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Analysis of energy efficiency improvement of

high-tech fabrication plants


Shih-Cheng Hu1 , Tee Lin1 , Ben-Ran Fu2, *,† , Cheng-Kung Chang1 and I-Yun Cheng1
Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineering, National Taipei
University of Technology, 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei 10608 Taiwan; 2 Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, 84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan
Dist., New Taipei City 24301, Taiwan

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In this study, we developed simulation software for the energy consumption of high-tech fabrication
plants. The developed fab energy simulation (FES) featured more detailed characteristics of the subsystems
than existing simulation tools. The calculated results of the FES were validated using the annual oper-
ating data of a Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing fab. The measured data indicated three major
energy consumers in the studied fab—the process tool, water chiller and clean dry air systems. The
annual consumption of electricity calculated with the FES showed a deviation of only −0.73% compared
with the measured data. The calculated results exhibited an energy consumption trend that was very
similar to the measured data, indicating the reliability of the FES. The FES results also demonstrated
excellent agreement with the calculated results of the commercial tool ‘CleanCalc II’. Additionally, the
FES was employed to study the energy consumption under different conditions. The results revealed
that the energy consumption of the chiller system reduced significantly by 43.7% when the chiller
system with a coefficient of performance of 8 was used. This reduction in the energy consumption
corresponded to 10% of the total energy consumption in the fab, indicating significant energy-saving

Keywords: high-tech cleanroom; energy consumption and saving; make-up air unit (MAU); chiller system
Corresponding author. or Received 29 September 2018; revised 24 May 2019; editorial decision 19 June 2019; accepted 19 June 2019

1 INTRODUCTION accomplishing this is difficult for many fabs due to the lack of
a monitoring system. Table 1 summarizes the SEMI ECFs estab-
High-tech fabrication plants (generally called fabs) used for the lished based on a specific fab with a cleanroom area of 4400 m2 and
production of the semiconductor or thin-film-transistor liquid- a monthly use of 10 000 pieces of 200-mm wafers. Although these
crystal display (TFT-LCD) are energy-intensive and technology- ECFs may be unsuitable for other fabs with different conditions,
intensive industries [1]. It is necessary to explore the energy they can serve as a reference. Furthermore, SEMI S23-0813 did
consumption in detail to examine the energy-saving opportuni- not provide any suggestion on modifying the conversion factor
ties in a high-tech fab. Semiconductor Equipment and Materials for different operating conditions of the fab. Generally, high-tech
International (SEMI) issued guidelines (termed as SEMI S23) for fabs are significantly different from commercial buildings. A fab
energy, electricity and production conservation for semiconduc- requires a significant amount of external air, and the arrangements
tor facility systems. The latest version of these guidelines is called for the external and circulating air are often treated separately.
SEMI S23-0813, which provides the energy conversion factors The energy analysis software for commercial buildings is typically
(ECFs) for all important utilities [2]. The SEMI ECFs can be used designed to handle air-conditioning systems for the external air
to estimate the overall energy consumption of the utilities and mixed with return air through a centralized system and excludes
could be good indicators for the process designer to modify their the electricity consumption of facilities such as process cooling
recipes to reduce the energy use in fabs. It is necessary to measure water (PCW), compressed (or clean) dry air (CDA), nitrogen,
operating conditions of facilities to acquire real ECFs. However, vacuum and exhaust systems in the fabs.

† Ben-Ran Fu,

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2019, 14, 508–515
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctz041 Advance Access publication 12 August 2019 508
Energy efficiency improvement of high-tech fabrication plants

Table 1. ECFs suggested in the SEMI S23-0813 [2].

