Bu 5 - Acoustics

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White Noise – refers to sounds that mask other

sound that might occur naturally in an environment.
Acoustics – is the science of sound, the production
of sound, reproduction of sound from the source to
the receiver, perception and detection of sound.

Sound – the hearing mechanism of the ear sense the

sound waves and converts them into information and
relays it to the brain.

Types of Audible Sound

Musical – sounds are periodic and somewhat regular

Noise – unwanted sound judged to be unpleasant,

loud or disruptive to hearing

Classification of Sound
Sound Transmission Class

Behavior of Sound
Echo – a reflection of sound arriving at the listener
sometime after the direct sound.

Reverberation – collection of reflected sounds from

the surfaces in an enclosure like an auditorium.

Reflection – reflect sound waves in such a way that

the angle at which the wave approaches the surface
equals the angle at which the wave leaves the

Absorption – process by which a material, structure

or object takes in sound energy when sound waves
are encountered as opposed to reflecting the energy.

Diffusion – the spreading of sound energy evenly in

a given environment. A perfectly diffusive sound
space is one in which the reverberation time is the
same at any listening position.

Diffraction – bending of sound, the spreading of

waves around obstacles.

Refraction – change in direction of waves that

occurs when waves travel from one medium to
Factors Affecting Acoustics

Room Configuration

Material and Finishes

Furniture and Furnishing

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