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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

Lesson Plan
English Grade 10- Trustworthy
3rd Quarter
February 21, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of the 45-minute period, the students are expected to:
A. define argumentative essay; and
B. identify different terms related to an argumentative essay.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Argumentative Essay

B. Reference: English Quarter 3- Module 1,
C. Materials: Worksheets, PowerPoint, Plasma TV, Markers, Copy Papers
D. Skills: Identifying, Creating
E. Values Integration: Collaboration, Respect
F. Approaches: Discovery approach, Communicative approach

III. Methodology

A. Pre-Lesson Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Review

B. Lesson Proper

The teacher will present two pictures that should raise an argument within the
class. The class will be asked for their ideas and observations about the pictures
which will serve as an introductory activity.
Follow up questions:
 Is social media going the right way or the wrong way?
 Do you feel like there should be a death penalty?


When we hear the word “argument,” we know this as a heated

conversation. In academic writing, an argument is usually a main idea,
often called a “claim” or “thesis statement,” backed up with evidence that
supports the idea. The goal is to persuade people to agree with our claim
using facts. This is called argumentation

Activity # 1: Raise or Clap!
The teacher will read the following statements. A random student will be
called to participate. If the student thinks the statement is true, he/she will raise
his/her hands and if the student thinks the statement is false, he/she will clap his/her

1. An argumentative essay presents - One Clap

one side of an issue.
2. An argumentative essay has three - Raise their hand
parts- introductory, body, and
3. The claim is an idea that supports - One clap
the argument.
4. The body states the claim of an - One Clap
argumentative essay.
- Raise their hand
5. A response to the
counterargument of the claim is
known as rebuttal.
6. Issue is term for facts in the real - One Clap
world that can be used to support
an argument.
7. Facts and statistics are examples - Raise their hand
of evidence.
8. The introduction states the context - Raise their hand
of the topic.
9. Every supporting detail should be - Raise their hand
explained thoroughly.
10. You may fabricate the evidence.
- One clap
you present.

The teacher will circle back to the answers later to help students realize
whether their answers were wrong or right after the discussion of the topic.


An argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate

a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the
topic in a concise manner. It presents evidences for a claim in order to let the reader
know why it is more favorable. It also shows why the other side of an issue is
unfavorable or less favorable. It also includes, like any other essay, an introduction,
body, and conclusion.

The following are terms related to an argumentative essay:

Hook - First of all, think about

a powerful, eye-catching hook
to grab your reader's
attention. Sure, it is important
to know who your target
audience is first. Different
people require different
Hook - First of all, think about
a powerful, eye-catching hook
to grab your reader's
attention. Sure, it is important
to know who your target
audience is first. Different
people require different
 Hook- an eye-catching word, phrase, or sentence that grabs your reader’s
 Background Information- a phrase or sentence that gives a hint on what you’ll
be talking about in your argumentative text.
 Issue – an idea about which the opinions of people are different.
 Claim – a statement by an author about an issue. A claim has a significant
amount of disagreement about it. A claim needs supporting arguments. A
claim is also called a position, stand, or point of view.
 Argument – an idea that supports the claim. An argument needs supporting

 Evidence – facts in the real world that can be used to support an argument.
 Examples of evidences are statistics, data from studies, historical
events, habitual practices, and other facts that can support an

 Counterargument – an idea given by the opposing side against the claim

given in the argumentative essay.
 Rebuttal – the response to the counterargument
 Pro – an argument in favor of a claim or advantage regarding something.
 Con - an argument against a claim or disadvantage regarding something.

Activity 2: Locate, Locate, Locate!
The students will be given an example of an argumentative essay and they
must be able to locate and write down the following:
1. Title
2. Background Information
3. Claim
4. Argument/s
5. Evidence/s

6. Many young people see

going to school as a chore
and only go because they
7. have to, while some
will even skip school
because they see it as
boring and unnecessary.
8. However, going to school
is incredibly important for
your career, future
education you may
9. wish to pursue, and social
and communication skills.
10. Many young people see
going to school as a chore
and only go because they
11. have to, while some
will even skip school
because they see it as
boring and unnecessary.
12. However, going to
school is incredibly
important for your career,
future education you may
13. wish to pursue, and
social and communication
Activity 3: The Good and the Bad!
The students will be grouped in 5s. They will be given different issues to
which they have to enlist 5 PROS and 5 CONS.
1. The advantages and disadvantages of computers.
2. The advantages and disadvantages of cell phones.
3. The advantages and disadvantages of assignments during the weekends.
4. The advantages and disadvantages of social media.
5. The advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms.
6. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing the “English Only
7. The advantages and disadvantages of computers.
8. The advantages and disadvantages of living abroad.
9. The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.
10. The advantages and disadvantages of having a dog.

The teacher will give the students five minutes to answer the assessment.
The students will write their answers only.
1. What is an argument? 6. There are three parts to an essay. Which
a. Is an idea that supports the claim choice contains all of them?
b. Is an idea that has feelings in it. a. Thesis, Lead, Hook
c. Is an idea that tells a story. b. Introduction, Body, Conclusion.
d. All of the above c. Claim, Counterclaim, Rebuttal.
2. What does an argumentative essay d. Only A and B
presents in order to let the reader know why 7. These are the elements of an
it is more favorable? argumentative essay.
a. The main idea of an essay. a. Claim, Argument
b. Evidences for a claim b. Evidence, claim and conclusion
c. A sentence that gets the reader's c. Claim, Counterargument, Rebuttal.
attention. d. All of the above
d. All of the above 8. In which paragraph is the thesis found?
3.What do you call an idea which the a. Body
opinions of people are different? b. Introduction
a. Argument c. Conclusion
b. Issue d. None of the above
c. Claim 9. This are the components of an
d. Evidence. argumentative essay.
4. What is a counterargument? a. Introduction and Body.
a. Agreeing with your opponent's claim. b. Refutation and Conclusion
b. The response to an argument. c. Introduction, Body and Conclusion
c. An idea given by the opposing side d. All of the above
against the claim given. 10. It is the body paragraph where facts of
d. All of the above the given thesis statements of the essay are
5. What is a rebuttal? written?
a. The response counterargument. a. Introduction
b. The conclusion. b. Refutation
c. The return to your claim. c. Body
d. All of the above. d. Conclusion
V. Assignment
Students will be tasked to research and study in advance on the elements of
an argumentative essay.

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