Mintzbergs Adhocracy

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Simple Structure

Entrepreneurial. Strategic apex gives direct control, little middle line, support staff or
technostructure. Owner are often managers. Flexible, quick to react

2. Machine / Functional Bureaucracy

Technostructure dominant. Controls through regulations. Slow to react to change

Needs standardisation in simple, repetitive and stable environments. Typically found in

large, mature organisations

3. Professional Bureaucracy

Operating Core dominant. Highly skilled professionals abound

Machine bureaucracy generates its own standards BUT professional bureaucracy

standards come from the outside

It's "the power of expertise"

4. Divisionalised

Middle line dominant. Division leaders powerful and often able to restrict strategic apex

The autonomy in the Professional Bureaucracy are individuals—BUT—in the

Divisionalised Form they are units in the middle line

Each division has its own structure.

Divisions are created according to markets served

5. Adhocracy

Complex and disordered. Extensive teamwork/project type work. Support staff very
important as close relationship to external suppliers can be vital. Innovation is a strength

No standardisation

Most suitable structure for innovative organisations which hire and give power to experts

Project managers are particularly numerous

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