Garbage Management Plan: Ship Name: Ane Imo No: 9323314

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MEPC.220(63), MEPC 277(70) AND MEPC.295(71))


IMo No: 9323314

Maritas Fleet Pvt. Ltd.


Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Revision Record Date: 01-FEB-23

Rev. No. Date Chapter Item Prep/Verified

Prepared By: DPA Page 1 of 1 Approved By: MD


Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Table of Content Date: 01-FEB-2023

Sr. No. Section Pages Rev. Date

00-01 Cover Page 01 00 01-FEB-2023
00-02 Revision Record 01 00 01-FEB-2023
00-03 Contents 01 00 01-FEB-2023
00-04 Acknowledgement Sheet 01 00 01-FEB-2023
00-05 Distribution Control 01 00 01-FEB-2023
00-06 Ship Specific Particulars 01 00 01-FEB-2023
01-00 Introduction 03
1.1 Purpose 00 01-FEB-2023
1.2 Scope 00 01-FEB-2023
1.3 Responsibility 00 01-FEB-2023
1.4 Definitions 00 01-FEB-2023
02-00 Garbage Management 08
2.1 General 00 01-FEB-2023
2.2 Minimizing the Amount of Potential Garbage 00 01-FEB-2023
2.2 Shipboard Garbage Handling 00 01-FEB-2023
2.3 Oily Rags 00 01-FEB-2023
2.4 Other Waste Including Special & Hazardous Waste(E- 00 01-FEB-2023
2.5 Cargo Residues 00 01-FEB-2023
2.6 Exceptions 00 01-FEB-2023
2.7 Records/Appendix 01-FEB-2023
GMP-02-03 A: Collection Receptacle Location and Crew 01-FEB-2023
01 00
GMP-02-03 B: Garbage Handling Equipment 01 00 01-FEB-2023
GMP-02-03 C: Garbage Discharge Requirement 01-FEB-2023
01 00
GMP-02-03 D: Waste Delivery Receipt 01 00 01-FEB-2023
3.0 Training & Records 02
3.1 Training 00 01-FEB-2023
3.2 Reports & Records 00 01-FEB-2023
3.8 Records/Appendix 00 01-FEB-2023
Garbage Record Book 00 01-FEB-2023
GMP-03-02 A: Garbage Placard 01 00 01-FEB-2023
4.0 Plastic Incineration 03
4.1 General 00 01-FEB-2023
4.2 Identified Plastic For Incineration 00 01-FEB-2023
4.3 Plastic – Not Suitable For Incineration 00 01-FEB-2023
4.4 Precaution 00 01-FEB-2023
4.5 Hazards 00 01-FEB-2023

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Acknowledgement Date: 01-FEB-23


i. The manual shall be read by Master and crew and should be signed as a
confirmation that the GMP has been read and understood within 07
days from the day of joining the vessel.
ii. Vessel superintendents shall also sign the sheet as confirmation of
understanding the procedures of this manual within 07 days of joining
the company.
iii. Additional sheet to be added as may be required.

Title / Rank / Name: Date: Signed:

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Distribution Control Date: 01-FEB-23

i. The manual is a controlled document, users to confirm the revision

ii. The distribution list below shows location and copies of this manual.
iii. Each vessel will have one Authorized Version of GMP in hard copy.
iv. Hard copy of these Procedures should be available in ship’s office for
all officers and crew.

Copy No. Holder / Location Remarks

01 MFPL, Dubai Original
02 MFPL, Mumbai Original
03 Fleet Vessel Original

03 Manning Agent/Office Original

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Ship’s Specific Particulars Date: 01-FEB-23

1. Vessel Particulars

Name of Ship

Port of Registry MONROVIA

Call Sign 5LHA2

Gross Tonnage 30681 T

L.O.A 195.210 M

No of Crew 22

Working Sea Area World Wide

2. Quantity Estimate of Garbage Generation

Weight* 22kg/DAY
Volume** 0.044 cube/DAY

* Estimate quantity should be calculated 1 kg for per person daily.

** Estimate quantity should be calculated 0.002 cub.m for per person daily.

3. Placards
As a minimum labels of receptacles placards and declaration stating the
prohibition and restrictions for discharging garbage from ships under
MARPOL Annex V placards are placed to below area. Minimum dimensions
of placards are 12.5 cm by 20 cm.

S. No Place
01 Galley
02 Officer Mess Room
03 Crew Mess Room
04 Engine Room
05 Bridge
06 Poop Deck (Garbage Collection Area)

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Introduction Date: 01-FEB-23

i. The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for handling of
garbage on board in accordance with Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 (as
ii. These Plan has been developed taking into account the Regulations of
Annex V, the Articles, and the Resolutions of MARPOL 73/78, as
modified and the MEPC.295(71) “2017 Guidelines for the
implementation of Annex V”,”. Further Annex V, Regulation 10 which
indicates placards, garbage management plans, and garbage record
iii. These procedures are in addition to and complement applicable rules,
regulations, codes, guidelines, standards & Regional, port and
terminal requirements.

i. Applies to fleet vessel, company and any stakeholder related to vessel
operation and related activities.

