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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

Clarin Campus
Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol

(Report Title)
(Date of Submission)

Report Submitted to
as partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Second Semester School Year 2021-2022


I. VERSATILITY: THIRD DIMENSION------------------------------1

A. Achieving Versatility through Style Flexing
B. Strategies for Adapting Your Style
B.1. Flexing to the Emotive Style
B.2. Flexing to the Director Style
B.3. Flexing to the Reflective Style
B.4. Flexing to the Supportive Style
C. Style Flexing: Pitfalls and Possibilities
II. A FINAL WORD OF CAUTION ------------------------------------6
A. Strength / Weakness Paradox
III. REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------7
CHAPTER ____: ____________________

Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the participants must have:
a. _________________________________________,
b. _________________________________________; and
c. _________________________________________.

Guide Questions:

1. What is Versatility?
2. What is Style Flexing?
3. Is style flexing just another way to manipulate others?
4. What can I do to make it easier for the other person to relate to me?
5. What are the strengths or weakness paradox of communication styles?


Earlier in this chapter, we were able to describe two important dimensions of

communication style model: dominance and sociability. The dimensions of
communication style model are independent to each other.

What is Versatility?
 Acting in ways that earn a social endorsement. Endorsement simply means
other people’s approval to our behavior. People give us their endorsement
when they feel comfortable and non-defensive with us. Versatile people
recognize that they can control their half of relationships and that is easier
to modify themselves than it is to modify others.
 Is a trait we exhibit ourselves rather than elicit from others.
 This dimension is Independent style. This means that the emotive style is no
more or less likely to be versatile than is the reflective style. Communication
style remains relatively stable throughout life, where as versatility is
Versatile person usually asks this question, “What can I do to make it
easier for the other person to relate to me?”

A. Achieving Versatility through Style Flexing

Getting classified according to communication style doesn’t mean you are
“type-cast” for life. You can always learn to strengthen areas of our most preferred
communication style to get along better with others. One way is to broaden your
personality is to engage in Style flexing.

What is Style Flexing?

 It is the deliberate attempt to change or alter your style to meet the needs
of other person. It is a temporary effort to act in harmony with the behavior
of another person’s communication style.
 It is also communicating in a way that is more agreeable to persons of other
Style flexing at work:
Dexter , a buyer of sporting good for a small chain of sporting goods
stores. Dexter has a strong emotive style and usually gets along well with other
emotive communicators. His immediate supervisor is Miss Effrelyn, a reflective
person who tends to approach her work in an orderly, systematic manner.
Dexter finds it difficult to curb his stimulating style and therefore sometimes
viewed as “unstable” by Ms. Effrelyn.

What might Dexter do to improve communication with his supervisor?

Dexter is naturally an open, impulsive communicator. During meetings
with a reflective person, he should appear less spontaneous, slow his rate of
speech, and avoid the use of dramatic gestures. He should try to appear more
How could Dexter’s supervisor use style flexing to foster better communication?
She should avoid appearing too stiff and formal. During meetings,
reflective persons should try to avoid being “all business”. The Reflective
communicator might also be more informal about starting and ending meetings
exactly on time might allow emotive person to depart from the agenda now and
then. The reflective person should try to share feelings and concerns more
openly in the presence of an emotive person.

B. Strategies for Adapting Your Style

 Flexing to the emotive style
Emotive Style- Prefers informality, tends to share personal views openly, naturally
persuasive, dramatic and forceful in convincing others with their views.
Fear: Being controlled
o Take time in building relationship
o Display interest
o Do not place too much emphasis on details
o Maintain a pace that is fast and spontaneous

 Flexing to the Director style

Director Style- has serious attitude, all-business, no-nonsense approach in
communicating, expresses strong opinions, use firm gestures, and speak in
determined voice tones. Others perceive then as autocratic, dictatorial, and
devoid of sensitivity.
Fear or secret: Fear that people will find out they are not as competent as people
think they are.
o Be specific
o Be logical
o Be fast and decisive
o Be concise but precise
 Flexing to the Reflective style
Reflective Style- Thoughtfully considers all information before expressing an opinion
or coming to a decision, they do not seem to be in hurry, often exhibit
emotional control, expresses opinion in a formal manner. Others view them
as preoccupied, and at times unresponsive, being unwilling, unable to act, or
resistive to dialogue.
Fear- Being out of control
o Appeal to the person’s orderly approach
o Approach in a straightforward manner
o Be accurate and realistic
o Messages should be detailed and precise
o Verbal messages should be slow and systematic
 Flexing to the Supportive style
Supportive style- listens attentively, often avoid the use of power and rely on
friendly persuasion to convince people of their view. Prefers to display
warmth and cooperation on their communications. Expresses opinion in a
thoughtful and deliberate manner. Appears to be low-key in decision
making, because they prefer consensus of group decisions. Relationship is
key, task is secondary.
Fear- Fear that people will find out they are really not as nice as people think they
o Show sincere interest
o Patiently draw out personal views and goals
o Present your views in a quiet and nonthreatening manner
o Prioritize relationship building and communication

C. Style Flexing: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Is style flexing just another way to manipulate others?
The answer is YES if your approach is insincere and your only objective
is to get something for yourself. The choice is yours. If your objective is to
build and honest, constructive relationship, then style flexing can be
and productive communication skill.


In The Name of Your Game, Stuart Sais that , “ We should be careful not to use
labels that make people feel boxed in, typecast, or judged.” He added that, “We should
not classify people; we should classify their strengths and preferences”.

Strength/Weakness Paradox
 There is no ”best” communication style
 Problems arise when people overextend or rely too much on their strengths of their
 Build rapport with those who are different from you.
 Learn how to overcome your strengths.




Gellerman, C (2013).Work Styles aka Communication Styles. The Boeing Company.

Retrieved on March 02, 2022, from:
Reece, B.L., Brandt, R., Hower, K.F.(2008). Effective Human Relations: Interpersonal
and Organizational Applications 11th Edition. South- Western, Cengage
Learning. 5191 Natorp Boulevard, Mason,OH 45040, USA.

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