Facility (sub-system) or material Unit ECF Condition or remark

1. Exhaust kWh/m 3
0.0037 Exhaust pressure = 2 kPa
2. Vacuum kWh/m3 0.060 Vacuum pressure = 5.88 kPa
3. Clean dry air (CDA) kWh/m3 0.147a
4. High pressure CDA (for 827–1034 kPa, gauge) kWh/m3 0.175a
5. Water cooled by refrigeration (for T = 5◦ C) kWh/m3 1.56 Supply pressure = 490 kPa. For other T, ECF = 0.258 ×
T + 0.273
6. Water cooled by cooling tower kWh/m3 0.260 Supply pressure = 490 kPa
7. UPWb or DIWb (for temperature <25◦ C) kWh/m3 9.0 Supply pressure = 196 kPa
8. Hot UPW or DIW (for temperature >85◦ C) kWh/m3 92.2 No suggested ECF for the temperature of 25–85◦ C
9. Heat load:
Heat removal via air kWh/m3 ◦ C 3.24 × 10−4 This conversion factor accounts for the energy that may be
Heat removal via water kWh/m3 ◦ C 1.16 used to operate the cleanroom air conditioning

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Cooling load kWh/m3 ◦ C 0.287
10. N2 kWh/m3 0.250a Supply pressure = 793 kPa
11. Electricity kWh/kWh 1.0 This ECF can be further modified by accounting for the
efficiency of the generating electricity through different ways

On the basis of the equivalent volume at the pressure of 101 kPa and temperature of 20◦ C.
UPW: ultra-pure water; DIW: de-ionized water.

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ON ENERGY opportunities. Recently, several review articles have focused on
EMS or energy-saving technologies and applications [9–11]. For
CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS example, Saidur et al. [9] examined the detailed energy consump-
Wang et al. [3] conducted a case study on the energy conservation tion of a compressed air (CA) system that consumed ∼10% of
performance of a TFT-LCD manufacturing fab. They reported the total industrial energy use in a few countries. Evidently, a
that the energy consumption of process tools accounted for 41.6% CA or CDA system is also another important facility in the fabs.
of the total energy consumption in the studied TFT-LCD fab, The literature review performed by Saidur et al. [9] indicated that
which was very close to that of semiconductor manufacturing fabs the overall energy efficiency of a CA system was only 10–20%
[4]. Additionally, the findings indicated that a CDA system con- and the major energy loss was attributed to the heat dissipation
sumed the largest portion (19.8%) of the energy among all facility and air leakage during the process. They further revealed that the
systems studied. Based on the measured data on energy consump- energy savings of a CA system could be achieved using a high-
tion, Wang et al. [3] further proposed a baseline correlation for efficiency motor or through a variable speed drive in the motor.
the total energy consumption of a TFT-LCD fab as a function of The study also recommended leakage reduction and waste heat
the wet-bulb temperature and monthly average production yield. reuse by a recuperator to improve the overall energy efficiency of
Furthermore, they also discussed several energy-saving strategies a CA system.
that could reduce the total energy consumption by 2.4% consider- Given rigorous limitations of the environmental temperature
ing the process tools or facility systems. They also demonstrated and humidity, the maintenance of a cleanroom is one of the most
that the improvements in energy efficiency, such as pipe leak- important tasks for subsystems, which also consumes a signif-
age prevention, heat loss reduction and exhaust heat recovery, icant portion of the energy. Humidity in large-scale high-tech
constituted the most efficient energy-saving methods. Yan and cleanrooms is generally controlled by a make-up air unit (MAU)
Chien [5] presented an integrated analysis of energy consumption system consisting of a fan, two-stage cooling coils, a heating coil
and energy efficiency with economic contributions for high-tech (or heater), filters and a humidifier. The designed humidity ratio
industries in Taiwan’s science parks. They proposed an energy- in the fabs is much lower than that in heating, ventilation and
efficiency economy index to evaluate the energy consumption of air conditioning (HVAC) systems used in commercial buildings.
the studied science parks. Their results demonstrated that given The temperature of the chilled water for the cooling coil inside
the same economic contributions, the high-tech industries in the an MAU system is typically 5–7◦ C. The low temperature of the
science parks consumed less energy (also yielding lower CO2 supplied water reduces the efficiency of the chiller. Chua et al.
emissions) when compared to others. [12] reviewed technologies and strategies, such as novel cooling
In addition to the detailed information on energy consumption, devices, innovative system designs and integration and opera-
energy management systems (EMS) or analysis tools were exten- tional management and control, to enhance the efficiency of an
sively developed for various applications or industries [6–8]. For air-conditioning system. Kircher et al. [13] reported the model-
example, Wei et al. [7] used the concept of Internet-of-things to ing and simulation of the energy consumption of a cleanroom.
develop EMS for industrial facilities. Their EMS concept provided In their study, four different approaches were further simulated
immediate interconnectivity and interoperability between devices to assess the energy-saving potentials for the cleanroom. Their
and facilities, which could enable locating possible energy-saving results showed that implementing a heat recovery system for

