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Chapter 11

Lump-sum Contract

1. In a lump sum contract the contractor agrees to execute a complete work

a. with all its contingencies in accordance with the drawings and specification for a fixed sum
b. without all its contingencies in accordance with the drawings and specification for a fixed sum
c. with all its contingencies without any drawings and specification for a fixed sum
b. without all its contingencies without any drawings and specification for a fixed sum
2. A schedule of rates is specified in order to regulate
a. the amount to be added to or deducted from the fixed sum on account of additions and alterations
covered by the contract
b. the amount to be added to or deducted from the fixed sum on account of additions and alterations not
covered by the contract
c. the amount to be added to or deducted from the fixed sum on account of keeping the lump-sum contract
within cost likely to incur under completed item of work
d. the amount to be added to or deducted from the fixed sum on account of contractor being defaulter.
3. Under Lump-sum detailed measurements of the work done are not required to be recorded except in
respect of
a. advance payment is made
b. additions and alterations
c. work executed is not as per drawing and specification
d. All of the above
4. The form of Lump-sum contract is prescribed by
a. Government in consultation with its Law Officers.
b. before the form is finally determined, the advice of the office of the Chief Controller of Accounts should
be sought on the question whether the form proposed meets the requirements of audit / inspection.
c. Both A&B
d. None of the given
5. Whenever the Lump-sum Contract agreement provides for intermediate payment, a certificate should be
given by a responsible officer of Government not below the rank of
a. Junior Engineer b. Divisional Officer
c. Senior Most Gazetted officer d. Sub-divisional Officer
6. In case where the certificate for intermediate payment on lump-sum contract is given by the Sub-divisional
a. Divisional Officer will continue to be responsible for the correctness of payments
b. Divisional Accountant will continue to be responsible for the correctness of payments
c. Both A&B
c. Sub-Divisional Officer will continue to be responsible for the correctness of payments
7. State whether true or false
The Divisional Officer is required to specify in the bill the method employed by him in estimating the value
of work done where making any intermediate payment on a lump-sum contract.
a. True b. False
8. In the case of final payments on a lump-sum contract, in addition to a record of detailed measurements in
respect of additions and alterations, there should be a certificate of completion of the work according to the
prescribed drawings and specification signed by the
a. Sub-Divisional Officer b. Divisional officer
c. Contractor d. All of the above
9. The execution of a work in a border State under the supervision of a responsible Civil Officer without the
intervention of the Public Works Department,
a. a completion certificate signed by the Civil Officer concerned may be accepted, if he is empowered by
the Administrative Ministry / Administrator concerned to sign it.

Prepared by Deepak Kumar Rahi, AAO (Patna/Bihar)
b. a completion certificate signed by the Civil Officer concerned and countersigned by Divisional Officer
may be accepted
c. On the basis of information and connected document completion certificate shall be signed only the
Divisional officer
d. Either A or B
10. a. No payment for additions and alterations shall be made before the completion of the work, even if the
detailed measurements of them have been made and the contract provides for that.
b. payment for additions and alterations shall be made before the completion of the work, if the detailed
measurements of them have been made and the contract provides for that.
c. payment for additions and alterations shall be made before the completion of the work, if the detailed
measurements of them have been made and the contract provides for that provided that such payment
does not exceed the amount involved in lump-sum contract.
d. payment for additions and alterations shall be made before the completion of the work, if the detailed
measurements of them have been made and the contract provides for that provided that work under lump-
sum contract is likely to completed within the same financial year.
11. The forms of bills used for payments in connection with the lump sum contracts are Forms
a. CPWA 26 A and CPWA 27A b. CPWA 26 B and CPWA 27B
c. CPWA 27 A and CPWA 27 B d. CPWA 24, CPWA 27 A and CPWA 27 B
12. Form 27-A is intended for
a. intermediate payments on completed item of work
b. intermediate payments on lump-sum contract
c. Final Payment in respect of completed item of work
d. Final Payment in respect of lump-sum contract
13. When secured advances are allowed to a contractor on lump-sum contract, an indenture in Form 31, should
invariably be obtained from the contractor and a detailed account of the materials should be kept in
a. Measurement Book b. Part I of CPWA 27A
c. Part II of CPWA 27A d. No detailed account of material to kept.
14. The certificate on the basis which a secured advance is granted is printed
a. locally b. at Sl. No. 3 of Part I of CPWA 27-A
c. at Sl. No. 3 of Part II of CPWA 27-A d. at Sl. No. 3 of Part III of CPWA 27-A
15. The certificate on the basis which a secured advance is granted must be signed by the officer
a. not below the rank of Sub divisional Officer b. above the rank of Sub divisional Officer
c. not below the rank of divisional Officer b. above the rank of divisional Officer
16. Which is intended for final payments made to a contractor on lump-sum contract?
a. 26A b. 27B
c. 27A d. 26B
17. In respect of Lump-sum contract,
a. maintenance of Work abstract and Register of Work is not required
b. maintenance of Work abstract and Register of Work is required in the same manner as contract other
than lump-sum contract.
c. Work abstract is not required to be maintained whereas Register of Work is required in the same manner
as contract other than lump-sum contract.
d. Register of Work is not required to be maintained whereas Work abstract is required in the same manner
as contract other than lump-sum contract.
18. All ‘intermediate payments’ made to the contactor on lump-sum contract and so acknowledged by him are
regarded as
a. advances payment b. final payment
c. secured advance d. loan and advances
19. Payments for measured up additions and alterations under a lump-sum contract is treated in the account
of the work as
a. On account Payment b. Final Payment

Prepared by Deepak Kumar Rahi, AAO (Patna/Bihar)
c. Advance payment d. Any of the given
20. State whether true or false
If a percentage or any other portion of the value of works done is withheld as security for the due fulfilment
of the terms of the contract, the gross amount before the deduction of the portion withheld should be entered as
the advance payment.
a. True b. False
21. Value of materials supplied to the contractor or to others on his/her behalf on a lump-sum contract is
debited to
a. Material b. Additional charges for issue of material
c. Secured Advance d. Contractor’s Other-Transaction
22. Which column of Contractor’s Ledger CPWA 43 is intended to show the amount creditable to contractor’s
account on account of the value of work done and not required to be posted in case of all intermediate payments
on lump-sum contract?
a. Column No. 9 b. Column No. 8
c. Column No. 10 d. Column No. 7
23. Column No. 10 Contractor’s Ledger need not be posted at all i.e.
a. Total amount paid b. Total value of work or Supplies
c. debit d. credit
24. The first and last entry which will appear in this column No. 9 of Contractor’s Ledger will be the figure ‘F’
given in
a. Part I of the Running bill form 27A b. Part I of the final bill form 27B
c. Part II of the Final bill form 27B b. Part II of the Running bill form 27A
25. Which of the following certificate is/are not recorded in Part III of the CPWA 27-A
a. Certificate of work covered under lump-sum clause for intermediate payment
b. Detailed measurement in respect of addition and alteration
c. Certificate regarding Secured Advance
d. Certificate regarding payment outstanding since previous bill
26. From the following details from intermediate payment calculate the advance payment
(i) Work cover under lump-sum clause-₹ 80000 (ii) payment of measured work on account of addition &
alteration - ₹ 40000 (iii) Security deposit @ 10%

a. ₹ 108000 b. ₹ 120000
c. ₹ 80000 d. ₹ 112000


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14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Prepared by Deepak Kumar Rahi, AAO (Patna/Bihar)

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