Angielski Słówka Z Prefiksem - SOCI

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SOCIOLOGY  SOCJOLOGIA the scentific study of socjety, the way it is organized, and the way that people behave

in relations  naukowe badanie społeczeństwa, tego

jak jest ono zorganizowane, a także sposobu w jaki ludzie zachowują się wobec siebie

SOCIETY  SPOŁECZENSTWO people in general living together in organized communities, with laws and traditionas controlling the way that they behave towards one
another ogół ludzi żyjących w zorganizowanych grupach, gdzie normy, prawa i tradycje kontrolują/ustalają sposób w jaki jeden zachowuje się wobec drugiego

SOCIAL  SPOŁECZNY  relating to socjety and people’s lives in general odnoszące się do społeczeństwa i ogólnie do życia ludzi
SOCIALIZE  USPOŁECZNIĆ, NAWIĄZAĆ STOSUNKI TOWARZYSKIE to teach people, especially childerm to behave in a way that is accepted by socjety uczyć ludzi,
zwłaszcza dzieci, zachowywania się w sposób akceptowany przez społeczeństwo

SOCIALIZATION  SOCJALIZACJA  the proces in which people, especially children, learn to behave in a way that is accepted by socjety proces, w którym ludzie,
zwłaszcza dzieci uczą się zachowywać w sposób akceptowany przez społeczeństwo

SOCIOLOGIST  SOCJOLOG someone who studies or i san expert un sociology ktoś, kto studiuje, lub jest ekspertem w dziedzinie socjologii

SOCIOLOGICAL SOCJOLOGICZNY related to or involving sociology związane z socjologią

SOCIALISM  SOCJALIZM  a political system taht aims to create a socjety in which everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are
owned or controlled by the whole commmunity  system polityczny, którego celem jest stworzenie społeczeństwa, w którym wszyscy mają równe szanse i w którym
najważniejsze branże są własnością, lub są kontrolowane przez całą społeczność
SOCIALIST  SOCJALISTA a supporter of socialism or member of a socialist political party zwolennik socjalizmu lub członek socjalistycznej partii politycznej


sociology /,s ə ʊʃ i’ɒlədʒi/ - the scientific study of society, the way that it is organized, and the way that people behave in relation to each other

society /s ə ’sa ɪə ti/ - people in general living together in organized communities, with laws and traditions controlling the way that they behave towards one another

social /’s ə ʊʃ ( ə )l/ - relating to society and to people’s lives in general

socialize /’s ə ʊʃə la ɪ z/ - to teach people, especially children, to behave in a way that is accepted by society

socialization /,səʊʃəlaɪ ’zeɪʃ( ə )n/ - the process in which people, especially children, learn to behave in a way that is accepted by society

sociologist /,s ə ʊʃ i’ɒlədʒɪst/ - someone who studies or is an expert in sociology

sociological /,səʊʃiə’lɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ - related to or involving sociology

socialism /’s ə ʊʃə l ɪ z( ə )m/ - a political system that aims to create a society in which everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are owned or controlled by
the whole community

socialist /’s ə ʊʃə l ɪ st/ - a supporter of socialism or member of a socialist political part
One of the basic SOCIOLOGICAL theories is the Feminist theory. It examines women's SOCIAL roles
and lived experience, and feminist politics in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and SOCIOLOGY ,
psychoanalysis, economics, literary criticism, and philosophy. SOCIOLOGISTS disagree that gender roles
reflect biological differences between men and women. They argue instead that the differences in
the way men and women behave is the result of SOCIALISATION/SOCIALIZATION into a culture. This is performed by a
family, the school, the media and is reinforced by the general culture of SOCIETY .

A SOCIALIST is a supporter of SOCIALISM - a political system that aims to create a society in which
everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are owned or
controlled by the whole community.

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