Physical Education

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Physical Education (P.

E) Article XIV, section 19, 1986 Constitution of

the Republic of the Philippines
It is the interdisciplinary study of all area of
science relating to the transmission of physical 1. The state shall promote Physical Education
knowledge and skills to an individual or a group, and encourage sports programs, league
the application of these skills, and their skills. competitions, and amateur sports including
training for international competition to foster
It can also be viewed as a program of activities self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for
in a school curriculum that involves sports, the development of a healthy and alert
games, dance, gymnastics, and recreational citizenry.
activities. Great emphasis is placed on motor
skills, fitness, health, recreation and safety. It is 2. All educational institution shall undertake
the vital and integral part of general education regular sports activities throughout the country
designed to promote the optimum and in cooperation with athletic club and other
development of individual physically, socially, sectors.
emotionally, and mentally through total body
movement in the performance of properly PURSPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL
selected physical activities. EDUCATION:

(Wunderlich 1967) The school’s PE program should seek to develop

in each student the ability to:
The newer and modern concept is that it is
education through physical activities states 1. Perform and enjoy a variety of physical
that: It provides sensory data, it broadens the activities with understanding.
perceptive horizon, it stimulates function and A balanced PE program comprising concepts
structure of all bodily organs. and skills development are necessary to lay a
strong foundation for participation in daily
activities, intra- mural games and recreational
Article 1 of the International Charter of pursuits. Developing proficiency in physical
Physical Education and Sports, UNESCO, Paris, activities helps students to channel their desire
1978 and Recommendation 1, Disciplinary for play into constructive outcomes. Their
Regional Meeting of Experts on Physical interests will be extended as they attain a
Education, UNESCO, Brisbane Australia. 1982. broader range of movement skills and concepts
from which they can derive greater satisfaction.
1. The practice of Physical Education and Sports
is a fundamental right for all.” 2. Develop and maintain physical health and
fitness through regular participation in physical
2. “And this right should not be treated as activities.
different in principle from the right to adequate
food, shelter, and medical care” Physical health and fitness enable students to
carry out their daily talks with vigor, and still
leave them with sufficient energy to pursue and
enjoy leisure activities. A high level of physical
health and fitness usually indicates optimum in socially acceptable ways. Teachers are in an
physical and mental well-being. Students with excellent position help students discover the
abundant vitality are often physically and difference between acceptable and
mentally alert, and socially well-adjusted. Hence unacceptable sports behaviors.
physical well-being helps to promote the
academic attainment of students. A long-term 6. Acquire safe practices during physical
objective of the PE program is to enable activities
students to maintain a good level of fitness Safe practices are fundamental to the
throughout their lives. participation and enjoyment of physical activity.
3. Demonstrate positive self-esteem through Students should also be made aware of the
body awareness and control. common sense safety rules and considerations
to reduce potentially dangerous or threatening
Body awareness and control are developed situations. This will enable students to play
through movement activities where students safely and acquire an awareness of safely with
use their bodies to express their ideas, attitudes respect to themselves and others.
and emotions. Through these movement
experiences, they learn about their abilities and VALUES AND HEALTH BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL
limitations. This knowledge is vital in the motor EDUCATION
skill acquisition and the development of positive In the field of physical education, concept of
self-esteem. fitness has implications for the following:
4. Understand and apply thinking skills in PE 1. Physical Fitness – (the acquisition of physical
The PE program provides students with skills).An individual who participate actively will:
opportunities to engage in decision- making and a. Develop muscular strength, endurance,
problem-solving situation. Such opportunities flexibility, and enhances proper growth of
help students to develop thinking skills such as bones.
organizing and evaluating; focusing and
remembering; generating and integrating; b. Improve blood circulation and efficiency of
inferring and analyzing; decision- making; and the lungs to supply oxygen.
creative problem solving.
c. Improve the functioning of body tissues.
5. Demonstrate the spirit of fair play,
d. Help control body weight and develops
teamwork and sportsmanship
firmer body contour.
Opportunities for interaction during PE lessons
e. Reduces fatigue at the end of the day.
serve to develop in student’s social qualities
such as courtesy, sportsmanship, co-operation, f. Enhances work, recreation, and performance.
teamwork, loyalty and consideration for others.
Some competitive sports and games may create g. Improve posture and body mechanics.
emotionally charged situations. Under such
2. Social Fitness – (Building/maintaining
circumstances, students should be taught to
harmonious relationships) development of
manage their emotions and express themselves
desirable social traits needed for adjustment to
social life in general. Some worthwhile traits
are: friendliness, cooperation, respect for rights COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
of others, and good sportsmanship. 1. Aerobic Capacity / Cardiovascular Endurance
3. Emotional Fitness – (emotionally stable) – it is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood
promotes greater confidence, and improves vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the
self-worth. Some worthwhile traits are: self- working muscles efficiently in order to sustain
control, self-reliance, courage, and prolonged rhythmical exercises. The ability to
determination. deliver and utilize oxygen is an indicator of a
healthy heart. Research shows that individuals
4. Mental Fitness – (cognitive function) ability who can use large amounts of oxygen during
to recognize realistic solution to any problem. maximal exercise (VO2max) have strong hearts,
Some worthwhile traits are: good in reasoning normal blood pressures, and decreased risk for
and judgement. heart disease and diabetes.

