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1. It the calamitous event that impacts a community to such an extent such that the community itself is unable to cope-up with this consequences without outside help. a, Disaster b. Hazard o. Risks d. Danger 2. The sudden slip on a fault, and the resulting shaking of the ground and seismic energy radiated by that slip. a. Rapture b. Earthquake . Epicenter d. Shaking 3. Itis describe as the movement of earth's surface due to the seismic waves produced by an earth quake a. Liquefaction b. Ground rapture c.Ground shaking d. Ground-subsidence 4. The movement of the surface material down a slape a. Landslide b. Ground rapture c.Liquefaction d. Flood 5. Aprocess in which soil saturated or partially saturated in water losses strength and behaves like fluid a.Ground-subsidence _b.Ground rapture c. Liquefaction _—_d.Sinkhole 6. disaster caused by natural geologic process that occur in our planet such as earthquake volcanic eruption and landslide a.Geological —_b. Hydro-meteorological__. Biological d. astronomical 7. A plan that you and your family will put together to help you face the challenges, difficulties, and dangers posed by disaster. a. Emergeney plan b. Family emergency preparedness plan c. evacuation plan d. disaster response plan 8. Alist of supplies a family must bring with them when they decide to evacuate a. Hazard list b. disaster supply ist c. Responsibility list d. disaster list 9. A list of objects or situations in ones house holds which can add to the severity of isasters. a. Hazard list b. disaster supply list c. Responsibility list d. disaster list 10. The enabling law that guides the disaster risk reduction and management goals of the country. a.RA 10121 b. clear air act c. Act of 2011 d. DRRR act of 2011 111. What is the best thing to do during an earthquake? a. If inside get inside the building and look for injured person. b. If indoor, craw! under a sturdy furniture or table c. Run as fast as you can d. Use elevator for fast escape 12. What is the the best thing to do when the earthquake is over? a. Move out of the building as fast as you can and look for help b. Return to the damage building c. Stay away from power lines, poles, walls, and other structures d. Move to steep slopes 13. What is the best thing to do in the event of tsunami alert? a. If near the beach, move inland to a place with higher elevation. b. Seek refuge in structure near the beach. ¢. Go to beach and observe the water level, when there is noticeable recession d. Wait for 30 minutes before to take action, maybe itis fake news

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