i. Master has the overall responsibility and authority to ensure that GMP
is implemented and procedures contained in this is strictly followed.
ii. Chief Officer is designated in charge of implementation of the Garbage
Management Plan and shall be assisted by the ship’s crew.
iii. Ship's crew to ensure that the minimization, collection, separation and
processing of garbage is appropriate and efficient in all areas of the
iv. The duty of the chief officer includes but not limited to:
a. Ensuring placards are displayed in appropriate locations to notify
the crew and passengers of the disposal requirements within and
outside special areas prescribed in Annex V for garbage disposal.
b. Ensuring incineration or other treatment of garbage waste in
accordance with the instructions and prescribed entries for each
discharge operation or completed incineration are made in the
Garbage Record Book.
c. Ensuring that no garbage is disposed off without his knowledge.
d. Liaising with the bridge team regarding the ship’s position for
permissible overboard discharge of processed food waste.
e. Liaising with shore authorities for port reception facilities.
f. Liaising with all other departments on board on a regular basis
regarding any problems encountered with garbage management.
g. Reviewing garbage management practices on board the ship in view
of any new legislation and best practices as may be introduced in
the industry in due course of time.
h. Ensuring that the Garbage Record Book is always completely filled
and signed as required by the regulations
i. Training the personnel in garbage management practices
j. Ensuring that the Garbage Record Book is kept on-board for at
least 2 years after the last entry.

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Introduction Date: 01-FEB-23

Definitions for terms used in the Plan are listed below. Definitions provided
by Regulation 1, Annex V, MARPOL 73/78, shall be considered also, when
implementing the Plan.
i. “Garbage” means all kinds of food wastes, domestic wastes and
operational wastes, all plastics, cargo residues, incinerator ashes,
cooking oil, fishing gear, and animal carcasses generated during the
normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously
or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in
other Annexes to the present Convention. Garbage does not include
fresh fish and parts thereof generated as a result of fishing activities
undertaken during the voyage, or as a result of aquaculture activities
which involve the transport of fish including shellfish for placement in
the aquaculture facility and the transport of harvested fish including
shellfish from such facilities to shore for processing.
ii. “Food Wastes” means any spoiled or unspoiled food substances and
includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry, meat products and
food scraps, generated aboard ship.
iii. “Domestic Waste” means all types of wastes not covered by other
Annexes that are generated in the accommodation spaces on board the
ship. Domestic wastes does not include grey water.
iv. “Operational Wastes” means all solid wastes (including slurries) not
covered by other Annexes that are collected on board during normal
maintenance or operations of a ship, or used for cargo stowage and
handling. Operational wastes also includes cleaning agents and
additives contained in cargo hold and external wash water. Operational
wastes does not include grey water, bilge water, or other similar
discharges essential to the operation of a ship, taking into account the
guidelines developed by the Organization.
v. “Dishwater” means the residue from the manual or automatic of dishes
and cooking utensils which have been pre-cleaned to the extent that
any food particles adhering to them would not normally interfere with
the operation of automatic dishwashers.
vi. “Grey water” means drainage from dishwater, shower, laundry, bath
and washbasin drains. It does not include drainage from toilets,
urinals, hospitals and animal spaces, as defined in regulation 1.3 of
MARPOL Annex IV (sewage), and it does not include drainage from
cargo spaces. Grey water is not considered garbage in the context of
Annex V.
vii. “Oily Rags” are rags, which have been saturated with oil as controlled
in Annex I to the Convention. Contaminated rags are rags which have
been saturated with a substance defined as a harmful substance in
the other Annexes to MARPOL 73/78.
viii. “Cargo Residues” means the remnants of any cargo which are not
covered by other Annexes to the present Convention and which remain
on the deck or in holds following loading or unloading, including
loading and unloading excess or spillage, whether in wet or dry
condition or entrained in wash water but does not include cargo dust
remaining on the deck after sweeping or dust on the external surfaces
of the ship.

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ix. “Plastic” means a solid material which contains as an essential
ingredient one or more high molecular mass polymers and which is
formed (shaped) during either manufacture of the polymer or the
fabrication into a finished product by heat and/or pressure. Plastics
have material properties ranging from hard and brittle to soft and
elastic. For the purposes of this annex, "all plastics" means all garbage
that consists of or includes plastic in any form, including synthetic
ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic garbage bags and incinerator
ashes from plastic products.
x. “Fishing Gear” means any physical device or part thereof or
combination of items that may be placed on or in the water or on the
sea-bed with the intended purpose of capturing, or controlling for
subsequent capture or harvesting, marine or freshwater organisms.
xi. “Fixed or floating platforms” means fixed or floating structures located
at sea which are engaged in the exploration, exploitation or associated
offshore processing of sea-bed mineral resources.
xii. “Incinerator ashes” means ash and clinkers resulting from shipboard
incinerators used for the incineration of garbage.
xiii. “Cooking oil” means any type of edible oil or animal fat used or
intended to be used for the preparation or cooking of food, but does
not include the food itself that is prepared using these oils.
xiv. “Animal carcasses” means the bodies of any animals that are carried
on board as cargo and that die or are euthanized during the voyage.
xv. “En route” means that the ship is underway at sea on a course or
courses, including deviation from the shortest direct route, which as
far as practicable for navigational purposes, will cause any discharge
to be spread over as great an area of the sea as is reasonable and
xvi. “Recycling” means the activity of segregating and recovering
components and materials for reprocessing.
xvii. “Reuse” means the activity of recovering components and materials for
further use without reprocessing.
xviii. “Nearest Land” meaning is specified with MARPOL Annex V.
xix. “Special Area” meaning is specified with MARPOL Annex V.
xx. “E-waste” means electrical and electronic equipment used for the
normal operation of the ship or in the accommodation spaces,
including all components, subassemblies and consumables, which are
part of the equipment at the time of discarding, with the presence of
material potentially hazardous to human health and/or the


Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23

To achieve cost-effective and environmentally sound results, garbage
management system shall use a combination of different complementary
techniques to manage garbage. These techniques are
i. Reduction at source;
ii. recycling;
iii. Storage; and
iv. disposal.
The ship's garbage is made up of distinct components, some of which are
addressed in MARPOL 73/78, whilst others may be addressed locally,
nationally or regionally, e.g. domestic, operational, cargo-associated, food and
maintenance wastes. Each component should be evaluated separately to
determine the best waste management practice for that waste.


i. The company encourages suppliers to consider their products in terms
of the garbage they generate. This procedure will not have desired
results without the Master’s support. The master being in direct contact
with the local suppliers and having a clear picture of materials delivered
to the vessel, is the only one who can ensure that unnecessary and / or
undesired items are not taken on board.
ii. Options that should be considered to decrease the amount of such
garbage include the following:
a. using supplies that come in bulk packaging, taking into account
factors such as adequate shelf-life (once a container is open) to
avoid increasing garbage associated with such products;
b. using supplies that come in reusable or recyclable packaging and
containers; avoiding the use of disposable cups, utensils, dishes,
towels and rags and other convenience items whenever possible;
b. avoiding supplies that are packaged in plastic, unless a reusable or
recyclable plastic is used...
iii. When considering selection of materials for stowage and securing of
cargo or protection of cargo from the weather, estimated garbage
generation shall be considered. Options that should be considered to
decrease the amount of such garbage include the following:
a. using permanent reusable coverings for cargo protection instead of
disposable or recyclable plastic sheeting;
b. using stowage systems and methods that reuse dunnage, shoring,
lining and packing materials; and
c. discharging to port reception facilities the dunnage, lining and
packaging materials generated in port during cargo activities as its
discharge into the sea is not permitted.


i. Limitations on the discharge of garbage from ships as specified in
Annex V are summarised on the placards posted on board. Under
certain conditions discharge into the sea of food wastes, animal
carcasses, cleaning agents and additives contained in hold washwater,

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23

deck and external surface washwater and cargo residues which are not
considered to be harmful to the marine environment is permitted.
ii. Careful planning and proper execution by crew members is required for
obtaining the goals of the plan. The most appropriate procedures for
handling and storing garbage on ship will vary depending on factors
such as type and size the area of operation, shipboard garbage
equipment and storage, under hygienic conditions, space, crew size,
duration of voyage, and regulations and facilities at ports of call.
iii. Compliance with regulations and the principle of environment
protection require that the garbage generated on board should be
managed in specific steps and in a given sequence as described below:
a. Collection and sorting of garbage by types.
b. Processing.
c. Storing.
d. Discharge at Port Reception Facilities or disposal at sea according
to regulations of Annex V.
iv. Correct planning of the above procedures for handling and storing
shipboard garbage, will result in reduction of storage space
requirements and proper and easy transfer to Port Reception Facilities.

2.3.1 Collecting and Sorting

i. Procedures for collecting garbage generated on board should be based
on the consideration of what is permitted and what is not permitted to
be discharged into the sea while en route, and whether a particular
garbage type can be discharged to port facilities for recycling or reuse.
To reduce or avoid the need for sorting after collection, the categories of
distinctively marked garbage receptacles must be provided to receive
garbage as it is generated.
ii. The separation principle adopted in this manual are:
a. non-recyclable plastics and plastics mixed with non-plastic garbage;
b. rags;
c. recyclable material:
i. cooking oil;
ii. glass;
iii. aluminium cans;
iv. paper, cardboard, corrugated board;
v. wood;
vi. metal; and
vii. plastics; (including styrofoam or other similar plastic
d. E-waste generated on board (e.g. electronic cards, batteries,
gadgets, instruments, equipment, computers, printer cartridges,
etc.); and
e. garbage that might present a hazard to the ship or crew (e.g. oily
rags, light bulbs, acids, chemicals, batteries, etc.).

iii. It is noted again that oily materials shall be disposed in accordance with
regulations of Annex I (Oil). Deck and Engine Departments may be
provided with empty paint cans or barrels for garbage collection in
appropriate spaces throughout the ship, but always these receptacles
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shall be fitted with a tight cover. All garbage receptacles should be
secured to prevent loss, spillage, or loss of any garbage that is deposited
in the receptacles. All types of garbage collection receptacles shall be
clearly marked with the type of garbage they are receiving. Crew
responsibilities should be assigned for collecting or emptying these
receptacles and taking the garbage to the appropriate processing or
storage location.

2.3.2 Processing
Vessels equipped with incinerators, compactors, comminuters or other devices
for shipboard garbage processing must assign the appropriate crew members
responsible for operating this equipment on a schedule commensurate with
ship needs. In selecting appropriate processing procedures, the following
should be considered:
i. Use of compactors, incinerators, comminuters, and other such devices
have a number of advantages such as, reducing shipboard space
requirements for storing garbage and making it easier to discharge
garbage at port reception facilities. It should be noted that special rules
on incineration under domestic law may apply in some ports and may
exist in some special areas. Incineration of hazardous materials (e.g.
scraped paint, impregnated wood) and certain types of plastics (e.g.
PVC- based plastics or other plastics containing hazardous chemicals)
calls for special precaution due to the potential environmental and
health effects from combustion of by-products.
ii. Ships operating primarily in “special areas”, Arctic waters or within 3
nautical miles from the nearest land, ice-shelf or fast ice are greatly
restricted in what they can discharge. These ships should choose
between storage of either compacted or uncompact material for
discharging at port reception facilities or incineration with retention of
ash and clinkers. This is the most restrictive situation in that no
discharge is permitted.

