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Joel Arias. Period 8
Primary Economic Activities:
● Many economic activities flourished to pennysvannia.
Such as manufacturing in Textiles, ship making, and
Even paper making! They really took a toll in their
Jobs as manufacturers.
● Pennsylvania offer a bunch of different types of
Economies but they were always mixed which is a
Great thing.
● They also offered and had soil that were fertile for
Producing numerous amounts of crops such as
Wheat and corn but so much more to offer!
They always had fertile soil for their livestock like
Cows and because of this they were able to gain
Political system/Political Leaders:
● They did not have a king in their organization but the
colony was able to maintain itself on its own.
● This colony has a proprietary government and
small/individual colonies were able to get their hand on
their own land/colonies which was great.
● Also anything listed on here would be reported to the king
● William Penn played a major rule in his rule as a leader. He
was the founder of this great colony known as
“Pennsylvania” And he was also the best at showing how a
society was able to work together yet still be individuals of
many many different races and other religions. He showed
us we are able to maintain peace this way
Philosophies, Religion, and Ideology:
● The people from pennsylvania were a part of a group called
“The society of friends.” And this society believed that
everyone has a piece of god within having an inner light.
Although it is
Unlike any religion they did not have any rituals or
Clergy they were able to provide a sense of belonging
And purpose for others who believed they didn't have
One. It also increased your mood and self worth.
● Quakers opposed slavery in any shape way or form.
They were also feminists for those women seeking
A voice within themselves, they also greatly valued
● The 4 main Ideologies they believed in were equality,
Simplicity, peace, and community.
Type of colony:
● Pennsylvania was a royal colony, but at first it was a
proprietary colony. uUnder the founder of William penn
who was also granted the charter for the quakers to have a
home and settle within this colony.
● It was also a British North Colony.
● This colony would teach the practices of “Policy of
tolerance” which means that they accept anyone
regardless of your religion.
● This colony always provided religious teachings, freedom,
and room for growth.
● They always gave good treatment twoards the indians,
they gave low taxes to the settlers, and no debt whatsoever.
Extra Information:
● The colony also exported good such as iron ores and
Since they love manufacturing they made iron tools to
Colonies such as england.
● They had a huge agriculture filled with livestock and crops
● Their diversity in accepting all religions and having a
Representative government is what made them so unique
Compared to all of these other colonies.
● They became one of the most successful colonies due to
Having a great relationship with Indians because of their
Ideas of peace and liberty.
● They were also the top 3 most wealthiest and biggest colony
In the world in the 1700’s
● The layout of the colony was a good climate with some
Mountains and plateaus.

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