Hortea Daniel-Vlad: Maasfortbaan 26/4 2500 LIER

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ZAGERIJSTRAAT 17 Period from 01/06/2021 to 30/06/2021

2960 BRECHT Calculation date: 03/07/2021
Employer number: 1AS3373 Extract from your individual account, to be kept.
This document is a translation.

Personal details:
1AS3373 / 0000155
INSS: 940402 471-16
Marital status: single
Dependants: none
MAASFORTBAAN 26/4 Contract data:
2500 LIER Employee Number: 0000155
Worker category: blue-collar worker
Job title: chauffeur

Switch to the e-payslip

Why make the switch?
· You have access to your e-documents anywhere, any time
· Archive of at least 5 years
· You help protect the environment

How to make the switch?

Go to www.myworkandme.com/activate and register with the following details:
· Activation code: n9Aq99977
· Employer number: 1AS3373
· Employee number: 0000155
Once activated, you can log on via www.myworkandme.com

Basic hourly pay: € 12,9314 Pay category: +t15

V9.0.10 - 0000012 - 4.45

Code Description Days Hours Amounts

1020 work day 15 110,60 1.430,21

1060 work hours part time 3,40
1100 guaranteed weekly pay 1st wk sickness 4 30,40 546,59
1471 recup work hours part time - paid 3,40 43,97
1510 period of availibility mo -> sa (no train/ferry) 48,46 626,66
1729 bonus per payment period 18,60
0250 legal holiday for worker 3 22,80
2500 social security (national insurance) contribution -376,33
2509 work bonus 51,01
3500 advanced levy on normal pay -461,83
3520 extra pay-as-you-earn tax -100,00
3702 fiscal work bonus 16,90
3309 non-taxable payments 105,00
3331 non-taxable payments 240,10
3650 special contribution for social security -26,18
3800 advance -870,00

transferred into bank account IBAN: BE27 7370 4752 3373 BIC: KREDBEBB € 1.244,70

Recognised payroll service firm for employers N° 640 - www.sdworx.com 1AS3373-0000155-02/07/2021 1/2
For your information

Used up days statutory holidays blue-collar 9,00 average hourly pay for absences 17,9799
worker 06/2021 working time 114,00
EN-Heures à récupérer (déjà payées) 06/2021 0,00 hours of duty 162,46
EN-Heures à récupérer (encore à payer) -0,01 number of arab-hours 163,00
number of hours with seniority premium 162,46
bedrag ancienniteitstoeslag per uur 0,1145

Recognised payroll service firm for employers N° 640 - www.sdworx.com 1AS3373-0000155-02/07/2021 2/2

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