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2019, 14, 508–515 509

S.-C. Hu et al.

exhaust air may be the most efficient way of reducing the energy software [fab energy simulation (FES)] for high-tech fabs. The
consumption (resulting in an 11.4% energy reduction). FES developed in the present study featured more detailed char-
Hu and Tsao [14] investigated the effect of the layout of an acteristics compared to existing simulation tools, such as higher
HVAC system on the energy efficiency for a typical 200-mm suitability for HVAC systems, automatic coil controls and several
wafer fab. Their results indicated that a MAU combined with a arrangements of components in an MAU system, which were
fan-filter unit (FFU) system corresponded to the optimal energy much closer to the practical application. The results of the FES
consumption performance. They also found that the energy use of were validated using the annual operating data of a Taiwanese
an air recirculation unit (RCU) system was considerably higher semiconductor manufacturing fab and furthercompared with the
than that in the best-case scenario. They further demonstrated calculated results of a commercial tool ‘CleanCalc II’ [18]. Clean-
that the energy consumption of the RCU system could be reduced Calc II was also used to analyze the fab’s energy consumption.
by 50% by mixing certain portions of the return air with the Most importantly, the major objectives of this study involved
make-up air. Generally, an MAU system provides external air, employing the developed FES tool to assess the fab’s energy con-
which is then mixed with recirculated air from the cleanroom. sumption under different operating conditions to explore possible

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A high air-circulation rate in the fabs leads to a correspondingly energy-saving opportunities.
high cooling capacity of external air, leading to significant energy
consumption. Lin et al. [15] proposed a fan dry coil unit-based
return system to satisfy the requirements of air circulation in a 4 METHODOLOGY
cleanroom. Their experimental results showed that the proposed
system was significantly more effective in heat removal of process The present FES with a Windows-based user interface was devel-
tools and reduced the energy consumption by 4% compared to oped using the ‘Visual Basic.Net’ programming software. As an
a traditional air circulation system. Luo et al. [16] investigated example of the input interface, Figure 1 demonstrates user input
different energy-saving approaches for facilities in semiconduc- interfaces for the HVAC system in the FES. Design parameters or
tor fabs—(1) different methods for the gas consumption of an operating conditions, such as room temperature, relative humid-
organic process system, (2) constant or dynamically changed ity (RH) and supply/return temperature of the chilled water, were
output of the flow rate of a cooling tower system, (3) online inputted via the user interface of the FES. This was followed
pump control for a vacuum system and (4) heat recovery by by displaying the calculated results in the form of detailed data
the MAU system. Their results demonstrated that the facilities’ or figures for further comparisons. The energy consumptions in
energy consumption could be reduced by 25.24% if these four the fabs were generally derived from several parts including the
approaches were simultaneously employed. In addition, the first HVAC system, exhaust system, PCW, ultra-pure water (UPW),
of the aforementioned methods contributed about 70% of the CDA, nitrogen, vacuum, fans, pumps, process tools and lighting
saved energy, whereas the contribution from the third one was system. All the aforementioned utilities and materials were con-
negligible. sidered in the developed FES. Some of them are briefly described
Recently, Hu et al. [17] conducted a study on the assessment in the following sections.
of SEMI ECFs and their application in semiconductor and LCD
fabs. They also developed a new calculator having corresponding
mathematical models for each subsystem for ECFs in high-tech 4.1 Major facilities
fabs. Their results showed that most of the ECF values estimated A segregated-type HVAC system, consisting of an MAU, FFU and
by the new calculator were very close to the values reported in the dry cooling coil (DCC), was employed as the major air circula-
SEMI S23-0813 while employing the same operating conditions. tion system in the present simulated cleanroom, as depicted in
Their ECF calculator can be used to understand the detailed Figure 2. Before entering the target cleanroom with return air, the
contribution of each variable to the energy consumption of each outdoor air was regulated according to the designed conditions
system in the fab better, and therefore, it can be used as a straight- in the MAU system. The system adjusted the temperature and
forward tool for energy-saving tasks or for new fab designs. In humidity of the outdoor air by using cooling/heating coils and
addition, they used this ECF calculator to analyze in detail the a humidifier, respectively. The DCC removed the sensible heat
energy consumption of three Taiwanese high-tech fabs. Based on of return air. An FFU on the ceiling pulled mixed air from a
analytical results, they further concluded that the efficiency of the supply plenum and injected it into the cleanroom. The energy
energy consumption in the older-generation wafer fab (200-mm consumption of the HVAC system could be simply divided among
wafers) could be improved by upgrading some of its systems, such a water chiller, humidification system and heating system. A water
as air compressor and chilled water systems. chiller adsorbed the heat from the MAU cooling coil, PCW and
DCC. A humidifier in the MAU system could be a steam-type
humidifier, vapor-type humidifier or air washer–type humidifier.
3 OBJECTIVES OF THIS STUDY The present study only considered electric heating to simplify
the heater’s energy consumption. An exhaust system’s electricity
Given the aforementioned issues, the preliminary objectives of consumption can be divided into two categories. The first involves
this study involved developing energy-consumption simulation power requirements of fans that inject energy into the air to

