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Worksheet to the topic: Deixis

Task 1. Answer the following question to check your comprehension of the

general information on Deixis:
1. By using deixis, the speaker:
a) Needs not be aware of the context;
b) Needs to be aware of who they are talking to;
c) Can refer to a specific time and place
2. Proximal deixis involves:
a) Referencing an object far away from the speaker;
b) Referencing a time connected to the speaker;
c) Referencing an object or person near to the speaker.
3. Discourse deixis refers to :
a) a topic you have spoken about or will speak about;
b) a topic familiar only to the speaker;
c) a speech given in another context;
4. What is Deixis?
a) Refers to only one linguistic form used to show a reference which are used when
we produce utterances.
b) Refers to the way in which speakers orientate both themselves and their
addressees in relation to the context of a conversation.
5. Identify the type of the deixis in the following sentence:
News reporter from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia reports of the following:
This city has witnessed a flood as a result of the heavy rain.
This city refers to?
a) spatial deixis b) temporal c) personal deixis d) discourse deixis
6. Identify the type of the deixis in the following sentence:
"She is going to The Weekend concert, but she is stuck in a traffic."
She refers to?
a) spatial deixis b) temporal c) personal deixis d) discourse deixis
7. Identify the type of the deixis in the following sentence:
They attended the New York Fashion Week last year.
Last Year refers to?
a) spatial deixis b) temporal c) personal deixis d) discourse deixis
8. Identify the type of the deixis in the following sentence:
"Whenever I see John, he wears that same coat"
He and That refers to?
a) Temporal and Personal deixis; b) Personal and Spatial Deixis; c) personal and
discourse deixis
9. Identify the type of the deixis in the following sentence:
"He stared at her for a long time and then turned to the right and continued driving"
The right refers to?
a) spatial deixis b) temporal c) personal deixis d) discourse deixis
10. Saturday is deictic word of ?
a) spatial deixis b) discourse deixis c) personal deixis d) temporal deixis

Task 2: Types of deixes reference: Match the reference to the type.

Example: 1. Personal deixes

1 Give it to them.

2 Go there.

3 It’s broken but don’t tell him that.


4 Do it then.

5 …and that’s is the reason she’s late.


6 Come to my party.

7 Come tomorrow.
Textual /
8 Talk to me.

Task 3. Identify how the word from left column relate to the speaker. Match the columns:

bring towards the speaker

2. b.
here away from the speaker

3. c.
go far from the speaker

4. d.
your belonging to the speaker
5. e.
take towards the speaker

6. f.
there before the speaker's present

7. g.
those near the speaker

8. h.
come far from the speaker

9. i.
then belonging to the hearer

10. j.
my away from the speaker

Task 4. Identify the types of deixes. Match the columns:

It was already done Temporal centred on now

2. b.
Will you have time by then? Textual anaphoric

3. c.
She is out. Personal centred on a third

4. d.
Bring some money with you Temporal centred on the past

5. e.
I'll come to you Temporal centred on the future

6. f.
Do you want to come over? Spatial centred on the speaker
7. g.
Do you want to come tomorrow? Textual cataphoric

8. h.
I won't help for these reasons ... Spatial centred on the

9. i.
... and that's why I am so late. Spatial centred on the speaker

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