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Ex 1: from the pictures below pick out actions for which wudhu is wajib and actions for which wudhu
is mustahab

Can you think of any other action before which wudhu is WAJIB:

Before which wudhu is MUSTAHAB:


Ex 2: The following sentences about wudhu have mistakes, correct the mistakes and re-write the
sentences below.

Ex 3: List four things that make your wudhu baatil.

1. _____________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________

Ex 4: Below are listed some condition. Color the conditions that are necessary for Wudhu.

1. The water used for wudhu should be tahir.

2. Water used for wudhu should be red colored with Rooh Afza (should be muzaaf)
3. Water used for wudhu should be Mubah to use
4. If water used for Wudhu is someone else property one must take permission to use it
for wudhu
5. If water used for Wudhu is someone else property it is not necessary to take permission
to use it for Wudhu.
6. All parts of the body should be pak before doing Wudhu.
7. The body parts that are involved in Wudhu should be pak before doing Wudhu.

8. Wudhu must be done step-by-step in proper Tartib.
9. There is no need to follow Tartib while doing Wudhu
10. Wudhu should be done with Muwalaat that is without interruptions.
11. It is okay to interrupt wudhu and attend to a call then finish the remaining wudhu.
12. Niyyat for Wudhu should be to please Allah and Allah alone.
13. If you perform actions of Wudhu to wash your hands and face as its very hot outside
automatically you have also done Wudhu since the way you poured water was like the
steps of Wudhu.
14. The container for wudhu should not be made from gold or silver.
15. It is not necessary to remove nail polish or marker marks from hands before doing
16. Water use should not be harmful to the body.

Ex 4: draw and re-write the steps of Wudhu in correct order.

Wash face-head masah-feet masah-gargle-wash hands-niyyat-rinse nose-wash right arm- wash

left arm

Niyyat 2 3




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