510 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2019, 14, 508–515

Energy efficiency improvement of high-tech fabrication plants

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Figure 1. User input interface for a HVAC system in the FES.

generally constant for a normal air compressor. The maximum

compression work for a vacuum pump occurs approximately
during the suction status of half vacuum. In addition, the present
FES deals with the steady-state conditions of the clean room.
Therefore, the transient characteristics of each component are
outside the scope of the present study.
A PCW system was used to remove the major part of heat gen-
erated by equipment, such as an exposure machine, ion implanter
and diffusion furnace, during the manufacturing process. Gen-
erally, the temperature requirement of a PCW is not too low
for the semiconductor manufacturing industry (∼13–20◦ C). The
temperature of a water chiller is about 7◦ C. As listed in Table 1, the
ECF (defined as the energy consumption per unit flow rate) for a
PCW using the refrigeration system suggested by SEMI S23-0813
was 1.56 kWh/m3 for T = 5◦ C and ECF = 0.258 × T + 0.273
for other T. Here, T denotes the temperature difference of
water between an inlet and an outlet. In the present study, the
energy consumption of the exhaust, vacuum, CDA, nitrogen and
water supply systems were determined based on ECFs, while the
energy consumption of an HVAC system was estimated from
operating conditions or measured data. The air-conditioning pro-
cess and control method of each component in the FES were user
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a typical HVAC system for the cleanroom.
selectable. According to the type of humidification system, the
control parameter of the outlet air of the cooling and heating
boost the pressure or velocity of the air to satisfy static pressure
coils in the MAU system could correspond to the dew-point
requirements for a process tool and to overcome friction loss
temperature, dry temperature or wet-bulb temperature. A default
through pipelines. The second one is the HVAC system. A certain
reference value of the chosen control method for a component
degree of positive pressure should be applied to a cleanroom
is automatically calculated based on the input parameters. Fur-
to prevent the external pollution from penetrating through the
thermore, such reference values could be manually adjusted via
cracks into the cleanroom and thereby maintain the required
a user interface of the FES to meet system design specifications.
cleanliness. A vacuum pump and air compressor mainly con-
Furthermore, properties of the air used in the FES were calculated
tribute to the energy consumptions of vacuum and CDA sys-
according to equations suggested in the ASHRAE handbook [19].
tems, respectively. The CDA system generally consists of an air
compressor, storage tanks, dryers and several filters. A vacuum
pump is slightly different from a normal compressor. The cylinder
capacity ratio for a vacuum pump exceeds that of a normal com- 4.2 Mathematical models
pressor, given the same amount of power. Additionally, suction This section summarizes the equations used in the FES. Given an
pressure changes with time for a vacuum pump, whereas it is overall energy balance in a cleanroom, the heat generation (qgen ,

