Moral Class 6

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MM: 40
Q1 Choose the correct option - (8)
1 Who is full of patience?
a) God b) Hūmans c) Animals
2 How many types of criticism are there ?
a) three b) two c) four
3 Who had stolen the packet of cookies?
a) Tony b) Counsellor c) Boy
4 What is the first step to our downfall?
a) Confidence b) Self confidence c) over confidence
5 Who was both deaf and blind?
a) Milton b) Beethoven c) Hellen Keller
6 What will take us to the height of glory and happiness?
a ) Self discipline b) money c) time
7 What is the noblest possession that one can have?
a) wealth b) health c) good character
8 All the discoveries and inventions were the result of _______.
a) patience b) responsibility c) energy
Q2 Fill in the blanks - ( 8)
1 Discipline is the ________ of a family, an institution and a nation.
2 It is much simple to _______ others.
3 We should prepare ourselves to face __________.
4 Forgiveness is a great ________.
5 Character formation begins at ______.
6 The country requires __________ citizens.
7 Self confidence comes from _________.
8 Everybody makes ______.
Q3 Write True / False (8)
1 Criticism is the only way to improve.
2 We should try not to repeat our mistakes.
3 Lack of discipline can damage the society.
4 Patient people are always calm.
5 It is easy to forgive.
6 A person of good character is selfish.
7 Responsible people are trustworthy.
8 Self confidence brings success.
Q4 Match the following - (6)
1 Hellen Keller poet
2 Patience divine quality
3 Character self control
4 Self discipline great social worker
5 Milton success
6 Forgiveness great treasure
Q5 Answer the following questions - (12)
1 What is criticism?
2 when does character formation start?
3 What are the signs of irresponsibility?
4 What is self confidence?
5 What prevents one from confessing?
6 What do we ask God everyday?

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