2.3.3 Storage
i. The garbage shall be stored in the designated location(s) as per the
discretion of the master.
ii. Sufficient storage space shall be provided for each category of waste and
checked by the designated Garbage Management Personnel.
iii. Chief Officer must ensure that there is no built up of gas from the waste
in the storage area.
iv. All processed and unprocessed garbage should be in tight, securely
covered containers.
v. Food wastes and other garbage to be returned to same port and which
may carry diseases or pests should be stored in tightly covered
containers and be kept separate from garbage which does not contain
such food wastes. Quarantine arrangements in some countries may
require double bagging of this type of waste. Both types of garbage
should be stored in separate clearly marked containers to avoid
incorrect discharge and facilitate proper handling and treatment on

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23

vi. For the primary storage of small amounts of garbage near the place of
waste generation, a sufficient number of appropriate size containers,
made of non-flammable material, should be provided.
vii. Secondary garbage containers made of non-flammable material each
garbage category shall be provided on or around the ships after upper
deck (minimum capacity of 200 ltrs) for each garbage category taking
into account the ship’s duration of voyage, total number of personnel on
board etc.
viii. Any receptacles on deck areas, poop decks or areas exposed to the
weather should be secured to prevent loss, spillage, or loss of any
garbage that is deposited in the receptacles.
ix. Receptacles should be clearly marked and distinguishable by graphics
shape, size, or location. Receptacles should be placed in appropriate
spaces throughout the ship (e.g. the engine-room, mess deck, hospital,
galley, and other living or working spaces) and all crew members and
supernumeries, visitors/ passengers should be advised of what garbage
should and should not be placed in them.
x. Crew responsibilities should be assigned for collecting or emptying
these receptacles and taking the garbage to the appropriate processing
or storage location in compliance with the GMP-02-03 A (Collection
Receptacle Location and Crew Duties). The capacity of available storage
for each category of garbage must be identified and stenciled at the
garbage station.
xi. The GMP-02-03 A should be made ship specific and available garbage
storage capacity should be inserted and posted.
xii. Oily rags generated on deck and in engine room in routine operation
shall be stored at designated place within engine room for incineration
as soon as practical. They must not be left unattended or accumulated
for a long period of time.
xiii. Cargo Oily rags on tankers for disposal should be stored in Metal
Container with a lid on poop deck properly secured from weather.

2.3.3 Discharge
Although discharge into the sea of limited types of garbage is permitted under
Annex V, discharge of garbage to port reception facilities should be given
primary consideration.
i. A reduction in the amount of shipboard space required for storing
garbage should be carried out either by compacting or commuting,
whereby the volume of garbage is substantially reduced, or by
incineration, which reduces the volume significantly to be done in
accordance with the rules and regulations.
ii. The garbage shall be processed according to the machinery instructions
unless stored for disposal to port facility. Operating instruction of the
machinery should be posted near the machinery for quick reference and
proper operation.
iii. The particulars of the processing equipments, capacity, and category of
garbage it will process, location and person responsible should be
documented in compliance with the GMP-02-03 B (Garbage Handling

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iv. All kind of Ash generated from Incinerator should be treated as category
E garbage and must be landed to shore reception facilities only.
v. The prohibition of incineration of material as mentioned in regulation
16 of Marpol Annex-VI must be strictly complied with.
vi. Refer GMP-02-03 C for general overview of garbage discharge

2.3.4 Waste Delivery Receipt

i. Whenever any waste is delivered to port reception facility, the
designated representative of the reception facility provider shall provide
waste delivery receipt in a format as developed by MEPC.
ii. In case, the format is not as per format recommended then vessel shall
use GMP-02-03 D.
iii. The receipts shall be retained on board the ship together with the
Garbage Record Book, Oil Record Book (Part I for all ship types and Part
II for oil tankers) or Cargo Record Book for Chemical tankers.


All oily rags and used grease shall be incinerated or discharged ashore. The
following procedure should be followed for different type of rags:
i. Oily Rags are rags generated from routine operations on deck and engine
room including rags generated from cleaning of oil / bunker spills unless
it's so large that requires landing ashore. Rags generated from cleaning of
drip trays or leakages etc are some example of such rags.
ii. The incineration of such rags should be done on priority whenever the
vessel has an opportunity. Oily rags generated on deck should be brought
into the E/R in small amounts of and incinerated directly as far as
possible and practical.
iii. In case soaked with oil, these should be drained in a suitable container
and the rags should to be incinerated. The collected oil should be drained
back to waste oil tank and entry regarding the same should be made in
the Oil Record Book.
iv. Oily rags generated from de-mucking operation of cargo oil tank on
tankers must not be incinerated. The oil should be drained in a suitable
container and the rags must be landed ashore.
v. Oily Rags submerged in Naphtha or any other high flammable liquid if in
large quantity may require to be landed ashore. The rags should be stored
separately in a ‘Green’ color drum.
vi. Routine oily rags when generated must not be stored in the engine room
for longer duration as they may auto ignite and should be incinerated


i. In day to day operation, ships generate or accumulate wastes that may
be considered hazardous and is classed as “E-Waste” (including Special
and Hazardous) Waste. Substances that require special handling must
be accumulated, stored and disposed of strictly as per procedure below.
ii. b) Fleet vessels are prohibited from overboard discharges of “E Waste”
(including Special and Hazardous), which consists of but not,

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23

limited to the following:

a. Spent Fluorescents and Sodium-Mercury Lights
b. Old /used batteries and cells (Nickel, Lead Acid, Lithium, Alkaline)
c. Expired Pyrotechnics
d. Expired Pharmaceuticals, Narcotics and Anti-Dotes
e. E-Waste such as used and discarded PC monitors and other
electrical Equipment
f. Aerosol containers
g. Photo-waste/ film rolls
h. E-Waste such as Photo Copying and Laser Printer Cartridges (for
recycling purpose)
i. Mercury containing products such as thermostat probes, switches,
manometers, barometers, thermometers, vacuum gauges