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Figure 3. Detailed distribution of the measured energy use: (a) process tool, (b) water chiller, (c) CDA, (d) UPW, (e) PCW, (f) exhaust, (g) FFU, (h) humidifier and
fans of MAU and RCU, (i) lighting, (j) vacuum and (k) water pump.

unit: kW) is equal to heat removal (qre , unit: kW) the energy use of the process tools is only the electricity, of which
the ECF is considered to be 1.0, as depicted in Table 1 [2].
qgen = qre . (1)

The heat could be generated from the lighting system, FFU 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
system fans, process tools and employees, while the heat removal
could be performed through the exhaust systems, PCW, MAU 5.1 Validation
and DCC.With respect to the cooling or heating coil in the MAU Measured data from a semiconductor manufacturing fab (in
system, the heat transfer rate (qcoil , unit: kW) can be calculated as Hsinchu, Taiwan) were used to validate the FES results in the
follows: present study. With respect to this studied fab, the total floor
area corresponded to 13 812 m2 (with a height of 3.5 m for each
qcoil = V̇MAU ρair Cp,a (Tout − Tin ) , (2) floor) with ∼150 workers under normal operating conditions.
where V̇MAU denotes volume flow rate (unit: m3 /s) of the external The temperature and RH in the cleanroom of the fab were
air in the MAU system, ρair denotes air density (unit: kg/m3 ), Cp,a 23◦ C and 45%, respectively, whereas the lighting intensity was
denotes the heat capacity of air (unit: kJ/(kg. K)) and T out and 0.0119 kW/m2 and the cooling load of each worker was estimated
T in denote the air temperature (unit: ◦ C) at the coil outlet and as 0.16 kW. The usage amounts of the FFU and the MAU system
inlet, respectively. Additionally, the water mass flow rate require- in the fab were 5300 and 6 sets, respectively. The sequential
ment (mw , unit: kg/s) for the humidifier in the MAU system was arrangement of the MAU components for the fab is as follows:
obtained based on the difference of the humidity ratio (w, unit: fan, pre-heating coil, pre-cooling coil, humidifier (using an air
none) of the air between the outlet and inlet of the humidifier, washer), cooling coil and re-heating coil (from the inlet to the
outlet). The RH at the exit of the cooling coil was 100%, and the
mw = V̇MAU ρair (wout − win ) . (3) dry-bulb temperature of the supply air from the MAU system
was 14◦ C. Additionally, the pump head of the air washer was
93.8 m, the designed flow rate of water was 200 l/min and the
The energy consumption (W E , unit: kWh) of the materials and
pump efficiency was 65%.
facilities (except for the HVAC system) for the fabs is estimated
Figure 3 shows the detailed distribution of the energy con-
using the following equation:
sumption for the studied fab with an annual electricity con-
  sumption of 150 GWh in 2013. The measured data indicated
WE = V̇run × trun + V̇idle × tidle × ECF, (4) three major energy consumers in the fab—the process tool, water
chiller and CDA. In contrast, systems such as the water pump,
where V̇run and V̇idle (or t run and t idle ) denote the flow rates vacuum or lighting consumed less than 1% of the total energy
(unit: m3 /s) (or the occupied proportion of the time, unit: s) consumed by the fab. Additionally, the studied fab did not indi-
during operating and idle conditions, respectively. Furthermore, cate any energy-usage information regarding nitrogen, because

512 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2019, 14, 508–515

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Figure 4. FES calculated results of the energy use: (a) process tool, (b) water chiller, (c) CDA, (d) UPW, (e) PCW, (f) exhaust, (g) FFU, (h) humidifier and fans of
MAU and RCU, (i) lighting, (j) vacuum and (k) water pump.