Physical fitness Activity Test or example activity: 1-kilometer

It is a combination of medical fitness (body
soundness) and dynamic fitness (capacity in 2. Muscular Strength -it is the ability of the
action). A physically fit person is free from muscle to generate the greatest force. One
disease and can move and perform efficiently. repetition maximum is the heaviest load that
Another factor is emotional factor. This is can be lifted in one repetition. A good strength
readily apparent in athletic contests, where level protects an individual from severe injuries
good performance requires self-discipline, when he/she slips or falls.
effective teamwork, and the ability to remain
calm under stress. Activity Test or example activity: Weight Lifting

FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING 3. Muscular Endurance – it is the ability of the

PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES muscle to resist fatigue when performing
multiple repetitions of a submaximal load. It can
A person’s physical fitness is determined by also refer to the period of time in which a
such factors as age, heredity and behavior. muscle is able to hold a contraction. Muscular
endurance is needed to deter injuries that
Health habits that aid physical fitness include commonly occur when the individual is tired.
getting enough sleep, eating properly,
receiving regular medical and dental care, and Activity Test or example activity: Abdominal
maintaining personal cleanliness. Overeating Curls-ups and Push-ups.
and eating the wrong kinds foods; smoking;
and drug abuse, including excessive use of 4. FLEXIBILITY – it is the ability to move joint
alcohol, can harm health. Harmful health habits without pain over its entire range of motion. It
can undo the results of regular exercises. is affected by the structure of the joint and the
muscles surrounding the joint. These factors
deteriorate over time and leads to chronic pain
as an individual becomes older. An adequate
degree of flexibility is important to prevent
injury and to maintain body mobility. It can be The health-related component of fitness
greatly improved by stretching. includes:

Activity Test or example activity: Sit and Reach 1. Speed – the ability to perform a movement
and Truck Forward Flexion. or cover a certain distance in a short period of
5. BODY COMPOSITION – it refers to the total
make-up of the body using the concept of two 2. Reaction Time – the amount of time to move
component model: the lean body mass and the once you realize the need to act.
body fat. It is often reported as the ration of fat 3. Agility – the ability to change the position of
mass with the overall body mass. Many non- one’s body quickly and to control one’s body
communicable diseases are associated with movements.
obesity or having too much fat especially
around the abdominal area. 4. Balance – the ability to maintain equilibrium
while you are stationary or moving.
Activity Test or example activity: Waist
Circumference. 5. Coordination - the ability to use the body
parts and senses together to produce smooth
BODY MASS INDEX and efficient movements.
Refers to the measurements of one’s weight 6. Power – the product of strength and speed.
relative to one’s height.

Formula for computing:

Body Mass (In Kilograms)

Height (in meter squared )2

By knowing your BMI, you will know whether

you are underweight, of normal weight,
overweight, or obese.

Less than 15 Starvation

15.0 - 18.5 Underweight

18.5 - 24.9 Normal

25.0 - 29.9 Overweight

30.0 - 40.0 Obese

Greater than 40 Morbidly Obese

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