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Read #6. Buffet, Gates and Read #7. Negative reaction to Charity
Billionaire's Challange p.375 and Campaign p.377 and complete the
complete the following questions. following questions.

1. The wealthy, powerful, and 1. An answer to Buffet and Gates

political class members are the that also speaks to billionaires
target audience for this article. and the poor in some places.
2. The author wants to convince 2. The author wants to persuade
other millionaires or wealthy the wealthy that assisting the
people to pledge to donate their poor would not be
riches to worthy causes. advantageous and that it is not
whatever the purpose, as long worthwhile helping the poor out,
as it advances society. that they earned the money, and
3. The key point of dispute isn't that it is their right to maintain
that wealthy people should their own fortune that they have
donate money to charitable worked for and shouldn't be
causes, but rather that they given out for free.
should serve as an example for 3. The claim is that helping the
others to donate both money needy would eventually lead to
and time. to improve oneself the rich losing their wealth and
and learn from others, like in the their falling into poverty with the
"Giving vow." being able to act poor.
with compassion toward others, 4. “No not this form… work with
affirm that people of all and donate to established
economic groups may be on an organizations.” “Donate to
equal footing, and urge the smaller communities.” pg.378,
wealthy to provide a helping para.(Last line of the story)
hand rather than impose tight 5. The techniques employed in this
regulations on how their money article include logical
should be spent. justification and unfavorable
4. Evidence is supported by this feelings like greed and rage.
quote “As its core, the giving 6. I would consider this a poor
pledge is about asking strategy because they are only
wealthy… Their wealth and how relying on their own selfishness
it will be used.” pg376, para.4 that they do not want to share
5. A personal anecdote is a the wealth and barely any
strategy that appeals to the logical explanations because
audience because it shows how they are desperate to keep their
the billionaire can connect with hard-earned wealth, so they just
others and inspire them to work try and bring up excuses to try
toward the goal of investing and persuade the other
money and donating half of their billionaires by saying they
riches. worked hard for the money and
6. Because he is also a billionaire, the people in poverty shouldn't
he can present various forms of just get money out of the sky.
evidence and explain in a wide
variety of ways why it is
necessary to give and not to be
greedy with wealth, along with a
wide variety of other reasons
and personal stories about
being a billionaire and not a
scum bag. Therefore, in this
particular audience, yes, this is
very effective.

7. I have no personal experience 7. I disagree with everything this

with this, but it sounds like a author says because I think that if we
great cause to support. It helps all work together to help one another,
others, and billionaires can help then we can all advance as a society. I
those who are in need while also think that the rich will continue to
they don't need all that money, get richer if they act wisely and
so they just don't keep it all to support others who are less fortunate.
themselves, while some wealthy They are welcome to assist if they so
people try to avoid paying taxes choose, but our society is divided as a
because they feel superior to result of them and this conflict over
others because they have so resources and wealth.
much wealth compared to
others that they shouldn't be
treated as "regular" people.

8. I would support Buffet and Gates because I think that if everyone works
together, society can advance and that the wealthy should help those in
need in order to prosper. I also think that the wealthy have enough
money to raise those living in poverty much higher up in society, which
would lead to a more effective and well-functioning economy. If the
wealthy ceased being needy and greedy over what they currently have
and only wanted more because of social status or power, there would be
a lot less rivalry over income and resources.

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