nitrogen was not produced on site (it was supplied by a gas Table 2. Results of the energy use of the FES and measurement.
manufacturer). However, it should be noted that the energy con-
Component or system FES calculation Measurement Deviation (%)
sumption in local nitrogen production could account for a large (GWh) (GWh)
proportion (6.6%) of the total energy consumption in the fab
[4]. It is also interesting to note that the proportion of energy Process tool 81.7 81.5 0.19
Water chiller 33.9 35.1 −3.57
consumption of the process tools was significantly greater than CDA (including high 9.83 9.80 0.23
that reported by Hu and Chuah [4]. Thus, the energy consump- pressure)
tion of the fab subsystems accounted for a smaller proportion UPW 8.47 8.45 0.27
of the total energy consumption than that reported by Hu and PCW 4.04 4.03 0.26
Chuah [4]. These results could be attributed to the complicated Exhaust 3.52 3.51 0.34
FFU 2.93 2.91 0.39
formula involved in state-of-the-art products (given considerable Humidifier and fans of 1.85 1.92 −3.51
advances in electronic devices) as well as energy-saving imple- MAU and RCU
mentations (or performance enhancements) in the facility sys- Lighting 1.44 1.44 0.27
tems, particularly for chiller systems in the past decade. According Vacuum 0.70 0.71 −1.33
to the measured data, the ECFs of the exhaust (excluding MAU Water pump 0.073 0.073 0
Annual energy use 148 150 −0.73
system), MAU, PCW, UPW, vacuum and CDA systems for the
studied fab corresponded to 0.000723, 0.0028, 0.383, 8, 0.04 and
0.171 kWh/m3 , respectively. It may be noted that the SEMI ECF
for the exhaust system (i.e. 0.0037 kWh/m3 , as shown in Table 1) study, only the total annual energy consumption of the studied fab
included the MAU system. However, the present study reported could be obtained from the manufacturer, but monthly results can
the ECF of the MAU system in detail for further applications of be presented with the FES. Therefore, a comparison between the
the FES, while changing the operating conditions of the MAU measured and FES calculated results was conducted for annual
system. Additionally, the coefficient of performance (COP) of a energy consumption. The table indicates that the deviations for
chiller system with the heat recovery design used in the fab was most facilities were less than 1%, except for the water chiller
4.5. (−3.57%); humidifier, MAU and RCU fans (−3.51%) and vacuum
Figure 4 shows the FES-calculated results of the energy con- system (−1.33%). The main reason for the deviations was related
sumption for the studied fab. Annual electricity usage calculated to the used condition of the outdoor air. In the present FES,
by the FES was 148 GWh with a deviation of −1.09 GWh (i.e. the outdoor air conditions were employed based on the average
only −0.73%) relative to the measured data. The calculated results weather data of Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2012 [20].
clearly demonstrated a highly similar trend of energy consump- The calculated results of the FES were further compared with
tion with the measured data as shown in Figures 3 and 4. The those of CleanCalc II, as shown in Table 3. To meet the input
results indicated reliability of the present FES. Table 2 summarizes requirement (or limitation) of CleanCalc II and facilitate an
the detailed results of the FES and measurement. In the present equivalent comparison, some operating parameters of the studied

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Table 3. Calculated results of the FES and CleanCalc II. the exhaust system reduced by only 3.69% (0.13 GWh), where one
may expect a nearly 10% decrease in the energy consumption, as
Component or system FES (GWh) CleanCalc II (GWh)
the flow rate of the exhaust system decreased by 10%. This unex-
PCW 4.03 4.03 pected result comes from the complex system arrangement in the
CDA 8.55 8.55 fab. Additionally, the case C results demonstrated that reducing
High pressure CDA 1.25 1.25
Vacuum 0.70 0.70
the dry-bulb temperature of the MAU supply air from 14◦ C to
UPW 8.45 8.45 11◦ C resulted in energy savings of 1.20 GWh (8.63% saving in
Exhaust 3.43 3.51 the energy consumption of the MAU system). Most importantly,
HVAC 19.8 19.9 for case D, the results indicated that the chiller system’s energy
Electric use (including process 85.8 85.8 consumption reduced significantly by 14.8 GWh (43.7%) by using
tool, lighting and others)
Annual energy use 132 132
a chiller system with a COP of 8, which could correspond to the
best performance of the water-cooled centrifugal chiller [22]. In
general, the COP value has a higher level during partial-loaded

