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M.Irtaza Bashir 15546

Ali Irtaza 14547

M. Rabeel 15466

M. Asif 15472

Submitted To:

Ma’am Maimoona Abdul Aziz


BS-ENG 7th Semester

Subject :

Research Methodology

"Examining Anxiety in Language Classrooms: A Comparison

of Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu Students"


The purpose of this research could be to better understand anxiety in

language classrooms, identify any potential differences or similarities in anxiety
experiences and needs among students pursuing different language degrees, and
develop strategies or interventions for supporting the well-being and academic
success of students experiencing anxiety.


1. To compare the prevalence of anxiety among students pursuing a Bachelor

of English degree and a Bachelor of Urdu degree in language classrooms.

2. To examine the impact of anxiety on the academic performance and well-

being of students pursuing a Bachelor of English degree and a Bachelor of
Urdu degree in language classrooms.

3. To identify any differences or similarities in anxiety experiences and needs

between students pursuing a Bachelor of English degree and a Bachelor of
Urdu degree in language classrooms.

Research Questions:

1. What are the levels of anxiety experienced by Bachelor of English and

Bachelor of Urdu students in language classrooms?

2. How does anxiety in language classrooms differ between Bachelor of

English and Bachelor of Urdu students?

3. What are the potential causes of anxiety in language classrooms for Bachelor
of English and Bachelor of Urdu students?
4. What strategies do Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students use to
manage anxiety in language classrooms?

5. How effective are these strategies in reducing anxiety in language

classrooms for Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students?

6. What recommendations can be made to reduce anxiety in language

classrooms for Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students?

Problem Statement:

There is limited research on anxiety in language

classrooms, and even less that compares the experience of anxiety between
different groups of language learners. Understanding the prevalence and nature of
anxiety in language classrooms is important for identifying potential causes and
developing effective strategies for addressing this issue. This study aims to fill this
gap by examining anxiety in language classrooms among Bachelor of English and
Bachelor of Urdu students


1. Sampling bias: The study may only be able to examine a limited number of
Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students, which may not be
representative of the entire population of language learners.

2. Self-reported measures: The study may rely on self-reported measures of

anxiety, which could be subject to biases such as social desirability or
memory recall errors.

3. Contextual factors: The experience of anxiety in language classrooms may

be influenced by a variety of contextual factors such as the teaching style,
class size, and language proficiency level of the students, which may not be
fully captured in the study.

4. Cross-cultural differences: The study may examine students from different

cultural backgrounds, which could introduce variations in the way anxiety is
experienced and expressed.
5. Generalizability: The findings of the study may not be generalizable to
other groups of language learners or other educational contexts.


1. Sample: The study may only include Bachelor of English and Bachelor of
Urdu students from a specific university or educational institution.

2. Time frame: The study may only examine anxiety in language classrooms
during a specific semester or academic year.

3. Measurement: The study may only use a specific measure or measures of

anxiety, such as self-report scales or standardized tests.

4. Research design: The study may use a specific research design, such as a
survey or experimental design, which may have its own limitations and


1. Contribution to knowledge: The study could provide new insights into the
prevalence and nature of anxiety in language classrooms among Bachelor of
English and Bachelor of Urdu students, which could inform future research
and practice in this area.

2. Implications for policy: The study could identify factors that contribute to
anxiety in language classrooms and suggest strategies for addressing this
issue, which could have implications for language teaching policies and

3. Practical applications: The findings of the study could be useful for

language teachers and learners in understanding and managing anxiety in
language classrooms.

4. Social impact: The study could contribute to a greater understanding of the

challenges faced by language learners and help to reduce the stigma
associated with anxiety in educational settings.
Research Framework:

1. Background: The first section of the framework should provide background

information on the topic of anxiety in language classrooms.
2. Research Question: This section should clearly state the research
question(s) that the study aims to answer.
3. Hypothesis: Based on the research question, the study should also present a
clear hypothesis that will be tested.
4. Methodology: The methodology section should describe the methods that
will be used to collect and analyze data for the study. This could include
information about the participants, the instruments used to measure anxiety
(such as self-report questionnaires)
5. Data Analysis: The data analysis section should explain how the data will
be analyzed and interpreted. This could include information on statistical
tests that will be used to test the hypothesis, as well as how the results will
be presented and discussed.
6. Conclusion: Finally, the framework should include a conclusion that
summarizes the main findings of the study, discusses the implications, and
suggests areas for further research.

Research Type:

Quantitative research is a type of research that focuses on measuring and

counting, using numerical data and statistical analysis. The data collected from
the study is usually in numerical form, and the research aim to generalize the
findings to the larger population.

This type of research would be appropriate for this study because it would
involve collecting numerical data on the level of anxiety experienced by
Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students in language classrooms and
comparing the results. Additionally, you could use statistical analysis to test the
hypothesis of the study, which is that Bachelor of English students will
experience a higher level of anxiety in language classrooms than Bachelor of
Urdu students.
Population and Sampling:

The population of this study would be all the

students who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor of English or a Bachelor of
Urdu program at a specific institution.

Sampling: A sample of the population will be selected by using a specific

sampling technique such as simple random sampling, stratified random
sampling or cluster sampling. The sample should include an equal number of
Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students. The sample size will be
determined by power analysis.

It's important to note that the sampling approach should be adequate for the
research question and the study aims, and it should be able to represent the
population with a sufficient level of accuracy.

Sample Type:

It is likely that researchers would use either a Stratified

random sampling or Cluster sampling to achieve the comparison sample.
Stratified random sampling would involve randomly selecting a certain number
of Bachelor of English students and Bachelor of Urdu students and sampling
proportionally from the population.Cluster sampling would involve selecting a
cluster of Bachelor of English and Bachelor of Urdu students, and then taking a
random sample from the clusters.

Sample criteria:

1. Participants must be currently enrolled in a Bachelor of English or a

Bachelor of Urdu program at the specified institution.
2. Participants should have a similar proficiency level in the languages
being studied, to ensure that any differences in anxiety levels observed
are not due to proficiency differences.
3. Participants should have a similar level of exposure to the languages
being studied, as this could affect their level of anxiety.
4. Participants should be participating in language classes in order to assess
the level of anxiety in language classrooms.
5. It's also important to consider factors such as age, gender, and culture
which could affect the level of anxiety in language classrooms.

Sample Size:

Sample size is going to be 30 participants from each group

30 Participants from Bachelor of English and 30 Participants from Bachelor
of Urdu.

Tool for Data Collection:

One possible tool for data collection in this

study would be a self-report measure of anxiety in language classrooms,
through questionnaires such as the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety
Scale (FLCAS) or the Language Anxiety Scale (LAS).

Tools for Data analysis:

Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale

(FLCAS) or the Language Anxiety Scale (LAS).

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