2.5.1 Storage & Disposal of “Other Waste”

i. All such special waste shall be stored in a single container segregated
from other general garbage and suitably marked / identified.
ii. For purpose of recycling and / or disposal, such waste shall be
discharged to shore reception facility at suitable opportunity. A receipt
shall be obtained with details of type of waste landed.
iii. Expired Pyrotechnics must be stored safely in a box at a safe location
with the box clearly marked ‘Expired Pyrotechnics’. The box should not
be stored in areas or stores liable to have excessive hot ambient
temperature, this is a hazard and may result in auto ignition of
Pyrotechnics causing fire hazard.


i. Dry bulk cargo residues are created through inefficiencies in loading,
unloading and on-board handling.
ii. Cargo residues are included in the definition of garbage within the
meaning of regulation 1.9 of MARPOL Annex V and may be discharged
in accordance with regulations 4.1.3 and 6.1.2 and paragraph of
part II-A of the Polar Code. However, cargo material contained in the
cargo hold bilge water should not be treated as cargo residues if the
cargo material is not harmful to the marine environment and the bilge
water is discharged from a loaded hold through the ship's fixed piping
bilge drainage system.
iii. Cargo residues are considered harmful to the marine environment and
subject to regulations 4.1.3 and of MARPOL Annex V if they are
residues of solid bulk cargoes (other than grain) which are classified
according to the criteria set out in appendix I of the Annex.
iv. Cargo residues that are harmful to the marine environment may require
special handling not normally provided by reception facilities. Ports and
terminals receiving such cargoes should have adequate reception
facilities for all relevant residues, including when contained in
v. Solid bulk cargoes, as defined in regulation VI/1-1.2 of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended,
other than grain, shall be classified in accordance with appendix I of
MARPOL Annex V, and declared by the shipper as to
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whether or not they are harmful to the marine environment. For ships
engaged on international voyages, such a declaration should be
included in the information required in section 4.2.3 of the IMSBC
Code. For ships not engaged on international voyages, other means of
declaration may be used, as determined by the Administration.
vi. Vessel shall consider cargo loading, unloading and onboard handling
practices in order to minimize production of cargo residues. Cargo
residues are created through inefficiencies in loading, unloading,
onboard handling. Options that should be considered to decrease the
amount of such garbage include the following:
a. ensuring ships are suitable to carry the intended cargo and also
suitable for unloading the same cargo using conventional unloading
b. unloading cargo as efficiently as possible, utilizing all appropriate
safety precautions to prevent injury or ship and equipment damage
and to avoid or minimize cargo residues; and
c. minimizing spillage of the cargo during transfer operations by
carefully controlling cargo transfer operations, both on board and
from dockside. This should include effective measures to enable
immediate communications between relevant ship and shore-based
personnel during the transfer operations and when feasible,
enclosure of conveyance devices such as conveyor belts. Since this
spillage typically occurs in port, it should be completely cleaned up
immediately following the loading and unloading event and handled
as cargo; delivering it into the intended cargo space or into the
appropriate unloading holding area.
vii. When the master, based on the information received from the relevant
port authorities, determines that there are no adequate reception
facilities at either the port of departure or the port of destination in the
case where both ports are situated within the same special area or
Arctic waters, the condition under regulation of MARPOL Annex
V or paragraph of part II-A of the Polar Code should be
considered satisfied.
viii. MARPOL Annex V, regulation 6.1.2, also applies when the "port of
departure" and the "next port of destination" are the same port. To
discharge cargo hold washwater in this situation, the ship must be en
route and the discharge must take place not less than 12 nm from the
nearest land.

2.6.1 Minimizing Cargo Residues on Dry Bulk ships

It is recommended that cargo be unloaded as efficiently as possible in order to
avoid or minimize cargo residues. Spillage of the cargo during transfer
operations should be carefully controlled, both on board and from the

2.6.1 Disposal of Cargo Residues from Dry Bulk Ships

As a general rule, cargo residues which contain substances classified as
harmful to the marine environment must not be discharged at sea, but have
to be taken to port reception facilities.

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23

Regarding the discharge of cargo residues which do not contain any

substances classified as harmful to the marine environment, the revised
Annex V establishes different requirements depending on whether they are
contained in wash water or not.

As per Annex 13 Resolution MEPC 201(62) the following exceptions are
allowed. Regulation - 3 (General prohibition on discharge of garbage into the
sea), Regulation – 4 (Discharge of garbage outside special areas), Regulation –
5 (Special requirements for discharge of garbage from fixed or floating
platforms) and 6 (Discharge of garbage within special areas) of this Annex
shall not apply to:
i. The discharge of garbage from a ship necessary for the purpose of
securing the safety of a ship and those on board or saving life at sea; or
ii. The accidental loss of garbage resulting from damage to a ship or its
equipment, provided that all reasonable precautions have been taken
before and after the occurrence of the damage, to prevent or minimize
the accidental loss; or
iii. The accidental loss of fishing gear from a ship provided that all
reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent such loss; or
iv. The discharge of fishing gear from a ship for the protection of the
marine environment or for the safety of that ship or its crew.
v. Exception of en route: The en route requirements of regulations 4 and 6
shall not apply to the discharge of food wastes where it is clear the
retention on board of these food wastes presents an imminent health
risk to the people on board.
vi. In the event of any discharge or accidental loss as mentioned, an entry
shall be made in the Garbage Record Book of the location,
circumstances of, and the reasons for the discharge or loss, details of
the items discharged or lost, and the reasonable precautions taken to
prevent or minimize such discharge or accidental loss.