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operations of the chiller. However, in [22], the COP value of 8 was
fab were modified and included using the isothermal process of
reported in both full-loaded and partial-loaded operations under
the pre-heating coil, neglecting other cooling loads, using mist
different chiller conditions. Therefore, we chose this COP level as
humidification and non-heat recovery-type chiller and using the
a reference value. This reduction in the energy consumption of
MAU system with electrical heating. The results demonstrated
the chiller system was ∼10% of the total energy consumption in
excellent agreement between the FES and CleanCalc II for most
the fab, which indicated significant energy-saving potential. The
components and systems. The deviation of the exhaust system was
result of the energy-saving potential in case D is consistent with
the most significant (2.33%) due to the different conditions of the
the theoretical prediction when the COP of the chiller increases
outdoor air used in the FES and CleanCalc II (using weather data
from 4.5 to 8. In addition, the results of those studied cases
in Taipei, 1982–99 [21]). It was also concluded that the developed
for possible energy-saving approaches can be useful for practical
FES could function as well as CleanCalc II, and most importantly,
applications while modifying the system. Undoubtedly, the effi-
the developed FES involved several user-defined parameters (i.e.
ciency enhancement of energy consumption would decrease the
a flexible user interface) that could not be inputted in CleanCalc
fab’s operating cost. However, the capital outlay, especially for the
II. However, for a fab with other unintroduced systems in the
equipment, is outside the scope of the present study. As mentioned
FES, the developed tool cannot be directly employed to calculate
in the manuscript, a fab has several subsystems. Therefore, it is
energy consumption without any change.
difficult to carry out the cost analysis of the equipment, especially
for a non-equipment supplier. Furthermore, the above results
5.2 Application could also indicate the baseline data for energy-saving approaches
The present FES was utilized to study the energy consumption of and benchmarking the energy-use efficiency of fabs that produce
fabs under different operating conditions such as changes in the similar products.
temperature difference of the PCW system (case A), discharging
flow rate of the exhaust system (case B), dry-bulb temperature
of the supply air from the MAU system (case C) and the COP 6 CONCLUSIONS
of the chiller system (case D). Table 4 summarizes the calculated
results of the FES for different cases. The case A results show In this study, an FES analysis tool for the energy consumption
that the energy consumption of the PCW system increased from of high-tech fabs was developed. The FES results were validated
4.04 GWh to 6.33 GWh (56.7% increase) as T decreased from using the annual operating data of a Taiwanese semiconductor-
5◦ C to 3◦ C. However, the energy consumption of the PCW system manufacturing fab and further compared with the calculated
decreased from 4.04 GWh to 2.71 GWh (32.9% decrease) as T results of a commercial tool ‘CleanCalc II’. Furthermore, the
increased from 5◦ C to 7◦ C. For case B, the energy consumption of present FES was employed to study the energy consumption of

Table 4. Comparison of the calculated results of the FES under different operating conditions.
Case Affected system Original Original result Modified Modified result Difference Energy-saving
condition (GWh) condition (GWh) (GWh) potential (%)

A1 PCW T = 5◦ C 4.04 T = 3◦ C 6.33 2.29 −56.7

A2 PCW T = 5◦ C 4.04 T = 7◦ C 2.71 −1.33 32.9
Ba Exhaust – 3.52 – 3.39 −0.13 3.69
C MAU 14◦ C 13.9 11◦ C 12.7 −1.20 8.63
D Chiller COP = 4.5 33.9 COP = 8 19.1 −14.8 43.7
a Reducing the flow rate of the exhaust system by 10% as the modified condition.

514 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2019, 14, 508–515

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