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210654011 12/03/2023


Scientific management is a kind of theory or concept of related with directly in

management area. Also, its purposes are to analyze and synthesizing in business sectors and
workflows. Its main aims are increasing economic efficiency, improving private sectors, and
developing labor productivity. Also, these strategies were mentioned in the first time by Frederic
Taylor. He tried to develop these theories in America in an industry sector. After a long time,
these theories are very important for the industry, engineering, factories, and governments. Also,
nowadays, there are different kind of methods laid out in the management world like industrial
engineering, standardization of best practices and so on. Although scientific management offers
many advantages, there are some disadvantages for the business world.

In the world, especially in nineteenth century, people started to use these theories in their
job. They provided many technological tools their workers to get more time and more money to
being effective, efficient, and productive. However, workers did not give attention their works,
and it caused to not to effective strategy for some business managers. For these reasons, some of
them failed and the others not. The companies which they were successful in scientific
management applied some models for their own works. After that, they got efficient results, and
they decided to apply it their own programmed. When we look at their jobs carefully, we can
realize some crucial points in their process, also scientific management consist of some
significant elements which were claimed by Frederic Taylor. Some of them are scientific
election, harmony, cooperation etc. Moreover, people were trying to many ways to catch
economic efficiency. After that they built pursuit of economic efficiency according to their own
economical movements. For these, they stopped to using old methods, and they followed to
apply new kinds of innovation and strategies in both time and management. In scientific
management, it requires very strict controls, and Frederic Taylor used a term that was called
soldiering. When people are under pressure or high level of control, they cannot work efficiently,
and it affects their productivity. For this case, he developed many strategies to prevent them.

In business area, many companies used these theories, and some of them failed and others
rose, so there are many advantages and disadvantages in theory of scientific management. First,
it gives to produce many times productions than hand making production, because scientific
management has enhanced production system. For example, in the beginning of car producing,
the engineers were produced the cars by their hand, and it took several weeks, yet with scientific
management, the factories produced almost two hundred cars. Secondly, scientific management
led to decrease autocracy. In the workflow, this case is quite important. Because most of the time,
people are affected by the job's stress, and it caused to decrease productivity and worker's
performance. Some workers do not like take order by someone, so it is an advantage for them.
The third advantage is that most of the owners and investors were benefitted by its results,
because production level increased, in less time they had to chance more products, and they got
to catch new opportunities to invest different subsector. It was like a cycle in whole economy.
Although these, there are many weaknesses in business management. One of the important
disadvantages is the unemployment, because factories could produce faster and faster, so it
affected to disappear working classes in the world. When we look at the companies, there are
many robots which are producing instead of workers, and robots are more efficient and effective
way to get more money. Another one is it requires huge capital because technological materials
and spare parts are very expensive. If one piece of material broke, the production must stop.
Establishing new factory also very expensive, and the investors must cash loan from the banks.
Sometimes, they go to bankrupt. The last one is the investors should follow new innovations, so
it means, they have to follow whole world and update because of that they should separate extra
money for them.

Scientific Management was a theory which was claimed by Frederic Taylor in 1800s in
America. It was developed for economic efficiency. Nowadays, many countries and companies
are following their steps. Of course, sometimes people can face with failure and bankruptcy. I
think that it has more advantages than other ways.

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