GMP-02-03 A: Collection Receptacle Location and Crew Duties
GMP-02-03 B: Garbage Handling Equipment
GMP-02-03 C: Garbage Discharge Requirement Overview
GMP-02-03 D: Waste Delivery Receipt


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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Placard Date: 01-FEB-23

Discharge of all garbage into the sea is prohibited except provided otherwise

The MARPOL Convention and domestic law prohibit the discharge of most garbage from ships. Only the following
garbage types are allowed to be discharged and under the specified conditions.

 Outside special areas designated under MARPOL Annex V and Arctic waters:

 Comminuted or ground food wastes (capable of passing through a screen with openings no larger than 25
mm) may be discharged not less than 3 nm from the nearest land.
 Other food wastes may be discharged not less than 12 nm from the nearest land.
 Cargo residues classified as not harmful to the marine environment may be discharged not less than 12
nm from the nearest land.
 Cleaning agents or additives in cargo hold, deck and external surfaces washing water may be discharged
only if they are not harmful to the marine environment.
 With the exception of discharging cleaning agents or additives that are not harmful to the marine
environment and are contained in washing water, the ship must be en route and as far as practicable from
the nearest land.

 Within special areas designated under MARPOL Annex V and Arctic waters
 More stringent discharge requirements apply for the discharges of food wastes and cargo residues; AND
 Consult MARPOL Annex V, chapter 5 of part II-A of the Polar Code and the shipboard garbage
management plan for details.

For all areas of the sea, ships carrying specialized cargoes such as live animals or solid bulk cargoes should
consult Annex V and the associated Guidelines for the implementation of Annex V.

Discharge of any type of garbage must be entered in the Garbage Record Book Violation of these
requirements may result in penalties.

Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Collection Location & Crew Duties Date: 14-OCT-22

Designated Person in Charge - CHIEF OFFICER


Bridge - (AB – A/B/C) Galley - (Chief cook / Mess
Officers Cabin Pantry, Mess rooms - Smoke room, Hospital, Ships office, CCR
(Mess man, as applicable) / (Chief cook / Mess laundry, change room - (OS
(OS A / OS B)
Crew cabins - (Each man) A / OS B)

ECR - (Oiler A/B/C) Incinerator room - (Wiper) E/R Workshop - (Wiper) Purifier Room, Generator Deck work shop
Paint room – (Bosun)
platform, Bottom platform - (Wiper) /Midship store -

Garbage locker as
2 2 excess plastics,
Poop Deck AFT ( Bosun / OS A /OSB) E/R workshop (Oiler A/B/C) 2 Incinerator room (Wiper ) Operational waste, cargo
residues etc (Bosun)

Garbage Categories Storage Capacity ( m3) Colour Garbage Categories Storage Capacity (m3) Colour
A Plastics. Red F Operational Wastes (Oily rags, Yellow
Floating dunnage, lining and
B Food waste. Blue G Cargo Residues White
C Domestic Wastes - (Paper, rags, Cargo Oil Rags - (To be landed Green
Glass, metal, cans, bottles, ashore)
D Cooking Oil Orange E- Waste Brown

E Incinerator Ash Grey

Note: 1) The chart to be displayed in Mess rooms /Galley /Bridge / Ships office / ECR /Poop deck and should be made ship specific. 2) Total storage for each category
of garbage must be identified and marked in coloured boxes of this chart. Each garbage container much be stencilled for its capacity.

Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Management Date: 01-FEB-23



Model and Type: ATLAS 600 SL WS P

Capacity: 500.000 KCAL/H [581KW]

Location: ENG ROOM

Categories of garbage that will be processed: OIL SLUDGE WASTE- 66 L/H SOLID
Responsible officer: 4 TH ENGINEER

Officer nominated for operation: CH ENGINEER


Make: IMC 526

Model and Type: 119/10

Capacity: 200 kg/hour or 400 covers pr.

Location: Galley

Categories of garbage that will be processed: Soft food waste, including plate
scrapings and vegetable peelings
Responsible officer: N/A

Crew nominated for operation: N/A

Copy of Comminuter Certificate (if certified to discharge in Special Area to be

posted in Galley

Make: N/A

Model and Type:



Categories of garbage that will be processed:

Responsible officer:

Crew nominated for operation:

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Garbage Disposal Requirement Overview Date: 01-FEB-23

