7 — Ik ts easy to perro becouse I vsvally do this routing —Somerrynes when | havea preetime. —— How do you Feel while, performing your workout exercise? _ Theres. Something burning in_my domach park. My core musdes. started 4o_burh_and_my.ans.arctighkehing ag the -hne_of my workout Ite bit [ovger Are the any oltonges tn body carter the, workout? My core muscles ore developingto improve hid my dolonce dnd. stalnitty. iS beter tian perores

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