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My big story in 2049

I`m Napoleon Bonaparte. I’m here to embrace the very 260 years anniversary of French
Revolution. My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees, they said Italy
could never be conquered. In the land of pharaohs and kings, they said Egypt could never be
humbled. In the realm of forest and snow, they said Russia could never be tamed. They fear me,
like a force of nature of nature, a dealer in thunder and death.
Once France was in utterly chaos, at the edge of collapse, facing mountainous debts and no
effective leadership. Then I formed irresistible leader groups, dragging France out of this, and
made her a prosperity economy country, progressive in terms ideology, with the most powerful
army in the world. But the most important, it`s our people built their new self-confidence again.
30 millions of men holding together, all announced that we would continuously protect value and
propose the revolution against the hostile of the world, serving civilians nature of our rules. It`s
the triumph of all strivers.
But see what you have done to my dearest France since my death. I saw my nephew was
defeated by that William. I saw that republic was defeated by Nazi, which means, by Germany
twice. Especially we surrounded in less than one month. Even after, our very symbol in the world
—Notre dame de Paris collapsed in 2019.
We once were the pride of western civilization. We once led the revolution of the world. We
once embraced the knowledge beyond the time. We once armed by the weapon which called the
My fellow citizens, please awake. May we not be treated fairly by the world. May we cannot
see the light from the future. But together, we can rewrite our fate, just like what we once made,
to create a brand-new one, which can bring us into the glory of eternity France.
Remember, in les miserable, there is always a word we long to see. Remember, nation one and
indivisible. Liberty, equality, fraternity or death

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