This simplified overview is for information or reference purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the comprehensive provisions in the
revised MARPOL Annex V or the 2017 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.295(71).
All Ships Except Platforms4 Offshore Platforms Located > 12 Nm
Outside Special Areas And Arctic Within Special Areas And Arctic Waters Regulation 6 From Nearest Land And Ships When
Garbage Type1 Waters Regulation 4 (Distances Are (Distances Are From Nearest Land, Nearest Ice-Shelf Or Alongside Or Within 500 Metres Of Such
From The Nearest Land Nearest Fast Ice) Platforms4 Regulation 5
>3 Nm, En Route And As Far
Food waste comminuted or ground2
As Practicable >12 Nm, En Route And As Far As Practicable3 Discharge Permitted
>12 Nm, En Route And As Far
Food waste not comminuted or ground Discharge Prohibited Discharge Prohibited
As Practicable
Cargo Residues5, 6 Not Contained In Discharge Prohibited
Wash water
> 12 Nm, En Route & As Far
> 12 Nm, En Route & As Far As Practicable Discharge Prohibited
Cargo Residues5, 6 Contained Wash As Practicable
(Subject To Conditions In Regulation 6.1.2 &
Para Of Part II-A Of The Polar Code)
> 12 Nm, En Route & As Far As Practicable
Cleaning agents & additives6 contained (Subject To Conditions In Regulation 6.1.2 &
in cargo hold wash water Paragraph Of Part II-A Of The Polar
Discharge Permitted Code) Discharge Prohibited
Cleaning Agents & Additives6 In Deck Discharge Permitted
& External Surfaces Wash water
Animal Carcasses (Should Be Split Or Must Be En Route & As Far
Otherwise Treated To Ensure The from the nearest Land As Discharge Prohibited Discharge Prohibited
carcasses will sink immediately) Possible. Should Be >100 Nm
All other garbage including plastics, synthetic
ropes, fishing gear, plastic garbage bags,
incinerator ashes, clinkers, cooking oil, Discharge Prohibited Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited
floating dunnage, lining and packing
materials, paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles,
crockery and similar refuse
1When garbage is mixed with or contaminated by other harmful substances prohibited from discharge or having different discharge requirements, the more stringent
requirements shall apply. 2. Comminuted or ground food wastes must be able to pass through a screen with mesh no larger than 25 mm. 3. The discharge of introduced avian
products in the Antarctic area is not permitted unless incinerated, autoclaved or otherwise treated to be made sterile. In polar waters, discharge shall be made as far as
practicable from areas of ice concentration exceeding 1/10; in any case food wastes shall not be discharged onto the ice. 4. Offshore platforms located 12 nm from nearest land
and associated ships include all fixed or floating platforms engaged in exploration or exploitation or associated processing of seabed mineral resources, and all ships alongside or
within 500 m of such platforms.
5. Cargo residues means only those cargo residues that cannot be recovered using commonly available methods for unloading. 6. These substances must not be harmful to the
marine environment.
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Garbage Management Plan GMP-02-03 D
Waste Delivery Receipt Ver:1; Rev: 00


1.1 Location/Terminal name:
1.2 Reception facility provider(s):
1.3 Treatment facility provider(s) - if different from above:
1.4 Waste Discharge Date and Time from: to

2.1 Name of ship: 2.5 Owner or operator:
2.2 IMO number: 2.6 Distinctive number or letters:
2.3 Gross tonnage: 2.7 Flag State:
2.4 Type of ship: Oil Tanker Chemical tanker Bulk carrier Container
Other ship ssenger ship Ro-ro Gas Carrier
cargo Pa


MARPOL Annex I - Oil Quantity (m3) MARPOL Annex V - Garbage Quantity (m3)
Oily bilge water Category A Plastics.
Oily residues (sludge) Category B Food waste
Oily tank washings Category C Domestic Wastes
Dirty ballast water Category D Cooking Oil.
Scale and sludge from tk cleaning Category E Incinerator Ash
Other (please specify) Category F Operational Wastes
MARPOL Annex II - NLS Quantity (m )/Name
3 1
Category G Cargo Residues.
Category X substance Category H Animal Carcass(es)
Category Y substance Category I Fishing Gear
Category Z substance Other wastes (specify)
OS - other substances
MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage Quantity (m3) MARPOL Annex VI - related Quantity (m3)
Ozone-depleting substances and
equipment containing such substances
Exhaust gas-cleaning residues

On behalf of the port facility I confirm that the above wastes were delivered.
Full Name and Company Stamp:

1 2
Indicate the proper shipping name of the NLS involved. Indicate the proper shipping name of the dry cargo.

1. The designated representative of the reception facility provider should provide the following form to the master of a ship that

has just delivered waste.

2. This form should be retained on board the vessel along with the appropriate Oil RB, Cargo RB (where applicable) or Garbage RB
3. All ships to use this Form in case receipt received from receiver is not in this format.
4 - The garbage disposal should be in compliance with the regualtion 4, 5 and 6 of MARPOL Annex V.

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Training & Records Date: 01-FEB-23

i. Shore based training, education and information will be provided by
the Company to all seagoing personnel to the greatest extent possible,
but always on board training is necessary and more rendering.
ii. Masters will be up-dated with all relative current laws and regulations,
technical information on shipboard garbage management methods,
educational material and any other information or reports.
iii. When new crew member(s) arrive on board the ship the Chief Officer
as the designated officer shall advise them of the specific requirements
relating to garbage management including of Special/ Hazardous waste
(E-Waste)(Procedures / Guidance on handling of chemicals and
harmful substances (Hazardous Waste).
iv. Record of such training shall be maintained in the form as in EMM.
v. Related training video should be also shown to all crew occasionally to
enhance the training and awareness about garbage management.
vi. New Joiners shall be familiarized with the GMP. The training should
include but not limited to
a. collection of garbage,
b. sorting of reusable or recyclable material,
c. processing and reuse/recycling of material,
d. storing of garbage and options for re using and recycling
components of the waste stream;
e. recording and reporting requirements.
vii. It is also the duty of each crewmember to have knowledge of all kinds
of garbage, their storage and disposal, which are displayed through
posters on board ships.
viii. Garbage placard (GMP-03-01 A) shall be posted at following locations
a. Galley
b. Crew Mess/Smoke Room
c. Officers Mess/Smoke room
d. Bridge
e. ECR
f. Ship’s Office
ix. Chief Officer shall ensure that personnel are aware of the location of
special areas designated under MARPOL Annex V and instructed on
the disposal and discharge requirements to be adhered to while in
those areas.
x. The ship staff should be encouraged to minimize garbage and to
return packaging material to the supplier in port, as far as possible.


