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Leer la Lesson 6: The Display del modulo 2 de su libro. responder las siguientes
preguntas en un documento Word: 

Do you know which are the most renowned museums in the world?

Some of the most famous museums in the world include The Louvre in Paris, The
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The British Museum in London, The National
Museum of China in Beijing, and The Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.

How can you visit a museum without traveling to it?

You can visit a museum without traveling to it by taking virtual tours on their
websites or through online platforms like Google Arts & Culture. Some museums also
have digital collections you can access from anywhere in the world.

Did you know that social networks like Instagram could help to promote culture? 

Yes, Instagram can help promote culture by letting museums and cultural
institutions share images and information about their collections and exhibitions.
This can make more people interested in cultural topics.

Where do museums’ funding come from?

Museums get money from government grants, private donations, corporate

sponsorships, and ticket sales. Some museums also make money from gift shops,
cafes, and other services they offer. It depends on the museum's location, size,
and focus.

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