i. Each disposal operation at sea must be recorded in the Garbage
Record Book and duly signed by C/O.
ii. Each shipboard incineration of garbage (as defined in Marpol Annex V)
must be recorded in the Garbage Record Book and duly signed by C/O
& C/E.
iii. Master must countersign each completed page of the log after
iv. Date format used on GRB shall be dd-MMM-YYYY (eg 12-MAR-2022)

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Training & Records Date: 01-FEB-23

v. Any alterations or corrections in the garbage log book must be initialed

by the authorized keeper (Chief Officer) of the logbook and the original
data entries which have been cancelled or corrected should be stroked
out by two clear lines and must remain legible.
vi. The Master must obtain a garbage receipt specifying the type and
quantity in case garbage of any kind is discharged ashore. The receipts
shall be retained on board for two 2 years along with this Plan for
quick verification. The IMO format GMP-02-03 C should always be
used in addition to shore receipt.
vii. In the event of discharge, escape or accidental loss referred to in Reg. 7
of MARPOL Annex V, an entry shall be made in the Garbage Record
Book of the circumstances of, and the reasons for, the loss.
viii. Completed Garbage record book shall be retained on board for 2 years
after the last entry has been made. Current Garbage record shall be
kept updated along with this Plan.


Garbage Record Book
GMP-03-02 A: Garbage Placard


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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Plastic Incineration Date: 01-FEB-23

The vessels which are installed with the IMO type approved incinerators may
incinerate plastics.


i. Vessels may only the below mentioned plastic:
a. Pet plastic bottles - ONLY Mineral water plastic bottle, Soft
drinks plastic bottle and plastic bottle used for Juice and
b. Tetra Packs used ONLY for Juice and Milk.
ii. It is recommended that the above garbage is well rinsed by the
water and dried up before putting in furnace.
iii. As required by the Garbage Management Plan ‘ANY’ ash must be
landed ashore and proper records of the same should be maintained.
iv. The entry for the above incineration should be made in the
Garbage Record Book


The vessels shall not incinerate substances which are prohibited to incinerate
as required by regulation 16 of the MARPOL Annex VI: which are as follows:
i. Residues of cargoes subject to Annex I, II and III or related
contaminated packing materials;
ii. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
iii. Garbage, as defined by Annex V, containing more than traces of heavy
iv. Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds;
v. Sewage sludge and sludge oil either of which is not generated on
board the ship
vi. Exhaust gas cleaning system residues.
vii. Shipboard incineration of polyvinyl chlorides (PVCs) shall be prohibited. .
viii. In addition to above the following substances also should NOT
be incinerated.
ix. Explosives or spray cans
x. Material with low flash point
xi. Substances which will generate corrosive gas, as it may shorten the life
of the furnace

i. Incinerators shall be provided with a manufacturer’s operating manual
which is to be retained with the unit and which shall specify how to
operate the incinerator. The combustion chamber gas outlet temperature
shall be monitored at all times the unit is in operation. Where that
incinerator is of the continuous- feed type, waste shall not be fed into
the unit when the combustion chamber gas outlet temperature is below
850°C. Where that incinerator is of the batch- loaded type, the unit shall
be designed so that the combustion chamber gas outlet temperature
shall reach 600°C within five minutes after start- up and will thereafter
stabilize at a temperature not less than 850°C.
ii. Improper procedure of incinerating plastic may lead clogging of the

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Plastic Incineration Date: 01-FEB-23

exhaust gas passage leading to black smoke and very high temperature

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Ver: 1, Rev: 00
Plastic Incineration Date: 01-FEB-23

inside the incinerator which may cause permanent damage to the

refractory of the incinerator, therefore inspection and cleaning for the
incinerator exhaust and the furnace should be carried out periodically.
iii. Master & CE are requested to ensure work instruction for incinerating
plastic is made and understood by all engine staff (refer to on board
Incinerator instruction manual).
iv. Vessel to identify the type of on-board incinerator and ensure that all
engine staff is aware of the limitations of each type of incinerator.

i. The risk assessment for burning plastic should be made and discussed
with all of the engine staff.
ii. The following points, not limited to, should be given due consideration
while making Risk Assessment.
a. The incineration should be done under supervision of the duty
b. Plastic not to be incinerated together with other wastes, in order to
keep the clinker away from ashes of paper, oily rags or other
combustibles, so that the clinker can be collected solely and landed
with the shore reception facilities.
c. The incineration of the plastic MUST be done with oil burner
d. For good combustion and inhibition of toxic gases high temperature
inside the furnace should be maintained during plastic incineration.
e. Burning of plastic may lead to excessive high temperature within the
incinerator; which can damage the furnace fire brick and may lead
to high repair cost. It may be required to decrease the oil burning
rate to prevent the overheating during simultaneous burning of
plastic and oil main burner. A close watch on incinerator
temperature should be maintained during the plastic incineration.
f. The maximum amount of plastic that can be incinerated in one time
(refer to the attachment - fleet Incinerator details). Any exceeding
amount of plastic may lead to excessive black smoke and damage to
furnace brick damage.
g. The limitation imposed by the incinerator (high temperature
restriction), if any.
h. The possible exposure of hot gas, toxic gas, flame when opening the
incinerator door if proper procedure for plastic incineration (in
compliance with the instructions manual) is not followed. Some
incinerators have interlocking and locking devices for safe charging.
The incinerator should be charged when ‘chargeable’ light is on or
incinerator is stopped. Any bypassing of the safety feature or
tampering of unlocking device may lead to exposure of toxic gas /
hot gas.
iii. Master and Chief Engineer should inform the company should they have
any concerns w.r.t to the operation of the incinerator and or damage to
the furnace fire brick.


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